Topic outline
Content map
Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, students will be able to perform exercises of rolling safely and refining techniques.
Learning objectives:
Knowledge and understanding
State types of rolling and its importance to the body.
Explain the importance of physical exercises for circulatory and respiratory systems.
Identify the basic techniques in gymnastics.Skills to develop:
Perform different aerobic exercises.
Develop basic techniques in gymnastic.
Use gymnastics equipment appropriately Take account of their own safety and that of others during gymnastics
Coordination.Attitudes and values:
Fair play
Self confidenceNumber of lessons: 2
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to demonstrate basic exercises.LESSON 1: ROLLING EXERCISES
Lesson objective
By the end of the lesson,learners should be able to perform the forward roll perfectly.Teaching methods:
Guided discovery
CommandTeaching materials:
StopwatchLesson Development:
Asking one learner to lead others in warm-up exercises. This may include jogging, stretching.
Instructing learners to perform forward roll and backward roll following the steps below;
– Lowering the body towards ground with straight legs by hands following body down.
– Keeping chin on chest and making back round.
– Placing hands fl at on ground with thumbs close to ears. Legs locked straight.
– Using strong arm movement pushing body to upright position.
– Keeping legs in pike and putting feed down first and using momentum to move to standing
Set the learners to perform various rolling exercises.
Command learners to sit down in circle and swing hands left and right, up and down.
Final discussion
What steps did you go through while performing the forward and backroll.
How are rolls important in our daily life?LESSON 2: AEROBIC PROLONGED EXERCISES
Lesson objective
By the end of the lesson,learners should be able to gymnaestic exercises following sagital plane
movements.Teaching methods:
Guided discovery
ExplanationTeaching materials:
DumbbellsTeaching points for rotational exercise: Briefing learners about the importance of performing rotational exercise. Tell them that in every day life, we move forward and backwards, we also move side to side. We move up and down. We rotate. This means, we move in every direction. This calls for flexibility to be able to use our bodies well in all directions of movement.
Telling learners about the planes of motion that we move in everyday life.
– Right and left (flexion and extension) here you can move forward and backward or up and down. It is also called sagittal plane movements.
– Front and backside movement. (abduction and adduction) Here one can move side to side, This is called frontal plane movement.
– Top and bottom halves movements. This is movement in the transverse which is both internal and external rotation.
– Instructing learners to perform the following sagittal plane movements.Note: All the above exercises are done after learners have warmed-up their bodies. This can be done by engaging in around the play field jogging, leg, arm, trunk stretch. Tell learners not to rotate or stretch their bodies beyond their limit.
General assessment
Set learners various acrobic exercises to perform and evoluate their level of achievement.
In what sport activity can you use transverse movement.
What are the benefits of performing plane movements.
Final discussion
Guide the learners to discuss the values of gymnastics in our daliy life so that they can be able to apply them.
Ask the learners how gymnastic exercises can be useful to them in their daily life.Unit summary
In this unit, you have taught about performing different exercises of gymnastic movement done on the ground and gymnastics exercises using apparatus.
In the next unit, you are going to teach about athletics performing different techniques stressing their importance.Glossary
Rolling : Turning over
Clasping : To hold some thing very tightly in your handsUNIT 4: ATHLETICS
Key unit Competence:
By the end of this unit, students will be able to demonstrate different types of jumping, running with acceleration and throwing heavy objects.
Number of lessons: 9
Learning Objectives:Knowledge and understanding
Identify different types of techniques of athletic and tell their importance.
State the reasons of playing athletics at individual, community and national level.
Explain the rules and their importance.Skills to develop:
Learners will be able to;
Demonstrate techniques to improve his/her performance in athletics.
Use rules of athletics in the game situation.
Develop body coordination. Evaluate his/her performance level in athletics.
Describe how athletics can be done in a safe varied, effective and enjoyable way.Attitudes and values:
Show respect of rules and regulations during the game.
Appreciate the importance of cooperation in term.
Fair play.
Self confidence
Enjoyment in playing basketball using technical tactics gesturesLESSON 1: EXERCISES OF JUMPING
Lesson objective
By the end of the lesson,learners should be able to jump over various objects without getting hurt.
Teaching methods: Explanation
Group/pair work
Direct instructionTeaching and learning materials:
Paper boxes
BallsLesson development:
Step 1 :
Guiding the learners to carry out warm-up activities. Let one of them be the leader as you supervise.
They should begin with simple jogging to heat up the muscles. Then stretching the muscles systematically. Thus from the neck to the ankle or vice versa. Finally they should strengthen the
muscles by activities such as jumping over the ball, push up, elbow tug of war and duck fighting.Step 2 :
Setting objects for the learners to jump over as they move forward. These can include balls, paper boxes, sticks rested on a paper boxes about 1 foot high and ropes fixed on stands or held by the learners themselves they start in a squatting position and make two feet forward hopsProcedure
From a starting line, the participants carry out a “ fog one after another. The first participant of the
team start with the toes on the starting line. He/she then squats down and jumps forward as far as
possible, landing on both feet. The assistant marks the landing point that s nearest to the starting
line(heels) if a participant fall back, the landing point of his/her hand for example is the one marked.
The landing point, in turn becomes starting line for the second jumper of the team, who caries out
his/her “ frog jump’ from there. The third team mate jumps from the landing point of the second one,and so on. The event is completed when the last member of the team has jumped and that landing point is marked. The entire procedure is repeated a second time (second trial).Activity 4.1.1
Set exercises and observe how the learners demonstrate different types of jumping in relations to the lesson. For example” Two feet forward hops from a squat position in groups of fiveScoring
Each team member completes. The total distance of all jumps is the team result. The team scoring is based on the best result of two trials. The measurement is recorded in 1 cm intervals.Assistants
One assistant per team is needed for this event . These are his/her duties
To control and regulate the procedure (starting line landing)
To measure the total distance of each trial.
To record the scores on the event card.Step 3 :
In small groups, telling the learners squat and jump moving forward. For the safety of the young muscles of these learners, the distance should not exceed 5 metres. The intensity of the exercise should also be low. Thus it should not be repeated many times in the same lesson.Activity 4.1.2
Dividing the learners in small groups. Set them various exercise involving jumping forward and squat jumping. Let them perform competitively take records and declare the winners at the end award prize if possibleAssessment criteria
Set the learners to jump over various objects like paper boxes, sticks (as across bar) on bricks and jumping at the sport.Relaxation
Under what situation can one apply jumping techniques?
Final discussion
Let the learners discuss how jumping can help us in our daily life by gaining fitness, servival and earning a living.Additional notes
At this level, athletics is more than games. They promote physical exercise encourage healthy competition and teach the learners to be gracious regardless of the results of the game. Athletics create lasting friendship forged through:
Achieving a common goal.
Giving the chance to explore what they are through :
– Hard work
– Physical exertion
– Emotional investment
Better still athletics provide us with the opportunity to develop:
– Fairness
– Respect
Lesson objective
By the end of the lesson,learners should be able to jump over various objects successfully.Teaching Methods:
Group/pair work
Direct instructionTeaching and learning Materials:
Paper boxes
BallsLesson Development:
Step 1 :
Guide the learners to perform warm up exercise.
Step 2 :
Set objects for the learners to jump over individually.
Jumping in different directions (forward, backward, sideways).
Vary the heights of the objects according to the ability.
Letting the height be progressive according to the better performers.Activity 4.2.1
In small groups, according to the ability, set a variety of objects to be jumped over.
– Supervise, encourage and correct the errors.Assessment
Setting exercise and observe how the learners demonstrate different types of jumping.
Instruct learners to sit down and perform bicycle ride in air.
Final discussion
What do you do if you find an obstacle like log in your pathway?
How would you go over it?Additional notes
Fun and sportsmanship are the guiding principles of our athletics lesson. The learners are ensured to have the opportunity to learn and develop skills in their chosen athletics events. Group activities allow the learners to exercise their bodies as well as their minds and help them develop skills and confidence.LESSON 3: LONG JUMPING EXERCISES
Lesson objective
By the end of the lesson, learners should be able to perform long jumping exercises following correct phases.Teaching Methods:
Group/pair work
Direct instructionTeaching and learning Materials:
Takeoff board
Tape measureLesson Development:
Step 1 :
Guiding the learners to brainstorm on all what they know about long jump.
– Where it is performed.
– Styles /techniques used.
– Process from the beginning to the end.
– Necessary equipment.Step 2 :
Telling the learners perform warm-up exercise following the correct procedures; refer to the previous lesson. However, new stretching and strengthening exercise can be introduced. You can organise a circuit of exercise so that they perform a different one at each station.Step 3 :
Guiding the learners to have trials in the sandpit. Leave them to jump freely in order to discover
some basics on their own.
– Introducing the “ sail techniques” to the learners.
– Demonstrating it to them. Allow at least 5 learners to try it in order to consolidate the
– Putting it to the learners that in all jumps there are 3 phases:
1. Approach 2. Takeoff 3. Flight and landingActivity 4.3.1
Telling the learners to perform the long jump activity following the correct phases, runway (approach),takeoff and flight and landing.