TOPIC 1 Naming Animals
    Activity 6.1.1

    Look at the pictures.

    Activity 6.1.2
    Ask and answer.

    Point at the picture and then ask and answer.
    1. What’s this? This is a zebra.
    2. What’s this? This is a giraffe.

    Continue with the exercise.

    Activity 6.1.3
    Play missing consonants.

    The following words have vowel letters only. Fill in the gaps by finding the
    missing consonant letters.
    1. This is a __e__ __a.
    2. This is a __i__a__ __e.
    3. This is a __ __i__ __a__ __ee.
    4. This is a __o__ __ e__.

    5. This is an e__e__ __a__ __.

    Activity 6.1.4
    Turn to your friend and take turns practising this. One partner eliminates the
    consonants and the other one fills in the missing consonant.
    Answer the Riddle
    Where does an elephant pack its luggage?
    TOPIC 2 Classifying Animals
    • What do animals eat?
    Activity 6.2.1

    Learn these words.

    Activity 6.2.2 (READING)
    Read the P4 Quiz aloud.

    Teacher: Alison, what does a lion eat?
    Alison: A lion eats other animals.
    Teacher: That’s correct, Alison. You earn two points.
    Greg, what does a giraffe eat?
    Greg: A giraffe eats leaves. It uses its long neck to get the leaves from the

    r: That’s also correct. You earn two points Greg.
    Julius, what does a chimpanzee eat?
    Julius: A chimpanzee eats
    both plants and meat.
    Teacher: That’s correct, Julius.
    You also earn two
    Now each one of
    you is going to tell us
    which word is used to
    describe that kind of
    animal according to
    what they eat. Alison,
    what’s your answer?
    Alison: A lion eats meat. It’s called a carnivore.
    Teacher: Excellent, Alison. You get three points for that. Greg, now it’s your
    Greg: Thank you very much, teacher. A giraffe eats grass and leaves. It’s
    a herbivore.
    Teacher: Good job, Greg. You get three points for that excellent answer. It’s
    now your turn, Julius.
    Julius: Thank you very much, teacher. Chimpanzees eat both plants and
    animals. They are called Omnivore.
    Teacher: Excellent answer, Julius. You get three points for your answer.
    Thank you all for your wonderful answers. You are all winners and

    you will all get prizes.

    Activity 6.2.3 (WORKING TOGETHER)

    Get into groups of four and act out the quiz.

    Activity 6.2.4
    Fill in the missing words from the quiz using carnivore, herbivore and

    1. A lion is a……………………….animal.
    2. A chimpanzee is an …………………….animal.
    3. A giraffe is a……………………..animal.
    4. Omnivore eat …………………
    5. Carnivore eat …………….
    6. Herbivore eat ……………
    Who got a prize after the quiz? .................
    Activity 6.2.5 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Ask and answer.

    1. Is an elephant a herbivore? Yes, it is.
    2. Is a gazelle a carnivore? No, it isn’t.
    3. Is a lion an omnivore? No, it isn’t.
    4. Is a hyena a carnivore? Yes, it is.

    Continue with the practice with your friend.

    Activity 6.2.6

    Fill in the following table with the appropriate names of the animals.

    Activity 6.2.7
    Play an act.

    1. Form groups. Make different masks of faces of animals and put the masks
    on your faces.
    2. Act like that animal, the way it walks and make its sound.
    3. Imagining that you are that animal, talk about the different things you eat

    and conclude by saying what kind of animal you are.

    Answer the Riddle

    What is a cheetah’s favourite food?

    TOPIC 3 Comparing Animals

    Activity 6.3.1 (READING)
    Look at the pictures and read the sentences below.
    1. The giraffe is taller than an elephant.
    2. An elephant is taller than a cheetah.
    3. The giraffe is the tallest animal.
    4. The elephant is the biggest animal.
    Amazing facts
    Read the following true sentences about animal and tell...

    a. Giant George is the largest dog.

    b. Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to live on the Earth.

    c. Giraffes are the tallest animals in the world.

    d. The fastest land animal is the cheetah.

    Activity 6.3.2
    Answer the following questions.
    1. Which is the largest animal in the world?
    2. What is the size of the largest animal?
    3. Which is the fastest animal?
    4. How fast does it run?
    5. Which is the largest dog?
    6. How big is it?
    7. Which is the tallest animal in the world?
    8. Which of these amazing facts do you like the most?
    9. Why?
    10. Which amazing fact were you aware of already?
    Answer the Riddle
    A monkey, a squirrel and a bird are racing to reach the coconut tree. Who

    will get to the banana first. Is it the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?

    TOPIC 4 Talking about Animals in Rwanda
    Listen to the teacher reading to you a text about animals in Rwanda.


    The wildlife of Rwanda has got a lot of plants and animals. It has got natural
    vegetation and three major National parks. The three protected areas are Akagera
    National Park, Volcanoes National Park and Nyungwe Forest National Park.
    Akagera National Park covers an area of 108,500 ha. It is located in the North
    Eastern side of Rwanda. It has so many kinds of animals. There are some
    bird species, buffalos, zebras, giraffes, antelopes, hippopotamuses, elephants,
    warthogs, a few Lions, gazelles, crocodiles, snakes and rare giant pangolins.
    Another national park is the Nyungwe Forest national park. This covers
    an area of 101,900 ha. It is found in the South Western part of Rwanda. It
    has many kinds of animals. These include: most of Rwanda’s primates: 13
    primates including chimpanzees, golden birds, butterflies, wild cats, jackals,
    and mongoose.
    Yet another major national park is called the Volcanoes National park. It covers
    an area of 16000 ha. It is found in the North western part of Rwanda. It has
    most of Rwanda’s mountain gorillas, 180 species of birds, monkeys, some
    elephants, buffalos, bush pigs, bush buck, hyenas and duikers.
    Every animal is very important. We therefore need to protect the environment

    so that we can maintain a good environment for these animals to stay in.

    Activity 6.4.1

    Fill in the table with the different names of animals

    Activity 6.4.2

    According to the teacher’s reading, which animals live in Rwanda?

    Activity 6.4.3 (READING)
    Read the following sentences.

    1. Rwanda has most gorillas.

    2. There are many monkeys in Rwanda.
    3. There aren’t any tigers in Rwanda.
    4. There are some lions in Rwanda.

    5. There are some pangolins in Rwanda.

    TOPIC 5 Talking about where Animals Live in Rwanda
    Activity 6.5.1

    Read and practice the following words.

    Activity 6.5.2
    Study the map given below showing Rwanda’s National parks and Forest


    Activity 6.5.3
    Draw the map in your notebook and write the animals found in their respective
    Activity 6.5.4 (READING)
    Read the following sentences.
    1. There are gorillas near Virunga mountains.

    2. There are monkeys in the north.

    Activity 6.5.5
    Make sentences about animals and their locations. Remember to use specific
    directions according to the compass.
    TOPIC 6 Conducting a Survey
    Jonathan made a survey in his class of 30 pupils to find out how many had
    seen the following animals: lizard, zebra, lion, monkey, elephant. The graph

    below shows the results of his survey.

    Activity 6.6.1
    Study the graph.

    Graph showing number of wild animals seen by pupils

    The vertical axis shows the number of pupils who have seen a particular animal.
    The horizontal axis shows animals which the students have seen.

    Activity 6.6.2
    Answer the following questions about the graph shown in Activity 6.6.1.
    1. How many pupils are in Jonathan’s class?
    2. How many pupils have seen a lizard?
    3. How many pupils have seen a monkey?
    4. How many pupils have seen a lion?

    5. How many pupils have seen an elephant?

    Activity 6.6.3 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Form groups. Each member of the group should individually fill in the
    questionnaire below about the following wild animals: snake, lion, zebra,
    elephant, eagle.

    Activity 6.6.4
    Each one should collect the data from all the classmates, including your group
    members. Compare the results and make sure that they are the same.
    Activity 6.6.5
    Draw a graph and present the information in a graph.
    Activity 6.6.6
    Ask and answer questions about the graph.
    1. Who has seen an eagle?
    2. Who has seen a snake?
    Continue with the exercise.
    Activity 6.6.7 (WORKING TOGETHER)
    Work with your group to find words with the word ‘wild’. Then find the meaning

    from the dictionary.

    Word families

    Learn the word ‘wild’.
    ‘Wild’ is a German word which means living in a state of nature, undomesticated,
    or not tamed. Words with the word ‘wild’ are all to do with its meaning.
    For example:
    1. A Wild cat meaning any undomesticated cat.
    2. Wild life means plants and animals found in their natural
