Key unit Competence:

    By the end of this unit, students will be able to use technical skills of playing football.

    Number of lessons: 4
    Learning Objectives:

    Knowledge and understanding
     Explain different basic techniques of football.
     Identify the importance of playing football.
     Differentiate types of football techniques and tactics.
     Explain the reasons and importance of playing football in society.

    Skills to develop:
    Learners will be able to;
     Apply techniques and tactics to improve his/her performance in football.
     Create individual technical tactics gestures.
     Evaluate his/her performance in football.
     Develop body coordination.
     Describe how football can be done in a safe varied, effective and enjoyable way.

    Attitudes and values:
     Show respect to rules and regulations during the game.
     Appreciate the importance of cooperation in the team.
     Fair play.
     Self confidence
     Enjoy playing football using techniques and tactics gestures.
     Increase leadership during the game.

    Different techniques and tactics of football.

    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to kick and receive the ball using the insde
    of the foot.

    Teaching Methods:

     Introduction
     Explanation
     Demonstration
     Observation
     Practical

     Brainstorming
     Group work
     Playing

    Teaching and learning Materials:

     Knowledgeable persons
     Relevant books
     Whistles
     Football
     Stopwatches

     Cones

     First aid kit
     Playground

    Lesson Development:

    Step 1 :
    Kicking the ball is the basic shot that learners (players) must learn to be successful when striking the ball on goal. Instruct learners to first warm-up their bodies, then stretch before practising how to kick the ball.
     Inviting learners to sit down quietly in a circle and greet them.
     Giving learners a chance to brainstorm kicking the ball.
     In about 60 seconds, explain any safety rules. For example; Never kick a one another
     Explaining that we kick the ball not at other people.

    Activity 5.1.1
     Having learners form pairs or groups of three.
     Telling each group get a ball.
     Instructing them to kick the ball to each other.
     Make observations and provide feed back.

    Step 2 :
     Demonstrating and explain kicking the ball.
     Mentioning that there are so many ways of kicking the ball but today we shall focus on the internal pass.
     Explaining that to make a good internal pass;
    – You have to start one step behind the ball.
    – Step forward with the non - kicking foot and put it besides the ball.
    – Swing kicking leg towards the ball and hit it in the middle using the inside of the foot.
    – Tell them that the inside of the foot is that part of the foot where they see an arc.
     Having learners touch the inside of the foot.
     Finally, kick through the ball.

    Activity 5.1.2
     Marking the play area with cones.
     Having learners stand in their own space around playing area.
     Explaining and demonstrate that on signal;
    – They will hold an imaginary ball.
    – Put it down and move one step behind it.
    – Step forward with non kicking foot, putting it besides the ball.
    – Swing the kicking leg and hit the ball in the middle.
    – Remind them to use the inside of the foot.
    – Move around playing area to make observations and emphasize kicking basics.

    Step 3:
     Having learners practice receiving the ball with their internal foot.
     Demonstrating how to do it.
    – Put yourself in the path of the ball.
    – Turn your foot side ways like a “ hockey stick”
    – Relax kicking leg and gently cushion touch the ball as it arrives.
     Mentioning that the ball should land one step in front of you so that it is ready to kick again.

    Activity 5.1.3
     Letting learners make pairs.
     Giving each pair an actual ball.
     Instructing partners to kick and receive one ball back and forth to each other.
     Encouraging continuous practice and provide feedback.

    Make sure that all pairs are kicking in the same direction.

     Have pairs pass to each other in a Zig Zag way.
     Let learners work in group of 3.
     Tell them to stand in a triangular way.
     Challenge them to kick and receive the ball using a foot internal pass.

    Note: The ball should be moving in a triangular way.

    Step 4 :
     Telling learners to cool down in about 3 minutes.
     Asking them to help you collect all the equipment
     Having them review this lesson;
    – Who can tell me one thing to do to make an internal pass.
    – Who can show me the arc of the foot.
    – Telling them what they, did well in this lesson.
    – supplement on what they have said.
     Telling them change into uniforms and go back to class.

    Assessment criteria
    Set the learners exercise the kicking of the ball by making various passes to one another.

    Let the learners jog around and then stretch their muscles.

    Final discussion
    Guide the learners to give a feedback aout what they have learnt.


    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to trap the ball using the foot, chest and thigh

    Teaching methods:

     Introduction
     Explanation
     Self-discovery
     Practical
     Demonstration
     Observation
     Class discussion

    Teaching and learning materials:

     Knowledgeable persons
     Relevant books
     Whistles
     Football
     Stopwatches

     Cones

     First aid kit
     Playground

    Lesson Development:

    The ability to effectively trap the ball is one of the most important skill in playing football. It is an integral part of controlling the pace and fl ow of the game. It is also a key component of many other skills like dribbling, passing and shooting.

    Step 1:
     Having all learners warm up and stretch.
     Having all learners sit down quietly in a circle and you greet them.

    Activity 5.2.1
    Give them a chance to look at the pictures below.

     Asking them questions about the pictures. For example;
    – Telling me what they see in the pictures above.
     Encouraging them to put up their hands if they have something to say.

    Step 2:
     Introducing the term” trapping the ball”
     Explaining that it means stopping the ball from moving to a certain place.
     Mentioning that we can trap the ball using:
    – The foot
    – The chest
    – The thigh

    Activity 5.2.2
     Telling learners pair up and give each pair a ball.
     They should stand facing each other.
     Explaining and demonstrating how one will throw the ball to the other to trap (stop)
     The other will also do the same.
     Encouraging them to try trapping the ball using the foot, the chest and the high.
     Move around the play area and make observation.

     Ensuring that all pairs stand in the same way.
     Telling learners to throw the ball gently to a void injuries.

    Step 3:
     Explaining and demonstrate trapping of the foot.
    Mentioning that there are 4 types of traps in football. They include;

    Foot trap
     The players simply steps on top of the ball or uses any other part on the foot to stop it.
     Explaining that the foot trap is mainly used to stop balls that are moving on the ground.
     Ask who can tell any other parts of the foot which can be used to trap the ball.

    Chest trap
     The player puts his/her chest in the path of the ball to stop it.
     Asking who can tell me any other parts of the foot which can be used to trap the ball.
     Explaining that the foot trap is mainly used to stop high balls.

    Thigh trap
     The player uses his/her thigh to stop the ball.
     It is used to stop know - to - waist high ball.
     Emphasize that to make a trap correctly, one should;
    – Accurate judge where the ball is likely to go.
    – Put him/her self in the path of the ball.
    – Decide to either use the foot, chest or thigh to stop the ball.
    – Finally, relax the part that was being used to make the ball stop and drop down.

    Suggested answers
     Inside of the foot
     Outside of the foot
     The instep.

    Step 4:
     Having learners practise trapping.

    Activity 5.2.3
     Let learners pair up and stand facing each other.
     Explain and demonstrate that one will roll the ball down towards the other to foot trap.
     The other will also do the same.
     Remind them not to throw the ball but rather roll it down.
     Encourage continuous practice.
     Move around the playing area to make observation and provide feed back.

     All pairs should be playing in the same direction.

    Activity 5.2.4
     Marking a starting line next to a partner and put cones on it.
     Having learners line up in pairs of five behind a cone.
     Explaining and demonstrate the on signal;
    – The 1st player will throw the ball to the partner.
    – As it bounces back, they should decide to either chest trap or thigh trap it.
    – The partner traps the ball with the chest, then throws it back to the partner.
    – The partner does the same.
     Making observation and provide feedback emphasizing trapping basics.
     Encouraging continuous practice.

    Step 5:
     Giving learners some free play to cool down.
     Making it clear that they will only play tapping the ball in their own way.
     Encouraging them to make a variety of football traps.
     Observing and make corrections where need be.

    Step 6:
     Calling learners to stand in a circle
     To review this lesson ask them questions.
    1. Who can explain the foot trap? Chest trap? Thigh trap?
    2. What should be done to trap the ball correctly?
     Asking them to help you collect all the equipment you were using in the field.
     They may change and go back to class.

    Assessment criteria
    Teacher throws/rolls/kicks the ball to learner and the learner traps it with the appropriate part of the
    body according to the height of the ball.

    Let the learners walk around the demarked area and then stretch their muscles.

    Final discussion
    Guide the learners to discuss about the importance of trapping the ball during the game situation.
    What body parts can be used to trap the ball?
    How does trapping the ball help the player?


    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to dribble and head the ball perfectly.

    Teaching methods:

     Introduction
     Explanation
     Demonstration
     Self-discovery
     Observation
     Group work

    Teaching and learning Materials:

     Knowledgeable persons
     Relevant books
     Whistles
     Football
     Stopwatches

     Cones

     First aid kit
     Playground

    Lesson Development:

    Step 1 :
     Inviting learners to sit down in circle and greet them.
     Introduce the day’s topic of how to dribble and head the ball.
     Telling them to brainstorm the day’s topics as they answer these questions.
    – What does it mean to dribble the ball?
    – What does it mean to head the ball?

    Activity 5.3.1
    As a warm up session,
     Giving learners balls to explore dribbling and heading according to their own understanding
     Guide them to stretch their muscles systematically from neck to ankle..

    Step 2 :
    Calling learners to come back and sit down in a circle.
     Explaining and demonstrate to them that dribbling means to run with the ball at your feet in a certain direction.
     It is usually done by one person to move the ball past defenders.
     Mentioning that there are 4 key points to dribbling the ball properly;
    – Keep the ball close to your feet.
    – Keep the head looking up to see where you are going.
    – Slightly bend the knees to get more balance.
    – Keep arms out to the side to protect the ball.
     Telling the learners that we can dribble the ball using;
    – Inside of the foot where they simply tap the ball using that part along the arc on your foot.
    You may have them touch it. Mention that the aim here is to keep the ball between the feet.

    – Outside of the foot where we tap the ball using the opposite side of arc on the foot. Mention
    that the aim is to change direction of the ball.

    Step 3:
    Telling learners to practice dribbling the ball.

    Activity 5.3.2
    Have learners explore dribbling through following their leader following their....
     Picking a leader
     Telling him/her to dribble any where on the field.
     Encouraging him/her to make lots of turns, changing speed, using both inside and outside of the foot.
     Mentioning that all other players have to follow and do what ever the leader does.
     Switching leaders often
     You may start off as the leader and learners follow
     You may group them if balls are not enough

    Activity 5.3.3
     Having learners form groups of 5.
     Marking a start line and end line.
     Letting each group stand in one line behind a cone on starting line.
     Explaining and demonstrate that on signal.
     The first players on line will dribble the ball in front of their body (inside of the foot) while running up to the end line.
     As soon as teammate reaches the end line, the next player does the same.
     The first group to have all players at the end line wins.
     Making observations and providing feedback emphasizing dribbling basic.

    Step 5:
     Calling learners back to the circle.
     Introducing heading the ball.
     Mentioning that it simply means knocking the ball using the forehead.

    Activity 5.3.4
     Giving learners a chance to try heading according to their own understanding.

     Telling them to keep their eyes open and below the ball as they knock it.

    Step 6:
     Explaining and demonstrating basics to heading the ball.

    Explaining that these are the main basics to heading.
    1. Heading the ball using the forehead.
    2. Keeping eyes looking at the ball.
    3. Closing the mouth when heading.

    Activity 5.3.6
     Instructing learners to make pairs or groups of 3.
     Giving a ball to each pair or group.
     Demonstrating that one will throw the ball for the other to head.
     The other will also do the same.

    Step 7:
    Giving learners time to;
     Freely head the ball at their own pace.
     Moving around playing area to make observation and provide feed back.
     Signal and ask learners to help you collect all equipment you were using.
     Calling them back into the circle
     To review this lesson.

    Assessment criteria
    Set the learners a simple game situation in which they refl ect their dribbling and heading techniques

    Let the learners jog and stretch their muscles.

    Final discussion
     Who can tell me at least one thing to do when heading the ball?
     Which part of the body is used to head the ball?
     What does it mean to head the ball?
     Give three purposes of heading the ball?


    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to play football using technical skills.

    Teaching methods:

     Introduction
     Explanation
     Demonstration
     Self discovery
     Practical

     Observation
     Group work

    Teaching and learning Materials:

     Knowledgeable persons
     Relevant books
     Whistles
     Football
     Stopwatches

     Cones

     First aid kit
     Playground

    Lesson Development:

     Guide the learners to perform warm up exercises. Let them stretch and stretchen their muscles systematically.
     Guide the learners to discuss the importance of one involving in team games,

    Lesson body
    Step 1:
     Divide the class into teams of 11 players each. Let two tems play at the same for about 10 minutes.

    Step 2:
     Officiate the games as you encourage the learners to apply the technical skills. The teams that are not playing at that particular time should be cheering those playing.

    Additional notes
    Explaining to learners the following technical terms.
     This is where the ball crosses the goal line into the net.
     Note that it is not a goal if the ball stops on the line or bounces off the goalpost.

    Throw in ;  If you kick the ball and it crosses the side line, then the other team gets to throw
    the ball back in the field.

    Corner kick
     If you kick the ball and it crosses the side line then the other team gets to throw the ball back in the field.

    Goal kick
     If the other team’s member kicks the ball and it crosses your team’s goal line, your team gets a goal kick (Goal keeper kicks the ball into play)

    General Assessment
     Give the ways of kicking the ball.
     Identify the different parts of the body that can be used to trap the ball.
     How would you prepare your self before heading the ball?
     Mention the basic rules following while playing football.
     Let the learners have a game situation to put in practice what they have discussed.

    Guide the learners to walk around and then stretch their muscles.

    Final discussion
     Give the importance of playing football in your community.
     Why is it important to follow rules why playing football
     Give the importance of observing (abiding) with school rules and regulations.

    Unit summary
    In this unit you have taught about kicking , trapping, dribbling and heading the ball in different ways.
    You have also covered the rules that apply in a football game and the importance of playing the game.
    In the text unit you will teach about; Individual techniques and tactics to attack in volley ball game.

    Internal foot : Inside of the foot
    Non kicking : Not kicking
    Pass          : To kick the ball towards some one
    Cushion    : To gently receive the ball
    Trap           : To stop
    Dribble      : To move the ball by making several short kicks
    Head          : To hit the ball with the head