Key Unit Competence: To be able to describe the origin and expansion
of Rwanda Kingdom.
All over the world, there exist many states; some are kingdoms and
others are countries. All of them came into existence at a given time
of the world history. Most of the time, the states arose and expanded
depending on the bravery and heroism of the ancestors who were
determined to fight wars of expansion. The creation of the kingdom
of Rwanda passed through such a process. Basing on the precolonial
History of Rwanda, identify the main steps that were made
in expansion of Rwanda and the names of kings who played an
overriding role in such an enterprise.6.1. Origine of Rwanda Kingdom
By reading History textbooks or using the internet, describe the
origin of the Kingdom of Rwanda.Learning Activity 6.1
The Kingdom of Rwanda existed since 12th century according to some
historians. The word ‘Rwanda’ derives its name from Ikinyarwanda
language verb ‘Kwaanda’ that means to ‘expand’. It also means to ‘enlarge’
or ‘increase in size’.
Rwanda Kingdom started as a small Nyiginya political entity (clanic state).
The state was known as Rwanda rugari rwa Gasabo, meaning the vast
Rwanda of Gasabo. It was located on the shores of Lake Muhazi, in today’s
one part of Gasabo District. It is believed that the founder of the Nyiginya
Dynasty was Gihanga Ngomijana.
Rwanda Kingdom was in the interlacustrine region. The monarchy
of Rwanda was similar to earlier kingdoms in the region for instance
Burundi, Buganda, Ankole, Karagwe, Bunyoro, Bushi among others.
Through combination, conquering and annexing of smaller states, the
united Rwanda spread all over in so many years.
According to a legend or myth of origin, the first ruling dynasty of Rwanda
was the Nyiginya reign and the first ancestor of the Banyiginya was the
mythical character known as Kigwa Sabizeze, the son of Shyerezo or
Nkubaand Gasani. He is said to have fallen from heaven and landed in
Mubari, in Eastern Rwanda near Akagera River.
This region was occupied by the Abazigaba under the reign of King Kabeja.
According to official Nyiginya tradition, other Ibimanuka are Muntu,
Kimanuka, Kijuru, Kobo, Merano, Randa, Gisa, Kizira, Kazi and Gihanga.
Gihanga is believed to be the founder of the Nyiginya dynasty. He had,
in fact, divided up his empire between his sons who then founded their
kingdoms as follows:
Kanyandorwa received Ndorwa; Kagesera received Bugesera; Kanyabungo
received Bunyabungo; Kanyabuha reveived Buha; Gashubi received
Bushubi;Kanyarwanda, the successor of Gihanga received Rwanda.
According to the same tradition, these kings were known as Ibimanuka
or Ibirari(traces). But they are followed by other two categories such as
Abami b’Umushumi (Belt Kings) and Abami b’ Ibitekerezo (Historical
kings). It is said that Abami b’Umushumi were the kings whom they had
not any known activities (deeds) while Abami b’ Ibitekerezo were the
kings who had contributed to the expansion of the kingdom of Rwanda.List of the Kings and their Queen- mother according
to the chronology of Mgr Alex Kagame. in Inganji
Use the information obtained from the internet and other historical
sources on the origin of Rwanda Kingdom to answer the following
questions:1. Write brief notes about each of the following:(i)Nyiginya State(ii)Gihanga I Ngomijana2. Explain the following terms: Abami b’umushumi and abami
b’ibitekerezo6.2. Reasons for expansion of the Rwanda kingdom
By using internet or textbooks, conduct a research on the causes of
the expansion of the Kingdom of Rwanda.(i) The army (Ingabo) and the military ability of Rwandan people
The Kingdom of Rwanda had a capable army of defending the kingdom.
Young people were recruited into the army. This was a sign of cooperation.
The army was well trained, permanent and had enough traditional
weapons for use during wars. In addition, they were physically fit and had
a willing heart to serve the kingdom.(ii) Weak neighbouring kingdoms.
Rwanda Kingdom was militarily stronger than her neighbouring
kingdoms. The kingdom was at first so small and centrally well organised.
This made the administration of the kingdom easier. It took a short period
of time to monitor and evaluate kingdom’s projects. Expansion of thekingdom continued even after the kingdom had expanded.
(iii) Cultural unityAll people in the Rwanda Kingdom spoke one language “Ikinyarwanda”,
throughout the kingdom. This acted as a unifying factor for growth and
expansion. People in the Rwanda Kingdom had their traditional religion.
They believed in “Imana (God)” whom they consulted in times of trouble.
They praised Him in times of peace and also offered sacrifices. This bound
them together, hence favored expansion and growth.(iv) Efficient leadership
The kingdom of Rwanda had experienced, able and courageous leaders.The leaders fought so hard to maintain or even expand their kingdom.(v) Patriotism and nationalism
Patriotism and nationalism of Rwanda leaders made Rwandans regard
expansion as a source of national glory and prestige. Besides, the people
of Rwanda had a strong will of fighting for their kingdom. They also loved
and served it whether in good or bad times. They were so dedicated and
courageous to serve and defend wherever need arose. This contributed to
its rise and expansion.(vi) Motivation and rewards to the fighters
In the kingdom of Rwanda, the fighters who had made great achievements
in killing warriors from the enemy countries were given rewards according
to the number of enemies killed as follows:
Umudende was rewarded a fighter who had managed to kill 7 enemies,
Impotore a fighter who had killed 14 enemies while Gucana uruti was
a ceremony organized in favour of a fighter that had killed 21 enemies
in one war of conquest or defense of the country. By receiving these
rewards, Rwandan warriors were encouraged to participate in expansionof their kingdom.
1.Identify and explain the reasons for expansion of Rwanda kingdom.
2.Explain to what extent the following values had contributed to the
expansion of the Kingdom of Rwanda: patriotism and nationalism.Kigali City has steadily grown in the recent past due to reasons such
as able leaders, political stability, unity and trade. These, among
others, are the reasons that contributed to the growth of the Rwanda
Kingdom.6.3. The most important monarchies in Rwanda Kingdom
By reading History textbooks, research on the most important kings
that ruled the Kingdom of Rwanda.
The Kingdom of Rwanda too had its leaders. The most important kings of
Rwanda and their achievements are described below.King Ruganzu I Bwimba (1312-1345)
His father was called Nsoro I and his mother was Nyiraruganzu Nyakanga.
He succeeded his father around 1312 according to A. Kagame Chronology.
His younger sister was called Robwa. King Ruganzu I Bwimba and her
sister Robwa are regarded as liberators of the kingdom. Under the reign of
Ruganzu I Bwimba, the capital of Rwanda was Gasabo and was delimited
by the Nyabarongo River in the West, Lake Muhazi at the East and Base
River in the North. At this time, Rwanda occupied the following territories:
Buganza, Buriza, Bumbogo, Busigi, Busarasi and Bwanacyambwe.
Ruganzu died in the war at Gisaka in 1345. He died while trying to expand
the borders of Rwanda Kingdom.Kigeli I Mukobanya (1378-1411)
He was the son of Cyilima I Rugwe. He succeeded his father in 1378.
During his reign, he carried out numerous conquests to the west of River
Nyabarongo. Kigeli I Mukobanya is much known as someone who had
abolished the authority of the kings whose territories were conquered.
However, under his reign, the Kingdom of Rwanda was attacked, invaded
and occupied by the Banyoro for a short time. King Mukobanya escaped
through Nyabarongo River in the kingdom of Nduga under the reign of
Nkuba from Ababanda dynasty.Ruganzu II Ndoli (1510-1543)
Ruganzu came from exile in Karagwe in Tanzania where he had lived with
King Karemera I Ndagara who had married his paternal aunt Nyabunyana
and returned to Rwanda.Being informed about the death of Nsibura I Nyebunga, Ruganzu was
enthroned at Gatsibo in Ndorwa on the royal names of Ruganzu II Ndoli.
He took over the territories which had been conquered by Byinshi of
Ndorwa. After he enthroned a new royal emblem-drum called Karinga
to replace Rwoga. Karinga was assisted by other two emblem-drums:
Karihejuru and Bariba.
After organizing his powerful army, Ibisumizi and Ingangurarugo,
Ruganzu II Ndori began wars of conquest to expand Rwanda. He annexed
the island of Ijwi and Bunyabungo in revenge for his father Ndahiro II
Cyamatare. He conquered Bugoyi, Byahi, Bwishya, Burera and Bufumbira.
In the south, Ruganzu II Ndori annexed Bunyambiriri after killing its leader
Gisurere and Burwi and killed its king Nyaruzi. He helped King Rwagitare
of Bugesera to conquer Burundi. He annexed Bwanamukari after killing
its leader Mpandahandi.
In an effort to annex Bungwe, Ruganzu II Ndoli fell in an ambush of the
inhabitants of Rusenyi at Bwishaza. They shot him with an arrow in the
eye and died of wounds at Butansinda of Kigoma in the current District
of Ruhango in 1543 and he was buried in Butangampundu; in the former
Commune of Mugambazi
Mutara I Nsoro II Semugeshi (1543 – 1576)
The king Mutara I was enthroned on the name of Bicuba, but this name
was quickly abandoned and replaced by Mutara from the area of Mutara
which was rich with the cows.
He had defeated Benengwe or a confederation of Bufundu, Busanza and
Bungwe from Nyagakecuru the son of Benginzage who had the residence
at Huye mountain. From that time the frontier of Rwanda reached at
Burundi. Mutara I signed a non-aggression pact with Mutaga II Nyamubi
of Burundi. Mutara I Nsoro II Semugeshi is also known by his royal reforms
he had made as follows:1. The king must introduce, during his living days, to three confidents the
name of his successor;
2. He suppressed the following dynastic names:– Nsoro because it was known to Bugesera;– Ndahiro because the last Ndahiro had lost the emblem-drum(Rwoga);– Ruganzu because the two holders of this name have been killed byenemies.3. He determined the succession order for the five dynastic name and
those names should follow each other in cycle of four generations as
shown below:
–The kings whose the dynastic names of Mutara and Cyilima were reputed
to be the Kings of cows;
–The kings whose the dynastic names of Kigeli and Mibambwe were
reputed to be the warriors Kings or the fighters;
–The kings whose the dynastic names of Yuhi were reputed to be the
lineage, fire or ritual Kings.Cyilima II Rujugira (1675-1708)
He acceded to power when the country was experiencing the succession
disputes between him and Karemera Rwaka. His father was Yuhi III
Mazimpaka and his mother was Nyiracyilima Kirongoro.He was faced to imminent invasions from all sides (Bugesera, Burundi,
Gisaka and Ndorwa). He attacked them and defeated them. He also
fought and defeated Buyenzi, Buganza, Rutare, Muhura, Giti. He then
annexed them to the Kingdom of Rwanda. During his reign, a popular
saying developed. It said “Urwanda ruratera nti ruterwa” (Rwanda invades
but is not invaded).Cyirima II Rujugira had defeated Burundi over the territory of Buyenzi after
killing its king Mutaga Senyamwiza, Ndorwa over Umutara and Gisaka
over Buganza. He died at a very old age at a place called Ntora. From that
time, the place took a name of Gisozi meaning a hill from where king
died. His body is still kept at National Museum of Rwanda.
He also created militias whose names ended up being adapted as names
of some regions, for example Nyakare (from Inyakare), Imvejuru (from
Mvejuru), Nyaruguru (from Inyaruguru) and Buhanga-Ndara (from
Indara). This was because of his innovation of creating Ingerero, which
were armies to protect the borders. He later died in 1708.
KIGELI III Ndabarasa (1708-1741)
Kigeli III Ndabarasa was the son of Cyilima Rujugira and Nyirakigeli Rwesero
who came to power in about 1708. Ndabarasa did not rule together with
his mother Rwesero as she had passed away earlier. He adopted a queenmother,
Nyiratunga who was a cousin to his late mother. His royal palace
was at Rutare in Byumba, todays Gicumbi district.
Among his achievements in expansion of the kingdom include the
following:• He conquered Ndorwa and established there his leadership style.
• He attacked and killed the king of Mubari called Biyoro and his
mother Nyirabiyoro who lived on Shango Island of lake Ihema.
• He put to an end the Zigaba dynasty in Mubari and incorporated
the region in parts of Rwanda kingdom
• He attacked and defeated Bugesera Kingdom.Ndabarasa died on a battle-field, at a place called Joma in Gaseke in about
1741 and was buried at Munanira where kings of the royal name of Kigeli
and Cyilima were supposed to be buried.Yuhi IV Gahindiro (1746-1802)
His father was called Mibambwe III Sentabyo and his mother was Nyirayuhi
Nyiratunga. He occupied the throne when he was an infant of one year.
He had two regents; his mother and an uncle named Rugagi. He had an
outstanding army. He fought, defeated and annexed south Ndorwa and
Buhunde. However, during his reign, Rwanda experienced great famine
and drought called Rukungugu.Mutara II Rwogera (1802-1853)
His father was Yuhi Gahindiro and his mother was Nyiramavugo
Nyiramongi. He was commonly known as a man who was humble, kind
and welcoming. During his reign, he fought, defeated and annexed Gisaka
but failed to capture their royal town.Also, during his reign, the island of Ijwi declared itself independent from
Rwanda. This was a shame to Rwanda Kingdom. He died of tuberculosis
in 1853.
Kigeli IV Rwabugiri (1853-1895)By the death of Mutara II Rwogera his son succeeded him to the throne
with the name of Kigeli IV Sezisoni. But this name of Sezisoni will be
abandoned and replaced by Rwabugiri from his little brother Rwabugiri
the son of Gaceyeye and the latter took the name of Rwakageyo. Definitelythe new king was known on the royal names of Kigeli IV Rwabugiri.
The mother of Kigeli IV Rwabugiri was called Nyirakigeri Murorunkwere.
Kigeli IV Rwabugiri was one of the most prosperous and famous kings
of Rwanda. He was a renown warrior. He re-organised the army to
consolidate his rule. He is also known to have centralised the power and
strengthened structures.
He succeeded in consolidation and organization of Gisaka conquered by
his father Mutara II Rwogera. He also controlled other regions which had
been annexed before his reign. He was a great administrator with many
residences: Nyanza, Rubengera, Giseke, Kigali, Gasabo, Gatsibo, Kabuye
etc. He was also a great conqueror and he exercised his authority over thefollowing areas:
–The regions of Masisi (Tongo, Gishari and Gisigari), Bwishya, Jomba and
Ruchuru (today in Democratic Republic of Congo);
–The regions of Bufumbira and Ndorwa (today in Uganda).
Nevertheless, some states remained as Satellites (controlled and
depended to Central administration of Rwanda kingdom) and they
should pay the tributes: Gisaka (Rukurura), Ndorwa (Murorwa), Bungwe
(Nyamibande), Bugesera (Rukombamazi), Nduga (Nyabahinda), Bushiru
(Nkundabashiru), Bugara (Rugara), Bungwe, Mubari and Bugamba.
Others were autonomous with different roles:– Busigi, Busozo and Bukunzi: great rainmakers;
– Bumbogo: preparation of Umuganura;
– Bugoyi (Mpatsibihugu): Tobacco;
– Bufundu and Bunyambiriri: Umutsama of beer from honey.
The end of the reign of Kigeli IV Rwabugiri has been marked by the
following events:– The coming to the throne of Rutarindwa as co-regnant of Rwabugiri
on December 22, 1889 with Konjogera as his adoptive Queen-mother,
because his mother had died;– The introduction of manufactured goods from Europe and Asia inbig quantities;– The foundation of the army with fire arms;
– The coming of the Europeans as Doctor Oscar Baumann in 1892 and
Comte Von Göetzen in 1894;– The stabilization of the frontiers of Rwanda;– The failure to defeat Bunyabungo and Burundi;King Rwabugiri died in 1895 and was buried at Rutare in northern Rwanda– The killing of his mother Nyirakigeli IV Murorunkwere
– The killing of many royal members in revenge of his mother;
– The introduction of the new food crops in order to develop the agriculture;
– Migration of some Rwandans to Maniema the mining region in
Democratic Republic of Congo.
1. Describe the expansion of the Kingdom of Rwanda under King
Ruganzu II Ndori.
2. Explain the reforms made by King Mutara I Nsoro II Semugeshi.
3. Explain why King Ruganzu I Bwimba and her sister Robwa are
regarded as liberators of the kingdom
As a student, you should always do good things like helping the
needy. You are an important citizen like the great kings.6.4. Reasons for the downfall of Rwandan Kingdom
By using internet or textbooks, conduct research on the causes of
the decline of the Kingdom of Rwanda.
There were many reasons that could lead to the collapse of a kingdom.
The Kingdom of Rwanda declined due to some of the reasons discussed
below.(i) The coming of Europeans and consequent colonisation of Rwanda
The first contact the Rwanda Kingdom had with Europeans was in
September 1892. Dr Oscar Baumann and Graf von Göetzen who came in
1894 wrote a comprehensive report about the Kingdom. Rwanda officially
became a protectorate in 1897. This was the beginning of the downfall of
Rwanda Kingdom.
The coming of the Belgians in 1916 also weakened the kingdom. They
introduced reforms that reduced the kings’ powers. For instance, they
abolished traditional institutions such as ubwiru and umuganura, which
helped the king to govern.
(ii) Succession disputesThe Kingdom of Rwanda lost one of its famous and prosperous kings,
Kigeli IV Rwabugiri, in 1895. This was followed by succession wrangles. The
prince heir Rutarindwa (Mibambwe IV) became the king. However, his
stepmother (Queen mother) Kanjogera helped by her brothers, organised
the Rucuncu coup d’Etat, because she wanted Musinga to become the
king. Musinga was her son. This brought power conflicts in the kingdom
which ended with European intervention.(iii) Revolts and rejection of Musinga as king
There were numerous revolts in the Rwandan Kingdom during King
Musinga’s rule. These revolts weakened the kingdom. For instance, the
consequences of Rucunshu coup d’Etat, the Basebya, Ndungutse and
Rukara revolts in the north of the kingdom. Other revolts were those ofNyiragahumuza. The revolts destabilised the kingdom.
(iv) Death of able leadersThe death of leaders such as Mutara III Rudahigwa followed by the
1959 political and ethnic violence led to the end of the kingdom. This
latter caused many Tutsi to be massacred, and many others fleeing
to neighbouring states. Together with the complicity of the Belgian
power, the kingdom experienced a coup d’Etat of Gitarama. This led
to the abolition of the monarchy on 28th January 1961 and subsequent
declaration of the republic confirmed by the referendum on September25th ,1961.
1. Justify the following assertion: “The coming of Europeans to
Rwanda is the main cause of the downfall of the Kingdom of
Rwanda”1. a) Name the main and important monarchs of Rwanda
b) Show the important events that happened during their
2. Give the meaning of the name “Urwanda” then describe the
origin of Rwanda kingdom
3. Account for the factors that led to the rise, growth and
expansion of ancient Rwanda kingdom.
4. Discuss the reasons that led to the decline of Rwanda kingdom.