Key Unit Competence: Be able to play modern and traditional

                                                    musical instruments.1


    Introductory Activity
    1. You have seen a military parade playing on different musical
    instruments. Identify different instruments they use to perform.
    2. In Rwanda, there are different instruments used when
    accompanying songs. Describe them.
    3. Use available instruments and perform different songs before the peers.

    The grouping of an instrument is often determined by the making. It may also

    be determined by the means of sound production. There are 3 main groups

    of musical instruments. These are:

    5.1 Stringed instruments or chordophones
    Activity 5.1

    1. Considering musical instruments with strings, classify them
    according to their ways of producing sounds
    2. Play the available stringed musical instruments accompanying
    songs of different styles (religious, folkloric etc.

    Stringed instruments produce sound when the player makes one or more

    strings vibrate. They are two basic types:

    a. Bowed stringed instruments

    Bowed stringed instruments are usually stroked with a bow. The pressure of
    the bow on the strings produces vibrations that are amplified by the body of
    the instrument (case of resonance). To produce other pitches, the musician
    shortens the strings by pressing down on them with the fingers.

    Examples: violin, viola, cello, iningiri.


    b. Plucked stringed instruments
    Plucked stringed instruments are played by plucking strings with the fingers
    or a pick. The guitar is the common plucked instrument. Other examples are:

    harp, lute, mandolin, banjo, inanga.


    Application activity 5.1
    1. Differentiate the bowed from the plucked musical instruments
    2. Using any available stringed instrument, play the notes Do-Mi-Sol

    5.2 Wind instruments
    Activity 5.2
    1. Considering musical instruments that are blown in, classify them
    according to their ways of producing sounds
    2. Play the available wind musical instruments accompanying songs
    of different styles (religious, folkloric, etc.
    Wind instruments produce sounds when the player blows in. they are two basic types.

    a. Brass instruments

    For brass instruments, the vibrations of the player’s lips make the column of
    air vibrate. For example, French horn, tuba, trombone, saxophone, trumpet etc.
    b. Woodwind instruments
    Most of woodwind instruments have a reed which vibrates when the player
    blows in it, making the column of air vibrates. Sound is produced from the
    flute when the player blows across the mouth piece, causing vibrations of

    the column of air. Examples: Piccolo, flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, recorder.


    Application activity 5.2
    1. Differentiate the brass from the woodwind musical instruments

    2. Using any available wind instrument, play the notes Do-Mi-Sol

    5.3 Percussion and other musical instruments


    Activity 5.3

    1. Considering musical instruments that are hit or shaken, classify
    them according to their ways of producing sounds
    2. Play the available percussion musical instruments accompanying
    songs of different styles (religious, folkloric, etc.
    3. Discuss the instruments that have keys and those that are used to
    amplify sounds.

    Percussion instruments produce sounds when shaken, clapped, struck,

    and banged, shook, or hit with a stick or a mallet. When a membrane (the
    stitched part) of a drum is hit, it vibrates and creates a sound. Instruments
    such as xylophones or chimes have a series of tubes or bars you strike one
    of the tubes or bars a sound is produced.

    Examples: Percussion instruments are two types:

    a. Membranophones
    They have a membrane which vibrates when it is hit. For example:drums.
    b. Idiophones
    They produce sound when shaken, clapped, struck, and banged, shook or

    hit. Examples: cymbals, bells, triangle, amayugi, ikinyuguri …


    Body percussion are different sounds and rhythms made by using parts of
    body. Examples: Clap, stamp, slap, whistle…Some musical instruments can
    be keyboard instruments or electronic instruments.

    c. Other musical instruments


    Keyboard instruments have a series of keys connected with a device that
    produces tones. The musician presses the keys to make sounds. The most
    popular keyboard instruments are: piano, pipe organ.

    Electronic instruments include that generate sounds electrically and

    those that electrically amplify sound produced by the instrument. The most
    common electronic instrument is electric guitar. It makes louder and more
    varied tones than an ordinary guitar. Other examples are electric piano an
    electric organ.

    An electronic instrument called synthetizer is used to create original sounds

    or to imitate sounds of other musical instruments.

    Application activity 5.3

    1. Differentiate the membranophones from the idiophones musical
    2. Using examples, explain what body percussion is?
    3. Play C scale on the piano keyboard.
    4. Using any available keyboard instrument, play the notes Do-Mi-Sol.

    End unit assessment 5
    1. A guitar is different from a trumpet. How is it so?
    2. How are keyboard instruments played?
    3. Classify the following musical instruments in their relative classes:
    umuduri, ikondera, ishakwe, cymbals, triangle
    4. Using available materials create your own instruments and

    accompany a song with them.