Unit 3: Examples of heroes of faith
3.1. The stories in the Bible for those that obeyed God
Heroes are people honored because of their actions that are outstanding.
Being humble means doing what you were told to do. The Bible has stories that talk about many people
that humbled themselves before God. They served God until they died because of Him.
3.1.1. Obeying God by Abel the righteous (Genesis 4:1-16)
Habimana and Kaliza are friends. They help their parents with work at home.
They are humble children. Why do Habimana and Kaliza become humble?
Being humble is doing what you are told to do and you do them well.
3.1.2. Do you remember the story of Cain and Abel?
It is found in the book of Genesis4:1-16. Cain and Abel were sons of Adam and Eve.
Cain was a farmer and he planted crops to eat. What are some of the crops that farmers plant that are eaten?
Cain offered a sacrifice with a bad heart and God refused it .Abel was a shepherd; a shepherd is someone that looks
after animals. Abel was looking after sheep and goats.
Abel humbled himself, he got the first-born of the lamb, slaughtered it after he offered it to God .
God was pleased with his offering.
What reason do you think made God refuse the offering of Cain?
God punished Cain because of not honoring Him.
What will happen to people who are disobedient/ do not honor God?
1. They will be punished.
2. God will be angry with them.
3. They will feel pain.
4. They will face hardships.
3.1.3. The reward of Enoch (Genesis 5:21:24)
Mahoro and her friends went to school. They came across a blind man.
Mahoro helped him because it was hard to cross the road. When they
reached the school, his friends narrated the story to the teacher. The
teacher rewarded him with a Bible.
i) What was Mahoro rewarded?
ii) Why did Mahoro help the blind man to cross the road?
In Genesis 5: 21: 24 we saw the story of a man called Enoch.He honored God. God rewarded him.
What did Enoch do so that he becomes a friend of God?
i) He was humble.
ii) He was trustworthy.
iii) He had faith.
iv) He honored God.
v) He was prayerful.
The lessons we learn from the story of Enoch
i) When we do what God wants He becomes happy and rewards us.
ii) We should become friends of God by honoring Him and also praising Him.
iii) For us to become friends of God, we need to avoid sin and be trustworthy like Enoch.
3.1.4. The reward of Noah (Genesis 6:9-22)Observe the picture below. What do you see?
In Genesis 6:9-22, we read about the story of Noah.
Noah is the only person who did good /righteous things in his time.
What do you think is the reason why God chose Noah
What reward did God give to Noah?The actions of mercy and love by Jesus
Look at the following pictures and say what you see in the pictures.
Jesus taught us how we can take care of the people that need help.
The following are some of the people that need love and care:
i) Sick people
ii) Lame people
iii) Traumatized people
iv) Blind people
v) Hungry people
vi) HIV/AIDS victims
vii)Those affected by Floods
viii) Deaf people
ix) The Refugees
3.1.5. The miracle at the wedding of Cana (John 2:1-10)
Have you ever attended a wedding? Mention some activities done during a wedding?
In John 2:1-10, we see that Jesus and His mother Mary together with all the disciples were
invited to the wedding at Cana, the wine got finished when the wedding was still going on.
Jesus got water and changed into wine better than the first wine. It became the first miracleJesus performed.
Activity 3.2
1. Play a game showing the miracle Jesus performed in the wedding at Cana.
2. Look at your friend who is sad and share what can bring happiness and joy in your life.3. How did Jesus show mercy and love by basing to the people.
3.1.6. Jesus fed more than 5000 people on bread and fish (John 6: 1-15)
The hungry are people without food. Whenever you lack food for a long period, your body becomes
weak and you can easily die .Have you ever lacked food at home? How would you feel in case you lack
Look at the picture below.
What do you see in the picture?
John 6:1-15 we find the story of Jesus feeding many people.
There was a young boy that had 5 loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus took them and gave thanks to God.
The food increased and later people became more that 5000, they ate and got satisfied, there were
leftovers that could fill the 12 baskets.
The lessons we learn from this miracle performed:
i) God is happy whenever we love and care for people who are in need.
ii) Jesus Christ loves us.
Activity 3.3
1. Play a game showing Jesus feeding 5000 people on 5 loaves of bread and two fish.
2. Like learners, the teacher will prepare how you can share what you have with others.
3.1.7. Jesus healed the sick
In the Bible, there are many examples of miracles that Jesus performed.
(a) Jesus heals Peter’ mother in law ( Matthew 8: 14-17)
Have you ever fallen sick? How did your parents take care of you? In the gospel of Matthew 8: 14-17,
we saw Peter’s mother was sick of a fever. Jesus went to see her and He touched her hand, the fever left
her and later she got up.
Why should we take care of the sick people?(b) Jesus heals the man with Leprosy ( Luke 5:12-16)
A leper is a person suffering with many wounds on the body (Leprosy).
They can easily spread and the one suffering from it can smell.
Why do you think Leprosy is a deadly disease?In the gospel of Luke 5:12-16, Jesus healed the leper by touching him.
What did Jesus do to heal a man from leprosy?
The sick people need a person to take care for them and show them love.
(c) Jesus heals a boy with an evil spirit (Mark 9: 14: 29)
Have you ever seen a person suffering from epilepsy? How did they behave?
In the gospel of Mark 9:14-29, we see a story of a young boy with evil spirits.Jesus healed that boy because He is able to heal diseases which are worse than evil spirits.
Why do you think we should take care of the people suffering from epilepsy?
The lessons we get from the acts of love of Jesus are:
i) Jesus heals the sick, he feeds the hungry, and he forgives the
sinners, and gives back life to people and heals all diseases.
ii) Jesus loves all people and He is ready to help us all the time.
iii) We should always be ready to help others and take care ofthem like the way Jesus did.
End Unit Assessment
1. Mention the names of the sons of Adam and Eve.
2. What did Cain do?
3. What did Abel do?
4. Why did God reject /refuse the offering of Cain?
5. Why did God accept the offering of Abel?
6. Give two examples of good behaviors.
7. …………………………. killed Abel.
8. Mention one person that was a friend of God.
9. What reward did God give to Enoch?
10. Who built the ark (big boat)?
11. What did God use to destroy all living things and beings on earth?
12. Mention the place where Jesus changed water into wine.
13. What did Jesus use to feed more than 5000 people?
14. Show two examples of actions/works of love that Jesus did.
15. Mention two ways of how we can show love to others.
16. What can we do so as to become friends of God?