Key unit Competence: Analyze the use of radiation in medicine.

    My goals

    • Explain radiation dosimetry.

    • Differentiate the terms exposure, absorbed dose, quality factor (relative
    to biological effectiveness) and dose equivalent as used in radiation
    • Differentiate physical half-life, biological half-life and effective half-life
    • Solve radiation dosimetry problems
    • Analyse the basics of radiation therapy for cancer.
    • Explain safety precautions when handling radiations

    • Describe the concept of balanced risk.

    Radiation has always been present and is all around us. Life has evolved in
    a world containing significant levels of ionizing radiation. Our bodies are
    adapted to it.

    People are constantly exposed to small amounts of ionizing radiation from
    the environment as they carry out their normal daily activities; this is
    known as background radiation. We are also exposed through some medical
    treatments and through activities involving radioactive material.

    Fig 13.1 above identifies four major sources of public exposure to natural
    radiation: cosmic radiation, terrestrial radiation, inhalation and ingestion.
    Brainstorm and try to answer the following questions:

    a. Distinguish artificial source of radiation and natural source of radiation?
    b. Explain briefly each major source of public exposure to natural
    radiation stated above.
    c. Which kind of sources of radiation are mostly preferred to be used in
    medicine? Explain why
    d. Does exposure to heavy ions at the level that would occur during deep space
     missions of long duration pose a risk to the integrity and function

    of the central nervous system? Explain to support your idea.
    12.1.1 Ionization and non-ionization radiations
    ACTIVITY 12.1:Types of radiation

    Radiation is the emission of particles or electromagnetic waves from a
    source. Radiation from radioactive materials has the ability to interact
    with atoms and molecules of living objects.
    a. With the help of the diagram below, distinguish the forms of
    b. Which type do you think is mostly used in medical treatment?
    Explain your answer with supporting arguments?
    c. Suggest the possible side effects of using radiations in medicine?
    Which of the two forms of radiation induces more side effects 
    when exposed to human body? Explain to support your choice.

    In a neutral atom, the positive charge of the nucleus is equal and opposite to the

    total negative charge of the orbital electrons. If such an atom loses or gains an
    electron, it becomes an ion. The atom will now have a net positive or negative
    charge and is called an ion. This process is called ionization, and the radiation
    responsible for it is called ionising radiation. When discussing the interaction
    of radiations with matter in particularly in relation to health, two basic types of

    radiation can be considered: 

    a. Ionizing radiation.

    This is a radiation that carries enough energy to liberate electrons from atoms
    or molecules, thereby ionizing them. As the more powerful form of radiation,
    ionizing radiation is more likely to damage tissue than non-ionizing radiation.
    The main source of exposure to ionizing radiation is the radiation used during

    medical exams such as X-ray radiography or computed tomography scans. 

    However, the amounts of radiation used are so small that the risk of any
    damaging effects is minimal. Even when radiotherapy is used to treat cancer,
    the amount of ionizing radiation used is so carefully controlled that the risk
    of problems associated with exposure is tiny. All forms of living things emit a
    certain amount of radiation, with humans, plants and animals accumulating
    radioisotopes as they ingest food, air and water. Some forms of radiation such as
    potassium-40 emit high-energy rays that can be detected using measurement
    systems. Together with the background radiation, these sources of internal

    radiation add to a person’s total radiation dose.

    Background radiation is emitted from both naturally occurring and man-made
    sources. Natural sources include cosmic radiation, radon radiation in the body,
    solar radiation and external terrestrial radiation. Man-made forms of radiation
    are used in cancer treatment, nuclear facilities and nuclear weapons. Globally, the
    average exposure to ionizing radiation per year is around 3 milliSieverts (mSv),
    with the main sources being natural (around 80%). The remaining exposure

    is due to man-made forms such as those used in medical imaging techniques. 

    Exposure to man-made forms of ionizing radiations is generally much higher
    in developed countries where the use of nuclear imaging techniques is much

    more common than in developing countries. 

    b. Non-ionizing radiations
    Non-ionizing radiation
    refers to any type of electromagnetic radiation that
    does not carry enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules. Examples of
    non-ionizing radiations include visible light, microwaves, ultraviolet (UV)
    radiation, infrared radiation, radio waves, radar waves, mobile phone signals
    and wireless internet connections. Although UV has been classified as a nonionizing
    radiation but it has been proven that high levels of UV-radiation can

    cause sunburn and increase the risk of skin cancer developing.

    Scientific investigations suggest that the use of telecommunications devices
    such as mobile phones may be damaging, but no risk associated with the use
    of these devices has yet been identified in any scientific studies. This energy

    is emitted both inside the body and externally, through both natural and manmade processes.

    12.1.2 Radiation penetration in body tissue
    ACTIVITY 12.2

    The figure below shows the penetrating power of radiation represented

    by A, B and C. Use the figure to answer the following questions.


    a. Interpret the figure and write the names of letters A, B and C
    labeled on the figure above?
    b. Which of the three types of radiation has high penetrating power?
    Explain to support your idea.
    c. Outline four uses of the man-made sources of radiation?
    d. How does radiation affect me? Explain clearly with scientific


    An important characteristic of the various ionising radiations is how deeply
    they can penetrate the body tissues. X-rays, gamma rays, and neutrons of
    sufficient energy described below can reach all tissues of the body from an

    external source. 

    Alpha Radiation
    Alpha radiation
    occurs when an atom undergoes radioactive decay, giving
    off an α- particle consisting of two protons and two neutrons (essentially the

    nucleus of a helium-4 atom) following the equation

    Due to their charge and mass, alpha particles interact strongly with matter,
    and can only travel a few centimeters in air. A thin sheet of paper, on the other
    hand, stops alpha particles. They are also stopped by the superficial dead layer
    of skin that is only 70 µm thick. Therefore, radionuclides that emit only alpha
    particles are harmless unless you take them into the body. This you might do by

    inhalation (breathing in) or ingestion (eating and drinking).

    Beta Radiation

    Beta radiation takes the form of either an electron or a positron (a particle
    with the size and mass of an electron, but with a positive charge) being emitted
    from an atom. Due to their smaller mass, they are able to travel further in air,
    up to a few meters, and can be stopped by a thick piece of plastic, or even a
    stack of paper. Such radiation can penetrate the skin a few centimeters, posing
    somewhat of an external health risk. The depth to which beta particles can

    penetrate the body depends on their energy. 

    High-energy beta particles (several MeV) may penetrate a cm of a tissue,
    although most are absorbed in the first few mm. As a result, beta emitters
    outside the body are hazardous only to surface tissues such as the skin or the
    lenses of the eye. When you take beta emitters into the body, they will irradiate

    internal tissues and then become a much more serious hazard. 

    Gamma Radiation

    Gamma radiation, unlike alpha or beta, does not consist of any particles, instead

    consisting of a photon of energy being emitted from an unstable nucleus. Having
    no mass or charge, gamma radiation can travel much farther through air than
    alpha or beta, losing (on average) half its energy. Gamma waves can be stopped
    by a thick or dense enough layer material, with high atomic number. Materials

    such as lead can be used as the most effective form of shielding.

    X-rays are similar to gamma radiation, with the primary difference being that
    they originate from the electron cloud. This is generally caused by energy
    changes in an electron, such as moving from a higher energy level to a lower
    one, causing the excess energy to be released. X-Rays are longer-wavelength

    and (usually) lower energy than gamma radiation, as well.

    Neutron Radiation

    Neutron radiation consists of a free neutron, usually emitted as a result of
    spontaneous or induced nuclear fission. They are able to travel hundreds or
    even thousands of meters in air, they are however able to be effectively stopped
    if blocked by a hydrogen material, such as concrete or water.

    Neutron radiation occurs when neutrons are ejected from the nucleus by
    nuclear fission and other processes. The nuclear chain reaction is an example
    of nuclear fission, where a neutron being ejected from one fission atom will
    cause another atom to fission, ejecting more neutrons. Unlike other radiations,
    neutron radiation is absorbed by materials with lots of hydrogen atoms, like

    paraffin wax and plastics.

    12.1.3 Radiation dosimetry
    ACTIVITY 12.3:

    a. What does the term Dosimeter in radiation dosimetry mean?
    b. Who Should Wear a Dosimeter? Suggest reasons why it is very important
    to wear a dosimeter?
    Just as for drugs, the effect of radiation depends on the amount a person has
    received. Therefore, amounts of radiation received are referred to as doses,

    and the measurement of such doses is known as dosimetry.

    Dosimeters are used to monitor your occupational dose from radioactive
    material or radiation-producing equipments. Most individuals working with
    X-ray producing equipment in the hospital will be issued with a dosimeter. For
    those individuals working in the research laboratory setting, dosimeters will
    be issued based on the nuclide and total activity that will be used. Dosimeters
    are integrating detectors; that is, they accumulate the radiation dose and give

    off an amount of light which is proportional to that dose.

    The energy absorption properties of dosimeters are designed to be very similar
    to tissue, so they are very effective as personnel dosimeters. These devices are
    used to measure exposures from x-ray, gamma ray and high energy beta
    . Dosimeters are not suitable for measuring exposures to low energy

    beta particles or alpha particles.

    12.1.4 Radiation exposure
    ACTIVITY 12.4:

    a. What are the symptoms of radiation exposure?
    b. Explain briefly the effects of radiation exposure to the human body?
    c. It is possible that side effects can happen when a person undergoes
    radiation treatment for cancer. Suggest the common side effects of
    radiation exposure to the human body?
    d. Does radiation exposure to the human body induce risks? Support your

    decision with clear explanations.

    Long-term exposure to small amounts of radiation can lead to gene mutations
    and increase the risk of cancer, while exposure to a large amount over a brief
    period can lead to radiation sickness

    Exposure is a measure of the ionization produced in air by X-rays or γ rays,
    and it is defined in the following manner. A beam of X-rays or γ rays is sent
    through a mass m of dry air at standard temperature and pressure ( stp:0 0C ,
    1 atm). In passing through the air, the beam produces positive ions whose total
    charge is q. Exposure is defined the total charge per unit mass of air.The SI unit

    for exposure is coulomb per unit mass (/ ) C kg .

    The commonly used unit for exposure E is the roentgen(R). 1R is the amount
    of electromagnetic radiation which produces in one gram of air

    C at normal temperature (22 and pressure (760mmHg) conditions

    Since the concept of exposure is defined in terms of the ionizing abilities of
    X-rays and γ rays in air, it does not specify the effect of radiation on living tissue.
    For biological purposes, the absorbed dose is more suitable quantity, because it
    is the energy absorbed from the radiation per unit mass of absorbing material.

    12.1.5 Absorbed radiation dose

    ACTIVITY 12.5

    a. What does the term absorbed dose mean in medical treatment?
    b. In the application of radiation in medicine, we use the statement “A measure of
    the risk of biological harm”. Brainstorm and explain clearly what the statement
    c. Explain why doses of alpha and gamma radiation produce unequal biological


    What is important when we analyze the effect of radiation on human being is
    not so much the total dose to the whole system but the dose per kg. That’s why
    a doctor will prescribe smaller doses of medicine for children than for adults. A
    similar approach is used in radiation protection measurements, where the unit
    of absorbed dose is specified in terms of the amount of energy deposited by

    radiation in 1 kg of material. This unit is the Gray, abbreviated Gy. 

    It was named in honor of Louis Gray, who was a very big name in the early days
    of radiation dosimetry. An absorbed radiation dose of 1 Gray corresponds to
    the deposition of 1 joule of energy in 1 kg of material. The gray is a measure of
    energy absorbed by 1 kg of any material, be it air, water, tissue or whatever. A
    person who has absorbed a whole body dose of 1 Gy has absorbed one joule of

    energy in each kg of its body tissue. 

    As we shall see later, the gray is a fairly hefty dose, so for normal practical purposes

    we use the milligray (abbreviated mGy) and the microgray (abbreviated µGy). 

    The gray is a physical unit. It describes the physical effect of the incident
    radiation (i.e., the amount of energy deposited per kg), but it tells us nothing
    about the biological consequences of such energy deposition in tissue. Studies
    have shown that alpha and neutron radiation cause greater biological damage

    for a given energy deposition per kg of tissue than gamma radiation does. 

    In other words, equal doses of, say, alpha and gamma radiation produce unequal
    biological effects. This is because the body can more easily repair damage from
    radiation that is spread over a large area than that which is concentrated in a
    small area. Because more biological damage is caused for the same physical


    12.1.6 Quality factors

    Quality factors are used to compare the biological effects from different types

    of radiation. For example, fast neutron radiation is considered to be 20 times
    as damaging as X-rays or gamma radiation. You can also think of fast neutron
    radiation as being of “higher quality”, since you need less absorbed dose to
    produce equivalent biological effects. This quality is expressed in terms of the
    Quality Factor (Q). The quality factor of a radiation type is defined as the ratio
    of the biological damage produced by the absorption of 1 Gy of that radiation to

    the biological damage produced by 1 Gy of X or gamma radiation. 

    The Q of a certain type of radiation is related to the density of the ion tracks it

    leaves behind it in tissue; the closer together the ion pairs, the higher the Q. 

    12.1.7 Equivalent dose

    The absorbed radiation dose, when multiplied by the Q of the radiation

    delivering the dose, will give us a measure of the biological effect of the dose.
    This is known as the equivalent dose. The unit of equivalent dose H is the Sievert
    (Sv). An equivalent dose of one Sievert represents that quantity of radiation
    dose that is equivalent, in terms of specified biological damage, to one gray of

    X or gamma rays. 

    In practice, we use the millisievert (mSv) and microsievert (µSv). The sievert is
    the unit that we use all the time, because it is the only one that is meaningful in
    terms of biological harm. In calculating the equivalent dose from several types
    of radiation (we call this “mixed radiation”), all measurements are converted to
    Sv, mSv or µSv and added. Most of the radiation instruments we use to measure
    doses or dose rates read in mSv or µSv. Few other instruments can read in mGy

    or µGy, but they measure only gamma radiation.

    The table 13.1 lists some typical relative biological effectiveness ( RBE ) values for
    different kinds of radiation, assuming that an average biological tissue is being
    irradiated. The values of 1 RBE = indicate that γ rays and particles produce
    the same biological damage as do 200 keV X-rays. The large RBE values indicate

    that protons, α -particles, and fast neutrons cause substantially more damage.

    12.1.8 Radiation protection

    The effects of radiation at high doses and dose rates are reasonably well
    documented. A very large dose delivered to the whole body over a short time
    will result in the death of the exposed person within days.

    We know from these that some of the health effects of exposure to radiation
    do not appear unless a certain quite large dose is absorbed. However, many
    other effects, especially cancers are readily detectable and occur more often in
    those with moderate doses. At lower doses and dose rates, there is a degree of
    recovery in cells and in tissues. Radiation protection sets examples for other
    safety disciplines in two unique respects:

    • First, there is the assumption that any increased level of radiation
    above natural background will carry some risk of harm to health.
    • Second, it aims to protect future generations from activities conducted


    The use of radiation and nuclear techniques in medicine, industry, agriculture,
    energy and other scientific and technological fields has brought tremendous
    benefits to society. The benefits in medicine for diagnosis and treatment in
    terms of human lives saved are large in size. No human activity or practice
    is totally devoid of associated risks. Radiation should be viewed from the
    perspective that the benefit from it to mankind is less harmful than from many

    other agents.

    Quick check 12.2:

    At what level is radiation harmful? Explain your idea\

    Note: The optimization of patients’ protection is based on a principle that the
    dose to the irradiated target (tumor) must be as high as it is necessary for
    effective treatment while protecting the healthy tissues to the maximum extent


    12.1.9 Checking my progress

    1. Does receiving external-beam radiation make a person radioactive or
    able to expose others to radiation? Explain to support idea
    2. How can I be sure that the external-beam radiating machine isn’t
    damaging normal, healthy tissue in my body? Explain clearly with
    scientific reasoning.
    3. I am having an imaging test using radioactive materials. Will I be
    radioactive after the test? Comment to support your decision.
    4. All my radioactive material is secured properly and I have empty waste
    containers in the lab. Do I have to lock the room? Explain clearly to

    justify your decision.

    12.2.1 Deterministic and stochastic effects
    ACTIVITY 12.6

    Is the use of ionizing radiation in medicine beneficial to human health?
    Explain to support your point.
    1. Are there risks to the use of ionizing radiation in medicine? Explain
    your answer.
    2. How do we quantify the amount of radiation?
    3. What do we know about the nature (mechanism) of radiation induced biological effects?
    4. How are effects of radiation classified?
    Effects of radiations due to cell killing have a practical threshold dose below
    which the effect is not evident but in general when the effect is present its
    severity increases with the radiation dose.
    The threshold doses are not an absolute number and vary somewhat by
    individual. Effects due to mutations (such as cancer) have a probability of
    occurrence that increases with dose.
    a. Deterministic effects:
    These effects are observed after large absorbed doses of radiation and are
    mainly a consequence of radiation induced cellular death. They occur only if a
    large proportion of cells in an irradiated tissue have been killed by radiation,
    and the loss can be compensated by increasing cellular proliferation.
    b. Stochastic effects:
    They are associated with long term, low level (chronic) exposure to radiation.
    They have no apparent threshold. The risk from exposure increases with
    increasing dose, but the severity of the effect is independent of the dose.
     Irradiated and surviving cells may become modified by induced mutations
    (somatic, hereditary). These modifications may lead to two clinically significant
    effects: malignant neoplasm (cancer) and hereditary mutations.
    The frequency or intensity of biological effects is dependent upon the total
    energy of radiation absorbed (in joules) per unit mass (in kg) of a sensitive
    tissues or organs. This quantity is called absorbed dose and is expressed in

    gray (Gy). 

    In evaluating biological effects of radiation after partial exposure of the body
    further factors such as the varying sensitivity of different tissues and absorbed
    doses to different organs have to be taken into consideration.

     To compare risks of partial and whole body irradiation at doses experienced
    in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine a quantity called equivalent or
    effective dose is used. A cancer caused by a small amount of radiation can be

    just as malignant as one caused by a high dose.

    ACTIVITY 12.7

    1. What is magnitude of the risk for cancer and hereditary effects?
    2. Is ionizing radiation from medical sources the only one to which
    people is exposed?
    3. What are typical doses from medical diagnostic procedures?
    4. Can radiation doses in diagnosis be managed without affecting the
    diagnostic benefit? Explain to support your decision.
    5. Are there situations when diagnostic radiological investigations
    should be avoided? Explain to support your decision.
    The lifetime value for the average person is roughly a 5% increase in fatal cancer
    after a whole body dose of 1 Sv. It appears that the risk in fetal life, in children
    and adolescents exceeds somewhat this average level (by a factor of 2 or 3) and
    in persons above the age of 60 it should be lower roughly by a factor of ~ 5.

    Animal models and knowledge of human genetics, the risk of hereditary
    deleterious effects have been estimated to not be greater than 10% of the
    radiation induced carcinogenic risk.

    All living organisms on this planet, including humans, are exposed to radiation
    from natural sources. An average yearly effective dose from natural background
    amounts to about 2.5 mSv. This exposure varies substantially geographically
    (from 1.5 to several tens of mSv in limited geographical areas).

    Various diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine procedures cover a wide
    dose range based upon the procedure. Doses can be expressed either as
    absorbed dose to a single tissue or as effective dose to the entire body which
    facilitates comparison of doses to other radiation sources (such as natural
    background radiation.

    There are several ways to reduce the risks to very, very low levels while

    obtaining very beneficial health effects of radiological procedures.

    Quality assurance and quality control in diagnostic radiology and nuclear
    medicine play also a fundamental role in the provision of appropriate, sound

    radiological protection of the patient.

    There are several ways that will minimize the risk without sacrificing the
    valuable information that can be obtained for patients’ benefit. Among the
    possible measures it is necessary to justify the examination before referring a

    patient to the radiologist or nuclear medicine physician.

    Failure to provide adequate clinical information at referral may result in a
    wrong procedure or technique being chosen by radiologist or nuclear medicine


    An investigation may be seen as a useful one if its outcome - positive or negative
    influences management of the patient. Another factor, which potentially adds
    to usefulness of the investigation, is strengthening confidence in the diagnosis.
    Irradiation for legal reasons and for purposes of insurance should be carefully

    limited or excluded. 

    ACTIVITY 12.8

    1. Are there special diagnostic procedures that should have special
    justification? Explain to support your decision.
    2. Do children and pregnant women require special consideration in
    diagnostic procedures?
    3. What can be done to reduce radiation risk during the performance

    of a diagnostic procedure?

    While all medical uses of radiation should be justified, it stands to reason that
    the higher the dose and risk of a procedure, the more the medical practitioner
    should consider whether there is a greater benefit to be obtained.

    Among these special position is occupied by computed tomography (CT), and
    particularly its most advanced variants like spiral or multi slice CT.

    Both the fetus and children are thought to be more radiosensitive than adults.
    Diagnostic radiology and diagnostic nuclear medicine procedures (even in
    combination) are extremely unlikely to result in doses that cause malformations
    or a decrease in intellectual function. The main issue following in childhood
    exposure at typical diagnostic levels (<50 mGy) is cancer induction.

    Medically indicated diagnostic studies remote from the fetus (e.g. radiographs
    of the chest or extremities, ventilation/perfusion lung scan) can be safely done
    at any time of pregnancy if the equipment is in proper working order. Commonly
    the risk of not making the diagnosis is greater than the radiation risk.

    If an examination is typically at the high end of the diagnostic dose range and
    the fetus is in or near the radiation beam or source, care should be taken to
    minimize the dose to the fetus while still making the diagnosis. This can be
    done by tailoring the examination and examining each radiograph as it is taken
    until the diagnosis is achieved and then terminating the procedure

    For children, dose reduction in achieved by using technical factors specific for
    children and not using routine adult factors. In diagnostic radiology care should
    be taken to minimize the radiation beam to only the area of interest. Because
    children are small, in nuclear medicine the use of administered activity lower
    than that used for an adult will still result in acceptable images and reduced
    dose to the child. The most powerful tool for minimizing the risk is appropriate
    performance of the test and optimization of radiological protection of the
    patient. These are the responsibility of the radiologist or nuclear medicine
    physician and medical physicist.

    The basic principle of patients’ protection in radiological X-ray investigations
    and nuclear medicine diagnostics is that necessary diagnostic information of
    clinically satisfactory quality should be obtained at the expense of a dose as low
    as reasonably achievable, taking into account social and financial factors.

    12.2.2 Effects of radiation exposure

    Quick check13.1:
     Will small radiation doses hurt me?

    Some effects may occur immediately (days or months) while others might take
    tens of years or even get passed to the next generation. Effects of interest for
    the person being exposed to radiation are called somatic effects and effects of

    interest that affect our children are called genetic effects.

    I. Radiation Health Effects

    Ionizing radiation has sufficient energy to cause chemical changes in cells and
    damage them. Some cells may die or become abnormal, either temporarily or
    permanently. By damaging the genetic material (DNA) contained in the body’s
    cells, radiation can cause cancer.

    Fortunately, our bodies are extremely efficient at repairing cell damage. The
    extent of the damage to the cells depends upon the amount and duration of the

    exposure, as well as the organs exposed.

    Exposure to an amount of radiation all at once or from multiple exposures in a
    short period of time. In most cases, a large acute exposure to radiation causes
    both immediate ( radiation sickness) and delayed effects (cancer or death), can
    cause sickness or even death within hours or days. Such acute exposures are

    extremely rare.

    II. Chronic Exposure

    With chronic exposure, there is a delay between the exposure and the observed
    health effect. These effects can include cancer and other health outcomes such
    as benign tumors, cataracts, and potentially harmful genetic changes.

    Some radiation effects may occur immediately (days or months) while others
    might take years or even get passed to the next generation. Effects of interest
    for the person being exposed to radiation are called somatic effects and effects

    of interest that affect our children are called genetic effects

    ACTIVITY 12.9:Low levels of radiation exposure
    What is the safe level of radiation exposure? Explain your answer.
    What is the annual radiation exposure limit? Explain your answer

    Radiation risks refer to all excess cancers caused by radiation exposure
    (incidence risk) or only excess fatal cancers (mortality risk). Risk may be
    expressed as a percent, a fraction, or a decimal value.

    For example, a 1% excess risk of cancer incidence is the same as a 1 in a
    hundred (1/100) risk or a risk of 0.01. However, it is very hard to tell whether
    a particular cancer was caused by very low doses of radiation or by something
    else. While experts disagree over the exact definition and effects of “low dose”.
    Radiation protection standards are based on the premise that any radiation
    dose carries some risk, and that risk increases directly with dose.

    • The risk of cancer from radiation also depends on age, sex, and factors
    such as tobacco use.
    • Doubling the dose doubles the risk.

    Acute health effects occur when large parts of the body are exposed to a

    large amount of radiation. The large exposure can occur all at once or from
    multiple exposures in a short period of time. Instances of acute effects from

    environmental sources are very rare. 

    12.2.3 Safety precautions for handling radiations
    ACTIVITY 12.10: Safety precautions to be recognized when
    handling radiation

    a. Who is involved in planning my radiation treatment?
    b. How is the treatment plan checked to make sure it is best for me?
    c. What procedures do I have in place so that the treatment team is
    able to treat me safely?
    d. How can I be assured that my treatment is being done correctly
    every day?
    e. What is the difference between a medical error and a side effect?
    f. Outline the measures taken to reduce doses from external


    Shortening the time of exposure, increasing distance from a radiation source
    and shielding are the basic countermeasures (or protective measures) to reduce

    doses from external exposure.

    Note: Time: The less time that people are exposed to a radiation source, the less
    the absorbed dose Distance: The farther away that people are from a radiation

    source, the less the absorbed dose.

    Note: Shielding: Barriers of lead, concrete or water can stop radiation or reduce
    radiation intensity.

    There are four main factors that contribute to how much radiation a person
    absorbs from a source. The following factors can be controlled to minimize
    exposure to radiation:

    I. The distance from the source of radiation

    The intensity of radiation falls sharply with greater distance, as per the inverse
    square law. Increasing the distance of an individual from the source of radiation
    can therefore reduce the dose of radiation they are exposed to.
     For example, such distance increases can be achieved simply by using forceps
    to make contact with a radioactive source, rather than the fingers.

    II. Duration of exposure

    The time spent exposed to radiation should be limited as much as possible.
    The longer an individual is subjected to radiation, the larger the dose from the
    source will be.

      One example of how the time exposed to radiation and therefore radiation
    dose may be reduced is through improving training so that any operators who

    need to handle a radioactive source only do so for the minimum possible time.

    III. Reducing incorporation into the human body

    Potassium iodide can be given orally immediately after exposure to radiation.
    This helps protect the thyroid from the effects of ingesting radioactive iodine if
    an accident occurs at a nuclear power plant. Taking Potassium iodide in such an

    event can reduce the risk of thyroid cancer developing.

    IV. Shielding

    Shielding refers to the use of absorbent material to cover the source of
    radiation, so that less radiation is emitted in the environment where humans
    may be exposed to it. These biological shields vary in effectiveness, depending

    on the material’s cross-section for scattering and absorption. 

    The thickness (shielding strength) of the material is measured in g/cm2. Any
    amount of radiation that does penetrate the material falls exponentially with

    increasing thickness of the shield.

    Some examples of the steps taken to minimize the effects of radiation exposure
    are described below;
    • The exposed individual is removed from the source of radiation.
    • If radiation exposure has led to destruction of the bone marrow, the
    number of healthy white blood cells produced in the bone marrow will
    be depleted.
    • If only part of the body has been exposed to radiation rather than the
    whole body, treatment may be easier because humans can withstand

    radiation exposure in large amounts to non-vital body parts.

    In every medicine there is a little poison. If we use radiation safely, there are
    benefits and if we use radiation carelessly and high doses result, there are


    Ionizing radiation can change the structure of the cells, sometimes creating
    potentially harmful effects that are more likely to cause changes in tissue.
    These changes can interfere with cellular processes so cells might not be able

    to divide or they might divide too much.

    Radioactive rays are penetrating and emit ionizing radiation in the form of
    electromagnetic waves or energetic particles and can therefore destroy living
    cells. Small doses of radiation over an extended period may cause cancer and
    eventually death. Strong doses can kill instantly. Marie Curie and Enrico Fermi

    died due to exposure to radiation.

     Several precautions should be observed while handling radioisotopes. Some of
    these are listed in the following:
    • No radioactive substance should be handled with bare hands. Alpha
    and beta emitters can be handled using thick gloves. Gamma ray
    emitters must be handled only by remote control that is by mechanical
    means. Gamma rays are the most dangerous and over exposure can
    lead to serious biological damage.
    • Radioactive materials must be stored in thick lead containers.
    • Reactor and laboratories dealing with and conducting experiments
    with radioactive metals must be surrounded with thick concrete lined
    with lead.
    • People working with radioactive isotopes must wear protective
    clothing which is left in the laboratory. The workers must be checked
    regularly with dosimeters, and appropriate measures should be taken
    in cases of overdose.

    • Radioactive waste must be sealed and buried deep in the ground.

    12.2.3 Checking my progress
    a. What does the term background radiation mean?
    b. Hat is radiation – am I exposed to background radiation each day
    even if I do not have an X-ray examination?
    2. What are the risks associated with radiation from diagnostic X-ray
    imaging and nuclear medicine procedures?
    3. How do I decide whether the risks are outweighed by the benefits of
    exposure to X-radiation when I have a radiology test or procedure?
    4. Are there alternatives to procedures that involve ionizing radiation that
    would answer my doctor’s question? Justify your answer with clear
    5. What kinds of safety checks do you perform each day?
    6. How often does the medical physicist check the various machines
    involved during my treatment are working properly?
    7. If I have side effects after my treatment, who can I call?
    a. My best friend
    b. My primary care doctor
    8. I have a question about a radiation treatment I had many years ago.

    Who should I call?

    12.3.1 Risks of ionizing radiation in medical treatment
    ACTIVITY 12.11:balanced risk

    Brainstorm and write briefly how balance risks in medical treatment

    Risk in the area of radiation medicine has several dimensions that are less
    common in other areas of medicine. First, there may be risks
     from overexposure that do not cause immediate injury. For example, the causal connection,

    if any, may be difficult or impossible to verify for a malignancy that surfaces
    several years after an inappropriate exposure. Second, the risks associated
    with the medical use of ionizing radiation extend beyond the patient and can
    affect health care workers and the public.

    In amplifying these and other aspects of the risks that attend medical uses of

    ionizing radiation, the discussion addresses the following issues: human error 

    and unintended events; rates of misadministration in radiation medicine;
    inappropriate and unnecessary care; and efforts that reduce misadministration

    and inappropriate care.

    12.3.2 Human Error and Unintended Events

    Errors occur throughout health care: A pharmacist fills a prescription with the
    wrong medicine; an x-ray technician takes a film of the wrong leg; a surgeon
    replaces the wrong hip. The advent of complex medical technology has
    increased the opportunity for error even as it has increased the opportunity for
    effecting cures.

    By educating health care workers, and by circumscribing their actions, human
    error may be minimized. However, some number of mistakes will always,
    unavoidably, be made, and no amount of training or double-checking can erase

    that fact. 

    12.3.3 Comparison of risks in the use of ionizing radiation

    The comparison of relative risks of misadministration in by-product radiation
    medicine to error rates and events in other medical practice settings, as well
    as the comparison of disease and death rates with the risks of the therapeutic
    administration itself, help to some extent to place ionizing radiation use in a
    broader context.

    To achieve this success requires the highest standards of performance (accuracy
    of delivered dose), both when planning irradiation for an individual patient and
    in actual delivery of the dose.

    In a large number of cases, decreasing the dose to the target volume is not
    possible since it would unacceptably decrease the cure rate. In these cases
    present technological developments aim at optimizing the patients’ protection,
    keeping the absorbed tumor dose as high as is necessary for effective treatment
    while protecting nearby healthy tissues.

    It should be remembered that successful eradication of a malignant tumor by
    radiation therapy requires high-absorbed doses and there is a delayed (and
    usually low) risk of late complication. The above mention techniques are used
    to provide the best benefit/risk ratio.

    A malignant tumor in a pregnant woman may require radiotherapy in attempt
    to save life of the patient. If a tumor is located in a distant part of the body, the
    therapy with individually tailored protection of the abdomen (screening) - may
    When thyroid cancer with metastases is diagnosed in a pregnant woman,
    treatment with 131I is not compatible with continuation of the pregnancy. The
    treatment should then be delayed until delivery if doing so wouldn’t put the
    mother’s life in danger.

    Medical radiation can be delivered to the patient from a radiation source
    outside the patient. Regardless of how much dose the patient received, they do
    not become radioactive or emit radiation. 

    • Balancing risks are often summarized in the following:
    • The demand for imaging, especially computed tomography, that has
    increased vastly over the past 20 years
    • An estimated 30% of computed tomography tests that may be
    • Ionizing radiation that may be associated with cancer.
    • The risks of radiation exposure that is often overlooked and patients
    are seldom made aware of these risks
    • The requesting doctor who must balance the risks and benefits
    of any high radiation dose imaging test, adhering to guideline
    recommendations if possible
    • Difficult cases that should be discussed with a radiologist, ideally at a

    clinic radiological or multidisciplinary team meeting.

    12.3.4 Checking progress

    1. When patients are intentionally exposed to ionizing radiation for
    medical purposes, do they suffer unintentional exposures as a result of
    error or accident? Comment to support your idea.
    2. What can be done to reduce radiation risk during conduct of radiation
    3. Can pregnant women receive radiotherapy? Explain to support your
    4. Can patients’ treatment with radiation affect other people? Explain to

    support your decision.

    ACTIVITY 12.12

    Distinguish between physical half-life, biological half-life and effective


    Brainstorm and write the distinction between physical half-life, biological half 

    life and effective half-life in your note books.

    The half-life is a characteristic property of each radioactive species and is
    independent of its amount or condition. The effective half-life of a given isotope
    is the time in which the quantity in the body will decrease to half as a result of

    both radioactive decay and biological elimination.

    There are three half-lives that are important when considering the use of
    radioactive drugs for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. While both
    the physical and biological half-lives are important since they relate directly
    to the disappearance of radioactivity from the body by two separate pathways
    (radioactive decay, biological clearance), there is no half-life as important in

    humans as the effective half-life.

    The half-life takes into account not only elimination from the body but also
    radioactive decay. If there is ever a question about residual activity in the body,
    the calculation uses the effective half-life; in radiation dosimetry calculations,

    the only half-life that is included in the equation is the effective half-life. 

    12.4.1 Physical half Lives

    Physical half-life is defined as the period of time required to reduce the
    radioactivity level of a source to exactly one half its original value due solely to

    radioactive decay. The physical half-life is designated Tp or more commonly 

    By default, the term T12 refers to the physical half-life and Tp
     is used when either or both of the other two half-lives are
    included in the discussion.
    Where λ is the radioactive constant of the radio substance

    There are a few things to note about the Tp :
    • The Tp can be measured directly by counting a sample at 2 different
    points in time and then calculating what the half-life is.

    • For example, if activity decreases from 100% to 25% in 24 hours, then
    the half-life is 12 hours since a decrease from 100% to 50% to 25%
    implies that 2 half-lives have elapsed.

    The physical half-life is unaffected by anything that humans can do to the
    isotope. High or low pressure or high or low temperature has no effect on the

    decay rate of a radioisotope.

     12.4.2 Biological half lives
    Biological Half-life is defined as the period of time required to reduce the
    amount of a drug in an organ or the body to exactly one half its original value
    due solely to biological elimination. It is typically designated Tb . There are a

    few things to note about the Tb

    For radioactive compounds, we have to calculate the Tb because
    the mass of the isotope is usually on the nanogram scale and, when
    distributed throughout the body, and especially in the target organ,
    concentrations are in the pictogram/ml range, much too small to
    measure directly.
    • For non-radioactive compounds, we can measure the Tb directly. For
    example, assuming that a person is not allergic to penicillin, we could
    give 1 000 mg of the drug and then measure the amount present in the
    blood pool and in the urine since we administered such a large amount
    of the drug

    Tb is affected by many external factors. Perhaps the two most important
    are hepatic and renal function. If kidneys are not working well, we

    would expect to see a high background activity on our scans. 

    • Each individual organ in the body has its own Tb and the whole body
    also has a Tb representing the weighted average of the Tb of all internal
    organs and the blood pool. It is therefore very important to have a frame
    of reference. For example, do you need to know the Tb of the drug in the

    liver or in the whole body? 

    • All drugs have aTb , not just radioactive ones. Drug package inserts
    often refer to the half-time of clearance of a drug from the blood pool
    or through the kidneys.
    • Since the whole body has a Tb representing the weighted average
    of the Tb of all internal organs, it will almost never equal that of an

    internal organ. 

    12.4.3 Effective half lives

    Effective half-life
    is defined as the period of time required to reduce the
    radioactivity level of an internal organ or of the whole body to exactly one half

    its original value due to both elimination and decay. 

    It is designated Te can be measured directly. For example, one can hold a 
    detection device 1 m from the patient’s chest and count the patient multiple

    times until the reading decreases to half of the initial reading. 

    The patient is permitted to use the rest room between readings as needed, so
    both elimination and decay are taking place. The half-life being measured in
    this case is the Te and Te is affected by the same external factors that affect Tb

    since Te is dependent upon Tb

    Tp: physical half-life

    Tb : biological half-life


    A. Multiple choices.

    1. Which of the following would reduce the cell damage due to
    radiation for a lab technician who works with radioactive isotopes
    in a hospital or lab?
    a. Increase the worker’s distance from the radiation source.
    b. Decrease the time the worker is exposed to the radiation.
    c. Use shielding to reduce the amount of radiation that strikes
    the worker.
    d. Have the worker wear a radiation badge when working with
    the radioactive isotopes.
    e. All of the above.
    2. If the same dose of each type of radiation was provided over the
    same amount of time, which type would be most harmful?
    a. X-rays.                                       c. γ rays.
    b. α Rays.                                    d. β particles.

    3. Which of the following is true?

    a. Any amount of radiation is harmful to living tissue.
    b. Radiation is a natural part of the environment.
    c. All forms of radiation will penetrate deep into living tissue.
    d. None of the above is true.
    4. Which radiation induces the most biological damage for a given
    amount of energy deposited in tissue?
    a. Alpha particules.
    b. Gamma radiation.
    c. C. Beta radiation.
    d. D. All do the same damage for the same deposited energy.
    5. Which would produce the most energy in a single reaction?
    a. The fission reaction associated with uranium-235.
    b. The fusion reaction of the Sun (two hydrogen nuclei fused to
    one helium nucleus).
    c. Both (A) and (B) are about the same.
    d. Need more information.
    6. The fuel necessary for fusion-produced energy could be derived from

    a. Water.                       d. Superconductors.
    b. Uranium.                 e. Helium.
    c. Sunlight.

    B. Structured questions

    7. If the equipment isn’t working and my treatment is delayed or
    postponed, who checks that it is safe to use again? And will this delay
    affect my cancer?
    8. Do you have weekly chart rounds where you review patient-related
    information in peer review?
    9. Will you take imaging scans regularly during my treatment to verify
    position of my treatment? Who reviews those scans?
    10. People who work around metals that emit alpha particles are trained
    that there is little danger from proximity or touching the material, but
    they must take extreme precautions against ingesting it. Why? (Eating
    and drinking while working are forbidden.)
    11. What is the difference between absorbed dose and effective dose? What
    are the SI units for each?
    12. Radiation is sometimes used to sterilize medical supplies and even food.
    Explain how it works.
    13. How might radioactive tracers be used to find a leak in a pipe?
    14. Explain that there are situations in which we may or may not have
    control over our exposure to ionizing radiation.
    a. When do we not have control over our exposure to radiation?
    b. When do we have control over our exposure to radiation?
    c. Why might we want to limit our exposure to radiation when
    15. Does exposure to heavy ions at the level that would occur during
     deep space missions of long duration pose a risk to the integrity and function

    of the central nervous system?
    16. Radiation protection of ionizing radiation from radiation sources is
    particularly difficult. Give a reason for this difficulty. 

    C. Essay questions

    17. I always lock my radioactive material-use rooms. However, renovators
    came in during the weekend, worked, and left the door open while they
    were on their lunch break. Am I responsible and how can I prevent this
    from happening? Debate on the situation above to support your answer.
    18. How can I ensure that personnel who work in my lab, but do not use
    radioactive material, do not violate the security requirements? Debate
    to support your idea.
    19. A Housekeeping staff member opens my radioactive material-use room
    after working hours and does not lock it when they leave. What should
    I do? Explain clearly to support your idea.
    20. Make a research and predict what steps that can or might be taken to
    reduce the exposure to radiation (consider if living near a radioactive
    area like an abandoned uranium mine, if finding a radioactive source, or

    in the event of a nuclear explosion or accident). 


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