As you can see from the picture above, Oxygen is the big buff creature
    with the tattoo of “O” on its arm. The little bunny represents a Hydrogen
    atom. The blue and red bow tied in the middle of the rope, pulled by the
    two creatures represents the shared pair of electrons, a single bond.

    Because the Hydrogen atom is weaker, the shared pair of electrons will be
    pulled closer to the Oxygen atom.

    1. Suggest the measure used in Chemistry to describe the strength
    dedicated to oxygen, the stronger.

    2. Suppose that the rope being pulled represents a single covalent bond.
    The electron contributed by hydrogen, the weaker, will be transferred
    to oxygen the stronger. If not, why?

    3. Suppose again that we have two oxygens. They have the same
    strengths. What will happen to the pulled rope, or the shared pair of

    4. Suggest a reason why, from the figure, one oxygen needed sharing
    with two hydrogens to form water.

    5. Conclude about the possible types of covalent bonds.

    19.1. Theories on the formation of covalent bond

    Activity 19.1
    1. Referring to the types of bonding already known, let us base on the
    electrovalent (ionic) bonding. Suppose that potassium metal and
    chlorine atom combine to form potassium chloride. Recall that each
    of those atoms engages in that bonding to get stability. How atoms
    in electrovalent bonding get the stability?

    2. In covalent bonding, the same purpose remains but each atom
    contributes the same number of electrons to share in bonding. This
    is achieved by atoms of equal or close electronegativities.

    a) Draw the diagram to show the outer Bohr energy level for each
    of the following: Hydrogen (Z = 1), chlorine (Z = 17), potassium
    (Z = 19) and nitrogen (Z = 7).

    b) Basing on the information given, construct the H2, Cl2 and NH3
    molecules by only showing the electrons on the outermost shell.
    Be informed that only the unpaired (single) electrons need to
    participate in the bonding. The paired ones are stable.

    The sharing of pair of electrons between two atoms is referred to as a
    covalent bond. Normally, each atom that is participating in the covalent
    bond formation, contributes equal number of electrons to form pair(s) of
    electrons. The pair of electrons shared between the atoms is also known as
    bond pair.

    The bond pair is strongly attracted by the nuclei of two atoms and thus by
    reducing the potential energy of them. This is the driving force of formation of
    covalent bond, which stabilizes the two atoms.

    If two atoms share only one bond pair, that bond is referred to as a single
    bond. If two bond pairs are shared, that is known as a double bond. Likewise,
    a triple bond is formed when the atoms share three bond pairs.

    A covalent bond is formed between two atoms when their electronegativity
    difference is less than 1.7 on Pauling’s scale. Usually it is formed between
    two non-metals. For example;

    • H2 molecule: The electronegativity difference is zero.
    • Cl2 molecule: The electronegativity difference is zero.
    • Hydrogen chloride (HCl): The electronegativity difference between
    them is 3.5 - 2.1 = 1.4.
    • Ammonia (NH3): The electronegativity difference between them is
    3.0 - 2.1 = 0.9.
    • H2O molecule: The electronegativity difference between them is
    3.5 - 2.1 = 1.4.

    To explain the formation of covalent bond, a simple qualitative model was
    developed by Gilbert Newton Lewis in 1916.

    According to this model:
    Octet rule:The inert gas atoms with 8 electrons in their outer shell
    (also known as valence shell) are highly stable. The Helium atom with

    2 electrons in its outer shell is also stable.

    • Hence every atom tries to get nearest inert gas configuration by sharing
    • The bond formed due to sharing of electrons is otherwise known as a
    covalent bond.
    • Only the electrons in the valence shell are contributed for sharing.
    The inner electrons, which are also known as core electrons do not
    participate in the bond formation.
    • In the formation of covalent bond between two atoms, each atom
    contributes its valence electrons to form pair(s) of electrons, which in
    turn is/are shared by both of them.

    • Due to sharing of electrons, each atom gets nearest inert gas

    Covalency: The number of electrons contributed by the atom of an
    element in the formation of covalent compound is known as covalency
    of that element.

    • In Lewis dot model, the electrons in the valence shell of the atom
    are shown as dots around it

    19.1.1. Lewis structures using octet rule

    Lewis structures (also known as Dot and cross structures, Lewis dot diagrams,
    Lewis dot formulas, Lewis dot structures, and electron-dot structures) are
    diagrams that show the bonding between atoms of a molecule and the
    lone pairs of electrons that may exist in the molecule. A Lewis structure
    can be drawn for any covalently bonded molecule, as well as coordination

    The Lewis Structure was named after Gilbert Newton Lewis, who introduced
    it in his 1916 article “The Atom and the Molecule”.

    Lewis structures extend the concept of the electron dot diagram by adding
    lines between atoms to represent shared pairs in a chemical bond.

    Lewis structures show each atom and its position in the structure of the
    molecule using its chemical symbol. Lines are drawn between atoms that
    are bonded to one another (pairs of dots canbe used instead of lines).
    Excess electrons that form lone pairs are represented as pairs of dots, and
    are placed next to the atoms.

    How to draw Lewis Structures
    Let us use the nitrate ion (NO3-) as a typical example. An outline of how to
    determine the “best” Lewis structure for NO3- is given below:

    1. Determine the total number of valence electrons in a molecule.

    2. Draw a skeleton for the molecule which connects all atoms using
    only single bonds
    . In simple molecules, the atom with the most
    available sites for bonding is usually placed central. The number of
    bonding sites is determined by considering the number of valence
    electrons and the ability of an atom to expand its octet.

    As you become better, you will be able to recognize that certain groups
    of atoms prefer to bond together in a certain way!

    3. Of the 24 valence electrons in NO3-, 6 were required to make the
    skeleton. Consider the remaining 18 electrons and place them so
    as to fill the octets of as many atoms as possible (start with
    the most electronegative atoms first then proceed to the more
    electropositive atoms)

    4. Are the octets of all the atoms filled? If not then fill the remaining
    octets by making multiple bonds (make a lone pair of electrons,
    located on a more electronegative atom, into a bonding pair of
    electrons that is shared with the atom that is electron deficient)

    5. Check that you have the lowest formal charges (F.C.) possible for
    all the atoms, without violating the octet rule; F.C. = (valence e-) - (1/2
    bonding e-) - (lone electrons).

    6. Thus the Lewis structure of NO3- ion can be written in the following

    19.1.2. Lewis structures of unusual compounds that do not obey
    Octet Rule

    There are three general ways in which the octet rule breaks down:
    • Molecules with an odd number of electrons
    • Molecules in which an atom has less than an octet
    • Molecules in which an atom has more than an octet

    1. Odd number of electrons
    Consider the example of the Lewis structure for the molecule nitrous oxide
    • Total electrons: 6 + 5 = 11
    • Bonding structure: 

    • Octet on “outer” element:

    • Remainder of electrons (11-8 = 3) on “central” atom:

    There are currently 5 valence electrons around the nitrogen. A double bond
    would place 7 around the nitrogen, and a triple bond would place 9 around
    the nitrogen. We appear unable to get an octet around each atom.

    2. Less than an octet (most often encountered with elements of Boron
    and Beryllium)

    Consider the example of the Lewis structure for boron trifluoride (BF3):
    • Add electrons (3 x 7) + 3 = 24
    • Draw connectivities

    • Add octets to outer atoms:

    • Add extra electrons (24 – 24 = 0) to central atom:

    • Does central electron have octet? No, it has 6 electrons. Add a multiple
    bond (double bond) to see if central atom can achieve an octet:

    The central Boron now has an octet (there would be three resonance Lewis

    However, in this structure with a double bond the fluorine atom is sharing
    extra electrons with the boron.

    The fluorine would have a positive ‘+’ partial charge, and the boron a
    negative ‘-’ partial charge, this is inconsistent with the electronegativities
    of fluorine and boron. Thus, the structure of BF3 with single bonds, and 6
    valence electrons around the central boron is the most likely structure.

    BF3 reacts strongly with compounds which have an unshared (lone) pair
    of electrons which can be used to form a bond with the boron. Example:
    Reaction of BF3 with ammonia.

    3. More than an octet (most common example of exceptions to the
    Octet Rule
    PCl5 is a legitimate compound, whereas NCl5 is not.

    Expanded valence shells are observed only for elements in period 3 (i.e.
    n=3) and beyond.

    The ‘octet’ rule is based upon available ns and np-orbitals for valence
    electrons (2 electrons in the s orbitals, and 6 in the p orbitals). Beginning
    with the n=3 principle quantum number, the d-orbitals become available

    “The orbital diagram for the valence shell of phosphorous is:

    “Third period elements occasionally exceed the octet rule by using their
    empty d-orbitals to accommodate additional electrons.”

    Size is also an important consideration: “The larger the central atom, the larger
    the number of electrons which can surround it”. Expanded valence shells
    occur most often when the central atom is bonded to small electronegative
    atoms, such as F, Cl and O.

    Example: Draw the Lewis structure for ICl4-
    • Count up the valence electrons: 7 + (4 x 7) + 1 = 36 electrons
    • Draw the connectivities:

    • Add octet of electrons to outer atoms:

    • Add extra electrons (36-32=4) to central atom:

    The ICl4- ion thus has 12 valence electrons around the central Iodine (in the
    5d orbitals)

    Other examples include: PCl5 and SF6

    Application activity 19.1
    1. Make a clear definition of the covalent bond.
    2. For each of the following, write the electron configuration and
    choose one which violates the Octet Rule?

    19.2. Coordinate or dative covalent bond

    Activity 19.2

    The covalent bonding refers to the sharing of electrons to form a bond
    pair. There is a special type of covalence where the electrons shared are
    given by only one of the bonding atoms.

    This special type of covalent bonding is described to be “dative”.

    Formulate a succinct definition of the “dative covalent bond”.

    A dative covalent bond, or coordinate bond is a type of covalent bonding
    (i.e., electron sharing) where the shared electron pair(s) are completely
    provided by one of the participants in the union, and not by contributions
    from the two of them.

    The contributors of these shared electrons are either neutral molecules
    which contain lone pair(s) of electrons on one of their atoms, or negatively
    charged groups (radicals) with free electrons to donate. Examples of these
    are: H2O, NH3 and CN.

    Examples of coordinate bonding:
    In the reaction between ammonia and hydrogen chloride a coordinate bond
    takes place forming solid ammonium chloride.
                                   NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl
    In this reaction the hydrogen ion from the hydrogen chloride leaves its
    electrons and gets transferred to the lone pair of electrons on the ammonia
    molecule forming ammonium ions (NH4+). This is known as a coordinate

    Seeing that the hydrogen has left its electrons, the chloride will therefore
    have a negative charge while the ammonium will have a positive charge.
    The diagram below shows the reaction:

    Figure 19.2: Reaction of ammonia with hydrogen chloride

    Note: The complete compounds eventually formed comprises of the three
    types of bonding, i.e., covalent, co-ordinate and electrovalent. In NH4Cl:
    Formation of NH3 (covalency); formation of NH4+ (co-ordinate or dative
    bonding); and formation of NH4Cl (electrovalency).

    Dative covalent bonds are represented on drawings as an “arrow”, which
    usually points from the atom donating the lone pair to the atom accepting it.

    Another example would be the reaction between ammonia and boron
    . Boron trifluoride is said to be electron deficient meaning it has
    3 pairs of electrons at its bonding level but it is capable of having four pairs.
    In this reaction the ammonia is used to supply this extra lone pair.

    A coordinate bond is formed where the lone pair from the nitrogen moves
    toward the boron. The end containing the nitrogen will therefore become
    more positive while the boron end will become more negative because it has
    received electrons.

    Application activity 19.2
    1. Give the difference and the similarity between a dative covalent
    bond and the normal covalent bond.

    2. An aluminium chloride molecule reacts with a chloride ion to form
    the AlCl4− ion.

    a) Name the type of bond formed in this reaction.
    b) Explain how this type of bond is formed in the AlCl4− ion.

    3. Co-ordinate bonding can be described as dative covalency.
    a) In this context, what is the meaning of each of the terms covalency
    and dative?
    b) Write an equation for a reaction in which a co-ordinate bond is

    19.3. Overlap of atomic orbitals to form covalent bonds

    Activity 19.3

    There are different theories describing the formation of a covalent bond.
    For your own, basing on the knowledge of the composition of the atom,
    formulate a paragraph which describe how two neutral atoms can be
    bound together to form a covalent bond (Include the way there will be
    attracted or repelled and what make them to remain together)

    Covalent bonding occurs when atoms share electrons (Lewis Model),
    concentrating electron density between nuclei
    . The build-up of electron
    density between two nuclei occurs when a valence atomic orbital of one
    atom merges with that of another atom
    (Valence Bond Theory).

    The orbitals share a region of space, i.e. they overlap. The overlap of orbitals
    allows two electrons of opposite spin to share the common space between
    the nuclei, forming a covalent bond.

    The simplest case to consider is the hydrogen molecule, H2. When we say
    that the two electrons from each of the hydrogen atoms are shared to form
    a covalent bond between the two atoms, what we mean in Valence Bond
    Theory terms is that the two spherical 1s orbitals overlap, allowing the two
    electrons to form a pair within the two overlapping orbitals.

    These two electrons are now attracted to the positive charge of both of the
    hydrogen nuclei, with the result that they serve as a sort of “chemical glue”
    holding the two nuclei together.

    How far apart are the two nuclei? That is a very important issue to consider.
    • If they are too far apart, their respective 1s-orbitals cannot overlap,
    and thus no covalent bond can form - they are still just two separate
    hydrogen atoms.

    • As they move closer and closer together, orbital overlap begins to
    occur, and a bond begins to form. This lowers the potential energy of the
    system, as new, attractive positive-negative electrostatic interactions
    become possible between the nucleus of one atom and the electron
    of the second. However, something else is happening at the same
    time: as the atoms get closer, the repulsive positive-positive interaction
    between the two nuclei also begins to increase.

    • When the two nuclei are‘too close’, we have a very unstable, high-

    There is a defined optimal distance between the nuclei in which the potential
    energy is at a minimum, meaning that the combined attractive and repulsive
    forces add up to the greatest overall attractive force. This optimal inter-
    nuclear distance is the bond length. For the H2 molecule, this distance is
    74x10-12 meters, or 0.74 Å (Å means angstrom, or 10-10 meters).

    Likewise, the difference in potential energy between the lowest state (at
    the optimal inter-nuclear distance) and the state where the two atoms are
    completely separated is called the bond energy. For the hydrogen molecule,
    this energy is equal to about 104 kcal/mol.

    Every covalent bond in a given molecule has a characteristic length and
    strength. Most covalent bonds in organic molecules range in strength from
    just under 100 kcal/mol (for a carbon-hydrogen bond in ethane, for example)
    up to nearly 200 kcal/mol.

    Application activity 19.3
    1. Explain the following terms:
    a) Bond length
    b) Bond energy
    2. Account for the Valence Bond Theory.
    3. Describe how the Lewis and Valence Bond Theories complement
    each other in explaining the formation of a covalent bond.

    19.4. The concept of valence bond theory and formation of
    (σ) and (π) bonds

    Activity 19.4

    1. Recall and draw the shapes of s-orbital and p-orbital.
    2. Using drawing, try to show different possible combinations of those
    orbitals overlapping.

    Earlier we saw that covalent bonding requires the sharing of electrons
    between two atoms, so that each atom can complete its valence shell. But
    how does this sharing process occur? Remember that we can only estimate
    the likelihood of finding an electron in a certain area as a probability. In
    chemistry, valence bond (VB) theory is one of two basic theories—along
    with molecular orbital (MO) theory—that use quantum mechanics to explain
    chemical bonding.

    According to this theory, a covalent bond is formed when two orbitals overlap
    (share the same space) to produce a new combined orbital containing two
    electrons of opposite spin.

    The valence bond theory was proposed by Heitler and London to explain
    the formation of covalent bond quantitatively using Quantum Mechanics.
    Later on, Linus Pauling improved this theory by introducing the concept of

    The main postulates of this theory are as follows:

    • A covalent bond is formed by the overlapping of two half filled valence
    atomic orbitals of two different atoms.
    • The electrons in the overlapping orbitals get paired and confined
    between the nuclei of two atoms.
    • The electron density between two bonded atoms increases due to
    overlapping. This confers stability to the molecule.
    • Greater the extent of overlapping, stronger is the bond formed.
    • The direction of the covalent bond is along the region of overlapping of
    the atomic orbitals i.e., covalent bond is directional.
    • There are two types of covalent bonds based on the pattern of
    overlapping as follows:

    i. σ-bond: The covalent bond formed due to overlapping of atomic
    orbital along the inter nucleus axis is called σ-bond. It is a stronger
    bond and cylindrically symmetrical. Depending on the types of
    orbitals overlapping, the σ-bond is divided into following types:
    σs-s bond

    ii. π-bond: The covalent bond formed by sidewise overlapping of
    atomic orbitals is called π- bond. In this bond, the electron density
    is present above and below the inter-nuclear axis. It is relatively a
    weaker bond since the electrons are not strongly attracted by the
    nuclei of bonding atoms.

    Note: The ‘s’ orbitals can only form σ-bonds, whereas the p, d& f orbitals can
    form both σ and π-bonds.

    Examples:Formation of covalent bonds in oxygen and hydrogen chloride
    1. O2 molecule:
    • The electronic configuration of O in the ground state is

    • The half filled 2py orbitals of two oxygen atoms overlap along the
    inter-nuclear axis and form σp-p bond.
    • The remaining half filled 2pz orbitals overlap laterally to form a πp-p
    • Thus a double bond (one σp-p and one πp-p) is formed between two
    oxygen atoms.

    • The half filled 1s orbital of hydrogen overlap with the half filled 3pz
    atomic orbital of chlorine atom along the inter-nuclear axis to form a
    σs-p bond.

    Need for modification of valence bond theory
    The old version of Valence Bond Theory is limited to diatomic (like N2) and
    binary (like HCl) molecules only. It could not explain the structures and bond
    angles of molecules with more than three atoms. For example: It could not
    explain the structures and bond angles of H2O, NH3 etc.

    However, in order to explain the structures and bond angles of these
    molecules, Linus Pauling modified the Valence Bond Theory using
    hybridization concept.

    Note: Both types of overlapping orbitals can be related to bond order.
    • Single bonds have one sigma bond,
    • Double bonds consist of one σ and one π-bond,
    • Triple bonds contain one σ and two π-bonds.

    Application activity 19.4
    1. In chemistry, valence bond (VB) theory is one of two basic theories—
    along with molecular orbital (MO) theory—that use quantum
    mechanics to explain chemical bonding. In one sentence, describe
    how the covalent bond is formed, according to this theory.

    2. Explain why the Valence Bond Theory needed to be modified.

    3. Describe the types of covalent bond basing on the pattern of

    19.5. Hybridisation and its types

    Activity 19.5

    Just as animals can be cross bred to form hybrids (having the
    characteristics of each of the intermixed animal), atomic orbitals also can
    be intermixed. Make a research to formulate a definition of hybridization
    and state the common types of hybridization of the atomic orbitals.

    19.5.1. Definition of hybridisation
    The concept hybridization involves the “cross breeding” of atomic orbitals
    to create “new” orbitals. Hence the use of the term “hybrid”: Think of a
    hybrid animal which is a cross breed of two species.

    Hybridization is the process of “intermixing of atomic orbitals of nearly same
    energies to form same number of identical and degenerate (having equivalent
    energies) new type of orbitals”. Orbitals which are formed in hybridization
    process are called hybrid orbitals.

    During hybridization, the atomic orbitals with different characteristics are
    mixed with each other. Hence there is no meaning of hybridization between
    same type of orbitals i.e., mixing of two ‘s’ orbitals or two ‘p’ orbitals is not
    called hybridization. However orbital of ‘s’ type can mix with the orbitals of
    p’ type or of ‘d’ type.

    Keep in mind that only the orbitals of nearer energy values can participate in
    the hybridization. Based on the type and number of orbitals, the hybridization
    can be subdivided into following types.

    19.5.2. Types of hybridization

    1. sp-Hybridization
    Intermixing of one ‘s’ and one ‘p’ orbitals of almost equal energy to give two
    identical and degenerate hybrid orbitals is called ‘sphybridization.
    These two sp-hybrid orbitals are arranged linearly at by making 180o of
    They possess 50% ‘s’ and 50% ‘p’ character.

    2. sp2-Hybridization
    Intermixing of one ‘s’ and two ‘p’ orbitals of almost equal energy to give
    three identical and degenerate hybrid orbitals is known as sp2 hybridization.
    The three sp2 hybrid orbitals are oriented in trigonal planar symmetry at
    angles of 120o to each other.

    The sp2 hybrid orbitals have 33.3% ‘s’ character and 66.6% ‘p’ character.

    3. sp3-Hybridization
    In sp3 hybridization, one ‘s’ and three ‘p’ orbitals of almost equal energy
    intermix to give four identical and degenerate hybrid orbitals.

    These four sp3 hybrid orbitals are oriented in tetrahedral symmetry with
    109o28’ angle with each other.

    The sp3 hybrid orbitals have 25% ‘s’ character and 75% ‘p’ character.

    4. sp3d-Hybridization
    In sp3d hybridization, one ‘s’, three ‘p’ and one ‘d’ orbitals of almost equal
    energy intermix to give five identical and degenerate hybrid orbitals, which
    are arranged in trigonal bipyramidal symmetry.

    Among them, three are arranged in trigonal plane and the remaining two
    orbitals are present above and below the trigonal plane at right angles.

    The five sp3d hybrid orbitals have 20% ‘s’, 60% ‘p’ and 20% ‘d’ characters.

    5. sp3d2-Hybridization
    Intermixing of one ‘s’, three ‘p’ and two ‘d’ orbitals of almost same
    energy by giving six identical and degenerate hybrid orbitals is called
    sp3d2 hybridization.

    These six sp3d2 orbitals are arranged in octahedral symmetry by making 90o
    angles to each other. This arrangement can be visualized as four orbitals
    arranged in a square plane and the remaining two are oriented above and
    below this plane perpendicularly.

    Conditions for the hybridization
    • Orbitals of same element should take part in the hybridization.
    • There should be minimum difference between the orbitals undergoing

    Characteristics of Hybridization
    • During hybridization the number of hybrid orbitals formed is equal to
    the number of atomic orbitals involved in hybridization.
    • Hybrid orbitals form more stable and stronger bonds than pure atomic
    • Hybridization does not take place in isolated atoms and possible in
    those atoms which are prior to participate in chemical bonding.

    Application activity 19.5
    1. What is meant by hybridization?
    2. Use a table to state five types of the common types of hybridization
    and for each; give the name of the shape and bond angles they

    19.6. VSEPR theory

    Activity 19.6

    Find out the ball and stick molecular models in the laboratory and try to
    construct the following molecules: H2O, HCl, CH4, CO2 and NH3
    • For each of the molecule constructed, try to draw it in your exercise
    book as it appears.

    In order to predictthe geometry of molecules, Nyholm and Gillespie
    developed a qualitative model known as Valence Shell Electron Pair
    Repulsion Theory (VSEPR Theory). The basic assumptions of this theory
    are summarized below.

    1. The electron pairs in the valence shell around the central atom of a
    molecule repel each other and tend to orient in space so as to minimize
    the repulsions and maximize the distance between them.

    2. There are two types of valence shell electron pairs namely, (i) Bond
    pairs and (ii) Lone pairs.

    • Bond pairs are shared by two atoms and are attracted by two nuclei.
    Hence they occupy less space and cause less repulsion. It is also
    called “sharing pair”.

    • Lone pairs are not involved in bond formation and are in attraction with
    only one nucleus. Hence they occupy more space. As a result, the lone
    pairs cause more repulsion.
    The order of repulsion between different types of electron pairs is as

    Lone pair - Lone pair > Lone Pair - Bond pair > Bond pair - Bond pair

    Note: The bond pairs are usually represented by a solid line, whereas

                 the lone pairs are represented by a lobe with two electrons.
    3. In VSEPR theory, the multiple bonds are treated as if they were single
    bonds. The electron pairs in multiple bonds are treated collectively
    as a single super pair. The repulsion caused by bonds increases with
    increase in the number of bonded pairs between two atoms i.e., a triple
    bond causes more repulsion than a double bond which in turn causes
    more repulsion than a single bond.

    4. The shape of a molecule can be predicted from the number and type
    of valence shell electron pairs around the central atom. When the
    valence shell of central atom contains only bond pairs, the molecule
    assumes symmetrical geometry due to even repulsions between them.
    However the symmetry is distorted when there are also lone pairs along
    with bond pairs due to uneven repulsion forces.

    5. Primary & Secondary effects on bond angle and shape:

    i. The bond angle decreases due to the presence of lone pairs, which
    cause more repulsion on the bond pairs and as a result the bond
    pairs tend to come closer.

    ii. The repulsion between electron pairs increases with increase
    in electronegativity of central atom and hence the bond angle
    increases. The bond pairs are closer and thus by shortening the
    distance between them, which in turn increases the repulsion. Hence
    the bonds tend to move away from each other.

    However the bond angle decreases when the electronegativities of
    ligand atoms are more than that of central atom. There is increase
    in the distance between bond pairs since they are now closer to
    ligand atoms. Due to this, they tend to move closer resulting in the
    decrease in bond angle.

    iv. The bond angles are also changed when multiple bonds are present.
    It is due to uneven repulsions.

    6. When there are two or more resonance structures, the VSEPR theory is
    applicable to any of such contributing structure.

    The shape of molecule and also the approximate bond angles can be
    predicted from the number and type of electron pairs in the valence shell of
    central atom as tabulated below.

    In the following table the molecule is represented by “AXE” notation, where
    A = Central atom
    X = Ligand atom bonded to the central atom either by a single bond or
    by multiple bond; indicating a bond pair.
    E = Lone pai

    • The sum of number of ligand atoms (X) and number of lone pairs (E) is
    also known as steric number.
    • The bond pairs are shown as green colored thick lines, whereas the
    lone pairs are shown as point charges using green colored lobes.

    Determination of shape of a molecule
    • The first step in determination of shape of a molecule is to write the
    Lewis dot structure of the molecule.

    • Then find out the number of bond pairs and lone pairs in the valence
    shell of central atom.

    • While counting the number of bond pairs, treat multiple bonds as if
    they were single bonds. Thus electron pairs in multiple bonds are to be
    treated collectively as a single super pair.

    • Use the above table to predict the shape of molecule based on steric
    number and the number of bond pairs and lone pairs.

    The following table shows some examples for each type of shapes:

    Worked examples
    1. Methane (CH4)
    • The Lewis structure of methane molecule is:

    • There are 4 bond pairs around the central carbon atom in its valence
    shell. Hence it has tetrahedral shape with 109o28’ of bond angles.

    2. Ammonia (PCl3)
    • The Lewis structure of ammonia indicates there are three bond pairs
    and one lone pair around the central nitrogen atom.

    • Since the steric number is 4, its structure is based on tetrahedral
    geometry. However, its shape is pyramidal with a lone pair on nitrogen

    • The bond angle is decreased from 109o28’ to 107o48’ due to repulsion
    caused by lone pair on the bond pairs.

    3. Water (H2O)
    • It is evident from the Lewis structure of water molecule; there are two
    bond pairs and two lone pairs in the valence shell of oxygen. Hence
    its structure is based on tetrahedral geometry. However its shape is
    angular with two lone pairs on oxygen.

    • The bond angle is decreased to 104o28’ due to repulsions caused by
    lone pairs on bond pairs. It can be noted that the bond angle decreases
    with increase in the number of lone pairs on the central atom.

    4. Formaldehyde (HCHO)
    There are three bond pairs around the central carbon atom. The double
    bond between C and O is considered as a single super pair. Hence the
    shape of the molecule is trigonal planar and the bond angles are expected
    to be equal to 120o.

    However, the C=O exerts more repulsion on the C-H bond pairs. Hence the
    <H-C-H bond angle will be less than 120o and the <H-C-O is greater than

    Application activity 19.6
    1. There are two types of valence shell electron pairs such as Bond
    pairs and Lone pairs.
    a) State and explain these electron pairs.
    b) Show the increasing order of repulsion between different types
    of electron pairs.

    2. Questions about covalent bonding.
    a) Sketch the shapes of each of the following molecules, showing
    any lone pairs of electrons. In each case, state the bond angle(s)
    present in the molecule and name the shape.

    b) State the types of intermolecular force which exist, in the liquid
    state, between pairs of BF3 molecules and between pairs of NF3
    c) Name the type of bond which you would expect to be formed
    between a molecule of BF3 and a molecule of NF3. Explain how
    this bond is able to form.

    3. The following diagram shows a hydrogen peroxide molecule.

    a) On the diagram above, draw the lone pairs, in appropriate positions,
    on the oxygen atoms.

    b) Indicate, on the diagram, the magnitude of one of the bond angles.

    c) When considering electron pair repulsions in molecules, why does a
    lone pair of electrons repel more strongly than a bonding pair?

    4. Phosphorus and nitrogen are in Group V of the Periodic Table and both
    elements form hydrides. Phosphine, PH3, reacts to form phosphonium
    ions, , in a similar way to that by which ammonia, NH3, forms ammonium

    a) Give the name of the type of bond formed when phosphine reacts
    with an H+ion. Explain how this bond is formed.

    b) Draw the shapes, including any lone pairs of electrons, of a phosphine
    molecule and of a phosphonium ion. Give the name of the shape
    of the phosphine molecule and state the bond angle found in the
    phosphonium ion.

    5. The shape of the molecule BCl3 and that of the unstable molecule CCl2
    are shown below.

    a) Why is each bond angle exactly 120° in BCl3?
    b) Predict the bond angle in CCl2 and explain why this angle is different
    from that in BCl3
    c) Give the name which describes the shape of molecules having bond
    angles of 109° 28’.
    Give an example of one such molecule.
    6. The shape of the XeF4 molecule is shown below.

    a) State the bond angle in XeF4

    b) Suggest why the lone pairs of electrons are opposite each other in
    this molecule.

    c) Name the shape of this molecule, given that the shape describes
    the positions of the Xe and F atoms only.

    7. Copy and complete the following table:

    8. Boron, nitrogen and oxygen form fluorides with molecular formulae
    BF3,NF3 and OF2

    a) Draw the shape of each molecule showing the position of lone pairs
    if any.

    b) Give the bond angle in each case, explaining your reasons.

    19.7. Polarity of the covalent bond in relation to difference
                in electronegativity

    1. Covalent bond is formed between two atoms with similar or close
    ability to attract electrons towards themselves, and this is the reason
    why they share electrons without being transferred.

    a) What is the name of the measure used to compare that ability?

    b) When the strengths of both atoms are equal, the covalent bond
    will be non-polar. Is figure A represents the polar or non-polar
    bond? Why?

    c) Look at the figure B. The atom, in the zone with more electrons,
    will have a partial negative charge. In which zone can we label the
    partial negative charges?

    2. Experiment to study the behaviour of water on the charged species.
    • Fill a burette with water.
    • Open the tap and bring a charged ebonite rod close to the stream of
    water running from the jet.
    • Observe the direction of water and using a drawing, note the change,
    if there is any.

    A quantity termed ‘electronegativity’ is used to determine the polarity of
    the covalent bond; whether a given bond will be non-polar covalent, polar
    covalent, or ionic.

    Electronegativity is defined as the ability of an atom in a particular molecule to
    attract electrons to itself (the greater the value, the greater the attractiveness
    for electrons).

    Fluorine is the most electronegative element (electronegativity = 4.0), the
    least electronegative is Caesium (electronegativity = 0.7).

    The bond pair is equally shared in between two atoms when the
    electronegativity difference between them is zero or nearer to zero. In this
    case, neither of the atoms gets excess of electron density and hence carry no
    charge. This is called non-polar covalent bond.

    However, when there is a considerable difference in the electronegativity,
    the bond pair is no longer shared equally between the atoms. It is shifted
    slightly towards the atom with higher electronegativity by creating partial
    negative charge (represented by δ-) over it, whereas, the atom with less
    electronegativity gets partial positive charge (represented by δ+). This type
    of bond is also referred to as polar covalent bond.

    We can use the difference in electronegativitybetween two atoms to gauge
    the polarity of the bonding between them.

    In F2 the electrons areshared equally between the atoms, the bond is non-
    polar covalent.

    In HF the fluorine atom has greater electronegativity than the hydrogen
    atom. The sharing of electrons in HF is unequal: the fluorine atom attracts
    electron density away from the hydrogen (the bond is thus a polar covalent
    ). The H-F bond can thus be represented as:

    The ‘+’ and ‘-’ symbols indicate partial positive and negative charge

    The arrow indicates the “pull” of electrons off the hydrogen and towards the
    more electronegative atom, fluorine.

    In LiF the much greater relative electronegativity of the fluorine atom
    completely strips the electron from the lithium and the result is an ionic bond
    (no sharing of the electron).

    Note:The following is the general thumb rule for predicting the type of bond
    based upon electronegativity differences:
    • If the electronegativities are equal (i.e. if the electronegativity difference
    is 0), the bond is non-polar covalent.

    • If the difference in electronegativities between the two atoms is greater
    than 0, but less than 2.0, the bond is polar covalent.

    • If the difference in electronegativities between the two atoms is 2.0, or
    greater, the bond is ionic.

    Using the examples used above, we can predict the type of bond as follows:

    Note: A non-polar molecule is one in which the electrons are distributed
    more symmetrically and thus does not have an abundance of charges at
    the opposite sides. The charges all cancel out each other. Examples of non-
    polar molecules include diatomic molecules, CH4, CO2, C2H4, cyclohexene,
    CCl4, etc.

    Application activity 19.7

    1. State what is meant by the term polar bond.

    2. Sulphuric acid is a liquid that can be represented by the formula
    drawn below.

    3. The two substances CS2 and HCN have linear molecules but CS2
    molecules are non-polar while HCN molecules are polar; explain why
    these molecules have different polarities. Support your explanation
    with appropriate diagrams.

    4. A negatively charged rod was brought near a jet of water running
    out from a burette. The jet of water was deflected as shown:

    a) With reference to the structure of water, explain why the jet of
    water was deflected.

    b) State the effect on the jet of water if the negatively charged rod is
    replaced by a positively charged rod. Explain your answer.

    c) If hexane is used instead of water and a negatively charged rod
    is brought near the liquid jet, would the liquid jet be deflected?
    Explain your answer.

    19.8. Physical properties of covalent structures

    Activity 19.8

    1. You are provided with the following chemical compounds: PH3,
    CO2, H2O and SiO2, Cl2, Br2 and I2 and graphite.
    a) Classify them into solid, liquid and gas.
    b) What type of bond which held together atoms in the given
    compounds they have in common?
    c) Deduce from (b) the name describing all those compounds.

    d) Some of them have very high melting points. Suggest the reason
    for this.

    2. State some points that you know about diamond.
    Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons so that all atoms have “full
    outer shells”. Sometimes in a Covalent Bond, both shared electrons come
    from the same atom. This is known as a Dative Covalent Bond. This often
    results in the formation of charged molecules.
    Covalently bonded substances fall into two main types:
    • Simple molecular structures
    • Giant covalent structures.

    19.8.1. Simple molecular structures
    Substances composed of relatively small covalently bonded structures are
    called Simple Molecular Structures. These contain only a few atoms held
    together by strong covalent bonds and can be further categorised into two
    types: Individual (which are usually gases like carbon dioxide) and molecular
    (which are usually solids like iodine).

    The physical properties

    1. Low melting and boiling points
    Simple Molecular Structures tend to have low melting and boiling points
    since the forces between molecules (intermolecular forces, which are van
    der Waals forces) are quite weak. Little energy is required to separate
    the molecules.

    2. Poor electrical conductivity
    There are no charged particles (ions or electrons) delocalized throughout
    the molecular crystal lattice to conduct electricity. They cannot conduct
    electricity in either the solid or molten state.

    3. Solubility

    They tend to be quite insoluble in water, but this depends on how
    polarized the molecule is. The more polar the molecules, the more water
    molecules will be attracted to them (some may dissolve in water as a
    result of forming hydrogen bonds with it). Molecular crystals tend to
    dissolve in non-polar solvents such as alcohol.

    4. Soft and low density

    Van der Waals forces are weak and non-directional. The lattice is readily
    destroyed and the crystals are soft and have low density.

    19.8.2. Giant covalent structures

    Sometimes covalently bonded structures can form giant networks, known as
    Giant Covalent Structures or Macromolecular Structures.

    Giant covalent structures contain very many atoms, each joined to adjacent
    atoms by covalent bonds. The atoms are usually arranged into giant regular
    lattices - extremely strong structures because of the many bonds involved.

    Properties of giant covalent structures

    Very high melting points. This is because a lot of strong covalent
    bonds must be broken. Graphite, for example, has a melting point of
    more than 3,600°C.
    Variable electrical conductivity. Diamond does not conduct electricity,
    whereas graphite contains free electrons so it does conduct electricity.
    Silicon is a semi-conductor – it is midway between non-conductive and

    1. Physical properties of diamond
    Diamond is a form (allotrope) of carbon in which each carbon atom is
    joined to four other carbon atoms, forming a giant covalent structure. As
    a result, diamond is very hard and has a high melting point. It does not
    conduct electricity. Diamond is tetrahedral face-centered cubic.

    The physical properties of diamond are outlined below.

    • It has a very high melting point (almost 4,000°C). Very strong
    carbon-carbon covalent bonds have to be broken throughout the
    structure before melting occurs.

    • It is very hard. This is again due to the need to break very strong
    covalent bonds operating in 3-dimensions.

    • It does not conduct electricity. All the electrons are held tightly
    between the atoms, and are not free to move.

    • It is insoluble in water and organic solvents. There are no possible
    attractions which could occur between solvent molecules and carbon
    atoms which could outweigh the attractions between the covalently
    bound carbon atoms.

    2. Physical properties of graphite
    Graphite is another form (allotrope) of carbon in which the carbon atoms
    form layers. These layers can slide over each other, so graphite is much
    softer than diamond. Each carbon atom in a layer is joined to only three
    other carbon atoms in hexagonal rings.

    The physical properties of graphite are oulined below.

    • It has a high melting point, similar to that of diamond. In order to
    melt graphite, it isn’t enough to loosen one sheet from another. You
    have to break the covalent bonding throughout the whole structure.

    • It has a soft, slippery feel, and is used in pencils and as a dry
    lubricant for things like locks. You can think of graphite rather
    like a pack of cards - each card is strong, but the cards will slide
    over each other, or even fall off the pack altogether. When you use
    a pencil, sheets are rubbed off and stick to the paper.

    • It has a lower density than diamond. This is because of the
    relatively large amount of space that is “wasted” between the sheets.

    • It is insoluble in water and organic solvents - for the same reason
    that diamond is insoluble. Attractions between solvent molecules
    and carbon atoms will never be strong enough to overcome the
    strong covalent bonds in graphite.

    • It conducts electricity. The delocalised electrons are free to move
    throughout the sheets. If a piece of graphite is connected into a
    circuit, electrons can fall off one end of the sheet and be replaced
    with new ones at the other end.

    3. Physical properties of silicon dioxide
    Silica, which is found in sand, has a similar structure to diamond. It is
    also hard and has a high melting point, but contains silicon and oxygen
    atoms, instead of carbon atoms. Silica or SiO2 is tetrahedral. The fact
    that it is a semi-conductor makes it immensely useful in the electronics
    industry: most transistors are made of silica.

    The physical properties of diamond are oulined below.

    • It has a high melting point - varying depending on what the particular
    structure is (remember that the structure given is only one of three
    possible structures), but around 1700°C. Very strong silicon-oxygen
    covalent bonds have to be broken throughout the structure before
    melting occurs.

    • It is hard. This is due to the need to break the very strong covalent

    • It does not conduct electricity. There are not any delocalised
    electrons. All the electrons are held tightly between the atoms, and
    aren’t free to move.

    • It is insoluble in water and organic solvents. There are no possible
    attractions which could occur between solvent molecules and the
    silicon or oxygen atoms which could overcome the covalent bonds in
    the giant structure.

    Application activity 19.8
    1. What is meant by the statement that “the electrons in diamond are
    localized, whereas graphite has delocalised electrons”.

    2. Which electrons in graphite are delocalised? How do they affect the
    properties of graphite?

    3. Why is it easy to rub away carbon atoms from graphite?

    4. Why is graphite used as lubricant?

    5. Diamond and graphite are both forms of carbon.
    • Diamond is able to scratch almost all other substances, whereas
    graphite may be used as a lubricant.
    • Diamond and graphite both have high melting points.
    a) Explain each of these properties of diamond and graphite in
    terms of structure and bonding.
    b) Give one other difference in the properties of diamond and

    6. Iodine and diamond are both crystalline solids at room temperature.
    a) Identify one similarity in the bonding, and one difference in the
    structures, of these two solids.
    b) Explain why these two solids have very different melting points.

    7. Silicon dioxide has a macromolecular structure. Draw a diagram
    to show the arrangement of atoms around a silicon atom in silicon
    dioxide. Give the name of the shape of this arrangement of atoms
    and state the bond angle.

    19.9. Intermolecular forces

    Activity 19.9

    Experiment: To investigate boiling point and to determine the
    relation between boiling point and intermolecular forces.


    • Water, cooking oil (sunflower oil), Glycerine, nail polish remover,
    methylated spirits
    • Test-tubes and a beaker
    • Hot plate


    Methylated spirits and nail polish remover are highly flammable. They
    will easily catch fire if left near an open flame. For this reason they must
    be heated in a water bath. This experiment must be performed in a well
    ventilated room.

    • Place about 20 mL of each substance given in separate test-tubes.

    • Half-fill the beaker with water and place on the hot plate.

    • Place the test-tubes in the beaker.

    • Observe how long each substance takes to boil. As soon as a
    substance boils, remove it from the water bath.

    Results and questions

    1. Write down the order in which the substances boiled, starting with
    the substance that boiled first and ending with the substance that
    boiled last.

    2. Suggest the explanation for the above order.

    Now let us talk about the intermolecular forces that exist between molecules.
    Intermolecular forces are much weaker than the intramolecular forces of
    attraction but are important because they determine the physical properties
    of molecules like their boiling point, melting point, density, and enthalpies of
    fusion and vaporization.

    19.9.1. Definition, types and origin of intermolecular forces
    Intermolecular forces are the forces between molecules forces that bind
    them together.

    Intermolecular forces are like the glue that holds molecules together. There
    are strong and weak forces; the stronger the force, the more energy is
    required to break those molecules apart from each other.

    Intermolecular forces include (listed from weakest to strongest):
    • Van der Waals dispersion forces
    • Van der Waals dipole-dipole interactions
    • Hydrogen bonding

    So, if two molecules are only connected using van der Waals dispersion
    forces, then it would require very little energy to break those molecules apart
    from each other. On the other hand, if two molecules are connected using
    ionic bonds, it takes a whole lot more energy to break those two apart.

    1. Van der Waals Dispersion Forces
    Van der Waals dispersion forces, also called London forces, occur
    due to instantaneous dipoles. At any given moment the electrons in a
    molecule or atom may not be evenly distributed around the molecule.
    If more electrons are on the left side of the molecule than on the right
    side, then there will be a slight (partial) negative charge on the left side
    of the molecule. The side with fewer electrons will have a slight (partial)
    positive charge.

    These momentary, partial, positive and negative charges are attracted
    to each other (like the positive and negative ends on a magnet). This
    causes momentary bonds between molecules. We can already see why
    these bonds would be so weak, because they only last for a little while.

    Van der Waals dispersion forces increase as the atomic size increases.
    This means that larger molecules will feel more force, thus increasing
    the intermolecular forces. So if we have two molecules that are exactly
    the same except that one is bigger than the other (such as methane and
    ethane), then the intermolecular forces of the bigger one will be stronger
    than for the smaller one.

    2. Van der Waals Dipole-Dipole Interactions

    A partial positive charge and a partial negative charge can be created
    between two atoms when there is a difference in electronegativity. These
    interactions are called van der Waals dipole-dipole interactions.

    For example, carbon is less electronegative than oxygen, creating a
    partial positive on carbon and a partial negative on oxygen. The dipole
    interactions are stronger than the dispersion forces because the oxygen
    will almost always have slightly more electrons than the carbon, instead
    of constantly changing. There still is not a full negative charge on the
    oxygen, or a full positive charge on the carbon. But the partial positive and
    negative charges are still enough to attract opposite charges together.

    The higher the difference in electronegativity, the strong the dipole-
    dipole interactions will be. So compounds with a higher electronegativity
    difference will have strong intermolecular forces.

    3. Hydrogen bonding
    This is a special kind of dipole-dipole interaction that occurs between
    a hydrogen atom bonded to a high electronegative atom, specifically
    either an oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine atom. The partially positive end of
    hydrogen is attracted to the partially negative end of the oxygen, nitrogen,
    or fluorine of another molecule. A hydrogen bond is usually represented
    as a dotted line between the hydrogen and the unshared electron pair of
    the other electronegative atom.

    Hydrogen bonding is a relatively strong force of attraction between
    molecules, and considerable energy is required to break hydrogen
    bonds. This explains the exceptionally high boiling points and melting
    points of compounds like water and hydrogen fluoride.

    19.9.2. Effect of intramolecular forces on physical properties of
    certain molecules

    Intermolecular forces control how well molecules stick together. This affects
    many of the measurable physical properties of substances:

    • Melting and Boiling Points
    – If molecules stick together more, they will be tougher to break apart
    – Stronger intermolecular forces → higher melting and boiling points

    • Viscosity
    – Viscosity is a measure of how well substances flow.
    – Stronger intermolecular forces → higher viscosity.

    • Surface Tension
    – Surface tension is a measure of the toughness of the surface of a
    – Stronger intermolecular forces → higher surface tension.

    • Vapour Pressure
    – This is a small amount of gas that is found above all liquids.
    – Stronger intermolecular forces → Lower vapour pressure.

    Note: If you are asked to rank molecules in order of melting point, boiling
    point, viscosity, surface tension or vapour pressure, what they are actually
    asking is for you to rank them by strength of intermolecular forces (either
    increasing or decreasing).Here is the strategy for this:

    • Look for molecules with hydrogen bonding. They will have the
    strongest intermolecular forces.

    • Look for molecules with dipoles. These will have the next strongest
    intermolecular forces.

    • Larger molecules will have stronger London dispersion forces.
    These are the weakest intermolecular forces but will often be the
    deciding factor in multiple choice questions.

    If we use this trend to predict the boiling points for the lightest hydride for
    each group
    , we would expect NH3 to boil at about −120 °C, H2O to boil at
    about −80 °C, and HF to boil at about −110 °C. However, when we measure
    the boiling points for these compounds, we find that they are dramatically
    higher than the trends would predict, as shown in the figure below. The
    stark contrast between our naïve predictions and reality provides compelling
    evidence for the strength of hydrogen bonding.

    These exhibit anomalously high boiling points due to hydrogen bonding.
    Hydrogen bonding is important in many chemical and biological processes.
    It is responsible for water’s unique solvent capabilities. Hydrogen bonds

    hold complementary strands of DNA together, and they are responsible
    for determining the three-dimensional structure of folded proteins including
    enzymes and antibodies.
                                 1. An Example: Water
    Since oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, oxygen pulls the
    shared electrons more closely to itself. This gives the oxygen atom a slightly
    more negative charge than either of the hydrogen atoms. This imbalance is
    called a dipole, causing the water molecule to have a positive and negative
    side, almost like a tiny magnet. Water molecules align so the hydrogen on
    one molecule will face the oxygen on another molecule. This gives water a
    greater viscosity and also allows water to dissolve other molecules that have
    either a slightly positive or negative charge.

                            2. Protein Folding
    Protein structure is partially determined by hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen
    bonds can occur between a hydrogen on an amine and an electronegative
    element, such as oxygen on another residue. As a protein folds into place, a
    series of hydrogen bond “zips” the molecule together, holding it in a specific
    three-dimensional form that gives the protein its particular function.
                           3. DNA
    Hydrogen bonds hold complementary strands of DNA together. Nucleotides
    pair precisely based on the position of available hydrogen bond donors
    (available, slightly positive hydrogens) and hydrogen bond acceptors
    (electronegative oxygens). The nucleotide thymine has one donor and one
    acceptor site that pairs perfectly with the nucleotide adenine’s complementary
    acceptor and donor site. Cytosine pairs perfectly with guanine through three
    hydrogen bonds.

    Application activity 19.9

    1. Define the following and give an example of each:
    a) Dispersion force
    b) Dipole-dipole attraction
    c) Hydrogen bond
    2. The table below shows the boiling points of some other hydrogen

    a) Explain the trend in the boiling points of the hydrogen halides from
    HCl to HI.

    b) Give one reason why the boiling point of HF is higher than that of
    all the other hydrogen halides.

    3. The types of intermolecular forces in a substance are identical whether
    it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Why then does a substance change
    phase from a gas to a liquid or to a solid?

    4. Why do the boiling points of the noble gases increase in the order He
    < Ne < Ar < Kr < Xe?

    5. Neon and HF have approximately the same molecular masses. Explain
    why the boiling points of Neon and HF differ.

    6. Arrange each of the following sets of compounds in order of increasing
    boiling point temperature:
    a) HCl, H2O, SiH4
    b) F2, Cl2, Br2
    c) CH4, C2H6, C3H8
    d) O2, NO, N2

    7. The molecular mass of butanol, C4H9OH, is 74.14; that of ethylene
    glycol, CH2(OH)CH2OH, is 62.08, yet their boiling points are 117.2 °C
    and 174 °C, respectively. Explain the reason for the difference.

    8. On the basis of intermolecular attractions, explain the differences in
    the boiling points of n–butane (−1 °C) and chloroethane (12 °C), which
    have similar molar masses.

    9. On the basis of dipole moments and/or hydrogen bonding, explain in
    a qualitative way the differences in the boiling points of acetone (56.2
    °C) and 1-propanol (97.4 °C), which have similar molar masses.

    10. The melting point of H2O(s) is 0 °C. Would you expect the melting
    point of H2S(s) to be −85 °C, 0 °C, or 185 °C? Explain your answer.

    11. Explain why a hydrogen bond between two water molecules is weaker
    than a hydrogen bond between two hydrogen fluoride molecules.

    12. Under certain conditions, molecules of acetic acid, CH3COOH, form
    “dimers,” pairs of acetic acid molecules held together by strong
    intermolecular attractions:

    Draw a dimer of acetic acid, showing how two CH3COOH molecules
    are held together, and stating the type of intermolecular force that is

    13. Proteins are chains of amino acids that can form in a variety of
    arrangements, one of which is a helix. What kind of intermolecular
    force is responsible for holding the protein strand in this shape? On
    the protein image, show the locations of the intermolecular forces that
    hold the protein together:

    14. Identify the intermolecular forces present in the following solids:
    a) CH3CH2OH
    b) CH3CH2CH3
    c) CH3CH2Cl
    15. Explain why non-polar molecules usually have much lower surface
    tension than polar ones.

    1. Pour water into a small jar that has a tight-fitting lid until the jar is about
    a third full.

    2. Add an equal amount of vegetable oil to the jar. Cover the jar tightly.

    3. Shake the jar vigorously for 20 seconds. Observe the contents.

    4. Allow the jar to sit undisturbed for 1 minute. Observe again.

    5. Remove the top and add 3 drops of liquid detergent.

    6. Cover the jar and repeat Steps 3 and 4.
    a) Based on your observations, write an operational definition of
    b) How might your observations relate to chemical bonds in the
    detergent, oil and water molecules?
    c) Demonstrate the action of soaps and detergents to your family.
    d) Pour some vegetable oil on a clean cloth and show how a detergent
    solution can wash the oil away better than water alone can.
    e) Explain to your family the features of soap and detergent molecules
    in terms of their chemical bonds.

    End unit assessment 19

    1. Which of the following statements is false about VSEPR theory?
    a) The geometry of a molecule is determined by the number of
    electron groups on the central atom.
    b) The geometry of the electron groups is determined by minimizing
    repulsions between them.
    c) A lone pair, a single bond, a double bond, a triple bond and a
    single electron - each of these is counted as a single electron
    d) Bond angles may depart from the idealized angles because lone
    pairs of electrons take up less space than bond pairs.
    e) The number of electron groups can be determined from the Lewis
    structure of the molecule.

    2. Choose the best answer. The correct dot formulation for nitrogen
    trichloride has:
    a) 3 N-Cl bonds and 10 lone pairs of electrons.
    b) 3 N=Cl bonds and 6 lone pairs of electrons.

    c) 1 N-Cl bond, 2 N=Cl bonds and 7 lone pairs of electrons.
    d) 2 N-Cl bonds, 1 N=Cl bond and 8 lone pairs of electrons.
    e) 3 N-Cl bonds and 9 lone pairs of electrons.
    3. Choose the molecule that is incorrectly matched with the electronic
    geometry about the central atom.
    a) CF4 - tetrahedral
    b) BeBr2 - linear
    c) H2O - tetrahedral
    d) NH3 - tetrahedral
    e) PF3 - pyramidal
    4. Choose the correct answer. A π(pi) bond is the result of the
    a) Overlap of two s orbitals.
    b) Overlap of an s and a p orbital.
    c) Overlap of two p orbitals along their axes.
    d) Sidewise overlap of two parallel p orbitals.
    e) Sidewise overlap of two s orbitals.

    5. Choose the missing answer. The F-S-F bond angles in SF6 are ______.
    a) 109o28’
    b) 120o only
    c) 90o and 120o

    6. Draw a complete line-bond or electron-dot formula for acetic acid and
    then decide which statement is incorrect.
    a) One carbon is described by sp2 hybridization.
    b) The molecule contains only one πbond.
    c) The molecule contains four lone pairs of valence electrons.
    d) One carbon is described by sp3 hybridization.
    e) Both oxygens are described by sp3 hybridization.

    7. The equation below shows the reaction between boron trifluoride and
    a fluoride ion. BF3 + F− → BF4

    a) Draw diagrams to show the shape of the BF3 molecule and the
    shape of the BF4− ion. In each case, name the shape. Account for
    the shape of the BF4− ion and state the bond angle present.

    b) In terms of the electrons involved, explain how the bond between
    the BF3 molecule and the F− ion is formed. Name the type of bond
    formed in this reaction.

    8. Draw the shape of a molecule of BeCl2and the shape of a molecule of
    Cl2O. Show any lone pairs of electrons on the central atom. Name the
    shape of each molecule.

    9. Ammonia, NH3, reacts with sodium to form sodium amide, NaNH2, and

    a) Draw the shape of an ammonia molecule and that of an amide
    ion, NH2−. In each case show any lone pairs of electrons.
    b) State the bond angle found in an ammonia molecule.
    c) Explain why the bond angle in an amide ion is smaller than that in
    an ammonia molecule.

    10. The table below shows the electronegativity values of some elements.

    a) Explain why the O–H bond in a methanol molecule is polar.

    b) The boiling point of methanol is +65 °C; the boiling point of oxygen is
    –183 °C. Methanol and oxygen each have a Mr value of 32. Explain,
    in terms of the intermolecular forces present in each case, why the
    boiling point of methanol is much higher than that of oxygen.

    12. The table below gives the boiling points, Tb, of some hydrogen halides.

    a) By referring to the types of intermolecular force involved, explain why
    energy must be supplied in order to boil liquid hydrogen chloride.
    b) Explain why the boiling point of hydrogen bromide lies between
    those of hydrogen chloride and hydrogen iodide.
    c) Explain why the boiling point of hydrogen fluoride is higher than that
    of hydrogen chloride.
    d) Draw a sketch to illustrate how two molecules of hydrogen fluoride
    interact in liquid hydrogen fluoride.

    13. Figure below shows some data concerned with halogens.

    a) Define the term electronegativity.
    b) Explain the trend in boiling points from hydrogen chloride to hydrogen
    c) Explain why hydrogen fluoride does not fit this trend.

    14. The oxygen atoms in the sulphate ion surround the sulphur in a regular
    tetrahedral shape.
    a) Write the formula of the ion.
    b) State the O–S–O. bond angle.

    15. (a) State one feature which molecules must have in order for hydrogen
    bonding to occur between them.
    b) Give the name of the type of intermolecular bonding present in
    hydrogen sulphide, H2S, and explain why hydrogen bonding does
    not occur.
    c) Account for the much lower boiling point of H2S (–61 °C) compared
    with that of water (100 °C).

    16. Protein molecules are composed of sequences of amino acid molecules
    that have joined together, with the elimination of water, to form long
    chains. Part of a protein chain is represented by the graphical formula
    given below.

    Explain the formation of hydrogen bonding between protein molecules.
    17. The diagram below shows how a water molecule interacts with a
    hydrogen fluoride molecule.

    a) What is the value of the bond angle in a single molecule of water?
    b) Explain your answer to part (a) by using the concept of electron
    pair repulsion.
    c) Name the type of interaction between a water molecule and a
    hydrogen fluoride molecule shown in the diagram above.
    d) Explain the origin of the + charge shown on the hydrogen atom in
    the diagram.
    e) When water interacts with hydrogen fluoride, the value of the bond
    angle in water changes slightly. Predict how the angle is different
    from that in a single molecule of water and explain your answer.

    18. Phosphorus exists in several different forms, two of which are white
    phosphorus and red phosphorus. White phosphorus consists of
    P4molecules, and melts at 44°C. Red phosphorus is macromolecular,
    and has a melting point above 550°C.
    a) Explain what is meant by the term macromolecular.
    b) By considering the structure and bonding present in these two
    forms of phosphorus, explain why their melting points are so