Key Unit Competence: Be able to sol-fa respecting the simple

                                                   time signatures.

    Introductory Activity
    Analyze the following fractions:, and
    1. What is the meaning of both numerators and denominators in
    2. In Music, relate the above fractions to the grouping of notes in

    different bars

    The time signature (also known as meter signature, or measure signature)
    is a notational convention used in Western musical notation to specify how
    many beats (pulses) are contained in each measure (bar), and which note
    value is equivalent to a beat.

    In a music score, the time signature appears at the beginning as a time

    symbol or stacked numerals, immediately following the key signature (or
    immediately following the clef symbol if the key signature is empty). A midscore
    time signature, usually immediately following a bar line, indicates a
    change of meter.(Emmons, 2008)

    Simple time signatures consist of two numerals, one stacked above the

    other. The lower numeral indicates the note value that represents one beat
    (the beat unit). This number is typically a power of two. The upper numeral
    indicates how many such beats constitute a bar.

    The measure or bar is the group of notes, rests or notes and rests written

    between two bars of measure. The bars of measures are the vertical lines
    on the staff that separate the measures. On the staff the bar line of measure
    starts from the fifth line and stops on the first line. At the end of piece of

    music, we put a double bar of measure.



    3.1. Dotted notes and rests
    Activity 3.1

    In the previous unit, you have seen the notes and their values
    1. a. Write the following and associate each with its related value:
    • A semibreve
    • A crotchet
    • A quaver rest
    b. If a dot written on the right of each note equal the half value of it.
    Do it to the previous notes and calculate the values obtained.

    2. Draw a musical staff and put the following notes:

    A dotted minim, a quaver, a dotted crotchet, a semi quaver and a
    two dotted minima, two dotted crotchet rest, a dotted minim rest,
    a dotted quaver rest. a dotted crotchet rest, a dotted quaver rest

    In Western musical notation, a dotted note or rest is a note or rest with a

    small dot written to the right of it. In modern practice, the first dot increases

    the duration of the basic note or rest by half of its original value.



    Application activity 3.1
    1. Differentiate the dotted and undotted notes and rests
    2. What do you take into consideration when writing dotted notes in
    a musical staff?

    3.2 Two four time (Simple duple meter)\

    Activity 3.2
    1. Given a crotchet as basic rhythm. How many crotchet notes will be
    put in a bar of simple duple time signature?
    2. Draw musical staffs and add notes respecting the two four-time signature.
    The ‘2’ tell us that there are 2 beats in every bar
    The ‘4’ tell us that each beat is one quarter note long
    In simple Two Four time, there are two beats in a bar. The first beat is stressed/
    strong(accented) while the second is lighter/weak(Unaccented).

    Here below, it is shown the way of beating the above measure


    Application activity 3.2
    1. How many beats are there in a bar of simple duple time signature
    2. Draw the conducting pattern of two four meter
    3. Sight sing the following melody respecting two four-time signature

    with its conducting pattern:


    3.3 Three four time (Simple triple meter)
    Activity 3.3

    1. Given a crotchet as basic rhythm. How many quaver notes will be
    put in a bar of simple triple time signature?
    2. Draw musical staffs and add notes and rests respecting the three

    four-time signature.


    In simple three four time, there are three beats in a bar. The first beat is
    stressed/strong (accented) while other two are lighter/weak (Unaccented).

    Here below, it is shown the way of beating the above measure


    Application activity 3.3
    1. How many beats are there in a bar of simple triple time signature?
    2. Draw the conducting pattern of three four meter.
    3. Sight sing the following melody respecting three four-time

    signature with its conducting pattern:


    3.4 Four four-time (Simple quadruple meter)
    Activity 3.4

    1. Given a crotchet as basic rhythm. How many minim notes will be
    put in a bar of simple quadruple meter?
    2. Draw musical staffs and add notes respecting the four four-time signature.
    In simple Four four time, there are four beats in a bar. The first beat is stressed/
    strong (accented), the second beat isgetting lighter/weak (Unaccented)
    while other two are lighter/weak.

    Here below, it is shown the way of beating the above measure


    Complete measure: all measures of a piece must be complete, with the
    exception of the first and the last measure if there is anacrusis. It means
    that all measures must have the number of time designated by the time

    The anacrusis:


    By definition, the anacrusis is a note or series of notes that comes before
    the first complete measure of a composition; an introductory (and optional)
    measure that does not hold the number of beats expressed by the time
    signature. The anacrusis prepares your ears for the next measure’s downbeat
    and is therefore sometimes referred to as the ‘upbeat’ In traditional notation,
    the amount of beats in the anacrusis is taken out of the very last measure of
    the song to even out the difference.

    Sometimes, the anacrusis is an incomplete measure by which can start a

    piece of music. This incomplete measure should be completed by the last


    Application activity 3.4
    1. How many beats are there in a bar of simple quadruple time
    2. Draw the conducting pattern of four four-meter.
    3. Sight sing the following melody respecting four four-time signature

    with its conducting pattern:


    End unit assessment 3
    1. What is anacrusis?
    2. In time signature, there are two numerals. What are they standing for?
    3. How many beats are there in:
    a. A bar of four four-time
    b. Three bars of simple triple meter
    c. Six bars of two four time
    4. Draw the conducting pattern of:
    a. Simple triple meter
    b. Four four-time
    5. Respecting the simple time signature, sight sing the following

