
    3.1. School and home hygiene.
    A. School hygiene and its importance
    Activity 1

    Observe the pictures below and tell what you can see.


    I have understood that:
    a. Hygiene is a good culture of avoiding dirt both at home
    and at school.
    Hygiene can be practiced by doing the following:
    – By watering and cleaning gardens.
    – By washing hands any time we touch dirty things.
    – By keeping ourselves clean.
    – Cleaning where we study from and where we keep school items
    .– The importance of hygiene include the following:
    – Breathing good air which is not contaminated.
    – Avoiding diseases which are caused by poor hygiene.
    – Living in a clean environment.
    – Good health
    We have decided that:
     Before lessons we should clean our class.
    Self assessmennt
    1. What are the most important things that pupils do to maintain hygiene of their class and their school?
    2. What is the role of every pupil in class and in school?
    Peer assessment
    1. What can you do if you find your class dirty?

    2. Why is it important to maintain proper hygiene of the toilet?

    1. What are the most important things that should be kept
    clean at school?
    2. When should we wash our hands?
    3. Explain the importance of proper hygiene in class and in
    a school.
    4. What should we do in case we find that our classes are


    Tell your parents/ guadians how a smart pupil should look
    like before going to school. Discuss with your class mates

    what your parents told you.

    A game
    Tidying up.
    B. Hygiene at home and its importance.
    Activity 1

    Look at the pictures below and tell what you can see.


    Activity 2
    State the important places which we focus on during cleaning our homes and how it should be done.
    Activity 3
    State the importance of proper hygiene at home.
    I have understood that:
    we should clean our homes and our school by focusing on the following:
    – In the house we live in.
    – At home and its surrounding, cutting bushes, planting flowers and trees for shade and cover potholes.
    – By focusing on where we litter.
     – By digging water catchment holes to avoid much smell.
    – Poor hygiene causes diseases.

    When there is good hygiene at home, this makes us have good health. We should keep the place clean.

    We have decided that:

    We shall be cleaning our home and its surroundings. Our home is characterised by cleanliness and we should avoid diseases that are caused by poor hygiene.

    Self assessmennt
    1. Explain the importance of hygiene at home and its
    2. Why is it good to put a dustbin far away from the main

    house where we live?

    Peer assessment
    1. What are the most important things we should clean at

    2. What should we do if our home is dirty?

    1. State the most important places at home that should be
    more clean than other places.
    2. Why is it a must to put a water catchement hole for dirty
    3. Explain the importance of clearing the bush around our
    4. Why should we remove broken bottles, shards and other
    things that contain water near our homes?
    5. What do you do to keep your home is clean?
    6. Choose things that show good hygiene.
    a. Its smelling
    b. There are gardens.
    c. Every thing is in the right place.

    d. Extremely dirty.


    Prepare an activity of cleaning at home. Tell your parents/ guadians how it will be done and what is required for it to be done well. Ask them to assist you in getting it done. Write how it was done and read it to the classmates.

    C. Dangers of poor hygiene at school and home.
    Activity 1

    Look at these pictures and state what you can see.


    Activity 2
    Explain the dangers of poor hygiene at school and at home and tell it to your classmates
    I have understood that:
    If there is poor hygiene at school and home, people can suffer from some of the following diseases:
    – Malaria 
    – Jiggers 
    – Lice
     – scabies 
    – Scaly skin 
    – cholera
    – ringworm 
     – worms

    – dysentery

    These are not only diseases caused by poor hygiene, the

    place with poor hygiene makes residents uncomfortable.

    Activity 3
    Explain how all diseases caused by poor hygiene can be
    We decided that:
    We shall prevent diseases caused by poor hygiene by cleaning
    both the school and our places of residence.
    Self assessmennt
    1. Why should we always clean our school and our residence?

    2. Mention other names of diseases caused by poor hygiene.

    Peer assessment
    Apart from diseases, explain other dangers of poor hygiene
    at school and in our homes.
    1. Give four examples of diseases caused by poor hygiene.
    2. Explain how you can prevent Malaria.
    3. Explain how you can prevent diseases caused by poor
    4. What advice can you give to a pupil suffering from scabies

    in your school?

    Ask your parents/guardians if your family has ever faced dangers of poor hygiene.

     Write what happened and the strategies they adopted and read it for your classmates in the next lesson.

    A play
    A play showing diseases that can be caused by poor hygiene
    3.2. communicable diseases.
    A. Types of communicable diseases and ways of avoiding them .
    Activity 1

    Look at these pictures and state what you can see.


    Activity 2
    State the types of communicable diseases commonly seen at your school and your place of residence.
    I have understood that:
    Infecious diseases include:
    1. Those that are contracted through breathing and drinking
    using the same drinking straw, glasses, cups, like,
    tuberculosis and coughing.
    2. Those that are contracted through blood or AIDS (Acquired,
    immune, deficiency syndrome, Ebola, Gonorrhoea, syphilis,
    hepatitis B and C and malaria.
    3. Those that are contracted through poor hygiene like cholera,
    dysentery and worms.
    4. Those that are contracted through body contacts like using
    the same bathing sponge. Putting the cloth which was
    used by a person suffering from that disease likemumps,
    scabies, smallpox, ringworm, measles, mycosis
    5. The one that is caused by a female mosquito called Anopheles


    Activity 3
    State the ways people contract infecious diseases. Those
    who have ever suffered from them should tell others how

    they contracted them.

    We have decided that:
    We shall avoid all possible ways of contracting diseases and

    explain to our classmates who may not be knowing it.

    Self assessmennt
    Give two examples of diseases that are contracted through:
    a. Air    c. Blood

    b. Dirt   d. Body contact

    Peer assessment

    Fill in this table correctly by showing how these diseases are contracted. Tuberculosis, scabies, cholera. Ebola, mycosis, Ringworm, Hepatitis B and C, Malaria, Measles, Cough, AIDS.


    Match diseases with the way they are spread.
    1. AIDS       a. Breathing in air of infected person.
    2. Malaria     b. By eating food or drinking dirty things.
    3. Tuberculosisc      c. Body contact with infected person.
    4. Cholera    d. Sexual intercourse
    5. Scabies    e. Being bitten by a mosquito called Anopheles
    Ask your parents / guardians the types of infecious diseases Commonly found in
    your area and how they are spread
    Roll play children having different infectious diseases.
    B. Ways of avoiding communicable diseases.
    Activity 1

    Look at these pictures and state what is taking place.


    Activity 2
    State the ways how you can prevent communicable diseases

    commonly found at school and your place of residence.

    I have understood that:
    There are ways of preventing communicable diseases
    Activity 3
    State the ways of preventing communicable diseases that are infected in the following:
    a. Air
    b. Eyes

     c. Dir




    We have decided that:
    We shall avoid infectious diseases. When we fall sick, we
    shall be going to the hospital on time.

    We shall be taking medicine properly as told by the doctor.

    Self assessmennt
    Which diseases will you avoid by doing the following?
    a. By abstaining from sex/avoiding sex.
    b. By going for medical check up if you have been coughing for more than two weeks.
    c. Covering pottholes which act as water catchment areas near our homes.d. Hygiene of your private parts.
    Peer assessment
    1. Briefly explain what you can do if you have contracted infectious diseases.
    2. a. Is there any body at your school who has ever suffered from infectious disease?
     Explain what happened?
    b. Is there any infectious disease that you have ever suffered from at home? What was the reason and how did you take medicine?

     Fill in this table:

    2. Fill in with the missing word:
    a. By not having contact with a person suffering from ___
    prevents diseases.
    b. ___ causes scabies.
    c. ___ on the straw’s causes ___.

    d. Coughing is caused by? ___.

    Home work
    Talk to your parents/guardians and ask them how your
    family prevent communicable diseases. Get ways of getting
    rid of them forever. Write it and tell your classmates in
    3.3. Hygiene of private parts.
    A.How to keep hygiene of private parts.
    Activity 1
    Observe the pictures below and tell what you can see.

    Activity 2
    Ask your friends about the dangers of not cleaning private parts well.
    I have understood that:
     Poor hygiene of private parts causes scratching and bad smell, it also causes diseases.We have decided that:We shall always clean our bodies by focusing on our private parts in order to avoid diseases which are caused by poor hygiene.

    Self assessmennt
    . State important materials which you should use to clean your body.
    2. What type of water are you not supposed to use while cleaning your private parts?
    Peer assessment
    1. Why should we clean our Anus going behind wise?
    2. Is it good to hang underwear in the house for it to dry? Explain.


    1. Explain the types of underwear that you should put on.
    2. Explain the types of underwear that you are not supposed
    to put on.
    Home work
    Ask your parents/ guardians how you should be cleaning
    your private parts. Write and tell them to others in the


    B. Dangers of not cleaning private parts properly

    Activity 1

    Observe the picutures below and state what you can see.good

    I have understood that:
     Poor hygiene of private parts causes scratching and bad smell, it also causes diseases.We have decided that:
    We shall always clean our bodies by focusing on our private parts in order to avoid diseases which are caused by poor hygiene.
     1.Explain how you clean your private parts.
    2. Fill in the missing word.
    a. We should clean our anus going __
    _b. By not cleaning private parts causes __ and __

    3. State the dangers of wearing tight underpants.

    Home work

    When you reach home, ask your parents/guardians the dangers of not cleaning private parts and tell them to your classmates.

    3.4. End unit assessment 3
    1.State the most important place we should clean well.
    a. At school.
    b. At home.
    2. What is the importance of hygiene at home and at
    􀀕􀀐􀀂 􀀲􀁗􀁖􀀂 􀁕􀁋􀁉􀁐􀀂 􀅨􀀂 􀁑􀁐􀀂 􀁆􀁋􀁕􀁇􀁃􀁕􀁇􀁕􀀂 􀁅􀁃􀁗􀁕􀁇􀁆􀀂 􀁄􀁛􀀂 􀁒􀁑􀁑􀁔􀀂 􀁊􀁛􀁉􀁋􀁇􀁐􀁇􀀐􀀂
    a. Influenza e. Worms
    b. mumps f. Scabies
    c. Diarrhoea g. cough
    d. Typhoid h. Cancer
    4. Answer with Yes or No.
    a. Anopheles causes cough.
    b. Malaria is a communicable disease.
    c. Cholera is a disease caused by poor hygiene.
    d. The air we breath can spread tuberculosis.
    e. Hypatitis B and C are communicable very much.
    f. Hygiene of private parts prevents diseases that are
    spread through it.
    g. If you are suffering from scabies and spread it to
    others, then it heals.
    5. What can happen if you don’t clean your private parts?
    6. Why do people say that hygiene is a source of good
