• Unit 1: Resources and their Usage



    Key unit competence

    To be able to manage resources properly.

    Knowledge to be acquired

    1. Meaning of resources.

    2.Types of resources.

    3 Importance of resources.

    4 Meaning of effective and sustainable utilization of resources.

    Application to daily life

     Analyse the different types of resources.

     Determine whether resources are effectively utilised.

     Develop strategies on how resources can be effectively utilised and sustained.

     Advocate for proper use of resources.

     Use resources properly and sustainably.

    Introductory Activity
    People need money, materials, knowledge and other assets to function effectively. If you want to start a business, there are various things you should have in place for your business to start and function properly.At home, there are things you need for the home to function properly.For your school to function properly, certain things must be present. This also applies to the community, and the country at large.From the above, all the things needed by man for the home, school, business, community and country to function properly are what we call resources.


    (a) If you were appointed as the headteacher of the school, what do you think are the resources your school will need to function properly?

    (b) Your father has been invited for a one year training in London, he wants you to head the family when he is away. Prepare a list of resources you will need for the home to function properly.

    (c) Rwanda is a beautiful country, it is full of many resources. List the resources Rwanda needs to function effectively.

    (d) Categorize the resources you have mentioned in a, b and c into their types.

    1.1: Meaning of Resources

    ACTIVITY 1.1
    In Senior 1 and 2, you looked at mobilizing, proper allocation and exploitation of resources as among the main roles of an entrepreneur in entrepreneurship.Using your knowledge on the roles of an entrepreneur, answer the following questions:

    1. Who is an entrepreneur?
    2. What do you understand by the term resources?
    3. What is meant by mobilising resources?
    4. Why do you think it is necessary to ensure proper allocation of resources?
    5. List any four resources entrepreneurs mobilise.

    ACTIVITY 1.2

    For your school to operate properly, various resources are needed. Using your school as an enterprise, complete the table on page 3.

    Resources and their usage

    From activity 1.1 and 1.2, you can define a resource as stock of money, materials, staff, knowledge and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization to function effectively.

    The basic resources are land, labor and capital. Other resources include: entrepreneurship, information,expertise, management,energy and time.

    All the resources mentioned above are required to carry out production

    Test skills acquired 1.1
    Fill in the table below by stating the resources required to set up each enterprise with their corresponding usage.

    1.2: Types of Resources

    ACTIVITY 1.3
    1. Referring to activity 1.2, classify the resources identified by filling in the table below according to the following types. You may add other resources not identified in activity 1.2.

    2. Briefly explain the types of resources identified in (1) above:
           (a) Financial                       (b) Raw materials
           (c) Human                           (d) Information
           (e) Time                               (f) Technology

    From activity 1.3, you have grouped resources according to their types which include: financial, human, time, technological, raw materials and information resources.

    These resources are explained in detail below:

    1. Human resource
    Human resources are people who use their skills to produce goods, provide services or run a business enterprise. For example, a teacher uses his/her professional skills to equip learners with knowledge and life skills required for survival in a school, community and country.

    Other examples of human resources include; doctors, engineers, managers, drivers, pilots, carpenters, chefs and waiters in restaurants and many others.

    Cross-cutting Issue: Gender Education Both the entrepreneur and employees should perform their responsibilities, respect one another and should never be biased against sex or gender roles.

    2. Financial resources
    Financial resources refer to the money available to an enterprise for its successful starting and running. Before going into business, an entrepreneur needs to secure sufficient financial resources in order to be able to operate efficiently and sufficiently well.

    Financial resources such as money are necessary to buy and acquire other resources such as land, labor, raw materials, machines, and so on.

    Businesses generate financial resources through many activities such as:

    • personal savings,   
    • sale of products and services,
    • issuance of shares,  loans from friends, relatives or financial institutions.

    Cross-cutting Issue: Financial Education

    Because financial resources are scarce, you need to properly manage them through developing a culture of planning, budgeting, saving and record keeping among others.

    3. Technological resources

    Technological resources are the systems, machines and tools required to effectively produce/ create products or provide services. These resources aid the production processes and service delivery in an enterprise. Examples of technology resources include: ATM machines, computers, tractors, generators, printers, scanners, and so on.

    4. Raw materials

    Raw materials are the basic materials from which goods and products are made. Usually, raw materials are natural resources such as minerals (gold, copper, and tin); wood, water, and so on used in the production of goods and products. Raw materials are very necessary in an enterprise for without them, goods and products cannot be produced.

    Cross-cutting Issue: Environment and sustainability

    All raw materials are got from the environment. Therefore it is all our responsibility to properly use these resources and protect the environment for its sustainability. For example cut one tree and plant four trees.

    5. Information

    Information resources are defined as the data and facts used by an entrepreneur to run an enterprise effectively. Information may include data on customers, suppliers, financial institutions, government regulatory bodies, workers and so on required by an entrepreneur for the successful running of an enterprise.

    6. Time

    Time is an important resource for entrepreneurs. It determines quantity of production and the volume of human, financial and other resources required.Proper coordination of all the resources over time helps an entrepreneur to create products and deliver services efficiently and effectively.

    Test skills acquired 1.2

    Your uncle wants to start a fruit processing business in your home area. He has come to you for some advice before starting the business. Using your knowledge of entrepreneurship, advise your uncle about:

    1. The kind of resources he will need for his business (starting and operating).

    2. Likely sources of those resources you have identified in (1) above.

    3. Importance of proper utilization of those resources.

    1.3: Resources and their Importance

    ACTIVITY 1.4

    Fill in and complete the table below.

    From activity 1.4, you must have derived the importance of resources which include:

    • Ensures the continuation and survival of the business and  its activities.
    • Allows for improvement of products and services the business currently provides.
    • Allows businesses to continue operating by generating new business ideas.
    • Financial resources allow the acquisition of other resources such as land, materials, labor and machines necessary for the successful operating of the business.
    • Raw materials make it possible for business to produce goods and products to satisfy the needs of their customers.
    • Human resources provide labor and management skills needed to organize other resources in the business.
    • Technological resources such as machines help in producing goods and providing services which lead to improved standards of living in the country.
    • Resources like land provide space for setting up enterprises and performing of all other activities in the enterprise.
    Cross-cutting Issue: Environment and Sustainability

    Resources are scarce. Most resources are not renewable. Without resources, businesses cannot exist, and so do people. Therefore, we should properly utilize our resources.

    • Source of employment: Resources are bases of employment to many people in Rwanda, for example, many people are employed in forests as forest rangers, tourist guides and lumber jacks; others are employed on lakes as fishermen and fishmongers; in quarries and mines as miners and so on.

    • Source of income: Resources are bases of income to the people involved in their exploitation, for example, women and men who work in stone quarries and mines earn income and this income helps in raising their standard of living.

    • Aid in infrastructure development: Resources are used in building infrastructures such as roads, schools, stadiums, and so on. For example, stones are mined from quarries and used as raw materials in road construction. This leads to development of infrastructure which improves the living conditions of people.

    • Source of government revenue: Resources aid in the running of businesses which in turn pay taxes to the government. The government earns this revenue which it uses in developing infrastructures such as hospitals, roads, schools which are enjoyed by the general public thereby improving their standards of living.

    • Source of foreign exchange: Resources can be exported to neighboring and far countries and Rwanda earns foreign currency. This foreign currency helps in strengthening the Rwandan currency against foreign currencies.

    1.4: Effective Utilization of Resources

    ACTIVITY 1.5

    Case study (At school)

    Read the case study below and answer questions that follow.
    AGACIRO S S is a community based school in Nyagatare district, Eastern Province. When the school started in 2013, it had all the necessary facilities for a conducive learning environment such as, enough desks in classrooms, tap water, good latrines, well-furnished dormitories for both girls and boys. The school was a model for other surrounding schools.

    Uwamahoro happened to do her school practice from AGACIRO S.S and this is what she told me one day. “Learners leave the furniture out. When it rains, the furniture in soaked in water. Most of the furniture is broken because of poor handling; the library is almost empty as most of the books got lost and others are all torn with no covers.

    Learners have to be forced to attend classes and night preps, and only get to revise their books when there is an exam something which greatly affects the academic standards of the school. When confronted about their behaviour, learners say that the school will buy new furniture and books; and that they also have a lot of time they will read in S.3 before the national examinations”.


    1. Identify the resources in the case study above.
    2. Are the resources being utilised properly? Support your answer.
    3. Suggest how best the learners can utilise the various resources at AGACIRO S.S.
    4. What advice would you give to fellow learners about effective ustilisation of resources in our community?

    From activity 1.5, you realise that effective utilisation of resources means knowing what resources (supply of money, equipment, materials, time, employees, materials, and other assets) are needed in an enterprise, where they are needed and using them appropriately.

    Effective utilisation of resources is about maximising the use of resources by an individual or an enterprise in order to function effectively, with minimum wastage. Therefore, effective utilisation of resources calls for use of the Earth’s limited resources in a sustainable manner while preserving the environment.

    Cross-cutting Issue: Environment and Sustainability

    To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness will result in the exploitation and extinction of natural resources which we would have passed onto our children more developed. (Theodore Roosevelt).

    Enterprises need to effectively manage their resources to ensure that an enterprise operates effectively as expected, customers are satisfied, and organisational targets are met.

    Below are ways entrepreneurs can effectively utilise resources:

    1. Sustainable use of resources: This refers to using resources in a way that they are not depleted or permanently damaged. It involves using resources indefinitely.

    2.Planning for resource utilisation: This involves assigning available resources to various uses. It is the scheduling of activities and the resources required by those activities while taking into consideration both resource availability and the time.

    Proper planning and preparation prevents poor performance. (Stephen Keague)

    3. Budgeting for activities: This involves outlining what you will spend your money (financial resources) on and how that money (financial resources) will be acquired.

    A budget is a plan to:ƒ

    • Control your financial resources.ƒ
    • Ensure you can continue to fund your current activities.ƒ
    • Enables you to make confident financial decisions and meet your objectives.
    • ƒEnsures you to have enough money for your future activities.

    A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. (Dove Ramsey)

    4. Saving (conservation of natural resources): This is the wise use of the earth’s resources by entrepreneurs. Conservation is the management, mainly for economic reasons, of such valuable natural resources as timber, fish, game, topsoil, pasture land, and minerals, and also to the preservation of forests, wildlife, and watershed areas.

    5. Proper human resource management: This involves all systems devised for the proper management of people within an organisation. It involves proper staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work. Proper human resource management means maximising the productivity of an organisation by optimising the effectiveness of its employees.

    Human resources coupled with an emphasis on technology and professionalism is the quality structure of organisation.

    6. Reduce: This involves entrepreneurs reducing on the amount of resources required to produce a given product. We must reduce waste production at the source. This means reducing the quantity of waste during production, distribution, purchasing, use and elimination (which, by the way, you can avoid!).

    First, before buying something, ask yourself if you really need it. If the answer is yes, and if possible, try to:

    • Replace your consumption of disposable objects and products by reusable ones. For example;
    1. Cloth napkins (washable) instead of paper napkins (disposable);
    2. Cloth or strainer coffee filters (washable) instead of paper filter (disposable);
    3. Eliminate throw-away razors, non-rechargeable batteries, etc.
    • Buy used products;ƒ
    • Buy recycled products;ƒ
    • Buy products that aren’t over-packaged;ƒ
    • Buy recyclable products (products that can be recycled);ƒ
    • Buy products that contain recycled materials.
    7. Reuse: This is about extending the life or giving a second life to something (resource) that was previously considered as “garbage”. Reuse involves using resources that were considered waste and useless.

    Reuse helps reduce not only the content of garbage cans but also that of the recycling bin. “It’s simple, economic and available to all of us! All you need is to extend the life of a product by using it more than once or to be creative by giving it a second life”.

    Reusing resources helps to:
    • reduce your consumption (and therefore avoid unnecessary spending);ƒ
    • reduce your production of waste and the disposal of packaging materials;ƒ
    • preserve the environment, its resources and raw materials.
    8. Recycling: Like reuse, recycling means recovering a resource and giving it a second life. While reusing a resource means using it without really modifying or altering it or favouring multi-purpose resources over single-use ones, recycling means bringing a resource back to a state of raw material.

    For example, waste paper goes back to pulp and turned into new products such as toilet papers and paper trays; plastics are melted and formed into new products and so on. What was once considered waste becomes a resource, thus breaking with the linear extraction-production-consumption-destruction logic.


    • ƒPreserves our precious natural resources by minimising extraction activities such as lumbering and mining.
    • ƒPreserves huge amounts of water.ƒ
    • Reduces energy demands during manufacturing.ƒ
    • By passes air, water and soil contamination during mining and disposal (dumps, incinerators).
    • ƒFavours the conservation and protection of the environment and ecosystems.ƒ
    • Reduces pollution (each 1,000 kg of recycled materials saves 2,800 kg greenhouse gases).
    9. Repair: This involves fixing things (resources) that may be torn, broken or old, but if given a little time and energy, can be made useful again.
    For example,
    • sew old clothing or resole a shoe.ƒ
    • repair a watch rather than buying a new one.

    Test skills acquired 1.3

    1. Using your home as an example, complete the table below by suggesting strategies of effective resource usage.

    2. Read and analyse the statement in column 1 and fill in the strategy that applies for effective resource usage in column 2.

    Unit Summary


    Resources are stock of money, materials, staff, knowledge and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organisation to function effectively.

    • Financial resources: These resources refer to the money available to a business for the successful starting and running of a business enterprise by an entrepreneur.
    • Human resource: Are people who use their knowledge and skills to produce goods, provide services or run business enterprises.
    • Technological resources: Technological resources basically refer to systems, machines and tools required to effectively produce or create products or provide services.
    • Raw materials: These are the basic materials from which goods and products are made.
    • Information: These resources are defined as the data and information used by an entrepreneur in an enterprise.
    • Time: This is an important resource for entrepreneurs. It determines quantity of production and the volume of human, financial and other resources required.

    Effective utilisation of resources

    • Efficiency- being efficient- is concerned with how much it costs an organisation to produce goods and services with the resources it uses.
    • Effectiveness-being effective - is concerned with the quality of the goods and services it produces with the resources it uses.
    • Sustainable use of resources: This refers to using resources in a way that it is not depleted or permanently damaged.
    • Planning for resource utilisation: This involves assigning available resources to various uses.
    • Budgeting for activities: This involves outlining what you will spend your money (financial resources) on and how that money (financial resources) will be acquired.
    • Proper human resource management: This involves all systems devised for the proper management of people within an organisation.
    • Saving (conservation of natural resources): This is the wise use of the earth’s resources by entrepreneurs.
    • Reduce: This involves entrepreneurs reducing on the amount of resources required to produce a given product.
    • Reuse: This is about extending the life or giving a second life to something (resource) that was previously considered as “garbage”.
    • Recycling: Like reuse,recycle means recovering a resource and giving it a second life after altering it.
    • Repair: This involves fixing things (resources) that may be broken, but if given a little time and energy, can be made useful again.

    Unit 1 Assessment

    1. What do you understand by the term resources?

    2. Identify various examples of resources used in your home, community and school.

    3. Suggest your own strategies that you can adapt to effectively utilise resources in your home, community and school.
Unit 2: Career Opportunities