• UNIT 2:Skills lab manual for Teachers and students of senior four

    2.6.Procedure: Hands Hygiene And Gloving
     2.6.1.Technique: Simple Hand Washing
     Aims of SIMPLE HAND

     • To reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a clean environment 
    • To prevent infections    
    • To remove germs from hands    
    • To cleanse the hands of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, or other 
    microorganisms that can cause disease). 

    Learning outcome

     • Perform correctly hand washing technique using appropriate steps. 


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card 
    • Hair tied back and put bonnet 
     • Assemble equipment and arrange on bedside chair in the order the items will 
    be used 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings     

    • Wear closed shoes       

     • Water     
    • Plain (non-antimicrobial) soap 

    • Disposable towel

    2.6.2.Techinque Non-Sterile And Sterile Gloving
     • To protect Associate nurses’ hands when handling substances
     • To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from nurses to the 
    patient and vice-versa; 
    • To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from one patient to 
    the other. 


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Ensure nails are cut short 
    • Hand washing        


     • Clean gloves(for non sterile gloving) 
    • Sterile  Gloves(for sterile Gloving) 

    2.6.3.Technique: Removing Non-Sterile And Sterile Gloves


     •To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from associate nurse 
       student  to the patient and vice-versa; 
    • To reduce likelihood of transmitting micro-organisms from one patient to 

       the other. 

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Ensure nails are cut short 
    • Hand washing 


     • Dustbin

    2.7. Procedure: Bedmaking 
     2.7.1.Technique: Unoccupied Bed, With Changing Bed-Sheets: One Nurse  
     • To provide clean and comfortable position of the patient, 
    • To reduce risk of infection 
    • To Prevent bed sores
    Learning outcomes:
     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Ensure nails are cut short 
    • Hand washing
     • Pillow case
     • Protective gloves 
    • Blanket
     • Waterproof protective pad 

    • Linen hamper or bag

     2.7.2.Techinque: Unoccupied Bed, With Changing Bed-Sheets : 
    Two Associate Nurses. 
     • To provide clean, safe and comfortable bed for the patient
     • To promote rest and sleep
     • To reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a clean environment
     • To prevent bed sores
     • To observe patient and to prevent complications

     Learning outcomes:

     • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.
     • Demonstrate the ability to make an unoccupied bed
     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

     • Pillow case
     • Protective gloves 
    • Blanket
     • cleaning materials 
    • Linen hamper or bag
     • Draw sheet
     • 2 Bed sheet (bottom sheet and top sheet)

     • Mackintosh (if contaminated or needed to change

    2.7.3.Techinque: Unoccupied Bed Making Without Changing Bed Sheets
     • To be ready for the next occupant
     • To prepare the bed for the client return
     • To provide a clean environment 
    • To provide a good appearance 
    • To minimize sources of infections 

    earning outcomes:

     • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.
     • Demonstrate the ability to make an unoccupied bed

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

     • Two large cotton sheets
     • One water proof draw mackintosh (if necessary)
     • One draw sheet (if necessary)
     • One or two pillows
     • Pillow slips/covers
     • One blanket optional

     • One bed cover or counterpane

    2.7.4.Techinque: Occupied Bed, With Changing Bed-Sheets: Two 
    Nurses Patient Can Turn
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment
     • Pillow case
     • Protective gloves 
    • Blanket
     • cleaning materials  , 
    • Basin 
    • Linen hamper or bag 
    • 2 Bed sheet ( bottom sheet and top sheet)
     • Draw sheet
     • Mackintosh ( if contaminated or needed to change)

     • Chai

    2.7.5.Techinque: Occupied Bed Making, Patient Can Sit
     • To promote the clients comfort
     • To provide a clean environment for the client
     • To minimize source of skin irritation
     • Provide safety
     • These are appliances used in bed making
    • Provide comfort of the patient
     • For the protection of bed linen
     • Prevention of pressure sores

     • To facilitate putting the patient into bed without delay etc.

     Learning outcomes:
     • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.
     • Demonstrate the ability to make an occupied bed

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain to the patient/ family the rational of BP check up
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position
     • Instruct the patient to have a rest for at least 10 minutes.


     • Gloves
     • Mattress Pad
     • Bottom draw Sheet
     • Cotton draw sheet
     • A plastic draw sheet
     • Pillowcase
     • Top sheet
     • Blanket
     • Bed Spread
     • Linen Hamper or bag

     • Bed side


     3..2.6. Techinque: Procedure: Occupied Bed Making, Patient 
    Cannot Sit Or Turn
     • To change the linen with the least possible disturbance to the patient
     • To draw or fix the sheets under the patients very firmly so that it would not 
     • To remove crumbs from the bed.
     • To make patient feel comfortable.

     • Learning outcomes:

     • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.

     • Demonstrate the ability to make an occupied bed

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position
     • Make sure that the patient was at least 5-10 min before assessing 
     • Necessary linen.
     • Tray for stripping and airing.
     • Laundry bag or hamper
     • Gloves
     • Mattress Pad
     • Bottom draw Sheet
     • Cotton draw sheet
     • A plastic draw sheet
     • Pillow Case
     • Top bed sheet
     • Blanket
     • Bed Spread
     • Linen Hamper or bag

     • Bed side

     3.2.7. Techinque: Post-Operative Bed Making
     • To provide clean, safe and comfortable bed for the patient 
    • To promote rest and sleep
     • To reduce the risk of infection by maintaining a clean environment
     • To prevent bed sores 
    • To economize time and energy
     • To observe patient and to prevent complications
     • Learning outcomes:
     • To provide physical and psychological comfort and security to the patient.
     • Demonstrate the ability to make a postoperative bed
     • Hair tied back
     • Wear closed shoes
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Hand washing
     • Pillowcase 
    • Protective gloves 
    • Bed sheets: Bottom sheet (1)
     • Top sheet (1) 
    • Draw sheet (1-2) 
    • Mackintosh 
    • Draw sheet
     • number required of mackintosh and draw
     • sheet is different.
     • Mackintosh ( if contaminated or needed to change)According to the 
    type of operation, the
     • Blanket (1) Hot water bag with hot water if needed
     • Materials for vital signs 
    • Iv stand

     • Chair

     2.8. Procedure: Bedbath 
    3.3.1. Techinque: Complete Bed Bath Patient Can Not Sit
     • To promote hygiene 
    • To prevent bacteria spreading on the skin
     • To stimulate circulation
     • To promote patient comfort and induce sleep
     • To prevent bed sores
     • To observe the client for any complications
    Learning outcomes:
     • To perform correctly the technic of bed bath
     • Apply environmental safety
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.

     • 2 Basins ( 1 with soap and 1 without soap) 
    • 2 Bucket: ( 1 for hot clean water, 1 for waste) 
    • 1 jug 
    • 1 Soap with soap dish
     • 2 Sponge cloth ( 1 for wash another for rinse)
     • Face towel
     • 2 bath towels ( 1 for covering over mackintosh another for covering 
    client body)
    • 1 Mackintosh
     • 1 trolley
     • Thermometer
     • Paper bag
     • Personal hygiene supplies ( deodorant, lotion, powder, combs, etc)
     • Folded screens.
     • Bag for dirty linen. 

    • Clean Clothing  or hospital gown.

    3.3.2. Techinque: Complete Bed Bath, Patient Can Sit
     • To Bath is an important part of professional hygiene
     • To Bath cleanses the skin and makes the patient more comfortable
     • To stimulate the circulation and relax the patient
     • To provide the good opportunity to observe the client body and as well as 
    communicate with the patient


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position
     • Make sure that the patient has been at rest for at least 10 minutes.


     • Two large cotton sheets
     • One water proof draw mackintosh (if necessary)
     • One draw sheet (if necessary)
     • One or two pillows
     • Pillow slips/covers
     • One blanket (optional)

     • One bed cover or counterpane

    3.3.3. Techinque: Complete Bed Bath, Patient Cannot Sit Or Turn
     • To keep the skin healthy
     • To prevent infections


     • Soap
     • Wash cloths
     • 1 Bath towel
     • 2 Wash basins
     • Clean gown 
    • Bath blanket
     • Lotion for back rub

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position
     • Make sure that the patient was at least 5-10 min before assessing 


    3.3.4. Techinque: Partial Bed Bath, Perineal Care
     • To Clean the skin 
    • To stimulate blood circulation 
    • To improved self-image 
    • To reduce body odors 

    • To promote range of motion exercises

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Make sure that the patient has been at rest for at least 10 minutes.

     • Clean gloves (1 pair)
     • washcloth (1)
     • Basin with warm water (1)
     • Bath Towels (1)
     • Mackintosh (1)
     • Soap with soap dish (1)
     • Toilet paper

     • Bed pan (1): as required

     2.9.Procedure: Moving And Positioning Patients In Bed
     3.4.1. Techinque: Turning Client To The Lateral Or Prone 
    Position In Bed
     Aims of  the procedure
     •  To provide comfort
     • • To prevent the occurrence of bed sores
     • • To promote lung and cardiac function 

    Learning outcomes:

     • The students will be able to 
    • Identify the predilection sites a patient in the: lateral and/or prone  position 
    • Correctly communicate with the patient during positioning 
    • Put the patient into the basic position as precautionary positioning of the 
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing


    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure
     • Position the client appropriately before moving the client


     • Folded screen
     • Protective gloves 
    • Pillows for positioning

     • Possibly a draw-sheet.

     3.4.2. Techinque: Logrolling A Client
     Aims of  the procedure
     • To turn the client whose body must at all times be kept in a straight alignment 
    • To provide comfort
    Learning outcomes:
     • The students will be able to 
    • Identify the predilection sites a patient in Logrolling
     • Correctly communicate with the patient during Logrolling
     • Put the patient into the basic position as precautionary positioning of the 

     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure
     • Position the client appropriately before moving the client

     • Folded screen
     • Protective gloves 
    • Pillows for positioning

     • Possibly a draw-sheet.

     3.4.3. Technique: Moving Patient In Bed (Two Nurses Using Turn Sheet) 
    Aims of  the procedure
     • To assist clients who have slid down in bed from the Fowler’s position to 
    move up in bed 
    Learning outcomes:
     • The students will be able to 
    • Correctly communicate with the patient during moving the patient
     • Move the patient correctly

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure
     • Position the client appropriately before moving the client

     • Folded screen
     • Protective gloves 
    • Pillows for positioning

     • Draw-sheet or full sheet

     3.4.4. Technique: Moving The Patient From Bed To Chair Or 
    Wheel Chair (One Nurse And Two Nurses)
     Aims of  the procedure
     • Changing position
     • Ambulation
     • Transfer to operating room

     Learning outcomes:

     The students will be able to 
    • Implement position changes correctly 
    • Use the appropriate means to facilitate the movement of the patient.


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess Client body size, Activity tolerance, Muscle strength, joint mobility
    • , presence of paralysis, degree of comfort, orthostatic hypotension and the 
    ability of the client
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure
     • Position the client appropriately before moving the client
     • Protective gloves 
    • Appropriate clothing
     • Slippers or other appropriate open shoes

     • Chair or wheelchair (depending the purpose)

    3.4.5. Techinque: Moving The Client From Bed To Stretcher Aims 
    of the procedure 
    Aims of  the procedure
     • To transfer the client in supine position from one location to another 
    Learning outcomes:
     The students will be able to 
    • mplement position changes correctly 
    • Use the appropriate means to facilitate the movement of the patient.

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess client body size, Activity tolerance, Muscle strength, joint mobility, 
    presence of paralysis, degree of comfort, orthostatic hypotension and the 
    ability of the client
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rationale of the procedure
     • Position the client appropriately before moving the client
     • Protective gloves 
    • Appropriate clothing
     • Stretcher

     • Assistive devices as required or bedsheet

    2.10.Procedure: Application Of Local Heat And Cold
     3.5.1. Technique: application dry and moist heat.
     • To treat sprains muscle pulls

     • To provide relief of pain

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment


     • Tray,
     • Folded screen
     • Non sterile Gloves 
    Dry heat
     • Hot water bag 
    • Kettle with cover/ or any other material that can kook the water. 


     • Water container.
     Moist Heat
     • Hot water bag cover / small towel to cover. 
    • Vaseline or oil for applying on the skin in case there is redness
     • Basin or tub.
     • Small towel. 
    • Bath towel 
    • Ties, tape, or rolled gauze. 

    • Mackintosh

    3.5.2. Technique: application dry and moist cold.
     • To treat sprains muscle pulls
     • To provide relief of pain
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Tray,
     • Folded screen
     • Non sterile Gloves 
    • Dry heat
     • Hot water bag 
    • Kettle with cover/ or any other material that can kook the water. 
    • Water container.
     • Hot water bag cover / small towel to cover. 
    • Moist cold
     • Large basin Contains of ice.
     • A towel
     • Vaseline or oil for applying on the skin in case there is redness
     • Small basin Contain with cold water.
     • Gauze squares, wash cloth, or small towels.
     • Waterproof pad/ Plastic sheet.

     • Mackintosh

     2.11.Procedure: Assisting The Patient To Eliminate
     3.6.1. Technique: Use Of Urinal
     Aims of  the procedure
     • To assist in urination when the client is unable to get out of bed
     • To take urine sample  
    Learning outcomes:
     The students will be able to 
    • Assist in urination when the client is unable to get out of bed

     • Take urine sample correctly 

     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 

    • Wear closed shoes

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • nal
     • Protective Clean gloves
     • Toilet paper
     • Material for personal hygiene if necessary
     • Receptacle for waste disposal
     • Screen
     • Linens such as privacy blankets

     • Water proof protector/Macintosh

    3.6.2. Technique: Use Of Bed Pan
     Aims of  the procedure
     • To assist in voiding when the client is unable to get out of bed
     • To take stool sample  

    Learning outcomes
     The students will be able to 
    • Assist in voiding when the client is unable to get out of bed
     • Take stool sample correctly 


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes
     • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position
     • Bed pan
     • Protective Clean gloves
     • Toilet paper
     • Material for personal hygiene if necessary
     • Receptacle for waste disposal
     • Screen
     • Linens such as privacy blankets

     • Water proof protector/Macintosh

     3.6.3. Technique: Administering  Enema (Evacuating Enema/
     Return Flow Enema)
     Aims of  the procedure
     • To relieve constipation
     • To clean bowel before endoscopic examination  or procedure
     • To clean bowel before surgical operation 
    • To reduce inflammation of intestine 

    Learning outcomes:

     The students will be able to 
    • Perform enema 
    • Prepare the patient for enema administration 
    • Prepare the aids for enema administration 

     Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes
     • Wash hand
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ensure client privacy
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Folding screens.
     • Tray, Trolley.
     • Bracket
     • Impermeable protection and cotton cloth. 
    • Appropriate rectal tube. 
    • Kidney dish.
     • Lubricant.
     • Protective gloves.
    • Clean compress and toilet paper.
     • Enema cannula with connection tube.
     • Grip for clamping or tap.
     • Water or other solution at the temperature prescribed.
     • Bed pan

     • Material for personal hygiene, if necessary

     3.6.4. Technique: Assisting Patients In Using Diapers

    Aims of  the procedure
     • To promote cleanliness to the client
     • To prevent infection and bed sores

     Learning outcomes:

     The students will be able to 
    • Perform enema 
    • Prepare the patient for diapers change 

    • Prepare the aids for diapers change

     Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes
     • Wash hand
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ensure client privacy
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient

     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Tray or trolley
     • Proper Gloves
     • A clean diaper (consider the size of the patient)
     • Dust bin or bucket to receive soiled diaper
     • Bucket with a lid and filled with water for non-disposable diapers.
     • Skin protection barrier cream

     • Bed linens, if necessary.

    2.12.Technique: Manual Removal Of Fecaloma AIMS
    • To remove impacted feces
     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • The trolley.
     • Serving forceps in its container.
     • Disinfectant solution (for hands).
     • Bed pan with cover.
     • Impermeable protection and cotton protection.
    • Lubricant.
     • Toilet paper.
     • Kidney dish for wastes.
     • Individual blanket or towel.
     • Protective gloves.

     • Plastic apron if available

     2.13.Hygiene Care of Ileostomy Or Colostomy AIMS
     • To prevent infection 

    • To prevent irritation of the skin 

     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 


    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 


     • Bed pan
     • Protective Clean gloves
     • Toilet paper
     • Material for personal hygiene if necessary
     • Receptacle for waste disposal
     • Screen
    • Linens such as privacy blankets
     • Water proof protector/Macintosh
     • Pieces of gauzes

     • Physiologic 0.9% solution The trolley.

    2.14. Vital signs And Parameters

     2.14.1.Technique: Body Temperature Measurement

    Aims of the procedure
     • To  assist in diagnosis   
    • To evaluate patient recovery from illness, 
    • To determine if immediate measure is needed to any abnormal body 
    Learning outcomes:

     • To measure the body temperature (axillary, oral, tympanic membrane and 
    temporal artery) 

    • To write down the results , interpret them and communicate the results


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student  ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rational of  body temperature measurement

     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     EQUIPMENTS (axillary body temperature) 
    • Appropriate and functional thermometer.
     • Cleaned and disinfected tray.
     • Swabs and disinfectant.
     • Pen and vital sign flow sheet or electronic health record 
    • Functional watch on the second hand 
    • Kidney dish and bowl
    EQUIPMENTS(tympanic body temperature)z

     • Infrared (tympanic) thermometer, appropriate for site to be used
     • Disposable probe covers
     • Non sterile gloves, if appropriate
     • Cleaned and disinfected tray.
     • Swabs and disinfectant
     • Kidney dish and bowl
     • Additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),as indicated
     • Toilet tissue, if needed
     • Pencil or pen, paper or flow sheet, computerized record
    EQUIPMENTS(temporal  body temperature)
     • Infrared temporal artery thermometer, appropriate for site to be used
     • Disposable probe covers
     • Non sterile gloves, if appropriate
     • Cleaned and disinfected tray.
     • Swabs and disinfectant
     • Kidney dish and bowl
     • Additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),as indicated
     • Toilet tissue, if needed

     • Pencil or pen, paper or flow sheet, computerized record

    2.14.2.Technique: Pulse Measurement
     • To gather information about heart rhythm and pattern of beat
     • To assess heart ability to deliver blood to distant areas
     • To evaluate heart effect to cardiac medication, activity, blood volume and 
    gas exchange
    Learning outcomes:
     • Take correctly the pulse rate 
    • Record the results and interpret them.

     • Communicate results

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rational of pulse check up
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Make sure that the patient has been at rest for at least 10 minutes.


     • Watch with second hand.
     • Stethoscope (for taking the apical pulse only).
     • Non-sterile gloves
     • Pen and vital sign flow sheet or electronic health record 

    • Swabs with disinfectant in kidney dish in the event of the apical pulse.

    2.14.3. Technique: Blood Pressure Measurement

    Aims of  the procedure

     • To obtain baseline data for diagnosis and treatment
     • To compare and evaluate subsequent change occurred during care.
    Learning outcomes:

     • The students will be able to demonstrate how to use the equipment for 
    taking a blood pressure, organize their technique, and produce an accurate 
    reading according to what they hear or see.
     • The student will be able to interpret the findings

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation(Make sure that the skin is 
    dry and injury-free. Do not take BP on an arm with perfusion, paralyzed, or 
    on the side of a former mastectomy)
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rationale of BP check up
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position
     • Instruct the patient to have a rest for at least 10 minutes.

     • Hand washing  
    • Disinfected Tray/Trolley
     • Disposable pressure cuff of appropriate size for patient
     • Functional sphygmomanometer
     • Non sterile Gloves 
    • Alcohol swabs(concentrated at 70%)
     • Functional stethoscope.
     • Kidney dish

     • Pen and vital sign flow sheet or electronic health record

     2.14.4.Technique: Respiratory Rate Measurement AIMS
     • To gather information about rhythm and depth
     • To determine number of respiration occurring per minutes
    Learning outcomes:
     • Take correctly the Respiration rate 
    • Record the results and interpret them.

     • Communicate results

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation(Make sure that the skin is 
    dry and injury-free. Do not take BP on an arm with perfusion, paralyzed, or 
    on the side of a former mastectomy)
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Explain  to the patient/ family the rationale of BP check up
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position
     • Instruct the patient to have a rest for at least 10 minutes.

     • Functional watch 
    • Pen and vital sign flow sheet 

    • Nonsterile glove

     2.14.5. Technique: Pulse Oximetry Measurement (Oxygen Saturation)
     • To review basics of the hemodynamics of cardiovascular system 
    • To recognize various mechanisms for control of vascular disorders 
    • To incorporate hemodynamic concepts in treatment decision-making 
    process, including when selecting pharmacologic agents for management 
    of cardiovascular diseases.
     • To assess the effectiveness of treatment
     • To monitor the health of individuals with any type of condition that can 

    affect blood oxygen levels

     Learning outcomes:
     • Take correctly the pulse oximetry
     • Record the results and interpret them.

     • Communicate results

     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • dentification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Pulse oximeter
     • Pen

     • Vital signs monitoring chart

    2.14.6. Technique: Height Measurement
     • To assess overall health

     Learning outcomes:

     • Take correctly the height
     • Record the results and interpret them.
     • Communicate results


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Height gauge, lath fixed on the wall or tape measure and gloves

     • Pen and height recording flow sheet

    2.4.17.Technique: Weight Measurement
     • To assess overall of health
    Learning outcomes:

     • Take correctly the height
     • Record the results and interpret them.
     • Communicate results

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 


    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Appropriate and functional Balance
     • Pen, weight recording flow sheet 

    • Gloves

    2.15.Procedure: Drug Administration
     2.15.1.Enteral Routes Of Drug Administration oral drug administration.
     • To take supplement in order to maintain health,
     • To administer medication indicated for oral route
     • To administer specific medication for local action

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
     • Review patient’s note and prescription
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check for any drug allergies
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Tray  
    • kidney tray for waste 
    • Clean gloves
     • Drinking water in a jug 
    • Medication administration record
     • Medication cup
     • Drug prescription

     • Tablet cutter if needed Sublingual Drug Adminisatration
     • To ensure a consistent standardized practice for administering medications 
     • To provide the substances that diffuse into the blood through tissues under 
    the tongue which is predominantly a mucous gland that produces a thick 
    mucinous fluid and lubricates the oral cavity.
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
     • Review patient’s note and prescription
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check for any drug allergies
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Medication, Rectal Suppository Drug Administration
     • To administer some inflammatory drugs, 
    • To administer some antipyretic, 
    • To soften stools in case of constipation 
    • To treat hemorrhoid 


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 

    • Identification of the patient
     • Review patient’s note and prescription
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check for any drug allergies
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Medication administration record,
     • Nonsterile gloves
     • swabs,         
    • Bed pan
     • Prescribed rectal suppository,    

    • Water-soluble lubricant

    3.10.2. Parenteral Route Of Drugs Administration Technique: Withdrawing Medication From An Ampoule
     • To prepare medication before administration.
    Leaning outcome
     • The student will be able to withdrow the drug from ampoule
     • The student will be able to hold and manipulate the serynge

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 
    • Medication administration record,  
    • Sterile syringe and needle, 

    • Second needle, Technique : Withdrawing Medication From An Vial
     Leaning outcome
     • To prepare medication before administration.
     • The student will be able to withdraw the drug from ampoule
     • The student will be able to hold and manipulate the syringe

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 


     • Medication administration record,  
    • Sterile syringe and needle, 
    • Second needle, 
    • Alcohol swab,
     • Sterile gauze,  
    • Ampoule of prescribed medication, 
    • Ampoule cutter if available, 
    • Kidney dish
     • Container for discards, 
    • Nonsterile gloves,  

    • Safety box for sharp instrument. Technique: Intramuscular (Im) Injection 
     • To Apply medication through the muscles
     • To promote rapid drug absorption
     • To provide an alternate route of parenteral drug administration
    Leaning outcome
     • To find suitable sites for administering intramuscular injections;
     • To  prepare materials for administering intramuscular injections in adults 
    and pediatrics patients;
     • To apply the aseptic method during procedures;
     • To explain the importance of intramuscular injections;

     • To assess the risks of potential complications of intramuscular injections.

     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with ID Card
     • Remove watch, jewels, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 


    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

     • Sterile syringes and needles
     • Alcohol-based antiseptic solution
     • Drug, 
    • Protective Gloves
     • Medication chart
     • Dry cotton swab
     • Safety box
     • Disposable gloves
     • Dustbin
     • Trolley

     • Trolley or tray (Plate).  Technique: Subcutaneous Injection 
     • To Apply medication under the skin
     • To promote rapid drug absorption
     • To provide an alternate route of parenteral drug administration
    Leaning outcome
     • To find suitable sites for administering subcutaneous injections;
     • To  prepare materials for administering subcutaneous injections
     • To explain the importance of subcutaneous injections;

     • To assess the risks of potential complications of subcutaneous injections.

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes
     • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 

     • Sterile syringes and needles
     • Drug, 
    • Alcohol-based antiseptic solution
     • Protective Gloves
     • Medication chart
     • Dry cotton swab
     • Safety box
     • Disposable gloves
     • Dustbin
     • Trolley

     • Trolley or tray (Plate). Technique: Intradermal (Id) Injection
     • To Apply medication under the skin
     • To promote rapid drug absorption
     • To provide an alternate route of parenteral drug administration
    Leaning outcome

     • To find suitable sites for administering subcutaneous injections;
     • To  prepare materials for administering subcutaneous injections
     • To explain the importance of subcutaneous injections;
     • To assess the risks of potential complications of subcutaneous injections.

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes
     • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Sterile syringes and needles
     • Drug, 
    • Alcohol-based antiseptic solution
     • Protective Gloves
     • Medication chart
     • Dry cotton swab
     • Safety box
     • Disposable gloves
     • Dustbin
     • Trolley

     • Trolley or tray (Plate).

    3.10.3. Procedure: Topical Application Technique: Topical Skin Application
     • To Apply medication through the skin.
     • To produce local effects, some topical preparations have systemic effects, 
    absorbed through the skin and mucous membrane
     • To provide the continuous absorption of medication over several hours.

     Leaning outcome

     • Explain the principles of applying drugs to the skin ;
     • •Apply the medication to the skin

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with student ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed and short shoes
     • Wash hand

    • Identification of the patient and ask consent
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Tray 
    • Gauzes
     • Clean gloves

     • Topical medication Technique: Eye Medication Administration 
     • To administer medication indicated for eye route 
    • To test for medication allergy

     • The nurse introduces to the patient, explain the purpose of that medication 
    and ask for consent
     • Wash hands
     • The student nurse prepares and assemble all the materials after disinfecting 
    the tray/ trolley
     • Assess the information related to the drug such as mode of action, 
    purpose, route, time of onset and peak of action, side effects and nursing 
     • Apply privacy
     • Assess the condition of external eye and note changes
     • Assess for allergy, level of consciousness and ability to follow command
     • Assess the ability for self-administration
    • Identification of the patient and identify patient’s names
     • Self-presentation to the patient and ask for consent
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Check drug : name of the drug, name of the patient, dose, method and 
    hour of administration, expiry date
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check for any drug allergies and ensure that there is no skin tenderness.
     • Understand the therapeutic indications of the drug, mode of action and its 
    side effects.
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Eye medicine, 
    • Medication chart,
     • Clean gloves, 
    • Swabs, 
    • Disinfectant, 

    • Tray or trolley. Technique: Ear Drug Administration

     • To take supplement in order to maintain health,
     • To administer medication indicated for nasal route

     • To administer specific medication for local action 

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Short cut nails 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 


    • Identification of the patient
     • Review patient’s note and prescription
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the patient the procedure regarding positioning and sensation to 
    expect such us burning or straining  of mucosa or shocking sensation as 
    medication strikes into throat .
     • Check for any drug allergies
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment

     • Right Medication 
    • Gloves 
    • Medication administration record
     • Tray
     • Drug prescription

     • Tissues Technique: Nasal Drug Administration
     • To take supplement in order to maintain health,
     • To administer medication indicated for nasal route
     • To administer specific medication for local action 

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Short cut nails 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 
    • Identification of the patient
     • Review patient’s note and prescription
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the patient the procedure regarding positioning and sensation to 
    expect such us burning or straining  of mucosa or shocking sensation as 
    medication strikes into throat .
     • Check for any drug allergies
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment
     • Right Medication 
    • Gloves 
    • Medication administration record
     • Tray
     • Drug prescription

     • Tissues Technique: Vaginal Suppository Medical Administration

     • To treat certain conditions, such as yeast infections. 
    • To treat fungal infections and vaginal dryness. 
    • To administer some contraceptives method used as a form of birth control
     • To provoke uterine muscle contraction 


     • Hair tied back
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Short cut nails 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Hand washing 
    • Identification of the patient 
    • Self-presentation to the patient and ask for consent
     • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Check for any drug allergies
     • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 


     • Medication administration record, 
    • Nonsterile gloves, 
    • Gauzes 
    • Prescribed vaginal suppository, 
    • Water-soluble lubricant, 

    • Disposable applicator

    2.16.Technique: Leopord’s Manoeuver
     • To determine the fetal well being
     • To confirm pregnancy
     • To determine gestational age
     • To determine presentation, lie, position and engagement of the presenting 


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Wash Hands


    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 
    • Position the patient in a comfortable positio

     • Tray
     • Table of examination
     • Tape measure
     • ANC card and Client records
     • Gloves (examination gloves)

     • Dust bin

    2.17.Technique: Auscultation Of Fetal Heart Rate
     • To listen and count fetal heart rate
     • To differentiate Fetal heart rate rhythm from maternal pulse
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Wash Hands
    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 


     • Tray
     • Table of examination
     • Pinard fetoscope
     • ANC card and Client records
     • Watch 
    • Gloves (examination gloves)

     • Dust bin

    2.18.Technique: Vulval Disinfection
     • Reduces the risk of infection
     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID Card
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    Wear closed shoes
     • Wash Hands
    dentification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
    •  Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 
    • Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment
     • Table of examination
     • Client records
     swabs and  Kocher’s forceps)
     • Non-irritant solution for disinfection
     • Examination gloves
     • Kocher’ s forceps
     • Tray or trolley
     • Set for disinfection (sterile packet containing a gall pot with minimum of 5 
    • Mackintosh and sterile drape
     • Folding screen if no curtains available,
     • Bucket with solution of decontamination

     • Dust bin

    2.19.Technique: Digital Vaginal Examination
     • To assess the status of the cervix and membranes, 
    • To assess the position of head and degree of molding.
     • To evaluate the bishop score(descent,effacement,dilation,consistence, 
     • To detect the cephalopelvic disproportion.
     • To identify complications as cordprolapse, Vasa previa

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Wash Hands

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position

     • Table of examination
     • Client records
     • Set for disinfection (sterile packet containing a gall pot with minimum of 5 
    swabs and  Kocher’s forceps)
     • Non-irritant solution for disinfection
     • Examination gloves
     • Kocher’ s forceps
     • Tray or trolley
     • Mackintosh and sterile drape
     • Dust bin
     • Folding screen if no curtains available,

     • Bucket with solution of decontamination

    2.20.Technique: Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery

     • To assist the mother in childbearing safely without the use of drugs, 
    techniques or others special material.

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Wash Hands

    • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent 
    • Physical and psychological patient preparation
     • Assess levels of comprehension and collaboration of the patient
     • Adjust the environment of the patient as necessary.
     • Explain the procedure and purpose to the patient
     • Ask the client to empty her bladder and explain why
     • Check chart for limitations on patient’s physical activity.
     • Respect the client privacy.
     • Check Cleanliness or condition of the bed and surrounding environment 
    • Position the patient in a comfortable position 


     • Table of examination
     • Client records
     • Set for disinfection (sterile packet containing a gall pot with minimum of 5 
    swabs and  Kocher’s forceps)
     • Non-irritant solution for disinfection
     • Examination gloves
     • Kocher’ s forceps (serving)
     • Tray or trolley
     • Mackintosh and sterile drape
     • Folding screen if no curtains available,
     • Bucket with solution of decontamination
     • Dust bin
    • Material of protection: plastic apron, boots, glasses, hat and mask.
     • Folding screen if no curtains available
     • Bucket with solution of decontamination
     • Local anesthesia (lignocaine 2%)
     • Syringe of 10ml and 2 needles
     • Syringe of 2ml and 2 needles (1 for aspiration and 1 IM injection)
     • 1 ampoule of 10 IU oxytocin.
     • Gauzes
     • Foetoscope, Doppler
     • Check if the newborn resuscitation equipment is ready and in working 
    • Material for taking vital signs.

     • Container for placenta, Dustbin

    2.21.Technique: Immediate Care Of The New-Born Baby

     • To detect the newborn abnormalities and reassure the parents


     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Wash Hands
    • Introduce to the mother
     • Explain the procedure to the mother and obtain her consent
     • Ask about newborn’s information (Breastfeeding, elimination, sleeping, 
    state of umbilical cord and skin color)
     • Tape measure,
     • Baby weighing scale, 
    • Radiant warmer (if needed), 
    • Flannel to cover baby, 
    • Examination gloves, 
    • Neonatal stethoscope, 
    • Watch, 
    • Thermometer, 
    • Tongue depressor, 
    • Vitamin K
     • Pamper &baby’s clothes if soiled, 

    • Hand disinfectant.

    2.22.Technique: Assessment Of The New Born

     • To assess the adaptations of a newborn after birth
     • To detect early possible abnormalities
     • To establishes a baseline for subsequent examinations
     • To reassure the parents

     • Identification of the patient
     • Self-presentation to the patient
     • Ask for the consent from the parents
     • Explain the procedure to the mother and relatives
     • Give them opportunity to ask questions.
     • If possible, let them participate during the care.
    • Introduce to the mother
     • Explain the procedure to the mother and obtain her consent
     • Ask about newborn’s information (Breastfeeding, elimination, sleeping, 
    state of umbilical cord and skin color)
     • Tape measure,
     • Baby weighing scale, 
    • Radiant warmer (if needed), 
    • Flannel to cover baby, 
    • Examination gloves, 
    • Neonatal stethoscope, 
    • Watch, 
    • Thermometer, 
    • Tongue depressor, 
    • Pamper &baby’s clothes if soiled, 

    • Hand disinfectant.

    2.23.Technique: Helping Babies Breathe

     • To ensure the newborn breath within the Golden minute.

     • Should appear professional (in full and clean uniform) with Student’s ID 
     • Hair tied back
     • Remove watch, jewelries, and Rings 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Clean and short nails 
    • Wear closed shoes
     • Wash Hands and dry
     • Close doors & windows to keep the environment warm
     • Ensure good light
    • Introduce to the mother
     • Explain to the mother and the relatives about the procedure.  
    • Reassure her and give continuous emotional, physical support

     • Examination gloves, 
    • Ambu bag,
     • Clothes and head cap, 
    • Stethoscope,
     • Penguin (suction) 
    • Ties,

     • Scissors