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    Key unit Competence:

    By the end of this unit,learners will be able to apply technical skills in games situations with increasing awareness of rules.

    Learning Objectives:

    Knowledge and understanding
     Interpreting regulations of Basketball.
     Discussing the importance of playing basketball.
     Recognising different technique and tactics of basketball.
     Recalling the importance of basketball for his/her body and daily life.
     Stating the reasons for playing basketball in the society.
     Identifying the rules of basketball.

    Skills to develop:
    Learners will be able to;
     Apply the techniques and tactics to improve his/her performance in basketball.
     Create individual technical tactics and gestures in game situations.
     Evaluate his/her performance in basketball.
     Develop body coordination.
     Describe how basketball can be done in a safe varied and effective or enjoyable way.

    Attitudes and values:
     Show respect of rules and regulations during the game.
     Appreciate the importance of cooperation in the team.
     Fair play.
     Self confidence
     Enjoyment in play basketball using technical tactics gestures.

     Techniques and tactics in Basketball.
     Rules and technical gestures in basketball.


    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson, the learners should able to perform the skill of dribbling in basket ball..

    Teaching methods:

     Demonstration
     Explanation
     Guided discovery

    Teaching and learning materials:
     Basketball court
     Basketball
     Cones
     Whistle
     Stopwatch
     Hoop

    Lesson Development:

    Step 1
     Guide the learners to brainstom on what they know about the techniques of dribbling in basketball.
     Guide them to list down those they haven’t mentioned
     Guide them to perform a successful warmup. Let them jog a round and then stretch their muscles systematically.

    Step 2
    Describe to the learners how to perform the basic simple tactics and technique of dribbling below;
     Extending the dribbling hand and arm down as much as possible. This shortens the distance the ball has to move.
     Keeping the elbow of the dribbling hand close in at your side.
     Dribbling the ball on the side of the body away from the defender.
     Keeping the palm of dribbling hand over the ball.

    Step 3
     Let the learners have a game situation in small groups in order to have practice of the basic
    techniques of dribbling basketball.

    Assessment criteria
    Setting learners to execute any basketball technique instructed to him/her when call upon.

    Let the learners make slow and simple movements on the court finally, let them stretch the muscles.

    Final discussion
     How did you manage to perform dribbling technique?
     What challenges did you face while performing driibbling technique?


    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson, the learners should be to apply the techniques of attack in a game

    Teaching methods:

     Demonstration
     Explanation
     Observation
     Practical
     Group/pair work
     Self discovery

    Teaching and learning materials:

     Relevant books
     Basketball
     Whistles
     Stopwatches
     First aid kit
     Cones

     Sign language
     Knowledgeable persons
     Bibs

    Lesson Development:

    Step 1
     Guide the learners to brainstorm on the techniques used when attacking opponents in basketball.
    They include dribbling, passing and shooting.
     Guide them to perform a successful warm up. This has to systematic from simple jogging to stretching and strengthening the muscles.

    Step 2
     Review dribbling in basketball. Guide the learners to perform basketball passes. These include

    Step 3
     Guide the learners to perform shooting in basketball. The technques involves;
     Using shoulders as a hinge.
     Extending shooting arm forward toward the hoop.
     Extending (straightening) the elbow.
     Releasing the ball with a snap of the wist, with the ball rolling off the fingertips.

    Step 4 : Game situation
     Divide the class into teams of 5.
     Let two teams use half court so that four teams are playing at a go.
     Let other teams cheer up
     Supervise , correct and encourage the learners.
     Switch after 5 minutes for the other team to play.
     Continue switching until the lesson’s over.

    Activity 7.2.1
     Having learners make one line in front of the basket.
     Telling them shoot at the basket one by one.
     After each trial, one should go behind the line and wait for his/her turn.
     Emphasising shooting basics .
     Making continuous practice.

    Assessment criteria
    Setting the learners exercises of dribbling,passing and shooting in small groups.

    Let the learners walk to and from across the basketball court.Then they stretch the muscles.

    Final discussion
     What basics do you follow while shooting the ball in a hoop.
     Under what situation would you use bouncing pass, overhead pass, chest pass and underarm pass.
     How are passes useful during the basketball match?


    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson, the learners should be to apply the techniques of defence in a game situation.

    Teaching methods:

     Introduction
     Explanation
     Self discovery
     Brainstorming
     Demonstration
     Observation
     Peer assessment

    Teaching and learning materials:

     Ball (size 5)
     Knowledgeable persons
     Relevant books
     First aid kits
     Whistles
     Stopwatches

    Lesson Development:

    Step 1: Warm-up exercises
     Guide the learners to the warm-up exercises.
     Let them stretch and strengthen their muscles systematically.
     Inviting learners to sit down quietly in a circle and greet them.
     Reminding them to always stop and pay attention on every signal intruder to get clear instruction.
     Briefly talk about what you are going to perform today.(Today we shall be working on tactics in defence)
     In a brainstorming session, ask;
    – What is the meaning of defence (The team without the ball)
    – Who can tell us any tactics used in basketball defence (Man - to man, zone defence).
    – Asking them to put up their hands to mention their ideas.
    – Listening carefully to their responses and write them down.

    Activity 7.3.1
     Asking learners to divide them into 2 teams.
     Giving them each a basketball .
     Explaining and demonstrate that on signal they will play a normal basketball game using the defensive tactics they mentioned above.
     Leting them have enough time to experience defensive tactics according to their understanding.
     Moving around the play area and noting down your observations.
     Providing feed back, tell them what they did right.

    Step 2 :
    Explaining and demonstrating the tactics used in defence
     Mentioning that the team that is not having the ball is called defence.
     They have to know where the ball is and work together to stop it.
     Explaining that we are going to focus on only 2 tactics;
    – Man - to - man
    – Zone defence.
    – Mentioning that man to man means that each player on the team is given a specific opponent to defend.
    – Explaining that he/she has to follow the movement of that player and try to steal the ball away.
    – Telling them that zone defensive is where a player guards a specific area at the floor. He/
    she follow the movement of any offensive player who enters that area (zone)
    – Offensive players mean the players in the team having the ball.

    Step 3 :
    Demonstrating the defending techniques in slow motion and later increase speed.

     Stand facing the opponent on the ball of your feet.
     Position yourself between the ball and the basket(goal)

     Spread feet beyond shoulders- width apart.
     Bend knees at 90o so that your thighs are parallel to the ground to get balance.
     Stretch hands as wide as you can on both sides to block opponents’ moves.
     You may also put one hand high and another low to block the opponent.
     If you want to block a shot, put both hands up and try to steal the ball.

    Activity 7.3.2
     Asking learners to stand facing you.
     Telling them to mirror the actions of the leader to defend an imaginary ball.
     Starting off as the leader
     Performing defending techniques in steps as mentioned above in slow motion.
     Ensuring learners mirror your every action

     Standing in a place where all learners can clearly see you and you can see them.

     Gradually increase speed in performing the correct defending techniques.
     Asking learners to pair up and mirror the actions of the other in each pair.
     Switch learners and blow the whistles to signal the learners to make another step.
    – Move around the play area and note down observation..

    Step 4:
     Dividing learners into teams of three.
     Making sure that each team has at least one person who does defending correctly.
     Telling the ones who know to help the others in their groups to learn the correct technique.
     Giving enough time to experience peer teaching.
     Moving around visiting every group to give them guidance .

    Step 5:
     Have learners practise with an actual ball.

    Step 6:
     Giving learners free play to try defending on their own without teaching pressure for about 5 minutes.
     Signalling and tell them to help you collect the equipment you were using in this lesson.
     Having them review the lesson by asking questions.

    Activity 7.3.3
     Learners pair up standing behind a cone on the start line.
     Explaining and demonstrating that on signal
     One will play offensive (Have the ball) and the other defensive (without the ball).
     Mentioning that the offensive player will try to dribble down the court and try to shoot.
     The defensive player will try to guard and steal the ball or block the shot.
     If the defender steals the ball, then go back to start line and switch roles.
     Emphasise defending basics as you move around the play area.

     All pairs should be moving in the same direction.
     Remembering to use size 5 ball and adjusting the goalposts (base) which learners can easily reach.

     Having learners work in groups of 3, two offensive players with one defensive player.
     They can pass to each other using varier passes.
     Asking offensive try to rebound when the ball fails to go through the loop.
     Having them make at least ten consecutive passes without the defender stealing the ball.

    Let the learners have basketball matches of fi ve minutes each in order to apply the basic techniques
    used in playing basketball.

    Guide the learners to perform the cool down exercises. Let them breath in and out 5 times then
    stretch their muscles.

    Final discussion
    (a) What is man to man defence?
    (b) What is zonal defence?
    (c) How are the above tactics useful when playing basketball?


    By the end of the lesson, the learners should be to apply basic basketball rules in game situation.

    Teaching methods:

     Demonstration

     Guided discovery
     Explanation

    Teaching and learning materials:

     Basketball court
     Basketball
     Whistle
     Stopwatch

    Lesson Development:

    Step 1: Warm-up exercises
     Guide the learners to brainstorm on what they know about basic rules and technical gestures followed when playing basketball.
    – Add to their contribution what they have not mentioned.
    – Guide them to perform a successful warm up. This may include jogging around and stretching their muscles.
     Let them stretch and strengthen their muscles systematically.

    Step 2
     Brief learners about the rules and regulations followed while playing volleyball.
     Describe and demonstrate for learners the following basic rules.
    – The dribbler must not touch the ball with both hands at the same time.
    – An offensive player should not remain in the free throw lane for longer than three (3) seconds while his or her team is in control of the ball in the front -court.
    – No moving the feet in any direction without properly dribbling.
    – A team has back court past the half - court line to the front court.

    Final discussion
    What advantages do you achieve by following rules of basketball while playing?
    Why is it important to follow the rules during the basketball match?

    Let learners perform star jumps and then stretch their muscles.

    General Assessment
     Describe the basic dribbling technique in basketball.
     Identify the different types of passes in basketball.
     How do you prepare yourself for shooting in basketball
     Why is it important to stand facing the opponent as defence technique?

    Unit summary
    In this unit you have taught about individual techniques and tactics in both attack and defence in a
    basketball game.

    Dribble : To bounce the ball
    Shoot : To throw the ball through the goal
    Offense : With the ball
    Defence : Without the ball