Content map


    Key unit competence: By the end of this unit, learners will be able to protect themselves against infectious diseases
    through games and sports.

    Learning objectives
    Knowledge and understanding

     Setting different strategies to avoid and treat the illness and diseases that can be prevented.
     Recognising strategies to ensure good hygiene.

    Skills to develop:

    Learners will be able to;
     Demonstrate the importance of looking after one another.
     Demonstrate the importance of washing hands after any activity.
     Explain how to be prevented against infectious diseases.
     Describe the infectious diseases.
     Explain the importance of game and sports in disease prevention
    Attitudes and values:
     Team play                 Creativity                   Self control
     Fair play                    Inclusion                   Safety 
     Respect of game       Cooperation             Healthy
     Instructions                Self confidence

    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson,learners should be able to protect one self against infectious disease.

    Teaching methods
     Explanation
     Demonstration
     Observation
     Group/pair work
     Discovery
     Direct instruction

    Teaching and learning materials
     Playground            Pylon                            Socks      
     Rooms                   Narrow band                Plastic bottles

     Whistles                 Chasuble                     Soap
     Stopwatch              Wood penes                Bowl
     Ball                         Charts                         Basin
     Sticks                     Sponges 
     Cones                    Towels

    Lesson development:
    Step 1 :

     Greeting to the learners after welcoming them to day’s lesson.
     Get one of the learners and instruct her/her to lead others into warm up exercise lasting for 5

    Step 2 :

     Explaining to the learners that infectious diseases are caused by germs. These germs can not
    be seen by our eyes.
     Emphasizing to the learners that when germs enter the body they attack its cells and tissues.
     Infectious diseases grow, produce others and then spread to other healthy people.

    Step 3 :

    Through brainstorming guide learners to name the diseases which usually spread to children
    especially whenever they come to participate in sports. Ringworm, flue, tuberculosis, measles,
    chickenpox, mumps,malaria, whooping cough, leprosy, gonorrhea, pneumonia.
    Using different cones written on different diseases. Telling learners to kick balls aiming at hitting the
    cones. This will be an attempt to kick out diseases in the community through creating awareness.
    The learners should explain the causes of the diseases and their prevention.
    The learners should continuously do the same in their groups one by one changing the position.

    Step 4 :
     Explaining to learners that infectious disease are caused by small living organs called germs.
     Let learners know that germs being too small and can only be seen by a microscope.
     Asking learners why they cannot see germs with their own eyes?
     Demonstrating to learners that germs which bring infectious disease are different.

     Through guided discovery assist learner brainstorming to mention the different germs which enter human bodies.


    Step 5 :
    Telling learners suggest their responsibilities towards preventable diseases participating diarrhea
    diseases games; covering food to be taken later
     Peeling and later washing food
     Boiling water for drinking
     Encouraging children to always cook food properly
     Taking an active role in participating in physical activities.
     Encouraging learners and others to avoid close contact with people suffering from flue and measles.
     Letting learners go to the dispensary whenever they are sick in order not to spread the disease
    to others. Educating people to take nutritious foods.
     Washing hands with soap every after a toilet visit.
     A void touching objects contaminated with the diarrhea causing germs and later touching their own nose, eyes or mouth.
     Protecting themselves from sharing personal items for instance; towels and plates.
     Organizing a race of awareness about preventing diseases in the community.
    Step 6 :
     Guide learners to demonstrate different ways of preventing infectious diseases.
     Maintaining personal hygiene. Use proper and good hygienic practices when preparing food.
     Washing and ironing clothes after sports.
     Participating in communal routine cleaning like slashing the bushy area around the school.
     Not mixing with people (sick people) suffering from tuberculosis.
     Regular training in games to increase on body immunity.

    Activity 9.1
    Explaining and demonstrating sport activities that increase learner awareness on infectious
    diseases and how to avoid them.
     Getting throw away material like hard boxes and markers.
     Cutting them into small card and like on examples of different types of germs causing disease.
     Improvising by getting 6 basins. Demarcating a play area of 50 metre length and 20 metres width.
     Putting cones to show play area.
     Putting the equal numbers of flash cards in the basin to the opposite side of the play area (of course the width).
     Then consider putting the 2 labelled basins with germ names i.e bacteria to the side of opposite width.
     Select 13 learners to participate in the game at ago
     Out of ten participants 5 stand behind to receive the card with names of the germs for example bacteria whooping cough.
     They are expected to run to the single basing and at random pick a card with the disease name
    and put it in the basin where the disease matches with the germ in the basin to the opposite side.
     Ensuring that instructions are clear and blow the whistle to start them off.
     As soon as the participant gets 4/3 card, let them read out the name. Point will be awarded
    basing on position (ranking)1st to 5th.

    Cross the standing

    Explaining to the learners that they should not play in flood water. This could be after rain down pour.
     Encouraging learners to always wash their hands whenever they come in contact with flood water or touch object that has germs.
     Reminding learners that is important to disinfect items that have touched flood water like clothes.
     Never to expose an open wound to flood water or a used waterproof bandage at all time.
     Discouraging learners not to eat food which have come into contact with flood water, even if they are packaged.
     Use a towel alone, no sharing with colleagues (friend).


    Setting exercises and observing how learners describe how to prevent themselves against infectious

    Final Discussion

    Guiding the learners to discuss what they have learnt about infectious diseases.
    Why should we prevent ourselves from infectious diseases.

    Lesson objective
    By the end of the lesson,learners should be able to play games and sports with an aim of preventing
    killer diseases.
    Teaching methods:
     Brainstorming                Explanation

     Self discovery                Discussion

    Teaching and learning Materials:
     playground

    Lesson Development:
    Warm-up exercis

     Guide the learners to perform warm-up exercises. They should stretch and strength them themselves systematically.
     Ask learners to brainstorm the importance of games and sports in disease prevention.
     Help learners to understand that participating in sports and games contribute to muscle
    development, coordination, cardiovascular health and numerous (many) other benefits associated with disease prevention.
     Explain to learners that games and sports can help overcome or control diseases such obesity,diabetes, cancer, hypertension, depression.


     Tell learners that playing sports can help one become fit, hence achieve goal like weight loss.
    Muscle development and fat reduction are benefits of playing sports.
     Playing sports also contribute to mental health. It increases self esteem and prevent depression.
    Sport promotes better brain health because of the fast thinking involved.

    Final discussion

     State the diseases suffered by people who do not participate in sports and games.
     How does sports and games help you to fight diseases?

    General Assessment

     What are the infectious diseases?
     How can you use sports and games to control diseases in your community?
     Give ways of fighting infectious diseases at school and home.

    Unit summary

    In the previous unit, learners have learnt about;
    Infectious diseases.

    Selected Bibliography