Key unit competence:
    A learner will be able to be an example to others and call

    them up on to always be prepared for prayers

    Introductory activity
    Mention the importance of additional prayers after compulsory
    3.1 The additional prayers before and after compulsory prayers.
    Activity 3.1
    Mention the types of additional prayers that a Muslim is told to do everyday?

    Every Muslim is recommended to pray five prayers everyday,

    this is the second pillar of Islam, and it is the stronger pillar
    after two testmonies. Swalat (prayer) is a fellowship between
    a servant and his Lord having communication with him, asking
    for a help, presenting his thanksgiving and praising him. It
    helps the servant to have inner peace and welfare on earth
    and on last day.
    But there are other types of prayers which are not compulsory.
    They are optional prayer formed by prophet Muhamad 254(May God give him peace and blessing) 
    they are not compulsory but he recommended them to people to do them.

     They are called optional prayers of messenger.

    The optional prayers are: prayers that Muhamad (May God give him peace and blessing) used to pray besides compulsory prayers and he recommended them to his followers, thus a Muslim also has to perform them such that he or she earns more rewords and God’s love.
    Optional prayers (Sunat) that a Muslim is asked to do are of two types:
    1. Additional Prayers before and after compulsory prayers:
    These are additional prayers (Sunat) that Muslim could pray along with compulsory prayers to be blessed and well accepted by God. The Prophet Muhamad (May God give him peace and blessing) says «whoever prays twelve(12) additional units God will build for him a villa in heaven, four(4) additional units before and two(2) additional units after Adhuhur, and two (2) additional units after Magh’rib and two (2) additional units after Al isha, and two (2) additional units before Al Faj’r».
    2. Second type of optional prayers: those are optional prayers different from those said above, they are often performed when there is a special situation like solar eclipse, drought, when entering in Mosque,
    They include the following:
    • Al Kusufi (optional prayer during the time of solar
    • Is’tis’qau (optional prayer we perform requesting for
    rain when in drought).
    • Tarawehe (optional prayer we perform in nights of holly
    month of Rhamadhan).
    • Tahajudi (optional prayer we perform in last third of
    • Witri (impair optional prayer in night before sleeping).
    • Dwuha (the optional prayer we perform in th morning
    after the sun has raised).
    • Atahiyatul Masjid (optional prayer when entering in
    • Istikharat (the optional prayer of seeking Allah’s
    guidance to choose between two things or between
    doing something or leaving it).
    • And other many prayers that are not mentioned. All of
    them have requirements and elements.

    Application activity 3.1
    - Mention the types of optional prayers and give exemples

    3.2.Adhana and iqaamat before prayer (swalat)..
    Activity 3.2
    Differentiate between Adhana and Iqamat?
    Adhana and Iqamat refer to the first and second calls for prayer. They are words spoken out before obligation prayers and it is necessary for men to make both calls before five obligation prayers. But for ladies the second call (iqamt) is enough; the two call are meant to alert people that it is time for prayer.
    The words used in first call (Adhana) are: “allahu ak’bar: Allah is great (*4), ash’hadu an la ilaha ila llahu: i testify that there is no God except Allah (*2), ash’hadu ana muhamada rasulu llah: I testify that muhammad is the prophet of allah (*2) hay ala swalat: come for prayer (*2), haya alal falah: come for victory (*2) allahu ak’bar - allahu ak’bar, la ilaha ila llah: Allah is great (*2) there is no God except Allah.
    note: for morning prayer (alfadjir) after haya ala swalat we add aswalatu khayiru mina nawumi: prayer is better than sleep (*2)
    Words used in the second call: “allahu ak’bar: Allah is great
    (*2), ash’hadu an la ilaha ila llahu: I testify that there is
    God except Allah (*1), ash’hadu ana muhamada rasulu llah:
    I testify that muhammad is the prophet of Allah(*1) hay
    ala swalat:come for prayer(*1), haya alal falah: come for
    victory(*1) qad qamat swalat: its time for prayer (*2) allahu
    ak’bar - allahu ak’bar:, Allah is great (*2) la ilaha ila llah: there

    is no God except Allah.”

    Application activity 3.2
    - recite the two calls for prayers

    3.3. Punishments that Allah prepared for people who do not pray.

    Activity 3.3
    Explain the rules regarding people who do not perform prayers (Swalat)?
    Any person who fails to perform prayers due to lack of
    knowledge should seek for knowledge. But if a person willingly
    ignores to perform prayers due to negligence or pride will
    never have blessing in whatever he or she does. God becomes
    angry with him and if he doesn’t repent he will be punished
    with hellfire because of ignoring God’s great commandment.
    The prophet of Allah said “the first act that servant of God
    will be asked about on last day is prayer”.
    On the day of judgement God will punish with eternal hellfire
    any person how have willingly ignored his prayers, because
    that is being rebellious to God’s commandments.
    Allah says “but there come after them successors who neglected prayer (Swalat) 
    and pursued desires; so they are going to meet perditons” Qur‘an 19: 59.Again Allah says “so woe to those who pray; 

    5. But who are heedless of their prayer (they don’t do it on their right times) “ Qur‘an 107: 4-5

    Application activity 3.3

     -Mention some of the punishments that God reserved to those who do not pray

    3.4. Idjuma prayer and its instructions.
    Activity 3.4
    Mention the instructions of Friday congregation prayer (Idjuma)?

    Idjuma prayer: it is done in congregation on Friday. It has two summon (Khutubat) and two units (rakats). This prayer for men is obligation to be done in Mosque and optional for women. The instruction about this prayer is in Quran 62:9: where Allah says “O you who believe! When the call is made for prayer on Congregation day, hasten to the remembrance of God, and drop all business. That is better for you, if you only knew”. And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse in the world and seek from the bounty of Allah, and remember Allah often that you may succeed». Qur’an: 62-9-10.

    • Some Friday activities.

    Friday is great day for all Muslims, thus on this day every Muslim has to prepare him or hersef early enough and go to
    mosque for a prayer as prophet Muhammad (May God give
    him peace and blessing) used to do it

    he used to carryout the following activities:

    • washing and preparing his body and apply nice perfume
    • Being in mosque on time.
    • Praying additional prayer (Sunat) before Imam comes
    on palpate for summon.
    • Being quite and attentive when the imam isa delivering
    the summon (Khutubat). and stop speaking and playing
    with anything.
    • Praying for prophet Muhammad (May God give him
    peace and blessing) frequently that peace and blessing
    be upon on him.
    • Stop all activities when you hear Adhana.
    • It is good for a Muslim to read Surat Al kah’fi.
    • do a lot of supplications to meet the Friday special
    period of time recommended by prophet Muhammad
    that God answers servant’s supplications.
    • It is forbidden for a Muslims to come forward skipping
    others that he or she wants to sit in front lines when
    he or she came late, those who come first should fill

    the front lines.

    Application activity 3.4

    - Mention some some rules Friday prayer.

    3.5. Parents rensponsabilities related to prayers (swalat).


    Activity 3.5

    Explain the parent’s role in encouraging their children to do prayers and portray good behaviours?

    Parents have great responsibility in their children’s education, and they have to transform them into what they should be in the future. It is not only the school that has to do it, parent’s responsibility also is very important. They have to make them love prayers, they have to teach them and lead them in prayers. That is also parents’ responsibility as they have to feed them, to provide clothes for them and to ensure security for them.

    God says “and enjoin prayer (Swalat) upon your people at home and patiently adhere to it. We ask of you no provision; but we provide for you, and the good ending is that for righteousness.” Qur’an 20: 132.

    Again prophet Mohammad (May God give him peace and blessing) says “train your children into prayer when they are seven years, and punish them until 10years.”

    - Mention the verse of Qur’an that ask parents to train their children into prayer.
    Application activity 3.5
    In which chapter of the Qur’an God obliges parents to teach

    their children prayers?

    3.6 End unit assessment 3
    1. Explain the two types of optional prayers (Sunat) and
    give exemples
    2. differentiate Adhana and Iqamat?
    3. Write down the additional words in the adhan of morning
    prayer (Al Fajr)
    4. Explain the punishments that God reserved for those
    who do not pray.
    5. Mention some instructions for Friday congregation