Key unit competence: Perform netball techniques and tactics in the game 
    situation adhering to the rules.
    7.1. Prerequisite (Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values)
     Students of senior six will perform better netball techniques and tactics in 
    the game situation adhering to the rules if they have mastered netball basic 
    techniques learned in senior five.
    7.2. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed 
    Gender:  In teaching and learning process of netball, the teacher must prepare 
    and provide physical activities that engage both girls and boys equally to exploit 
    their full potential and talents without any discrimination or prejudice.
     Inclusive education: The teacher as a facilitator he/she must consider different 
    special education needs and select netball activities to adapt his/her teaching 
    approaches to students. This creates a positive attitude and helps all students 
    to participate actively and develop their competence levels.

    Financial education:
    The teacher should integrate Financial Education into 
    his/her teaching/learning activities by providing the local and no cost teaching 
    material where is possible. He/she must encourage students to make their 
    own materials that can help them to develop competences not only in sports at 
    school but also in their daily life.
    Standardization culture:
    The teacher must choose and select the standardized 
    materials to use in his/her teaching/learning process of netball. It is necessary 
    to provide appropriate materials required to the levels of students and help 
    them to develop culture of checking and using the quality of sport materials 
    for the competitions before using them in order to prevent injuries and other 
     Environment and sustainability: The teacher should provide materials and 
    delivers the lesson by encouraging students to protect the environment and the 
    well use of materials. The teacher helps them to develop the spirit of keeping 
    safe environment they use in physical education and sports activities.

    Peace and values education:
    The teacher helps students to develop fair play 
    and social values by avoiding violence and conflict in their netball games and 
    by setting clear and relevant instructions. He/she should provide the activities 
    that help students to develop their competence peacefully.
     Comprehensive sexuality education: The teacher provides netball activities 
    and sets instructions that prevent sexual harassment, any kind of gender
    based violence like sexual abuse and physical contacts oriented to the sexuality 
    Genocide studies:  While conducting netball exercises, the teacher should take 
    a time to explain students how sports should be used to fight against Genocide 
    ideology and how to prevent it. For example, to organize Genocide memorial 
    tournaments at school and give the message related to the Genocide.
    7.3. Guidance on introductory activity 

    Before introducing the lesson one of this unit, you must introduce the whole unit. 
    The teacher as a guide, facilitator and expert, ask questions or give activity related 
    to technical skills used netball in order to help them to predict what to be learned in 

    the whole unit.

    7.4. List of lessons/sub-heading

    Lesson 1: Recall netball techniques and tactics in the game situation
     a) Learning objective  
    Identify and perform netball techniques and tactics in the game situation.
     b) Teaching resources 
    Balls, playground, whistle, stopwatch, cones, videos related to netball rules of 
    the game, chasubles, posts, official rules’book.

    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction 

    Students of senior six will learn better recall on netball techniques and tactics 
    in the game situation if they have developed techniques and tactics exercises 
    learnt in senior five.
    d) Learning activities 

    Opening discussions
    – Ask questions about netball techniques and tactics learnt in senior five.
    – Let students present their findings and introduce the prepared lesson.
    – Invite students to start warm up exercises.

     Warm up exercises and stretching exercises
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up 

    based on the most body’s parts to be used while performing techniques 
    and tactics in the game and stretch their muscles properly.
    – One student leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    e) Lesson body 

    they are occupying.
     Activity 7.1
     In teams of 3 players after recalling netball techniques and tactics, students 
    play netball. In a limited time of ten minutes they play on the court and perform 
    techniques of passing, shooting and landing, tactics of attack and defense as tasks 
    and responsibilities to accomplish based on the relative playing positions that 

    Activity 7.2

     In teams of 5 players, students play netball. In a limited time of ten minutes they players 
    on the court and perform techniques and tactics as tasks and responsibilities to 
    accomplish based on the relative playing positions that they are occupying. 
    The teams must be replaced after five minutes until all players/ teams participate 
    in the play as much as possible. The winner is the team which gained many 
    points than others. 

    Activity 7.3

    In teams of 7players, students play netball. In a limited time of ten minutes they players 
    on the court and perform techniques and tactics as tasks and responsibilities to 
    accomplish based on the relative playing positions that they are occupying. 
    The teams must be replaced after five minutes until all players/ teams participate 
    in the play as much as possible. The winner is the team which gained many 
    points than others. 

    Application Activity 7.1

     In two teams of 7 players, students play netball. In a limited time of ten 
    minutes they players on the court and perform techniques and tactics as tasks 
    and responsibilities to accomplish based on the relative playing positions 
    that they are occupying. The teams must be replaced after five minutes until 
    all players/ teams participate in the play as much as possible. The winner is 

    the team which gained many points than others.  

     Cool down exercises
    – Let students do right cool down exercises and stretch their group of muscles 

    by insisting on most used parts.
    – Randomly, one of students leads cool down exercises.
    – Guide them while stretching their muscles systematically.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

     Closing discussions (RCA) 

    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during the game? Why? 

    – What are necessary conditions for a netball player to apply techniques and 

    tactics in the game?
    – What will you do to perform netball techniques and tactics after this session 

    to become a good player.
    Lesson 2: Court and relative areas and goalposts in netball game

     a) Learning objective  
    Discuss on the court and its relative areas and goalposts in netball game
     b) Teaching resources 
    Balls, playground, whistle, stopwatch, cones, videos related to netball rules of 
    the game, chasubles, posts, current official netball rules’ book.
     c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction 
    five and in the previous lesson
     d) Learning activities 
    Students of senior six will learn better the court and its relative areas and 
    goalposts in netball game if they have developed netball rules learnt in senior 

    Opening discussions

    – Ask questions about netball rules learnt in senior five.
    – Let students present their findings and introduce the prepared lesson.
    – Invite students to start warm up exercises.

    Warm up exercises and stretching exercises
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up 

    based on the most body’s parts to be used while performing netball game 
    and stretch their muscles properly.
    – One student leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

     e) Lesson body 

    Activity 7.4
    – In groups students discuss the given elements of netball rules. Each 

    group has one rule to be discussed and findings are in the distributed 
    rules document as resource.
    – Pass though groups and help them where is necessary.
    – Request students to choose a secretary to record findings and group 

    representative who will present their findings.
    - Request group representative to present their findings and group members
    may support where is necessary.

    – After presentation of all groups, use a projector to recap presentations.

    Activity 7.5
     Make teams of 3, 4 or 5 players.  Let students play netball adhering to rules of the 
    game on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the outside 
    teams leads the match as referees following rules. The winner is the team which 

    scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Activity 7.6
     Make teams of 6 or 7 players.  Let students play netball adhering to rules of the 
    game on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the outside 
    teams leads the match as referees following rules. The winner is the team which 

    scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Application Activity 7.1
     Make two teams of 7 players.  Let students play netball adhering to rules of 
    the game on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of 
    the outside teams leads the match as referees following rules. The winner is 

    the team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Cool down exercises 
    – Let students do right cool down exercises and stretch their group of 
    muscles by insisting on most used body parts.
    – Randomly, one of students leads cool down exercises. 
    – Guide them while stretching their muscles systematically. 
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.
    Closing discussions (RCA) 
    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during playing and leading the 

    netball match? Why? 
    – What are necessary conditions do you need to apply netball rules?
    – What will you do to apply netball rules perfectly in the game?
     Lesson 3: The ball and duration of the match in netball game
     a) Learning objective 
    Describe the ball and duration of the match in netball game.
     b) Teaching resources 
    Balls, playground, whistle, stopwatch, cones, videos related to netball rules of 
    the game, chasubles, posts, current official rules’ book.
     c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction 
    Students of Senior six will learn better the ball and duration of the match in 
    netball game if they have developed netball rules learnt in senior five and in the 
    previous lessons
     d) Learning activities 
    Opening discussions
    – Ask questions about netball rules learnt in senior five 
    – Let students present their findings and introduce the prepared lesson
    – Invite students to start warm up exercises
    Warm up exercises and stretching exercises 
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up 
    based on the most body’s parts to be used while performing netball game 
    and stretch their muscles properly. 
    – One student leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.
    e) Lesson body 
    Activity 7.7
    – In groups, students describe the given elements of netball rules. Each 
    group has one element of rules to be described. The resources are 
    – Pass though groups and help them where is necessary. Request students 
    to choose a secretary to record findings and group representative who will 
    present their findings.
    – Request group representative to present their findings and group members 
    may support where is necessary. After presentation of all groups, use a 

    projector to recap presentations.

     Activity 7.8
     Make teams of 3, 4, 5 and let them play netball adhering to rules of the game on 
    the appropriate court in limited period of 5 minutes. One of the outside teams 
    leads the match as referees following the netball rules while others make records. 
    The winner is the team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than 


    Activity 7.9
     Make teams of 3, 4, 5or 6 and let them play netball adhering to rules of the 
    game on the appropriate court in limited period of 5 minutes. One of the 
    outside teams leads the match as referees following the netball rules while 
    others make records. The winner is the team which scores more goals or 

    lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Application Activity 7.2
     In two teams of 7 play netball adhering to rules of the game on the appropriate 
    court in limited period of 5 minutes. One of the outside teams leads the 
    match as referees following the netball rules while others make records. The 
    winner is the team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than 


     Cool down exercises
    – Let students do right cool down exercises and stretch their group of 

    muscles by insisting on most used parts.
    – Randomly, one of students leads cool down exercises.
    – Guide them while stretching their muscles systematically.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    Closing discussions (RCA) 

    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during playing and leading the 

    netball match? Why?
    – What are necessary conditions do you need to apply netball rules?

     – What will you do to apply netball rules in the game perfectly?

     Lesson 4: Match personnel, match procedures, and Punishments 

    in netball game

     a) Learning objective 
    Discuss on the match personnel, match procedures, and Punishments in netball 


     b) Teaching resources 
    Balls, playground, whistle, stopwatch, cones, videos related to netball rules of 

    the game, chasubles, posts, official rules’book.

    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction 
    Students of Senior six will learn better match personnel, match procedures, 
    and punishments in netball game if they have developed netball rules learnt 

    in senior five senior five and in the previous lessons.

     d) Learning activities 
    Opening discussions
    – Ask questions about netball rules learnt in senior five and in the last lesson.
    – Let students present their findings and introduce the prepared lesson.
    – Invite students to start warm up exercises.
    Warm up exercises and stretching exercises 

    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up 
    based on the most body’s parts to be used while performing netball game 
    and stretch their muscles properly. 
    – One student leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.

    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    e) Lesson body 

    present their findings.

     Activity 7.10
    – In groups, students describe the given elements of netball rules. Each 
    group has one element of rules to be discussed on. The resources are 
    – Pass though groups and help them where is necessary. Request students 
    to choose a secretary to record findings and group representative  who will 
    – Request group representative to present their findings and group members
    may support where is necessary.

    – After presentation of all groups, use a projector to recap presentations.

     Activity 7.11
     Make teams of 3, 4, 5 or 6 students and let them play netball adhering to rules 
    of the game on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the 
    outside teams leads the match as umpires and others make records following the 
    netball rules. The playing teams are replaced after ten minutes. The winner is the 

    team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Activity 7.12
     Make teams of 7 students and let them play netball adhering to rules of the game 
    on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the outside 
    teams leads the match as umpires and others make records following the netball 
    rules. The playing teams are replaced after ten minutes. The winner is the team 

    which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Application Activity 7.3
     In two teams of 7 students play netball adhering to rules of the game on the 
    appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the outside teams 
    leads the match as umpires and others make records following the netball 
    rules. The playing teams are replaced after ten minutes. The winner is the 

    team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Cool down exercises 
    – Let students do right cool down exercises and stretch their group of 
    muscles by insisting on most used parts.
    – Randomly, one of students leads cool down exercises. 
    – Guide them while stretching their muscles systematically. 

    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary

    Closing discussions (RCA)
    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during playing and leading the 

    netball match? Why? 
    – What are necessary conditions do you need to apply netball rules?

    – What will you do to apply netball rules in the game perfectly?

     a) Learning objective 
    Lesson 5: Start the play, duration of the match and how to score 
    a goal in netball game

     Discuss on starting the play, duration of the match and how to score a goal in 

    netball game.

    b) Teaching resources 
    Balls, playground, whistle, stopwatch, cones, videos related to netball rules of 

    the game, chasubles, posts, current official rules’ book.

    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction 
    Students of senior six will learn better starting the play, duration of the match 
    and how to score a goal in netball game if they have developed netball rules 

    learnt in senior five and in the previous lessons.

     d) Learning activities 
    pening discussions
    – Ask questions about netball rules learnt in senior five and in last lesson.
    – Let students present their findings and introduce the prepared lesson.
    – Invite students to start warm up exercises.
    Warm up exercises and stretching exercises 
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up 
    based on the most body’s parts to be used while performing netball game 
    and stretch their muscles properly. 
    – One student leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.

    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    e) Lesson body 
    Activity 7.13
    – In groups students discuss on starting the play, duration of the match 
    and how to score a goal in netball game. Each group has one element of 
    rules to be described. The resources are distributed (rulebooks).
    – Pass though groups and help them where is necessary. Request students 

    to choose a secretary to record findings and group representative        who 
    will present their findings.Request group representative to present their 
    findings and group members may support where is necessary. 

    -After presentation of all groups, use a projector to recap presentation.

    Activity 7.14
     Make teams of 3, 4, 5 students and let them play netball adhering to rules 
    of the game on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One 
    of the outside teams leads the match as umpires and others make records 
    following the netball rules. The playing teams are replaced after 8 minutes. 
    The winner is the team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly 
    than others. 

    Activity 7.15

     Make teams of 5 or 6 students and let them play netball adhering to rules of the 
    game on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the outside 
    teams leads the match as umpires and others make records following the netball 
    rules. The playing teams are replaced after 8 minutes. The winner is the team 
    which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

    Application Activity 7.4

     In two teams of 7 students play netball adhering to rules of the game on 
    the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the outside 
    teams leads the match as umpires and others make records following the 
    netball rules. The playing teams are replaced after 8 minutes. The winner is 

    the team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

     Cool down exercises
    – Let students do right cool down exercises and stretch their group of 

    muscles by insisting on most used parts.
    – Randomly, one of students leads cool down exercises.
    – Guide them while stretching their muscles systematically.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    Closing discussions (RCA) 
    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during playing and leading the 

    netball match? Why? 
     -  What are necessary conditions do you need to apply netball rules?

    What will you do to apply netball rules in the game perfectly?

    Lesson 6: Obstruction and contact in netball game
     a) Learning objectiv
    Discuss on the obstruction and contact in netball game.
     b) Teaching resources 
    Balls, playground, whistle, stopwatch, cones, videos related to netball rules of
    the game, chasubles, posts, official rules’book.
    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction 
    Students of senior six will learn better the obstruction and contact in netball 
    game if they have developed netball rules learnt in senior five and in the 
    previous lessons.

    d) Learning activities 

    Opening discussions
    – Ask questions about netball rules learnt in senior five and in last lesson.
    – Let students present their findings and introduce the prepared lesson.
    – Invite students to start warm up exercises.

    Warm up exercises and stretching exercises
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up 

    based on the most body’s parts to be used while performing netball game 
    and stretch their muscles properly.
    – One student leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    e) Lesson body
    – In groups students discuss on the obstruction and contact in netball 

    game. They discuss also on the difference between them. Each group has 
    one element of rules to be discussed on. The resources are distributed 
    – Pass though groups and help them where is necessary. Request students to
    choose a secretary to record findings and group representative  

    who will present their findings.
    – Request group representative to present their findings and group members
    May support where is necessary.

    – After presentation of all groups, use a projector to recap presentations.

    Activity 7.17
     Make teams of 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 students and let them play netball adhering to rules 
    of the game on the appropriate court in limited period of ten minutes. One of the 
    outside teams leads the match as umpires and others make records following the 
    netball rules. The playing teams are replaced after 8 minutes. The winner is the 

    team which scores more goals or lead the match perfectly than others. 

        Fig 7.6: Students play netball adhering to rules in the game situation

     Cool down exercises
    – Let students do right cool down exercises and stretch their group of 
    muscles by insisting on most used parts.
    – Randomly, one of students leads cool down exercises. 
    – Guide them while stretching their muscles systematically. 

    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    Closing discussions (RCA) 
    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during playing and leading the 

    netball match? Why? 
    – What are necessary conditions do you need officials in netball?

     Apply - 
    What will you do to become netball officials?
    Lesson 7: Demonstration and interpretation of hand signals 

    used in officiating and officiate a netball game

     a) Learning objective 
    Discuss on how to demonstrate and interpret hand signals used in officiating 

    and officiate a netball game.

     b) Teaching resources 
    Balls, playground, whistle, stopwatch, cones, videos related to netball rules of 

    the game, chasubles, posts, official rules’book.

    c) Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction 
    Students of senior six will learn better the demonstration and interpretation 
    of hand signals used in officiating and officiate a netball game if they have 

    developed netball rules learnt in senior five and in the previous lessons. 

    d) Learning activities 
    Opening discussions

    – Ask questions about netball rules learnt in senior five and in last lesson.
    – Let students present their findings and introduce the prepared lesson.
    – Invite students to start warm up exercises.

    Warm up exercises and stretching exercises 
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up 
    based on the most body’s parts to be used while performing netball game 
    and stretch their muscles properly. 
    – One student leads warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Guide them while performing warm up and stretching exercises.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    e) Lesson body 

    Game situation 
    Activity 7.18
     Make complete teams A, B and C and organize a netball competition: 
    The first match: A vs B while C will act as officials by providing umpires, 
    reserve umpire, scorer and timekeeper and lead the match. The remaining 
    players will record fouls and misconduct happened and how officials have 
    been reacted.
     The second match: B vs C while A will act as officials by providing umpires, 
    reserve umpire, scorer and timekeeper and lead the match. The remaining 
    players will record fouls and misconduct happened and how officials have 
    been reacted. 
    The third match: A vs C while B will act as officials by providing umpires, 
    reserve umpire, scorer and timekeeper and lead the match. The remaining 
    players will record fouls and misconduct happened and how officials have 
    been reacted. Every match duration is ten minutes. 
    The winner is the team which gains more points than others. After the 
    competition, each team shares with others what they have recorded: On 
    rules of the games, decisions taken by umpires, effectiveness of hand signals 
    used, and how umpires taking positions and their movements during the 

    match. Support them to clarify some rules of the game where is necessary. 

    Activity 7.19
     Make teams of 3 vs 3, 4 vs 4, 5vs 5, and 6 vs 6 or 7vs 7 students. 
    The students play netball adhering to rules of the game on the appropriate court in 
    a limited period of fifteen minutes. The outside teams play the roles of umpires, 
    reserve umpire, scorer and timekeeper to lead the match.
     The winner is the team which scores more points, made less fouls and misconduct 

    or officiated the match efficiently than others. 

    Activity 7.20
     Make teams of 5vs 5, and 6 vs 6 or 7vs 7 students. 
    The students play netball adhering to rules of the game on the appropriate court in 
    a limited period of fifteen minutes. The outside teams play the roles of umpires, 
    reserve umpire, scorer and timekeeper to lead the match.
     The winner is the team which scores more points, made less fouls and misconduct 

    or officiated the match efficiently than others. 

    Application Activity 7.4
     Make teams of 7vs 7 students. The students play netball adhering to rules 
    of the game on the appropriate court in a limited period of fifteen minutes. 
    The outside teams play the roles of umpires, reserve umpire, scorer and 
    timekeeper to lead the match.
     The winner is the team which scores more points, made less fouls and 

    misconduct or officiated the match efficiently than others. 

    Hand signals used in officiating netball game

      Cool down exercises 
    – Let students do right cool down exercises and stretch their group of 
    muscles by insisting on most used parts.
    – Randomly, one of students leads cool down exercises. 
    – Guide them while stretching their muscles systematically. 

    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    Closing discussions (RCA) 
    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during playing and leading the 

    netball match? Why? 
    – What are necessary conditions do you need umpires in netball?


    – What will you do to become netball players or umpires?

     7.6 End of unit assessment
     Teacher divides students into groups of five including two umpires, reserve
    umpire, scorer and timekeeper. After dividing students into their respecting 
    groups, set the order on which groups will lead the game, request the first group 
    to start the match. Ask other remaining student teachers to form two teams of 
    seven players for each one. Let the match start, change groups which is officiating 
    after five minutes. Officials become players to replace those who are becoming officials.
    – During performing officiating for each group, observe how each student is 
    – Observe how techniques and tactics learned are being used.
    – Records their performance in order to give them feedback at the end of the 


    7.7 Additional activities 
    Remedial activities 
    Distribute balls to students for regular familiarization with the ball focusing on techniques 
    and tactics of playing netball game by respecting official rules of the game.

     Consolidation activities 

    Providing school facilities for learner’s recreation where they perform regular 
    netball technical and tactical skills and officiating games. 

    Extended activities Encourage learners:

    - To participate actively in mass sport in their villages.
    - Participate in the organized recreational netball activities and competitions in their
    villages during weekends and holidays with their neighbor
    ing learners and help in
    officiating and in the application of netball rules. 

    Request students to read updated rules of the game of netball game.