• Unit 4 :The life of the messenger of God Muhammad

    4.1. The ancestry / origin of messenger of God Muhammad
    Mention some of the messengers of God that we learnt in the first 
    unit. Tell your friend to mention the three messengers that he/she remembers.

    The messenger Muhammad (May God give Him peace and blessings) 

    was the last messenger among other messengers of Allah (S.W) to 
    be sent on earth. He was born in Mecca in the year of 570 AD. The 
    messenger Muhammad (May God give him peace and blessings) was 
    born on Monday 12th Rabiul- Awual.

    This is the tree that shows the family of the messenger of God Muhammad
    Activity 4.1
    Discuss about the family of messenger of God Muhammad (May God give him peace and blessings).

    4.2. The brief history of the life of Muhammad

    The messenger Muhammad was born in Mecca in the family of Quraysh. The father Abdulilahi died in Madina
    before Muhammad was born. The mother Amina died when Muhamadi was 6 years old.

    Muhammad was taken care of by another mother called Halima 
    Sadiya a daughter of Abi Ohuayb. She also breast fed him.
    Halima got many blessings because she stayed with Muhammad (May 
    God give you peace and blessings).

    Her goats could produce a lot of milk more than her neighbor’s goats


    When Muhammad was 6 years old, Amina took him (May God give you peace 
    and blessings) to Madina to visit the tomb of His father. On their way back, Amina 
    got sick and died. She died in the place called Abwa. Muhammad (May God give 
    you peace and blessings) was taken by Ummu Ayman to the grandfather Abdul-Mutalib.

    When he was 12 years old, Muhammad escorted his Uncle Abu Talib to Sham in 

    Syria for business. After that he was given a job by a widow called Khadijah the 
    daughter of Khuwaylid where he helped her in her business.
    Khadijah fell in love with Muhammad. She asked Abu Talib to allow her to get 
    married to Muhammad. Abu Talib told Muhammad and they prepared the wedding 
    and it was successful. Muhammad (May God give you peace and blessings) married 
    Khadija when he was 25 years. Khadijah had 40 years.
    His sons were Qasim, Ibrahim and Abdullahi. His daughters were Ruqaya, 
    Zainab,Umu-Kulthum and Fatma. 
    One day when he was in a cave, angel Gabriel came to him. He did not know how 
    to read. The angel shocked him very much and after he started reading.
    Muhammad (May God give you peace and blessings) started accepting to be a 

    messenger of Allah (S.W).

    Activity 4.2
    Discuss/talk about the meeting of Gabriel and the messenger of God Muhammad (I.A.U).

    4.3. The moral values that characterized the 
    messenger of God Muhammad
    The following are the values that characterized Prophet Muhammad.
    1) He was very trustworthy 
    2) He was honest and they named him Al-Ameen given by Quraysh
    3) He was compassionate 
    4) He was respectful and he listened to people
    5) He was humble and respected others
    6) He was intelligent /wise 
    7) He was trustworthy and he was a believer 
    8) He loved children, the poor and orphans

    9) He was a patient person

    Activity 4.3
    Discuss/talk about the good behavior and character that Muhammad 

    the messenger of God showed/ portrayed.

    End Unit Assessment
    1. How many children did the messenger of God Muhammad have?
    2. Mention the good character and the behavior of the messenger of God.
    3. What are all the names of the messenger of God (May God give you peace and blessings)?
    4. The messenger Muhammad (May God give you peace and blessings) was born:
    i) The day………………………
    ii) The month …………………..
    iii) The date……………………….
    iv) The year……………………….
    Unit 3 :Laws of worshipUnit 5: Morals and relationship with others