2.1. Physical features of our sector.
A. Physical features in our sector.
Activity 1What can you see in the pictures below?
I have understood that:
Every sector has different features/things whichmakes it unique from other sectors. Among these things there is the environment/physical features and infrastructure.
a. Examples of physical features:
– Rivers
– Mountains.
b.Examples of Infrastructure:
– Schools
– Hospitals
– Public wells
– Play ground
– Markets
-Air port
– Cell offices
– Churches
– Banks
– Industries– Roads
Activity 2
Walk a round your school and see the features of the sector
where your school is located.
Activity 3
Observe the pictures below and compare the features of atown sector and that of village.
Self assessmennt
1. Give examples of features of a village sector that can not
be found in a town sector.
2. Explain the difference between environment andinfrastructure.
Peer assessment
1. What are the features of your sector?
2. What are the features of the sector where you pass while
going and coming from school?
3. What are the features of the neighbouring sectors of yourhome sector?
State the major features of your school sector
.2. State the features of the sectors neighbouring the sector of your school
.3. Give examples of features of sectors in the city which does not exist in village sectors.
4. Answer with Yes or No.
a. There is an airport in my sector.
b. There is a museum in our sector.
c. Our school is built in a model village.
d. Infrastructure are all physical things in the sector which enables us to get our needs
e. Environment means surrounding.
B.The map of our district and sectors.
1 ActivityOberve and tell what you can see in the map of Gasabo district with its sectors.
The map of Gasabo district.
Activity 2
Look at the map and name the sectors of Gasabo district.
Activity 3
Point to the correct answer on the map.
State the sectors where the following people live:
a. Nyiramwiza lives in Gikomero sector.
b. Ganza lives in Ndera sector.
c. Mutesi lives in Remera sector.
d. Mababa live in Kacyiru sector.e. Mutavu lives in Kimironko sector.
Activity 4
Observe the map of Gasabo district and state the neighbouring sectors of Gikomero sector.
I have understood that:
– Gasabo district is made up of many sectors.
– Sectors are also made up of many cells.
– Our country is made up of 30 districts. And these districts are made up of 416 sectors.
Activity 5
Observe the map of the district where your school is found and identify the sector where it is located.
Activity 6Observe the map of the district where your school is located and state the neighbouring sectors.
Self assessmennt
Arrange these administrative levels. District, Cell, Sector, Village.a) Begin from the lowest to the highest level.b) Begin from the highest to lowest level.
Peer assessment
Fill in these sentences.
a) The lowest level of local government administration
b) A cell is made up of ……… ………………………………..
c) Many villages make ……………… ...cell
d) One sector is made of……………….cells
e) Your school is found in…………….sector.f) Many cells make up?
Fill in the gaps to make complete sentences.
a. I live in the district of ……. and in the sector of…...
b. Our school is located in…………district
c. One district is made up of…... …sectors.
d. One cell is made up of ................villages.
e. Many sectors make up one……………….
f. Many cells make up one……………………..
g. One sector is made up of…………….. cells.h. Many villages make up…………… cell.
C. Map of our sector and the cells.
Activity 1Look at the map of Gikomero sector. Give the number and names of the cells that make up Gikomero sector.
The map of Gikomero sector.
I have understood that:
Gikomero sector is made up of 5 cells.Uwase is a pupil of Gicaca primary school, found in Gicaca village, Gicaca cell, Gikomero sector, Gasabo district, Kigali city
Activity 2
Observe the map of Gikomero sector and state the neighbouring cells of Uwase’s home cell.
Activity 3
Observe the map of the sector where your school is located.
Give the names and number of cells that make up yourhome sector.
Activity 4
Observe the name of the sector where your school islocated and state the neighbouring cells.
Fill in the gaps in the sentences below.
a. Our school is found in the village of……., in the cell of ….,
in the sector of …… and in the district of…...
b. We live in the village of …. , in the cell of…., in the sector
of……, and in the district of….?
Home work
Ask your parents/guardians the names of your neighbouringcells. Write it down and tell it your clasmates.
D. Differentiating a map from a picture.
Activity 1
Look at the map of Gikomero sector and give the differencebetween the map and the picture shown below.
Activity 2
Discuss the difference between a map and a picture.
I have understood that:
– Amap is a representation of an object seen and drawn from above.
– It can be of an objest or of aplace.
A map has the following features.
1. Title: Explais what the map is all about.
2. Scale: It measures the actual ground distance on the map.
3. Compass direction: (South, North, East, West)
4. Key: It explains map symbols.– A picture is a representation of an object/ place seen and drawn from aside.
Activity 3
Carefully count maps and pictures in this book from page1-40.
Ask your friends to find out how many they counted.
Self assessmennt
1. What is the direction shown on the map?
2. What are the main features shown on the map?
Peer assessment
1. What is the use of a scale on a map?2. What shows that you are reading the right map?
1. State the major elements of a good map.
2. Explain the word scale.3. Explain the difference between a map and a picture.
E. Our neighbouring sectors.
Activity 1Look at the map and list the sectors of Gasabo district
Map of Gasabo districtActivity
Activity 2Look at the map of Gasabo district and state the neighbouring sectors of Kinyinya.
I have understood that
:Gwiza is in primary 3. She lives in Bumbogo sector, Gasabo district, Kigali city.
Bumbogo sector boarders the following sectors.
– In the South: Ndera and Kimironko sectors.
– In the North: Rutunga and Nduba sectors.
– In the East: Ndera, Gikomero and Rutunga sectors.– In the West: Kinyinya and Nduba sectors.
Activity 3
Observe the map of the district where your school is located
and do the following.
a. Name the sectors in your district.
b. Show the sector where your school is located.c. Identify your home sector on the map.
Activity 4
Use the district map where your school is located and name
the sectors that boarder the sector in which your school islocated.
Activity 5
Draw the map of the sector in which your school is located.
Choose those that are well drawn and pin them in yourclass.
Self assessmennt
1. Name the cells that boarder your cell in:
a. The North c. The South
b. The East d. The west
2. Name the sectors that boarder your sector in:
a. The North c. The Southb. The East. d. The West
Peer assessment
1. Name the place where your school is located.2. Name the place where your home is located.
Fill in the space to make these sentences complete.
1.Our school is located in the sector of….and our neighbouring sector in the North is………., in the South is……………., in the East is ………., and ………… sector in the West. What is the name of your Sector Executive Secretary?2. Name the neigbouring cells where your school is located.
3. Which cells make the sector where your school is located.
4. What is the direction of the neighbouring sectors from your school?
Home workAsk your parents / guardians the name of your neighbouring sectors. Tell other classmates.
2.2. IMPORTANT FEATURES /PLACES IN OUR SECTORA. Important features/places found in our sector.
Activity 1Look at the pictures below and state what you can see.
Activity 2
Make study tour in the sector where the school is located
go and visit important places in the sector.
Activity 3
Every one should state the important places in the sector.
Then list them down.
I have understood that:
Important things/places found in our sector are:
– Gardens
– Forests
– Residential houses
– Business houses
– Administrative offices
– Rivers
– Mountains
– valleys
– Lakes
– Swamps
– Schools
– Hospitals
– Roads
– Markets– Helth centers
Exercises1. Fill in the following table:
2. List important things found in the sector where you live.
3. List important things found in the sector where your school is found.
4. Answer with yes or no.a. There are lakes in all sectors.
b. Both sector offices and cell offices are important places in our sector.
c. Modern villages are one of the important things every sector should have.d. Infrastructure are important things seen only in town sectors.
Home work
Discuss with your parents/guardians about things in your
sector that you see while going to or from school. Writethem down and tell them to your classmates.
B. The importance of some important things found in
our sector.
Activity 1Look the pictures below and state what you can see.
Activity 2
Debate about the important things that you saw when you made a study tour in your sector.
I have understood that:Important things in our sector and their importance are as stated in the following table:
Activity 3
List other important things not mentioned in the table abovethat are found in your sector and their importance.
Self assessmennt
What is the importance of the following to the people living
in the sector?
a) Rivers and lakes:
b) Valleys and swamps.
c) Sector offices.d) Markets and shops.
Peer assessment
List things that help people in the sector to get the following:
a) Food:
b) Fish
c) Electricityd) vegetables
1. Match the property/assets of the sector with their importance.
a. Forest 1. We grow food crops there.
b. shops 2. Used for transport
c. Gardens 3. Provides shelter to people
d. Roads 4. Prevents soil erosion.
e .Residential houses 5. Markets
2. Explain the importance of important things in the sector to the people.
3. Fill in the spase to complete these sentences:
a. Timber, firewood, charcoal comes from trees we cut from ………
b. Transportation of goods and people can not develop with out good………
c. During dry season, we grow vegetables in…...
d. We get water for irrigation from…… and ……e. Problems of citizen are solved from...........
Home work
Ask your parents /guardians the value of important things found in your sectors.
C. Conserving important things/places found in our sector.
Activity 1Look at these pictures and state what you can see.
Activity 2
Discuss how you are going to protect important things foundin the sector where you come from.
I have understood that:
Protecting important things in our sector can be done by:
– Caring about our gardens and protecting swamps.
– Not swimming in rivers, or deficate in them.
– Planting trees on both sides of slopy hills.
– Construct terraces to prevent erosion.
– By repairing damaged roads and trenches / channels.
– By obeying laws governing their proper usage
.– Reporting those who destroy them.
– Doing community work and participate in all government programmes.
– Teaching the importance of protecting important places in the sector.
– By practicing zero grazing.– By fencing schools, hospitals, health centers and markets.– By employing security personel in the sector.
We have decided that:
We shall protect important things in our sector.We shall report to leaders those who destroy them.
Self assessmennt
Give four ways how children can spoil important things in our sector.
Peer assessment
What important things will you have protected by doing the following?
a. Constructing terraces.
b. Planting trees on slopy hiils.
c. Zero grazing.
d. Building fences around infrastructure.e. By repairing damaged infrastructure.
1. Explain how you can protect the following things.
a. Gardens
b. Rivers
c. Bridges
d. Forests
e. A hill with out trees.
2. Give examples of human activities that destroy important
things in the sector.
3. What can you do if you found a person doing the following?
a. Growing crops on a slope hill.
b. Cutting trees which are not mature from the forest.
c. Defecating near a water source.
d. Removing stones and sand from the road.
e. Fishing with out permission.
4. Answer with Yes or No.
a. Cutting immature trees is destroying our environment.
b. Digging trenches is protecting the environment.
c. Zero grazing is protecting the environment.
d. Planting grass to stop soil erosion helps to protectenvironment.
Home work
When you reach home, ask your parents / guardians how they protect things found in your sector and tell it to others in the next lesson.Play
Roll play.
2.3. Proper management of school assets
A. School assets.
Activity 1Study the pictures below and state what you can see.
Activity 2
Go outside the class and see the different components ofyour school asset.
B. The importance of School assets.
Activity 3
Discuss with your classmates the importance of the school assets.
Self assessmennt1.
What is the use of the following to the pupils?
a. Toilet
b. Store room
c. Office room
d. Computer room
2. State four items/things used for learning and teaching.
Peer assessment
1. State the components of the school assets which helps the pupils to do the following:
a. Relaxing when sick.
b. sports
c. library
d. learning how to use a computer.2. Give the examples sports items that you know.
1. Match the school assets with their use.
a. Library 1. Used for growing crops.
b. Garden/compound 2. Used for playing
c. Garden 3. Used for reading books
d. Play ground 4. Used for reading books.e. Class room 5. Beautifies the school.
2. Explain in full sentences the importance of school property.
3. Fill in the spaces to complete these sentences:
a. It’s not good to leave ___ ______with out washing hands.
b. …………………. is where we go to study computer from.
c. Kayitare learned keeping of school materials in________
d. There will be a meeting a bout our behaviours in……………………. tomorrow.
Home work
Tell your parents/guardians about your school assets and
their importance to you and your classmates.
C. Proper management of the school assets and
Activity 1Look at the pictures below and tell what children are doing
Activity 2
Explain the proper use of the school assets.
I have understood that:
We use well the school property by avoiding:
– Over spending
– Misusing them
– selfishness
– misplacing
– Mismanagement of school assets.
– stealing
– Tearing notebooks– Tearing books
We can manage the school assets by doing the following:
– Proper handling of the school property by keeping it in the
right place.
– By cleaning our class and the surrounding places.
– By cleaning the toilet and picking papers from school
– By not wasting water and switching lights off during day
Activity 3
Make a sign post showing ways of proper use andmanagement of of school property. Raise it in the compound
Self assessmennt
1. What should you avoid in order to manage your school
property well?
2. What should you do in order to manage your school
Peer assessment
Answer with Yes or No.
1. Misuse of water at school is poor managent of your school
2. Keeping the school materials in the proper place is good
management of the school asset.
3. Tearing books is one way of managing well school asset.
4. Littering at school is proper management of the schoolproperty.
Explain how you properly use the following school property.
a. Books d. your clasroom
b. Water e. library
c. Garden/ compound f. Toilet.
2.Give examples of some poor management of school property by your classmates.
3.What advice can you give to a person who has been doing the following?
a. Littering papers in the compound/garden.
b. Drawing in books.
c. Writing on the chairs and tables.
d. Playing in the garden.
e. Passing through the window.
f. Folding books
g. Climbing cupboards.
h. Playing football in the classroom.
l. Defecating on top of the toilet.
j. Passing through the gardenk. Passing through shortcuts.
Home work
Discuss with your parents/ guardians about your role in the proper management of the school assets.Share this information with your classmates at school.
2.4. Proper management of public assets in the sector
A. Infrastructure and its importance
Activity 1Look at the pictures below and tell what you can see.
Activity 2
Get out of the class and walk around and see the infrastructure
found in the sector where your school is found.
I have understood that:
Infrastruture are things built by the government or citizens tohelp them develop.
Activity 3State the importance of infrastructure found in the sector where your school is located.
Self assessmennt
What is the use of the following to the residents of the sector?
a. Hospital
b. Tax park
c. Public wales
d. Ambulance
Peer assessment
Mention the infrastructure which help the residents of the
sector to get the following:
a. Vaccination
b. Goods
c. waterd. Services
1. Match the following infrastructure with its importance
a. Health center 1. Transport
b. Market 2. solving problems of citizens
c. Road 3. Teaching pupils.
d. Sector office 4. Treating the sicke. school 5. Buying and selling
2. Fill in these sentences
a. _____ takes sick people to the hospital.
b. When you need heath services, you go to _____
c. When we go for a tour, we get taxis in? _____d. If you want to do physical exercises you go to__
Home work
Ask your parents/guardians the infrastructure that is found in your sector and its importance.
Discuss your findings with your classmates when you come back to school.
B. Use and proper management of public assets.
Activity 1What are the people in the pictures doing?
Activity 2
Carry out an activity of cleaning your school in the following
1. Pick litter in the whole school.
2. Sweep all possible corners/ places..
3. Mop your class.
4. Mop the toilets.5. Cut all tall grass in the school compound.
Activity 3
Discuss how best you will be managing public asset.
I have understood that:
Public asset can be properly managed by avoiding the
– Throwing litter in any place.
– Destroying public property.
– Stealing
– Over spending
– Grabing some public assets
Proper management of public assets include:
– Repairing them in case of damage
– Abiding by the laws governing public assets.
– Reporting people who misuse public asset.– Participate in community work.
Explaing to every body the importance of public asset.
– Practice zero grazing
.– Fencing school and hospitals.
– Put in place people who can protect pubic assets.
We have decided that:
We shall be properly using public assets and avoid destroying them.
We shall be reporting to our teachers and parents those misusing public assets.
Activity 4
Make a sign post and put it in the school compound where every body can see.Write on it the ways of using and managing well public assets.
Self assessmennt
1. What should you do in order to manage public assets?
Peer assessment
Answer by yes or no.
a. Littering is a good way of managing public assets.
b. Paying money for the security is proper management of public asset.
c. Reporting people who destroy public asset is not proper management ot public assets.d. Paying money to repair public asset is a way of managing it properly.
1. Explain how people use the following public asset.
a. Road d. Public toilets
b. Public gardens e. Schools
c. Hospitals
2. Give different ways peope destroy public assets.
3. What advice can you give to a person who normally does
the following activities?
a. Stealing electricity wires.
b. Stealing water pipes
c. Cut trees from public gardens.
3. What advice can you give to a person doing the following:
a. Throwing rubbish in the water channel.
b. Stealing electricity wires.
c. Stealing water pipes.
d. Cutting trees in public gardene. Throwing stones at school
Home work
Ask your parents/guardians their roles in managing publicasset of your sector.
5. End unit assessment 2.
1. State administrative levels in the district.
2. What is the name of your sector? what are the neighbouring sectors?
3. What is the use of a scale on the map?
4. Give four examples of important things:
a. That make up school assets.
b. That make up your sector.
5. Fill in the missing words.
a. _____ is the head of a sector.
b. We should _____ school assets.
c. _____ when managed properly gives us fresh air.
d. Bad acts _____ school property.
e. We should advice_____ public asset.
f. Apicture_____ from a map.
6. Arrange the following from the highest to the lowest level. District, Village, Sector, Cell.7. Give examples of activities which destroy public assets in the sector.