Topic outline

  • Definition of Terms

    1. Incident An occurrence or event that interrupts normal procedure or
    precipitates an injury Incident report A form that is filled out in order to record

    details of an unusual event that occurs at

    2. the facility

    3. Instructional resources Equipment or materials used during laboratory
    demonstration and return demonstration. These include CD and DVD,

    multimedia projector, and smart board. 

    4. Laboratory technician He is the person in charge of the laboratory.

    5. Laboratory equipment and supplies All the equipment and materials
    used in the nursing procedures. These are, but not limited to the different
    types of mannequins, anatomic models, beds, wheelchairs, bedside tables,
    stretchers, infusion pumps and supplies. 

    6. Laboratory Instructor He is the responsible person that provides
    professional support, supervision, guidance to the nursing during their

    clinical experience in the skills laboratory.

    7. Laboratory users All students, laboratory instructors and demonstrators

    using the laboratory.

    Nursing Laboratory A place where students acquire basic skills as part of

    their preparation in the actual

    8. clinical exposure. 

    9. Nursing Clinical Learning This is a practical integration and application of
    knowledge, skills and attitudes learned from the skills laboratory and applied
    it in the actual clinical set-up.This process is facilitated with the provision of
    professional support, supervision, guidance, feedback and evaluation by a
    preceptor assigned in the hospital and clinical Instructor. It is on the aspect
    of clinical education that provides students with context-based learning that
    is gained through first-hand client and professional interactions and through

    opportunity to experience “the doing” in the clinical practice setting. 

    10. Practical This is an actual application of knowledge gained from the


    11. aspect of nursing. The nursing student has a chance to practice all the skills
    required to meet the competency in caring patients in the skills laboratory or

    in the actual hospital clinical set-up. 

    12. Skills Laboratory This is an area in the college in which lecture and
    demonstration is carrying-out by the laboratory instructor as well as the

    return demonstration of the nursing students are being performed. 


    Skills lab based education practice in healthcare has been defined as any

    educational activity that utilizes simulative aides to replicate clinical scenarios.

    In skills lab setting students use variety equipment such as manikins, medical
    equipment, consumables and checklists of procedures, but also, they can watch
    videos on healthcare professional education. The acquisition of hands-on clinical

    skills in a long education way is a key to protect patient safety.

    1.1.Goal of skills laboratory

    The goal for clinical skills laboratory is to create an artificial replication of the real
    world situation in which students can gain knowledge and psychomotor skills and
    be able to critically think through complex scenarios in a safe and non-threatening
    environment. This approach to experiential learning is a ‘learner centric’ educational
    method, which integrates the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains in a
    non-threatening and safe environment thus ensuring accuracy and competency of

    skills before the student enters the clinical environment. 

    1.2.Purpose of Skills lab

    Maintain state-of-the-art laboratories that are equipped with human patient 
    simulators, digitalized video, and electronic supply and static mannequins. These 
    laboratories were designed to reproduce realistic practice settings, including the 
    basic hospital unit, critical care, surgical/operating suite, pediatrics neonatal nursery, 
    maternity, home care, health assessment and diagnostic laboratory. All laboratory 
    spaces are also outfitted with tables and chairs for reflective thinking exercises that 
    allow the students time to review their decisions and actions with the instructor and 

    their classmates. 

    The Clinical Skill Laboratories exist primarily to serve the students, faculty and staff 

    of Nursing department

    The clinical skill laboratories provide a clinical learning environment utilizing task 
    trainers and human patient simulation technology, as specified by the curriculum 
    and on recommendation by the faculty, and facilitate optimum and efficient utilization 

    of those resources.

    1.3.Purpose of this teacher’s guide

    To facilitate the teacher in teaching activities, the content of this teacher`s guide is 

    self-explanatory so that you can easily use it.


    The purpose of the rules and regulations of skills lab is to guide teachers, students 
    and other health care professionals to use the available facilities for the development 
    of clinical competencies required in a skills lab environment before translating them 
    to the real clinical settings for the provision of safe and quality health care services to 


    1.4. Structure of the guide

    The guide has two main parts

    1.4.1.Part I: General guidelines

    This part provides general guidance on: 
    • Rules and regulation for skills lab
    • Methodological principles to be used in skills lab

    • Guidance on assessment

    1.4.2.Part II: Development of Checklist

    This is the most important part of the guide. It includes Checklist of fundamental of 
    Nursing for senior 4, 5 and 6, and Checklist of Maternal and Child health for Senior 

    4, 5 and 6.

    Each checklist is developed in the following structure:

    - Checklist title: this title is taken from course units; it contains the theory that need 

    to be translated into practices.

    - Procedure: each checklist is divided into different procedures; technique and all 

    steps composed each checklist.

    - Aims of techniques(procedures).

    1.5.Objectives of the Nursing Skills Laboratory 

    1. The objective of the Nursing Skills Laboratory is to provide realistic and quality 
    clinical learning experience to associate nursing students through various 
    clinical learning opportunities in the Nursing Skills Laboratory and serve as a 

    provision for the students to become associate nurses. It specifically aims to: 

    2. Build the students’ basic skills by providing definite connections between the 
    theoretical and clinical learning of the students through definite and adept 

    clinical learning experiences in the laboratory. 

    3. Develop the students’ associate nurse in providing nursing care in accordance 

    with the norms and values. 

    4. Foster the students’ ability to utilize the nursing process in performing nursing 


    1.6. Duties and Student Nurse responsibilities in skills 


    Students are expected to come to skills laboratory prepared by having reviewed the 
    skill(s) to be practiced and/or demonstrated as well as having read the assigned 
    topics/chapters (if any) by his/her instructor prior to laboratory demonstration. They 

    are advised to take advantage of every opportunity to enhance their nursing skills. 

    1. Log in on arrival to the attendance sheet provided by the laboratory instructor 

    and log out before leaving. 

    2. Inform the laboratory instructor of any particular learning needs. 

    3. Gather and return the equipment used for skill performance. 

    4. Approach situations and scenarios as if they are actual client interactions. 

    5. Follow safety measures at all time. 

    6. Maintain cleanliness of the laboratory area. 

    7. Dispose of sharps appropriately. 

    8. Demonstrate respect and consideration for self and others. All students 

    should display professional, courteous conduct. 

    9. Alert the laboratory instructor of allergies and injuries including latex allergy. 

    10. Any damage or malfunction of mannequins or equipment should be reported 

    to the laboratory instructor immediately. 

    11. Students should at all times observe the safety precautions and appropriate 
    techniques while learning and practicing skills in the lab. If not sure where to 

    locate equipment, supplies or resources, ask. 

    12. Students should be knowledgeable of the care, handling, and proper use of 

    equipment prior to using it in the laboratory. 

    13. The Identification card or ID should be always surrender when borrowing 


    1.7.Skills lab Technician responsibilities 
    1. Conduct monthly inventory of the existing laboratory equipment and supplies and 
    submit semestral report to the program coordinator. It should include utilization, 
    losses, and breakages/damages on all laboratory rooms, laboratory equipment 
    and supplies. 
    2. Catalog and maintain security for audio visual and other media resources. 
    3. Check that the number of borrowed materials is complete and in good condition 
    when returned. 
    4. Prepare laboratory equipment and supplies for each skills laboratory class based 
    from the laboratory instructor or demonstrator’s requests. 
    5. Oversee maintenance of laboratory equipment and supplies, and computer 
    technology equipment for simulation; responsible in monitoring all equipment for 
    optimum performance and also for the certification. 
    6. Initiate processes on ensuring repairs of damaged laboratory equipment. 
    7. Coordinate with the laboratory coordinator in the procurement/requisition of 
    equipment and supplies. 
    8. Directly responsible on the documentation of usage of laboratory, laboratory 
    equipment and supplies. 
    9. Ensure that the laboratory rooms are clean, safe, and organized. 
    10. Accomplishes the Daily Nursing Skills Lab Follow-Up Sheet. 
    11. Promote safe laboratory practices. 
    12. Ensure the completeness of the first aid kit everyday. He/she will replace supplies 
    as needed. 

    13. Responsible for the Nursing skills laboratory lock/key. 

    1.8. Physical safety guidelines 
    1. Students should perform proper body mechanics during practice and return 
    demonstration especially in moving, lifting, and transferring skills. 
    2. Equipment used for body mechanics practice (bed, wheelchairs, stretcher, 
    etc.) should be used only if in good working condition. Any malfunction in 
    the equipment should be reported immediately to the laboratory technician 
    using the incident/injury form. 
    3. The wheels of all equipment (wheelchairs, stretchers, and beds) should be 

    locked during practice and return demonstration. 

    1.8. Managing hazardous waste: 
    1. Batteries which are not functioning should be disposed properly.
    2. Contaminated supplies used during laboratory activities are collected, 
    singed as hazardous waste material and stored in designated area of the 
    skills laboratory. 

    3. All biohazard wastes will be taken by a designated transporter.


    2.1.Users of skills lab

    Skills lab can be used by:
    – Individual student,
    – Individual instructor for his/her preparation before practice session,
    – Group of students accompanied by a teacher,
    – Group of students for peer tutoring,
    – Group of instructors for continuous professional development,

    – People from outside the institution upon request

    2.2.Main consideration during a skills lab

    1. In accordance with humanistic education, all manikins and models are to be 
    treated with respect as though they are real clients. Models and manikins 
    are to be handled gently and carefully, draped appropriately when used, and 

    covered when not in use.

    2. All skills lab users shall dress for skills lab as if attending the real clinical 
    setting among others name badges and uniform (or clinical coat), tied up 

    hair, close-toe shoes wear.

    3. Tutors are responsible for supervising all students brought to the lab for 
    tutor-led sessions. He/she must prepare and rehearsal the practical sessions 

    before they start.

    4. The tutor should not exceed a group of 8 students for session demonstration 

    and the student should not have more than 3 practical sessions for one day. 

    5. English as a medium language of instruction is recommended in all teaching 

    sessions including demonstration of procedures in skills lab.

    6. Anybody who wants to practice in skills lab must make a booking for practical 

    rooms and equipment. 

    7. If the program permits students/tutors/other users to check out equipment 
    from the simulation lab, all procedures for signing out and returning equipment 
    are to be followed. Failure to responsibly adhere to the policy may mean loss 

    of check-out privileges. 

    8. Attendance and logbook for students should be signed after each simulation 

    teaching/learning session. 

    9. If the material(s)/equipment(s) are lost or damaged the person responsible, 
    signs the form of accepting the act and submit to the skills lab Technician 
    within 24 hours of the incidence in working days, then the procedure of 

    replacing it/them starts.

    10. Clean-Up of the Area after Sessions: Upon completion of practice session, 
    it is the responsibility of the users to ensure that they tidy up the room 

    (furniture, trolleys,…) and leave the lab as they found it.

    11. Coats, backpacks, and other personal belongings are not allowed in skills 

    lab rooms.

    12. Food and drinks are prohibited in the skills lab rooms.

    13. Universal precautions are to be followed at all times as are all safety 
    guidelines used in the clinical setting. Sharps and syringes are to be disposed 

    in appropriate containers. 

    14. Incident report: In case of any incidence during session, the responsible 
    person should report it in writing to the skills lab Technician within 24 hours 

    of the incidence in working days.

    2.3.Attendance & evaluation skills lab

    1. The signed attendance sheet is used in skill lab sessions as proof. 

    2. The module leader communicates the date of evaluation (OSCE) to be done 
    in skills lab to the students and any change is communicated at least two 

    weeks before.

    3. OSCE should be prepared and rehearsed one day before by teachers. 

    4. Student must practice individually at least three times each procedure 

    taught, before the OSCE.

    5. The student who hasn’t regularly attended the skills lab as indicated is not 

    allowed to sit for OSCE. 

    6. The average pass mark of OSCE is 60% and the results should be 

    communicated to the students within 48 hours of working days.

    7. Debriefing is mandatory for all students within 2 working days after OSCE 

    and HoD should be informed of the process.

    8. The evaluator should turn off his/her phone during OSCE, and follow each 

    step of the procedure done by student.

    9. The student who missed the OSCE without sound justification is awarded a 
    zero mark. The justification has to be notified to the head of department at 

    the latest within 48 hours after the OSCE.

    10. No teacher shall accept a justification which is not countersigned by the 

    head of the department.

    2.4.Methodological principles to be used in skills lab

    2.4.1.Techniques to be used in skills lab

    Skills lab is an opportunity for a student to apply practically what he/she 
    learned theoretical. Even if there are different techniques to be used, one of the 

    recommendable techniques is Scaffolding. 

    Scaffolding is supporting new learning by building new concepts on previously 
    learnt concepts. There are various ways teachers can do this. One way is by 
    reminding the learners about concepts they have previously learned. Another is to 
    display previously learned concepts so that learners can focus on the new learning. 
    This gradual release of responsibility is sometimes called “I do, We do, You do”. 
    This model proposes a plan of instruction that includes demonstration, prompt, and 


    At the beginning of a procedure or when new material is being introduced, the 
    teacher has a prominent role in the delivery of the content. This is the “I do” phase. 
    But as the student acquires the new information and skills, the responsibility of 
    learning shifts from teacher-directed instruction to student processing activities. In 
    the “We do” phase of learning, the teacher continues to model, question, prompt 
    and cue students, but as student move into the “You do” phases, they rely more on 

    themselves and less on the teacher to complete the learning task. roles and responsibilities of teacher and student at every 


    The table below shows the roles and responsibilities of teacher and student at 

    every phase.

    2.4.2. Attention to special educational needs specific to skills 

    lab practice

    Teachers need to:

    • Pair a student who has a disability with a friend. Let them do things together and 
    learn from each other. Make sure the friend is not over protective and does not do 

    everything for the student. Both students will benefit from this strategy.

    Below are strategies related to each main category of disabilities and how to deal 
    with every situation that may arise. However, the list is not exhaustive because 

    each student is unique with different needs that should be handled differently. 

    2.4.3.Strategies to help student with physical disabilities:
    • Be patient! If you find that the student takes longer than others to learn or to 
    do an activity, allow more time.
    • Do activities together with the student.
    • Gradually give the student less help. 
    • Let the student do the activity with other students and encourage them to help 
    each other.
    • Divide the activity into small achievable steps.
    • Remember to praise and say ‘Well done’ when the student learns something 

    new or makes a strong effort.

    2.5.Guidance on assessment

    The various assessment will be undertaken to assess students in skills laboratory :


    The objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), is designed to assess the 
    student ability to competently apply the professional nursing or midwifery skills and 
    knowledge into real practice. It is set at the level expected of nurses and midwives 
    as they enter the profession. This means that you must show that you are capable 

    of applying knowledge to the care of patients.

    The examination is testing the student ability to apply knowledge to the care of 
    patients rather than how well you can remember and recite facts. All of the scenarios 
    and any questions relate to current best practice and you should answer them in 

    relation to published evidence and not according to local arrangements. 

    Time for OSCE: The OSCE will be scheduled at the end of each unit theory, 
    organized to assethe students competencies using different stations according to 

    the course units. 

    Equipment : All equipment needed to complete the station successfully,according 

    to the station requirements.

  • Unit 2: Skills lab manual for Teachers and students of senior four

    2.6.Procedure: Hands Hygiene And Gloving

    2.6.1.Technique: Simple Hand Washing

    Aims of SIMPLE HAND

    • To reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a clean environment

    • To prevent infections 

    • To remove germs from hands 

    • To cleanse the hands of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, or other 

    microorganisms that can cause disease).

    Learning outcome

    • Perform correctly hand washing technique using appropriate steps. 


    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back and put bonnet 
    • Assemble equipment and arrange on bedside chair in the order the items will 
    be used
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 

    • Wear closed shoes 

    • Water 
    • Plain (non-antimicrobial) soap 

    • Disposable towel

    Simple hand washing’s steps

    2.6.2.Techinque Non-Sterile And Sterile Gloving

    • To protect Associate nurses’ hands when handling substances
    • To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from nurses to the 
    patient and vice-versa; 
    • To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from one patient to 

    the other. 

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Ensure nails are cut short 

    • Hand washing 

    • Clean gloves(for non sterile gloving) 

    • Sterile Gloves(for sterile Gloving) 

    2.6.3.Technique: Removing Non-Sterile And Sterile Gloves

    • To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from associate nurse 
    student to the patient and vice-versa; 
    • To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from one patient to 

    the other.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Ensure nails are cut short 

    • Hand washing 


    • Dustbin


    2.7. Procedure: Bedmaking 

     2.7.1.Technique: Unoccupied Bed, With Changing Bed-Sheets: One 



    • To provide clean and comfortable position of the patient, 

    • To reduce risk of infection 

    • To Prevent bed sores

    Learning outcomes:


    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card

    • Hair tied back

    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 

    • Wear closed shoes

    • Ensure nails are cut short 

    • Hand washing

    • Pillow case
    • Protective gloves 
    • Blanket
    • Waterproof protective pad 

    • Linen hamper or bag


    2.7.2.Techinque: Unoccupied Bed, With Changing Bed-Sheets : 

    Two Associate Nurses. 


    • To provide clean, safe and comfortable bed for the patient
    • To promote rest and sleep
    • To reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a clean environment
    • To prevent bed sores

    • To observe patient and to prevent complications

    Learning outcomes:
    • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.

    • Demonstrate the ability to make an unoccupied bed

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Pillow case
    • Protective gloves 
    • Blanket
    • cleaning materials 
    • Linen hamper or bag
    • 2 Bed sheet (bottom sheet and top sheet)
    • Draw sheet

    • Mackintosh (if contaminated or needed to change


    2.7.3.Techinque: Unoccupied Bed Making Without Changing Bed Sheets


    • To be ready for the next occupant
    • To prepare the bed for the client return
    • To provide a clean environment 
    • To provide a good appearance 

    • To minimize sources of infections 

    earning outcomes:
    • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.

    • Demonstrate the ability to make an unoccupied bed

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Two large cotton sheets
    • One water proof draw mackintosh (if necessary)
    • One draw sheet (if necessary)
    • One or two pillows
    • Pillow slips/covers
    • One blanket optional

    • One bed cover or counterpane


    2.7.4.Techinque: Occupied Bed, With Changing Bed-Sheets: Two Nurses Patient Can Turn

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

    • Pillow case
    • Protective gloves 
    • Blanket
    • cleaning materials , 
    • Basin 
    • Linen hamper or bag 
    • 2 Bed sheet ( bottom sheet and top sheet)
    • Draw sheet
    • Mackintosh ( if contaminated or needed to change)

    • Chair


    2.7.5.Techinque: Occupied Bed Making, Patient Can Sit

    • To promote the clients comfort
    • To provide a clean environment for the client
    • To minimize source of skin irritation
    • Provide safety
    • These are appliances used in bed making
    • Provide comfort of the patient
    • For the protection of bed linen
    • Prevention of pressure sores

    • To facilitate putting the patient into bed without delay etc.

    Learning outcomes:

    • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.

    • Demonstrate the ability to make an occupied bed


    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing


    Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of BP check up
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Instruct the patient to have a rest for at least 10 minutes.

    • Gloves
    • Mattress Pad
    • Bottom draw Sheet
    • Cotton draw sheet
    • A plastic draw sheet
    • Pillowcase
    • Top sheet
    • Blanket
    • Bed Spread
    • Linen Hamper or bag

    • Bed side


    3..2.6. Techinque: Procedure: Occupied Bed Making, Patient Cannot Sit Or Turn

    • To change the linen with the least possible disturbance to the patient
    • To draw or fix the sheets under the patients very firmly so that it would not 
    • To remove crumbs from the bed.
    • To make patient feel comfortable.
    • Learning outcomes:
    • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.

    • Demonstrate the ability to make an occupied bed

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position
    • Make sure that the patient was at least 5-10 min before assessing 


    • Necessary linen.
    • Tray for stripping and airing.
    • Laundry bag or hamper
    • Gloves
    • Mattress Pad
    • Bottom draw Sheet
    • Cotton draw sheet
    • A plastic draw sheet
    • Pillow Case
    • Top bed sheet
    • Blanket
    • Bed Spread
    • Linen Hamper or bag

    • Bed side


    3.2.7. Techinque: Post-Operative Bed Making

    • To provide clean, safe and comfortable bed for the patient 
    • To promote rest and sleep
    • To reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a clean environment
    • To prevent bed sores 
    • To economize time and energy
    • To observe patient and to prevent complications
    • Learning outcomes:
    • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.

    • Demonstrate the ability to make a postoperative bed

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Pillowcase 
    • Protective gloves 
    • Bed sheets: Bottom sheet (1)
    • Top sheet (1) 
    • Draw sheet (1-2) 
    • Mackintosh 
    • Draw sheet
    • Mackintosh ( if contaminated or needed to change)According to the 
    type of operation, the
    • number required of mackintosh and draw
    • sheet is different.
    • Blanket (1) Hot water bag with hot water if needed
    • Materials for vital signs 
    • Iv stand

    • Chair


     2.8. Procedure: Bedbath 

    3.3.1. Techinque: Complete Bed Bath Patient Can Not Sit

    • To promote hygiene 
    • To prevent bacteria spreading on the skin
    • To stimulate circulation
    • To promote patient comfort and induce sleep
    • To prevent bed sores

    • To observe the client for any complications

    Learning outcomes:
    • To perform correctly the technic of bed bath

    • Apply environmental safety

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.

    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.

    • 2 Basins ( 1 with soap and 1 without soap) 
    • 2 Bucket: ( 1 for hot clean water, 1 for waste) 
    • 1 jug 
    • 1 Soap with soap dish
    • 2 Sponge cloth ( 1 for wash another for rinse)
    • Face towel
    • 2 bath towels ( 1 for covering over mackintosh another for covering 

    client body)

    • 1 Mackintosh
    • 1 trolley
    • Thermometer
    • Paper bag
    • Personal hygiene supplies ( deodorant, lotion, powder, combs, etc)
    • Folded screens.
    • Bag for dirty linen. 

    • Clean Clothing or hospital gown.


    3.3.2. Techinque: Complete Bed Bath, Patient Can Sit

    • To Bath is an important part of professional hygiene
    • To Bath cleanses the skin and makes the patient more comfortable
    • To stimulate the circulation and relax the patient
    • To provide the good opportunity to observe the client body and as well as 

    communicate with the patient

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Make sure that the patient has been at rest for at least 10 minutes.

    • Two large cotton sheets
    • One water proof draw mackintosh (if necessary)
    • One draw sheet (if necessary)
    • One or two pillows
    • Pillow slips/covers
    • One blanket (optional)

    • One bed cover or counterpane


    3.3.3. Techinque: Complete Bed Bath, Patient Cannot Sit Or Turn


    • To keep the skin healthy

    • To prevent infections

    • Soap
    • Wash cloths
    • 1 Bath towel
    • 2 Wash basins
    • Clean gown 
    • Bath blanket
    • Lotion for back rub

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position
    • Make sure that the patient was at least 5-10 min before assessing 



    3.3.4. Techinque: Partial Bed Bath, Perineal Care

    • To Clean the skin 
    • To stimulate blood circulation 
    • To improved self-image 
    • To reduce body odors 

    • To promote range of motion exercises

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Make sure that the patient has been at rest for at least 10 minutes.

    • Clean gloves (1 pair)
    • washcloth (1)
    • Basin with warm water (1)
    • Bath Towels (1)
    • Mackintosh (1)
    • Soap with soap dish (1)
    • Toilet paper

    • Bed pan (1): as required


    2.9.Procedure: Moving And Positioning Patients In Bed

    3.4.1. Techinque: Turning Client To The Lateral Or Prone 

    Position In Bed

    Aims of the procedure
     To provide comfort
    • • To prevent the occurrence of bed sores

    • • To promote lung and cardiac function

    Learning outcomes:
    • The students will be able to 
    • Identify the predilection sites a patient in the: lateral and/or prone position 
    • Correctly communicate with the patient during positioning 
    • Put the patient into the basic position as precautionary positioning of the 


    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure

    • Position the client appropriately before moving the client

    • Folded screen
    • Protective gloves 
    • Pillows for positioning

    • Possibly a draw-sheet.


    3.4.2. Techinque: Logrolling A Clien

    Aims of the procedure
    • To turn the client whose body must at all times be kept in a straight alignment 

    • To provide comfort

    Learning outcomes:
    • The students will be able to 
    • Identify the predilection sites a patient in Logrolling
    • Correctly communicate with the patient during Logrolling
    • Put the patient into the basic position as precautionary positioning of the 


    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure

    • Position the client appropriately before moving the client

    • Folded screen
    • Protective gloves 
    • Pillows for positioning

    • Possibly a draw-sheet.


    3.4.3. Technique: Moving Patient In Bed (Two Nurses Using Turn Sheet)

    Aims of the procedure

    • To assist clients who have slid down in bed from the Fowler’s position to 

    move up in bed 

    Learning outcomes:
    • The students will be able to 
    • Correctly communicate with the patient during moving the patient

    • Move the patient correctly

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure

    • Position the client appropriately before moving the client

    • Folded screen
    • Protective gloves 
    • Pillows for positioning

    • Draw-sheet or full sheet


    3.4.4. Technique: Moving The Patient From Bed To Chair Or 

    Wheel Chair (One Nurse And Two Nurses)

    Aims of the procedure
    • Changing position
    • Ambulation

    • Transfer to operating room

    Learning outcomes:
    The students will be able to 
    • Implement position changes correctly 

    • Use the appropriate means to facilitate the movement of the patient.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess Client body size, Activity tolerance, Muscle strength, joint mobility
    • , presence of paralysis, degree of comfort, orthostatic hypotension and the 
    ability of the client
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure

    • Position the client appropriately before moving the client

    • Protective gloves 
    • Appropriate clothing
    • Slippers or other appropriate open shoes

    • Chair or wheelchair (depending the purpose)


    3.4.5. Techinque: Moving The Client From Bed To Stretcher Aims 

    of the procedure 

    Aims of the procedure

    • To transfer the client in supine position from one location to another 

    Learning outcomes:
    The students will be able to 
    • implement position changes correctly 

    • Use the appropriate means to facilitate the movement of the patient.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess client body size, Activity tolerance, Muscle strength, joint mobility, 
    presence of paralysis, degree of comfort, orthostatic hypotension and the 
    ability of the client
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure

    • Position the client appropriately before moving the client

    • Protective gloves 
    • Appropriate clothing
    • Stretcher

    • Assistive devices as required or bedsheet


    2.10.Procedure: Application Of Local Heat And Cold

    3.5.1. Technique: application dry and moist heat.

    • To treat sprains muscle pulls

    • To provide relief of pain

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

    • Tray,
    • Folded screen

    • Non sterile Gloves

    Dry heat
    • Hot water bag 

    • Kettle with cover/ or any other material that can kook the water. 

    • Water container.
    • Hot water bag cover / small towel to cover. 

    • Vaseline or oil for applying on the skin in case there is redness

    Moist Heat
    • Basin or tub.
    • Small towel. 
    • Bath towel 
    • Ties, tape, or rolled gauze. 

    • Mackintosh


    3.5.2. Technique: application dry and moist cold.


     • To treat sprains muscle pulls

    • To provide relief of pain

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 

    • Wear closed shoes

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

    • Tray,
    • Folded screen
    • Non sterile Gloves 
    • Dry heat
    • Hot water bag 
    • Kettle with cover/ or any other material that can kook the water. 
    • Water container.
    • Hot water bag cover / small towel to cover. 
    • Vaseline or oil for applying on the skin in case there is redness
    • Moist cold
    • Large basin Contains of ice.
    • Small basin Contain with cold water.
    • Gauze squares, wash cloth, or small towels.
    • Waterproof pad/ Plastic sheet.
    • A towel

    • Mackintosh

    2.11.Procedure: Assisting The Patient To Eliminate

    3.6.1. Technique: Use Of Urinal

    Aims of the procedure

    • To assist in urination when the client is unable to get out of bed

    • To take urine sample 

    Learning outcomes:

    The students will be able to 
    • Assist in urination when the client is unable to get out of bed

    • Take urine sample correctly

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 

    • Wear closed shoes

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • nal
    • Protective Clean gloves
    • Toilet paper
    • Material for personal hygiene if necessary
    • Receptacle for waste disposal
    • Screen
    • Linens such as privacy blankets

    • Water proof protector/Macintosh


    3.6.2. Technique: Use Of Bed Pan

    Aims of the procedure
    • To assist in voiding when the client is unable to get out of bed

    • To take stool sample 

    Learning outcomes:
    The students will be able to 
    • Assist in voiding when the client is unable to get out of bed

    • Take stool sample correctly

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Bed pan
    • Protective Clean gloves
    • Toilet paper
    • Material for personal hygiene if necessary
    • Receptacle for waste disposal
    • Screen
    • Linens such as privacy blankets

    • Water proof protector/Macintosh 


    3.6.3. Technique: Administering Enema (Evacuating Enema/

    Return Flow Enema)

    Aims of the procedure
    • To relieve constipation
    • To clean bowel before endoscopic examination or procedure
    • To clean bowel before surgical operation 

    • To reduce inflammation of intestine 

    Learning outcomes:

    The students will be able to 
    • Perform enema 
    • Prepare the patient for enema administration 

    • Prepare the aids for enema administration 

    Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Ensure client privacy
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Folding screens.
    • Tray, Trolley.
    • Bracket
    • Impermeable protection and cotton cloth. 
    • Appropriate rectal tube. 
    • Kidney dish.
    • Lubricant.
    • Protective gloves.
    • Clean compress and toilet paper.
    • Enema cannula with connection tube.
    • Grip for clamping or tap.
    • Water or other solution at the temperature prescribed.
    • Bed pan

    • Material for personal hygiene, if necessary.

    3.6.4. Technique: Assisting Patients In Using Diapers

    Aims of the procedure

    • To promote cleanliness to the client

    • To prevent infection and bed sores

    Learning outcomes:

    The students will be able to 
    • Perform enema 
    • Prepare the patient for diapers change 

    • Prepare the aids for diapers change

    Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Ensure client privacy
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Tray or trolley
    • Proper Gloves
    • A clean diaper (consider the size of the patient)
    • Dust bin or bucket to receive soiled diaper
    • Bucket with a lid and filled with water for non-disposable diapers.
    • Skin protection barrier cream

    • Bed linens, if necessary.


    2.12.Technique: Manual Removal Of Fecaloma


    • To remove impacted feces

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • The trolley.
    • Serving forceps in its container.
    • Disinfectant solution (for hands).
    • Bed pan with cover.
    • Impermeable protection and cotton protection.
    • Lubricant.
    • Toilet paper.
    • Kidney dish for wastes.
    • Individual blanket or towel.
    • Protective gloves.

    • Plastic apron if available


    2.13.Hygiene Care of Ileostomy Or Colostomy


    • To prevent infection 

    • To prevent irritation of the skin 

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
    • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 

    • Bed pan
    • Protective Clean gloves
    • Toilet paper
    • Material for personal hygiene if necessary
    • Receptacle for waste disposal
    • Screen
    • Linens such as privacy blankets
    • Water proof protector/Macintosh
    • Pieces of gauzes

    • Physiologic 0.9% solution The trolley.


    2.14. Vital signs And Parameters

    2.14.1.Technique: Body Temperature Mesurement

    Aims of the procedure

    • To assist in diagnosis 
    • To evaluate patient recovery from illness, 
    • To determine if immediate measure is needed to any abnormal body 


    Learning outcomes:

    • To measure the body temperature (axillary, oral, tympanic membrane and 

    temporal artery) 

    • To write down the results , interpret them and communicate the results

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of body temperature measurement

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    EQUIPMENTS (axillary body temperature) 
    • Appropriate and functional thermometer.
    • Cleaned and disinfected tray.
    • Swabs and disinfectant.
    • Pen and vital sign flow sheet or electronic health record 
    • Functional watch on the second hand 

    • Kidney dish and bowl

    EQUIPMENTS(tympanic body temperature)z
    • Infrared (tympanic) thermometer, appropriate for site to be used
    • Disposable probe covers
    • Non sterile gloves, if appropriate
    • Cleaned and disinfected tray.
    • Swabs and disinfectant
    • Kidney dish and bowl
    • Additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),as indicated
    • Toilet tissue, if needed

    • Pencil or pen, paper or flow sheet, computerized record

    EQUIPMENTS(temporal body temperature)
    • Infrared temporal artery thermometer, appropriate for site to be used
    • Disposable probe covers
    • Non sterile gloves, if appropriate
    • Cleaned and disinfected tray.
    • Swabs and disinfectant
    • Kidney dish and bowl
    • Additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),as indicated
    • Toilet tissue, if needed

    • Pencil or pen, paper or flow sheet, computerized record


    2.14.2.Technique: Pulse Measurement


    • To gather information about heart rhythm and pattern of beat

    • To assess heart ability to deliver blood to distant areas

    • To evaluate heart effect to cardiac medication, activity, blood volume and 

    gas exchange

    Learning outcomes:
    • Take correctly the pulse rate 
    • Record the results and interpret them.

    • Communicate results

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Make sure that the patient has been at rest for at least 10 minutes.

    • Watch with second hand.
    • Stethoscope (for taking the apical pulse only).
    • Non-sterile gloves
    • Pen and vital sign flow sheet or electronic health record 

    • Swabs with disinfectant in kidney dish in the event of the apical pulse.


    2.14.3. Technique: Blood Pressure Measurement

    Aims of the procedure

    • To obtain baseline data for diagnosis and treatment

    • To compare and evaluate subsequent change occurred during care.

    Learning outcomes:
    • The students will be able to demonstrate how to use the equipment for 
    taking a blood pressure, organize their technique, and produce an accurate 
    reading according to what they hear or see.

    • The student will be able to interpret the findings

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation(Make sure that the skin is 
    dry and injury-free. Do not take BP on an arm with perfusion, paralyzed, or 
    on the side of a former mastectomy)
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of BP check up
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Instruct the patient to have a rest for at least 10 minutes.

    • Hand washing 
    • Disinfected Tray/Trolley
    • Disposable pressure cuff of appropriate size for patient
    • Functional sphygmomanometer
    • Non sterile Gloves 
    • Alcohol swabs(concentrated at 70%)
    • Functional stethoscope.
    • Kidney dish

    • Pen and vital sign flow sheet or electronic health record


    2.14.4.Technique: Respiratory Rate Measurement


    • To gather information about rhythm and depth

    • To determine number of respiration occurring per minutes

    Learning outcomes:
    • Take correctly the Respiration rate 
    • Record the results and interpret them.

    • Communicate results

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation(Make sure that the skin is 
    dry and injury-free. Do not take BP on an arm with perfusion, paralyzed, or 
    on the side of a former mastectomy)
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of BP check up
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Instruct the patient to have a rest for at least 10 minutes.

    • Functional watch 
    • Pen and vital sign flow sheet 

    • Nonsterile glove


    2.14.5. Technique: Pulse Oximetry Measurement (Oxygen Saturation)


    • To review basics of the hemodynamics of cardiovascular system 
    • To recognize various mechanisms for control of vascular disorders 
    • To incorporate hemodynamic concepts in treatment decision-making 
    process, including when selecting pharmacologic agents for management 
    of cardiovascular diseases.
    • To assess the effectiveness of treatment
    • To monitor the health of individuals with any type of condition that can 

    affect blood oxygen levels

    Learning outcomes:
    • Take correctly the pulse oximetry
    • Record the results and interpret them.

    • Communicate results

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • dentification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Pulse oximeter
    • Pen

    • Vital signs monitoring chart


    2.14.6. Technique: Height Measurement


    • To assess overall health

    Learning outcomes:
    • Take correctly the height
    • Record the results and interpret them.

    • Communicate results

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Height gauge, lath fixed on the wall or tape measure and gloves

    • Pen and height recording flow sheet


    2.4.17.Technique: Weight Measurement


    • To assess overall of health

    Learning outcomes:
    • Take correctly the height
    • Record the results and interpret them.

    • Communicate results

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Appropriate and functional Balance
    • Pen, weight recording flow sheet 

    • Gloves


    2.15.Procedure: Drug Administration

    2.15.1.Enteral Routes Of Drug Administration oral drug administration.

    • To take supplement in order to maintain health,
    • To administer medication indicated for oral route

    • To administer specific medication for local action

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Review patient’s note and prescription
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check for any drug allergies

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Tray 
    • kidney tray for waste 
    • Clean gloves
    • Drinking water in a jug 
    • Medication administration record
    • Medication cup
    • Drug prescription

    • Tablet cutter if needed

    Steps Sublingual Drug Administrations


    • To ensure a consistent standardized practice for administering medications 
    • To provide the substances that diffuse into the blood through tissues under 
    the tongue which is predominantly a mucous gland that produces a thick 

    mucinous fluid and lubricates the oral cavity.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Review patient’s note and prescription
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check for any drug allergies

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment


    • Medication,

    Steps Rectal Suppository Drug Administration


    • To administer some inflammatory drugs, 
    • To administer some antipyretic, 
    • To soften stools in case of constipation 

    • To treat hemorrhoid

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Review patient’s note and prescription
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check for any drug allergies

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Medication administration record,
    • Nonsterile gloves
    • swabs, 
    • Bed pan
    • Prescribed rectal suppository, 

    • Water-soluble lubricant


    3.10.2. Parenteral Route Of Drugs Administration Technique: Withdrawing Medication From An Ampoule


    • To prepare medication before administration.

    Leaning outcome
    • The student will be able to withdraw the drug from ampoule

    • The student will be able to hold and manipulate the syringe.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Medication administration record, 
    • Sterile syringe and needle, 

    • Second needle, 

    Steps Technique : Withdrawing Medication From An Vial


    • To prepare medication before administration.

    Leaning outcome
    • The student will be able to withdraw the drug from ampoule

    • The student will be able to hold and manipulate the syringe

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing

    • Medication administration record, 
    • Sterile syringe and needle, 
    • Second needle, 
    • Alcohol swab,
    • Sterile gauze, 
    • Ampoule of prescribed medication, 
    • Ampoule cutter if available, 
    • Kidney dish
    • Container for discards, 
    • Nonsterile gloves, 

    • Safety box for sharp instrument.

    Steps Technique: Intramuscular (Im) Injection


    • To Apply medication through the muscles
    • To promote rapid drug absorption

    • To provide an alternate route of parenteral drug administration

    Leaning outcome
    • To find suitable sites for administering intramuscular injections;
    • To prepare materials for administering intramuscular injections in adults 
    and paediatric patients;
    • To apply the aseptic method during procedures;
    • To explain the importance of intramuscular injections;

    • To assess the risks of potential complications of intramuscular injections.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

    • Sterile syringes and needles
    • Alcohol-based antiseptic solution
    • Drug, 
    • Protective Gloves
    • Medication chart
    • Dry cotton swab
    • Safety box
    • Disposable gloves
    • Dustbin
    • Trolley

    • Trolley or tray (Plate).

    Steps Technique: Subcutaneous Injection


    • To Apply medication under the skin
    • To promote rapid drug absorption

    • To provide an alternate route of parenteral drug administration

    Leaning outcome
    • To find suitable sites for administering subcutaneous injections;
    • To prepare materials for administering subcutaneous injections
    • To explain the importance of subcutaneous injections;

    • To assess the risks of potential complications of subcutaneous injections.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Sterile syringes and needles
    • Alcohol-based antiseptic solution
    • Drug, 
    • Protective Gloves
    • Medication chart
    • Dry cotton swab
    • Safety box
    • Disposable gloves
    • Dustbin
    • Trolley

    • Trolley or tray (Plate). Technique: Intradermal (Id) Injection

    • To Apply medication under the skin
    • To promote rapid drug absorption

    • To provide an alternate route of parenteral drug administration

    Leaning outcome
    • To find suitable sites for administering subcutaneous injections;
    • To prepare materials for administering subcutaneous injections
    • To explain the importance of subcutaneous injections;

    • To assess the risks of potential complications of subcutaneous injections.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

    • Sterile syringes and needles
    • Alcohol-based antiseptic solution
    • Drug, 
    • Protective Gloves
    • Medication chart
    • Dry cotton swab
    • Safety box
    • Disposable gloves
    • Dustbin
    • Trolley

    • Trolley or tray (Plate).

    3.10.3. Procedure: Topical Application Technique: Topical Skin Application

    • To Apply medication through the skin.
    • To produce local effects, some topical preparations have systemic effects, 
    absorbed through the skin and mucous membrane

    • To provide the continuous absorption of medication over several hours.

    Leaning outcome
    • Explain the principles of applying drugs to the skin ;

    • •Apply the medication to the skin

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Tray 
    • Gauzes
    • Clean gloves

    • Topical medication Technique: Eye Medication Administration

    • To administer medication indicated for eye route 

    • To test for medication allergy

    • The nurse introduces to the patient, explain the purpose of that medication 
    and ask for consent
    • Wash hands
    • The student nurse prepares and assemble all the materials after disinfecting 
    the tray/ trolley
    • Assess the information related to the drug such as mode of action, 
    purpose, route, time of onset and peak of action, side effects and nursing 
    • Apply privacy
    • Assess the condition of external eye and note changes
    • Assess for allergy, level of consciousness and ability to follow command

    • Assess the ability for self-administration.

    • Identification of the patient and identify patient’s names
    • Self-presentation to the patient and ask for consent
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Check drug : name of the drug, name of the patient, dose, method and 
    hour of administration, expiry date
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check for any drug allergies and ensure that there is no skin tenderness.
    • Understand the therapeutic indications of the drug, mode of action and its 
    side effects.

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Eye medicine, 
    • Medication chart,
    • Clean gloves, 
    • Swabs, 
    • Disinfectant, 

    • Tray or trolley.

    Steps Technique: Ear Drug Administration


    • To take supplement in order to maintain health,
    • To administer medication indicated for nasal route

    • To administer specific medication for local action 

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Short cut nails 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Review patient’s note and prescription
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the patient the procedure regarding positioning and sensation to 
    expect such us burning or straining of mucosa or shocking sensation as 
    medication strikes into throat .
    • Check for any drug allergies

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

    • Right Medication 
    • Gloves 
    • Medication administration record
    • Tray
    • Drug prescription

    • Tissues Technique: Nasal Drug Administration


    • To take supplement in order to maintain health,
    • To administer medication indicated for nasal route

    • To administer specific medication for local action 

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Short cut nails 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
    • Review patient’s note and prescription
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the patient the procedure regarding positioning and sensation to 
    expect such us burning or straining of mucosa or shocking sensation as 
    medication strikes into throat .
    • Check for any drug allergies

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment.

    • Right Medication 
    • Gloves 
    • Medication administration record
    • Tray
    • Drug prescription

    • Tissues

    Steps Technique: Vaginal Suppository Medical Administration

    • To treat certain conditions, such as yeast infections. 
    • To treat fungal infections and vaginal dryness. 
    • To administer some contraceptives method used as a form of birth control

    • To provoke uterine muscle contraction

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Short cut nails 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient 
    • Self-presentation to the patient and ask for consent
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Check for any drug allergies

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment.

    • Medication administration record, 
    • Nonsterile gloves, 
    • Gauzes 
    • Prescribed vaginal suppository, 
    • Water-soluble lubricant, 

    • Disposable applicator


    2.16.Technique: Leopord’s Manoeuver

    • To determine the fetal well being
    • To confirm pregnancy
    • To determine gestational age
    • To determine presentation, lie, position and engagement of the presenting 


    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Wash Hands

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
    • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 

    • Tray
    • Table of examination
    • Tape measure
    • ANC card and Client records
    • Gloves (examination gloves)

    • Dust bin


    2.17.Technique: Auscultation Of Fetal Heart Rate

    • To listen and count fetal heart rate

    • To differentiate Fetal heart rate rhythm from maternal pulse

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Wash Hands

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
    • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 

    • Tray
    • Table of examination
    • Pinard fetoscope
    • ANC card and Client records
    • Watch 
    • Gloves (examination gloves)

    • Dust bin


    2.18.Technique: Vulval Disinfection


    • Reduces the risk of infection

    Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID Card
    Hair tied back
    Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    Wear closed shoes
    Clean and short nails 
    Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    Wear closed shoes

    Wash Hands

    dentification of the patient
    Self-presentation to the patient
    Ask for the consent 
    Physical and psychological patient preparation
    Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
    • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 

    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

    • Table of examination
    • Client records
    • Set for disinfection (sterile packet containing a gall pot with minimum of 5 
    swabs and Kocher’s forceps)
    • Non-irritant solution for disinfection
    • Examination gloves
    • Kocher’ s forceps
    • Tray or trolley
    • Mackintosh and sterile drape
    • Folding screen if no curtains available,
    • Bucket with solution of decontamination

    • Dust bin


    2.19.Technique: Digital Vaginal Examination


    • To assess the status of the cervix and membranes, 
    • To assess the position of head and degree of molding.
    • To evaluate the bishop score(descent,effacement,dilation,consistence, 
    • To detect the cephalopelvic disproportion.

    • To identify complications as cordprolapse, Vasa previa

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Wash Hands

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
    • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Table of examination
    • Client records
    • Set for disinfection (sterile packet containing a gall pot with minimum of 5 
    swabs and Kocher’s forceps)
    • Non-irritant solution for disinfection
    • Examination gloves
    • Kocher’ s forceps
    • Tray or trolley
    • Mackintosh and sterile drape
    • Folding screen if no curtains available,
    • Bucket with solution of decontamination

    • Dust bin


    2.20.Technique: Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery


    • To assist the mother in childbearing safely without the use of drugs, 

    techniques or others special material.


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Wash Hands

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
    • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
    • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
    • Respect the client privacy.
    • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 

    • Table of examination
    • Client records
    • Set for disinfection (sterile packet containing a gall pot with minimum of 5 
    swabs and Kocher’s forceps)
    • Non-irritant solution for disinfection
    • Examination gloves
    • Kocher’ s forceps (serving)
    • Tray or trolley
    • Mackintosh and sterile drape
    • Folding screen if no curtains available,
    • Bucket with solution of decontamination
    • Dust bin
    • Material of protection: plastic apron, boots, glasses, hat and mask.
    • Folding screen if no curtains available
    • Bucket with solution of decontamination
    • Local anesthesia (lignocaine 2%)
    • Syringe of 10ml and 2 needles
    • Syringe of 2ml and 2 needles (1 for aspiration and 1 IM injection)
    • 1 ampoule of 10 IU oxytocin.
    • Gauzes
    • Foetoscope, Doppler
    • Check if the newborn resuscitation equipment is ready and in working 
    • Material for taking vital signs.

    • Container for placenta, Dustbin


    2.21.Technique: Immediate Care Of The New-Born Baby


    • To detect the newborn abnormalities and reassure the parents

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Wash Hands

    • Introduce to the mother
    • Explain the procedure to the mother and obtain her consent
    • Ask about newborn’s information (Breastfeeding, elimination, sleeping, 

    state of umbilical cord and skin color)

    • Tape measure,
    • Baby weighing scale, 
    • Radiant warmer (if needed), 
    • Flannel to cover baby, 
    • Examination gloves, 
    • Neonatal stethoscope, 
    • Watch, 
    • Thermometer, 
    • Tongue depressor, 
    • Vitamin K
    • Pamper &baby’s clothes if soiled, 

    • Hand disinfectant.

    2.22.Technique: Assessment Of The New Born


    • To assess the adaptations of a newborn after birth
    • To detect early possible abnormalities
    • To establishes a baseline for subsequent examinations

    • To reassure the parents

    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Ask for the consent from the parents
    • Explain the procedure to the mother and relatives
    • Give them opportunity to ask questions.

    • If possible, let them participate during the care.

    • Introduce to the mother
    • Explain the procedure to the mother and obtain her consent
    • Ask about newborn’s information (Breastfeeding, elimination, sleeping, 

    state of umbilical cord and skin color)

    • Tape measure,
    • Baby weighing scale, 
    • Radiant warmer (if needed), 
    • Flannel to cover baby, 
    • Examination gloves, 
    Neonatal stethoscope, 
    • Watch, 
    • Thermometer,
    • Tongue depressor, 
    • Pamper &baby’s clothes if soiled, 

    • Hand disinfectant.

    2.23.Technique: Helping Babies Breathe


    • To ensure the newborn breath within the Golden minute.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Clean and short nails 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Wash Hands and dry
    • Close doors & windows to keep the environment warm

    • Ensure good light

    • Introduce to the mother
    • Explain to the mother and the relatives about the procedure. 

    • Reassure her and give continuous emotional, physical support

    • Examination gloves, 
    • Ambu bag,
    • Clothes and head cap, 
    • Stethoscope,
    • Penguin (suction) 
    • Ties,

    • Scissors


    3.1. Procedure: Wound Dressing

    3.1.1. Technique: Aseptic Dry Wound Dressing 

    Aims of aseptic wound dressing
    • To keep the wound clean
    • To prevent the wound from injury and contamination
    • To keep in position, the drugs applied locally
    • To keep the edges of the wound together 

    • To apply pressure

    Learning outcomes:
    • Maintain a sterile field
    • Hand hygiene
    • Glove use and other PPE
    • Maintain aseptic field (sterile field) and non-touch technique
    • Environmental controls

    • Logical sequencing of the procedure.

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
    • Hand washing 
     Identification of the client
    • Self-presentation to the client
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the client
    • Location, area, state of the wound.
    • Type of dressing to carry out.

    • Type of product to use.

    • Cleaned and disinfected trolley.
    • On the upper shelf of the trolley.
    • Sterile dressing set : for the sterile scissors and forceps(1 anatomic and 1 
    Kocher), Gauze dressings, Sterile drape, Sterile kidney dish
    • Serving forceps
    • Specific and Additional Material: in drums, boxes, individual packing.
    • Sterile cleaning solution as ordered (commonly 0.9% normal saline 
    • Tape or bandage
    • Sanitizer for hand rub
    • Kidney basin with a pair of scissors for cutting the adhesive plaster..
    • On the lower shelf of the trolley.
    • Kidney dish 
    • Protective gloves.
    • Waterproof pad 
    • Container or Recipient for used material.
    • Additional personal protective Equipment (PPE), as indicated

    • Dust bin.


    3.1.2. Technique: Wet Dressing Technique

    • To optimize timely and cosmetically appropriate healing
    • Maintain a moist environment
    • Control or absorb excess exudate, and aid debridement of necrotic or 
    slough tissue
    • To prevent or combat infection non adherent to the wound surface, not to 
    shed fibres or cause trauma to the wound or surrounding tissue on removal 
    • Maintain a sterile field
    • Hand hygiene
    • Glove use and other PPE
    • Maintain aseptic field (sterile field) and non-touch technique
    • Environmental controls
    • Logical sequencing of the procedure.
     Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Hand washing 

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the client
    • Self-presentation to the client
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the client
    • Location, area, state of the wound.
    • Type of dressing to carry out.

    • Type of product to use.,


    • Cleaned and disinfected trolley.

    On the upper shelf of the trolley.

    • Sterile dressing set : for the sterile scissors and forceps(1 anatomic and 1 

    Kocher), Gauze dressings, Sterile drape, Sterile kidney dish

    • Serving forceps

    • Specific and Additional Material: in drums, boxes, individual packing.

    • Sterile cleaning solution as ordered (commonly 0.9% normal saline 


    • Tape or bandage

    • Sanitizer for hand rub

    • Kidney basin with a pair of scissors for cutting the adhesive plaster…

    On the lower shelf of the trolley.

    • Kidney dish 

    • Protective gloves.

    • Waterproof pad 

    • Container or Recipient for used material.

    • Additional personal protective Equipment (PPE), as indicated

    • Dust bin.

    3.2. Procedure: Bandaging

    3.2.1. Technique: Spiral Bandage

    Aims of spiral bandage procedure is to:
    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 
    • To immobilize the injured part of the body
    • To Provide additional support to an injured structureof the wound together 

    • To apply pressure

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during Spiral bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of Spiral bandaging;
    • Know the methodology of Spiral technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in Spiral bandaging
    • Apply Spiral bandaging

    • Know the aid care procedure after Spiral bandaging;

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size.
    • Gloves
    • Adhesive plaster or safety pin.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used).

    3.2.2. Technique : Spica Bandage

    Aims of spica bandage procedure is to:
    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 
    • To immobilize the injured part of the body

    • To Provide additional support to an injured structure

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during Spica bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of Spica bandaging;
    • Know the methodology of Spica technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in Spica bandaging
    • Apply Spica bandaging

    • Know the aid care procedure after Spica bandaging;

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size.
    • Gloves
    • Adhesive plaster or safety pin.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used).

    Spiral bandage’s steps

    3.2.3. Technique: Earlobe Bandage

    Aims of spica bandage procedure is to:
    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 

    • To support a dressing to the ear 

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during Earlobe bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of Earlobe bandaging;
    • Know the methodology of Earlobe technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in Earlobe bandaging

    • Apply Earlobe bandaging

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size.
    • Gloves
    • Adhesive plaster or safety pin

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used)

    Spiral bandage’s steps

    3.2.4. Technique: Cranial Bandage

    Aims of monocular bandage procedure is to:

    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 

    • To support a dressing to the ear 

    Learning outcomes:

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size (Usually 1.5 to 2width).
    • Gloves
    • Adhesive plaster or safety pin.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used

    Cranial bandage’s steps

    3.2.5. Technique: Monocular Bandage (Right Or Left)

    Aims of monocular bandage procedure is to:
    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 

    • To support a dressing to the eye 

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during monocular bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of monocular 
    • Know the methodology of monocular bandage technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in monocular bandaging

    • Apply monocular bandaging

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size (Usually 1.5 to 2width).
    • Gloves
    • Adhesive plaster or safety pin.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used

    Monocular bandage’s steps

    3.2.6. Technique: Binocular Bandage

    Aims of binocular bandage procedure is to:

    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 

    • To support a dressing to the eyes

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during binocular bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of binocular bandaging;
    • Know the methodology of binocular bandage technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in binocular bandaging

    • Apply binocular bandaging

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size (Usually 1.5 to 2width).
    • Gloves
    • Adhesive plaster or safety pin.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used).

    Binocular bandage’s steps

    3.2.7. Technique: Hand Gloved Bandage

    Aims of hand gloved bandage procedure is to:
    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 

    • To support a dressing to the fingers 

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during hand gloved bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of hand gloved 
    • Know the methodology of hand gloved bandage technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in hand gloved bandaging

    • Apply hand gloved bandaging

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size (Usually 1.5 to 2width).
    • Gloves
    • Adhesive plaster or safety pin.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used).

    Hand gloved bandage’s steps

    3.2.8. Technique: Triangular Bandage

    Aims of triangular bandage procedure is to:

    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To support and immobilize fractured forearm

    • To support and immobilize shoulder luxation

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during triangular bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of hand gloved 
    • Know the methodology of triangular bandage technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in triangular bandaging

    • Apply triangular bandaging

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size (Usually 1.5 to 2width).
    • Gloves
    • Safety pins.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used).

    Triangular bandage’s steps

    3.2.9. Technique: Stump Bandage

    Aims of stump bandage procedure is to: 

    • To minimize swelling in the initial management of injury
    • To stop bleeding 

    • To support a dressing

    Learning outcomes:
    • Know the role of a nurse during Stump bandaging;
    • Substantiate compliance with the general principles of Stump bandaging;
    • Know the methodology of Stump bandage technique
    • Know the necessary aids used in Stump bandaging

    • Apply Stump bandaging

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

     Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    • A clean tray
    • 2 or many bandages of appropriate size (Usually 1.5 to 2width).
    • Gloves
    • Safety pins.

    • Scissors (if adhesive plaster is used).

    Stump bandage’s steps

    3.3. Procedure: Basic Laboratory Tests


    • Diagnosis of malaria by detecting evidence of malaria parasites (antigens) 

    in human blood.

    Learning Outcomes 
    • Able to explain the steps of rapid test of malaria
    • Perform the procedure with respect of procedure sequence 

    • Able to interpret results of rapid test of malaria

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

     Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale of technique 
    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    Materials preparation
    • Gloves 
    • Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) kit 
    • Safety box
    • Dustbin

    • Timer

    Steps of rapid test for malaria

    3.3.2. Technique: Performing urine test (albumin, glucose)

    • Introduce urinalysis testing procedures, 

    • Apply clinical correlation of the results with the diseases.

    Learning Outcomes 
    • Able to collect urine specimen adequately and follow routine urinalysis 
    • Perform urinalysis respecting steps, report findings according to laboratory 
    • Recognize normal and abnormal urinalysis test results and correlate with 

    the diseases.

    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

     Client preparation 
    • dentification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    Materials preparation
    • Dipstick bottle 
    • Strips 
    • Specimen container 
    • Glovers

    • Timer


    3.3.3. Technique: Performing glycemia test 


    • Monitor the effect of diabetes medications on blood sugar levels
    • Identify blood sugar levels that are high or low
    • Track progress in reaching overall treatment goals

    • Learn how diet and exercise affect blood sugar levels

    Learning Outcomes
    • Perform glycemia test by respecting steps, report findings according to 
    laboratory protocol
    • Recognize normal and abnormal glycemia test results and correlate 

    with the diseases.


    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

     Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position

    Materials preparation
    • Blood glucose monitor (Glucometer) 
    • Test strips (check that they are in date and have not been exposed to the 
    • Alcohol swab
    • Single-use safety lancets or lancing device, 
    • Gloves, 
    • Cotton wool/gauze, 

    • Sharps box or safety box,

    3.5.First Aid 

    3.4.1. Technique: Putting the victim into the recovery position


    • Prevent suffocation through obstruction of the airway

    Learning Outcomes
    • Able to understand and describe how the technique of putting the victim 
    into the recovery position is done
    • Maintain comfort and safety during the procedure

    • Perform the procedure by respecting the steps


    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with 
    student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes
    • Wash hands if applicable

    • Client preparation

    Client preparation
    • dentification of the patient 
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable 
    • Self-presentation to the patient if applicable 
    • Physical and psychological client preparation if applicable 
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient if 
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if applicable 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position if applicable 

    Materials preparation
    • Materials 
    • A clean tray if applicable

    • Gloves if available

    Steps for putting the victim into the recovery position

    3.4.2. Technique: First aid interventions in case of burn


    • Protect the burned person from further harm
    Learning Outcomes
    • Able to understand and describe how the technique of first aid in case 
    of burn
    • Maintain comfort and safety during the procedure 

    • Perform the procedure by respecting the steps


    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with 
    student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes
    • Wash hands
    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient if applicable
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable
    • Self-presentation to the patient if applicable
    • Physical and psychological client preparation if applicable
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the 
    patient if applicable
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position if applicable

    • A clean tray if applicable 
    • Gloves if applicable
    • Tape water 
    • personal protective equipment if applicable
    • Antibiotic / burn cream if available

    • Bandages if available

    First aid steps interventions in case of burn

    3.4.3. Technique: First aid in case of Drowning

    • Treat the victim for hypothermia 
    • To help the victim to regain the normal breathing 
    Learning Outcomes
    • Able to understand and describe how the technique of helping drowned 
    person is done 
    • Maintain comfort and safety during the procedure 

    • Perform the procedure by respecting the steps


    Associate Nurse/student preparation
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes
    • Wash hands
    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient if applicable 
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable
    • Self-presentation to the patient if applicable
    • Physical and psychological client preparation if applicable
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient if applicable
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if applicable

    • Position the client in a comfortable position if applicable

    3.6.Technique: Choking relief in a responsive adult or child


    • To remove the foreign object lodged in the throat in order to clear 
    • To provide first aid as quickly as possible.

    Learning Outcomes
    • Able to perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)
    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient if applicable 
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable
    • Self-presentation to the patient if applicable
    • Physical and psychological client preparation if applicable
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient if applicable
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if applicable

    • Position the client in a comfortable position if applicable


    • Gloves if available

    3.4.5. Technique: Choking relief in an unresponsive adult or child


    • To remove the foreign object lodged in the throat in order to clear airways
    • To provide first aid as quickly as possible.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Able to perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver).


    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient if applicable 
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable
    • Self-presentation to the patient if applicable
    • Physical and psychological client preparation if applicable
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient if applicable
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if applicable

    • Position the client in a comfortable position if applicable


    • Gloves if available

    3.7.Choking relief in infants (Back slaps and chest thrusts)


    • To remove the foreign object lodged in the throat in order to clear airways

    • To provide first aid as quickly as possible.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Able to perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver).


    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 

    • Identification of the patient if applicable. 
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable.
    • Self-presentation to the patient or family if applicable.
    • Physical client preparation if applicable.
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if applicable. 
    • Position the client in a required position


    Gloves if available

    3.4.7. Choking Relief in an Unresponsive Infant


    • o remove the foreign object lodged in the throat in order to clear airways

    • To provide first aid as quickly as possible.

    Learning Outcomes

    • Able to perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver).


    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient if applicable. 
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable.
    • Self-presentation to the patient or family if applicable.
    • Physical client preparation if applicable.
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if applicable. 

    • Position the client in a required position

    3.8.Technique: Cardiorespiratory Resuscitation: CPR


    • To restore partial flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and heart

    • To delay tissue death including permanent brain damage. 

    Learning Outcomes

    • The student will be able to provide CPR effectively. 


    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with 
    student ID Card
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation
    • Identification of the patient if applicable. 
    • Ensure client privacy if applicable.
    • Self-presentation to the patient or family if applicable.
    • Physical client preparation if applicable.
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique if applicable. 

    • Position the client in a required position 


    • Gloves if available 

    • AED if available

    3.4.9. First aid care for broken bones


    • To rescue the patient’s life, 
    • To protect the affected limb
    • To transport it safely and quickly in a simple and effective way in order to 

    get proper treatment

    Learning Outcomes
    • TTo Stop any bleeding. 
    • To Immobilize the injured area.

    • To limit swelling and help relieve pain

    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position



    • Gauze
    • Wood
    • Splint material
    • Tape

    • Triangular arm sling

    3.9.First aid in case of Epileptic seizure

    • keeping the person safe until the seizure stops

    Learning Outcomes
    • To Stay calm, 
    • To Loosen anything around the person’s neck, 
    • To Clear the area around 

    • To Stay with patient after the seizure stops

    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear short and closed shoes

    • Wash hands

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Ensure client privacy 
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological client preparation
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of technique 

    • Position the client in a comfortable position



    1.10.Technique: Immediate Post Natal Care Of The


    • To have the general picture of the mother’s well being 
    • To find out the level of consciousness 
    • To find out if the woman’s condition gives rise to concern

    • To find out the woman’s urgent need of care

    Learning Outcomes

    • Monitor a mother during postnatal period

    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back and put bonnet
    • Assemble equipment and arrange on bedside chair in the order the items 
    will be used
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Respect dignity and privacy of the client
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Hand washing

    Client preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation 
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Ensure privacy

    Vital signs materials
    Examination gloves
    Kit for vulva disinfection
    Dustbin, and
    Examination table and folding/curtain screen if necessary

    Sanitary pad Technique: Pre HIV Testing Counselling For Pregnant Woman 


    • To ensure primary prevention of HIV among women of childbearing age
    • To integrate PMTCT interventions into routine maternal and child’s health 


    Learning Outcomes
    • To promote voluntary testing in the context of PMTCT when offering 
    antenatal care.
    • To provide appropriate regimens to prevent mother-to-child transmission
    • To Provide psychosocial support to HIV positive pregnant women. 

    • Improving follow-up care for HIV positive women and their infants.

    Associate Nurse/student preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
    • Hair tied back and put bonnet
    • Assemble equipment and arrange on bedside chair in the order the items 
    will be used
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings
    • Respect dignity and privacy of the client
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Hand washing 

    Patient preparation
    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation 
    • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
    • Explain to the patient/ family the rationale
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Ensure privacy


    3.12. Procedure: Nasogastric Tube (NGT) Feeding

    Aims NGT feeding:

    • NGT feeding is aimed to administer fluids, medications and liquid food 

    complete with nutrients directly into the stomach.

    Learning outcome
    • Demonstrate knowledge and skills of NGT feeding
    • Describe the procedures for NGT feeding 

    • Demonstrate competence of NGT feeding

    Student/nurse preparation

    • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID 
    • Hair tied back and put bonnet 
    • Assemble equipment and arrange on bedside chair in the order the items 
    will be used
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Respect dignity and privacy of the client. 
    • Wear closed and short shoes

    • Hand washing 

    Patient preparation 
    • Identification of the patient
    • Self-presentation to the patient
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation 
    • Explain the procedure to be performed and purpose
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

    • Ensure privacy

    Trolley or Tray cleaned and disinfected 
    Verify the provider’s order.
    Gather supplies: stethoscope, gloves, towel, irrigating solution (usually 

    water), and irrigation set with irrigating syringe, pH tape, Formula indicated,