• Part 2:Unit 1 :Creation and fall of man

    1.1. Creation of Heaven and Earth and all in it (Genesis 1:1-31)
    XLook at the trees and plants, the sun, the clouds, your friends, the 
    mountains, stones, earth. How was the earth created and all that is in?
    In the beginning of time how did the earth look like?
    Why do you think God created the light first?
    a) The first day
    God created light and darkness.
    b) The second day
    God created the sky/atmosphere.
    c) The third day
    God created the land and waters/ seas.
    d) The fourth day
    God created the sun, the moon and the stars. 
    e) The fifth day
    God created fish, and other creatures living in water and birds in the sky.
    Have you ever eaten fish? Mention the kinds of birds that you know. 
    f) The sixth day
    God created animals on land.
    What do animals give us?
    Lastly God created man in His own image.
    Why did God create man lastly?
    Activity 1.1
    Go outside and look at what was created and is nearby the school.
    Mention what you saw that was created by God.
    Draw two things in your exercise that were created by God.
    1.2. Man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1: 26-31)
    What can human being do that other creatures cannot do?
    God created man in His own image. Man is different from other creatures.
    In Genesis 1:26:31, we learn that human being has dominion 
    over other creation, he has wisdom,
    he is able scrutinize/ examine and in summary he is like God.

    The difference between man and other creatures
    A human being was created in the image of God. A human being is different from other creatures.
    He is a special creature of God.
    A preacher teaching the word of God at school, animals cannot preach.

    Men are building a house. Animals cannot build houses.

    The boy is sweeping, animals cannot sweep.

    The girl is reading, other animals cannot read.

    The difference between human being and other creatures
     As it is seen in the pictures above, a human being can think, can pray, can sing, can read the Bible, because he has
     breath of God. Other 
    creatures cannot manage to do them



    Taking care and protecting what was created by God

    Look at what God created, can you mention their names?

    Why should we take care of the creatures of God?

    Activity 1.2

    Discuss activities you can do in order to protect the environment

    1.3. The instructions God gave man in the Garden of Eden 
    Teacher Mukantagara teaches P1.She gives her learners/pupils instructions every day.
    The learners respect/follow them.
    Do you remember what we learnt that is about the creation of mankind?
    In book of Genesis 2: 15-17, we saw that God commanded Adam and Eve to take care of the garden.

    It is good to respect the commandments of God, and it is also good to respect our parents and teachers.

    How can God’s creation be taken care and protected?



    1.4. The origin of Sin and its consequences(Genesis 3:1: 13)

    In the story of Mukantagara, what do you think would happen if the learners were not to follow or respect her instructions?
    • She could be angry, and punish them.

    Have you ever given a false testimony against someone? How did he/she handle it? Do not repeat it because it is not good.

    Activity 1.3

    How were Adam and Eve given the commandments/ instructions of God in the Garden of Eden?

    1.5. Consequences of sin


    When we do not respect the instructions given to us, we are punished according to the laws.
     Also, after Adam and Eve had disrespected/ disobeyed God, He got annoyed with them and punished them.

    The following are the consequences Adam and Eve got for 
    disobeying God:
    i) God cursed the snake.
    ii) Eva and her offspring will have pain while giving birth.
    iii) Adam will have to work hard all his life to get what to eat (he 
    will eat from his sweat).
    iv) God chased them out of the garden of Eden.
    v) Death came on earth.
    The punishment of Adam and Eve are still following humankind up to this time. Sin spread in the whole world. 
    There is jealousy; there is hatred because people kill each other, wars and epidemic diseases.

    Genocide against Tutsi in 1994 in Rwanda

    In Rwanda, sin led people to commit genocide against Tutsi in 1994. 
    However, it was possible to hate sin and love each other. Now Rwanda 
    has peace and people live in harmony and unity. This was a result of unity and reconciliation.

    Activity 1.4

    Play a game showing the consequences of the sin of Adam and Eve.

    End Unit Assessment
    1. Mention the things that God created in the order of days
    a) First day 
    b) Second day 
    c) Third day 
    d) Fourth day
    e) Fifth day 
    f) Sixth day
    2. On which day did God rest?
    3. Why is a human being different from other creatures?
    4. Mention two things that differentiate human being from other creatures.
    5. Who created the world?
    6. Mention two things created that live on land 
    7. Mention two things created that live in water 
    8. Mention two ways of protecting God’s creation.
    9. Give one command / instruction that God gave Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
    10. What did Adam and Eve eat?
    11. Mention two first people that disobeyed God?
    12. How did Adam and Eve disobey God?
    13. What are the punishments that God gave the following creatures:
    a) Snake
    b) Eva
    c) Adam 
    14. How should we avoid sin?
    UNIT 12:Major family historical eventsUnit 2 :Basic prayers