Key unit competence: By the end of the unit I should be able to 
    analyze energy changes in simple harmonic motion.
    Unit Objectives:
     By the end of this unit I will be able to;
     ◊ Determine the periodic time of an oscillating mass by practically 
               and by calculation accurately.
     ◊ Derive and apply the equation of simple harmonic motion correctly

     ◊ Determine the periodic time of the simple pendulum correctly.

    Introductory Activity
     a. Clearly analyze the images of Fig. 2-1 given below and explain 
    what you think would happen in each case when the mass is displaced.

     b. Basing on your daily experiences, what other systems do you 
    think behave the same way as fig 2.1(shown above) when displaced?
     c. Discuss fields where those systems you mentioned in b) above 

    are applied.

     You are familiar with many examples of repeated motion in your daily 
    life. If an object returns to its original position a number of times, we call 
    its motion repetitive. Typical examples of repetitive motion of the human 
    body are heartbeat and breathing. Many objects move in a repetitive way, 
    such as a swing, a rocking chair and a clock pendulum. Probably the first 
    understanding of repetitive motion grew out of the observations of motion 
    of the sun and phases of the moon. 

    Strings undergoing repetitive motion are the physical basis of all string 

    musical instruments. What are the common properties of these diverse 
    examples of repetitive motion? 
    In this unit we will discuss the physical characteristics of repetitive 
    motion and develop techniques that can be used to analyze this motion 


    Opening question
     Clearly analyze the images of Fig. 2-1 given below and explain what you 

    think will happen in each case when the mass is displaced.


     One common characteristic of the motions of the heartbeat, clock pendulum, 
    violin string and the rotating phonograph turntable is that each motion has 
    a well defined time interval for each complete cycle of its motion. Any motion 
    that repeats itself with equal time intervals is called periodic motion. Its 
    period is the time required for one cycle of the motion. 

    In Mechanics we showed that
    simple harmonic motion occurs when the 
    force acting on an object or system is directly proportional to its displacement x
    from a fixed point and is always directed towards this point: 

    The negative sign in Eq. 2.01 implies that the force is opposite to the dis

     To stretch the spring a distance x, an (external) force must be exerted on 

    the free end of the spring with a magnitude at least equal to.

    The greater the value of k, the greater the force needed to stretch a spring 
    a given distance. That is, the stiffer the spring, the greater the spring con

    stant k.

    Consider a physical system that consists of a block of mass m attached to 
    the end of a spring, with the block free to move on a horizontal, frictionless 
    surface (Fig. 2.2). When the spring is neither stretched nor compressed, the 
    block is at the position called the equilibrium position of the system. If dis

    turbed from its equilibrium position such a system oscillates back and forth.

    Fig.2. 2 A block attached to a spring moving on a frictionless surface. (a) When the block 
    is displaced to the right of equilibrium (x > 0 ), the force exerted by the spring acts to 
    the left. (b) When the block is at its equilibrium position (x =0 ), the force exerted by the 
    spring is zero. (c) When the block is displaced to the left of equilibrium (x < 0 ), the force 

    exerted by the spring acts to the right.

    Recall that when the block is displaced a small distance x from equilibrium, 
    the spring exerts on the block a force that is proportional to the displace
    ment and given by Hooke’s law (Eq. 2.01). 

    We call this a
    restoring force because it is always directed toward the 
    equilibrium position and therefore opposite the displacement. That is, when 
    the block is displaced to the right of in Figure above, then the displacement 
    is positive and the restoring force is directed to the left. When the block is 
    displaced to the left of then the displacement is negative and the restoring 
    force is directed to the right.

     Applying Newton’s second law to the motion of the block, together with 

    Equation 2.01, we obtain.

    Fig.2. 3 Defining the phase angle for a sinusoidal function that 
    crosses the horizontal axis with a positive slope after 0°

    We can obtain the linear velocity of a particle undergoing simple harmonic
    motion by differentiating Equation 2.03 with respect to time:

    From this equation we see that the acceleration is proportional to the 
    displacement of the body, and its direction is opposite the direction of the 
    displacement. Systems that behave in this way are said to exhibit simple 
    harmonic motion. 

    The curves in Fig.2.4 show that at the time of zero velocity 2.4a, the accel
    and the displacement are maximum. At a time of maximum velocity 

    Fig.2.4b, the acceleration and the displacement are zero. We say that they

    EXAMPLE 2.1

     A particle moving with SHM has velocities 4 cm/s and 3 cm/s at distances  
    3 cm and 4 cm respectively from equilibrium position. Find 
    (a) the amplitude of oscillation 
    (b) the period

     (c) velocity of the particle as it passes through the equilibrium position.

     EXAMPLE 2.2
     A simple pendulum has a period of 2.0 s and amplitude of swing 5.0 cm. 
    Calculate the maximum magnitude of
     (a) velocity of the bob
     (b) acceleration of the bob.

    The frequency and period depend only on the mass of the block and on the 

    force constant of the spring. Furthermore, the angular frequency, the frequency
    and period are independent of the amplitude of the motion

     1. A car with a mass of 1 300 kg is constructed so that its frame is supported 
    by four springs. Each spring has a force constant of 20 000 N/m.  

    (a) If two people riding in the car have a combined mass of 160 kg, find the 

    frequency of vibration of the car after it is driven over a pothole in the road 
    and what is the angular frequency. 
    (b) How long does it take the car to execute two complete vibrations? 
    We assume that the mass is evenly distributed. Thus, each spring supports 
    one fourth of the load. The total mass is 1 460 kg, and therefore each spring 

    supports 365 kg.

    ACTIVITY 2-1: Cantilever
     Aim of this activity is to determine the periodic time of a cantilever beam.
     Required Materials 

    Metre rule, G-clamp (or a wooden block), stop watch, set of masses  

    (4 × 100 g), Cellotape and pair of scissors (can be shared).

    EXAMPLE 2-4

     The displacement of an object undergoing simple harmonic motion is given 

    Application Activity 2.1
     1. A body of mass 100 g undergoes simple harmonic motion with 
    amplitude of 20 mm. The maximum force which acts upon it is 0.05 
    N. Calculate:
     (a) its maximum acceleration.
     (b) Its period of oscillation.
     2.  The following graph shows the displacement (x) of a simple harmonic oscillator.
    Draw graphs of its velocity, momentum, acceleration and the force acting on it.

     3. A particle undergoes SHM with an amplitude of 8.00 cm and an 
    angular frequency of 0.250 s-1. At t = 0, the velocity is 1.24 cm/s. 


     (a) The equations for displacement and velocity of the motion. 

    (b) The initial displacement of the particle.

     A simple harmonic oscillator is a physical system in which a particle 
    oscillates above and below a mean position at one or more characteristic 
    frequencies. Such systems often arise when a contrary force results from 
    displacement from a force-neutral position and gets stronger in proportion 
    to the amount of displacement. Below are some of the physical oscillators;
    2.2.1 Simple Pendulum

     A simple pendulum consists of a small bob of mass m suspended from a 
    fixed support through a light, inextensible string of length L as shown on 
    Fig.2-5. This system can stay in equilibrium if the string is vertical. This is 
    called the mean position or the equilibrium position. If the particle is pulled 
    aside and released, it oscillates in a circular arc with the center at the point 

    of suspension ‘O’. 

    Equation 2-12 shows that acceleration is directly proportional to displace
    ment and is opposite to it. So the bob executes S.H.M;

     Comparing equation 2-7 and equation 2-12 gives

     Equation 2-18 represents the periodic time of a simple pendulum. Thus, the 
    following are the factors affecting the periodic time of the simple pendulum;
     • Length of string
     • Acceleration due to gravity
    EXAMPLE 2.5

     A small piece of lead of mass 40 g is attached to the end of a light string of 
    length 50 cm and it is allowed to hang freely. The lead is displaced to 0.5 cm 
    above its rest position, and released.
     (a) Calculate the period of the resulting motion, assuming it is simple 
     (b) Calculate the maximum speed of the lead piece. (Take g = 9.81 m.s–2)

     (a) To calculate the time period 

    equation 2-26 can be used

    EXAMPLE 2.6
     What happens to the period of a simple pendulum if the pendulum’s length 
    is doubled? What happens to the period if the mass of the suspended bob is 


    ACTIVITY 2-2: Acceleration due to Gravity
     The aim of this activity is to determine the acceleration due to 

    gravity using oscillation of a simple pendulum Apparatus 

    2.2.2 Mass suspended from a Coiled Spring
     The extension of the spiral spring which obeys Hook’s law is directly 
    proportional to the extending tension. A mass m is attached to the end of 
    the spring which exerts a downward tension mg on it and stretches it by e 

    as shown in Fig.2-7 below;

     The stretching force is equal to the upward tension and is given by k(x + e) 
    So, the resultant force acting on the mass downwards is given by;

     F = Downword force – Upward force .

     Form equation 2-17 and 2-18, we conclude that the periodic time of an 
    oscillation of a mass on a spring will depend on extension and the mass tied on it.

    EXAMPLE 2.7

     When a family of four with a total mass of n

    200 kg steps into their 1200 kg car, the car’s 

    springs get compressed by 3.0 cm. 
    (a) What is the spring constant of the car’s 
    springs (Fig.2-9), assuming they act as a 
    single spring? 
    (b) How far will the car lower if loaded with 

    300 kg rather than 200 kg?

    ACTIVITY 2-3: Acceleration due to Gravity
      Aim: The aim of this activity is to determine the acceleration due to 
    gravity, g, using mass on spring. 
    Required materials1 retort stand, one spiral 
    spring, slotted masses (5 × 100g), 1 meter rule 


     (a) Clamp the given spring and a meter rule as shown in the 
    figure above.
    (b) Read and record the position of the pointer on the meter rule.
     (c) Place mass m equal to 0.100 kg on the scale pan and record the new 
    position of the pointer on the meter rule.
     (d) Find the extension of the spring x in meters.
     (e) Remove the meter rule
    (f) Pull the scale pan downwards through a small distance and release it.
     (g) Measure and record the time for 20 oscillations. Find the time T for 
    one oscillation.
     heart Repeat the procedures (f) and (g) for values of m equal to 0.200 kg, 
    0.300 kg, 0.400 kg and 0.500 kg.
     (i) Record your results in a suitable table including values of T2.
    (j) Plot a graph of T2 (along the vertical axis) against m (along the horizontal axis).
    (k) Find the slope, s, of the graph.

    2.2.3 Liquid in a U-tube.
     Consider a U-shaped tube filled with a liquid. If the liquid on one side of a 
    U-tube is depressed by blowing gently down that side, the level of the liquid 
    will oscillate for a short time about the respective positions O and C before 

    finally coming to rest.

    Application Activity 2.2
     1. A baby in a ‘baby bouncer’ is a real-life example of a mass-on
    spring oscillator. The baby sits in a sling suspended from a stout 
    rubber cord, and can bounce himself up and down if his feet are 
    just in contact with the ground. Suppose a baby of mass 5.0 kg is 
    suspended from a cord with spring constant 500 N m–1. Assume g = 
    10 N kg–1.
     (a) Calculate the initial (equilibrium) extension of the cord.
     (b) What is the value of angular velocity?
     (c) The baby is pulled down a further distance, 0.10 m, and 
    released. How long after his release does he pass through 
    equilibrium position?
     (d) What is the maximum speed of the baby?
     (e) A simple pendulum has a period of 4.2 s. When it is shortened 
    by 1.0 m the period is only 3.7 s. 
    (f) Calculate the acceleration due to gravity g suggested by the 
    2. A pendulum can only be modelled as a simple harmonic oscillator 

    if the angle over which it oscillates is small. Why is this so?
    3. What is the acceleration due to gravity in a region where a simple 

    pendulum having a length 75.000 cm has a period of 1.7357 s? 
    State the assumptions made.
    4. A geologist uses a simple pendulum that has a length of 37.10 cm 

    and a frequency of 0.8190 Hz at a particular location on the Earth. 

    What is the acceleration due to gravity at this location?

    6. A spring is hanging from a support without any object attached to it 

    and its length is 500 mm. An object of mass 250 g is attached to the 
    end of the spring. The length of the spring is now 850 mm. 
    (a) What is the spring constant?
     The spring is pulled down 120 mm and then released from rest.
     (b) Describe the motion of the object attached to the end of the spring.

     (c) What is the displacement amplitude?


     Kinetic energy as the energy of a body in motion, change in velocity will also 
    change it as shown on Fig.2-12. Velocity of an oscillating object at any point 
    is given by equation: 


     In an oscillation, there is a constant interchange between the kinetic and 
    potential forms and if the system does no work against resistive force its 
    total energy is constant. Fig.2-12 illustrates the variation of potential 
    energy and kinetic energy with displacement x.

     Substituting equation for sinusoidal displacement into equation 2-29 and 
    equation 2-30 gives;

    is independent of displacement x. Since the total energy of an oscillating 
    particle is constant, it means that potential energy and kinetic energy vary 
    in such a way that total energy is conserved.

    Also substituting equation 2-30 and equation 2-31 into equation 2-32 will 

    give an expression for the total energy of an oscillating system which is 

    independent of time taken.

     EXAMPLE 2.9
     A 0.500 kg cart connected to a light spring for which the force constant is 
    20.0 N/m oscillates on a horizontal, frictionless air track.
     (a) Calculate the total energy of the system and the maximum speed of the 
    cart if the amplitude of the motion is 3.00 cm.
     (b) What is the velocity of the cart when the position is 2.00 cm?
     (c) Compute the kinetic and potential energies of the system when the 
    position is 2.00 cm.

    Application Activity 2.3

     1.The graph in fig. below shows the variation with displacement of the 
    kinetic energy with displacement of a particle of mass 0.40 kg 

    performing SHM.

    Use the graph to determine:

     i. The total energy of the particle.
     ii. The maximum speed of the particle.
     iii. The amplitude of the motion.
     iv. The potential energy when the displacement is 2.0 cm.
     v. The period of the motion.

    2. A 0.500-kg mass is vibrating in a system in which the restoring 

    constant is 100 N/m; the amplitude of vibration is 0.200 m. 
     a. The PE and KE when x = 0.100 m
     b. The mechanical energy of the system
     c. The maximum velocity


    Consider two simple harmonic oscillations which interfere to produce a 
    displacement x of the particle along same line. Suppose that both have the 
    same frequency. The displacement time functions of respective motions are 
    given by equations 2-39 and 2-40 with Aand Abeing the amplitude of 
    individual displacements ( x1and x2) and aand a2as their respective 
    phase angles;

    1. Give at least 2 examples of the applications of superposition in real life. 
    2. Derive the expression for the resultant displacement of two oscillations 
    of the same frequency but acting in opposite directions.

    2. A 200 g block connected to a light spring for which the force constant 

    is 5.00 N/m is free to oscillate on a horizontal, frictionless surface. The 
    block is displaced by 5.00 cm from equilibrium and released from rest, 

    as in Fig.2-15.

     (a) Find the period of its motion. 
    (b) Determine the maximum speed of the block. 
    (c) What is the maximum acceleration of the block? 
    (d) Express the position, speed, and acceleration as functions of time.
     3. (a) A 10 N weight extends a spring by 5 cm. Another 10 N weight is 
    added, and the spring extends another 5 cm. What is the spring 
    constant of the spring?
     (b) A pendulum oscillates with a frequency of 0.5 Hz. What is the 
    length of the pendulum?
     4. Christian Huygens (1629–1695), the greatest clockmaker in history, 
    suggested that an international unit of length could be defined as the 
    length of a simple pendulum having a period of exactly 1 s. How much 
    shorter would our length unit be had his suggestion been followed?
     5.  A simple pendulum is suspended from the ceiling of a stationary 
    elevator, and the period is determined. Describe the changes, if any, in 
    the period when the elevator
     (a) accelerates upward,  
    (b) accelerates downward, and
     (c) moves with constant velocity.
     6. Imagine that a pendulum is hanging from the ceiling of a car. As the car 
    coasts freely down a hill, is the equilibrium position of the pendulum 
    vertical? Does the period of oscillation differ from that in a stationary car?
     7. What is the acceleration due to gravity in a region where a simple 
    pendulum having a length 75.000 cm has a period of 1.7357 s?

     Simple Harmonic Motion: Any motion that repeats itself in equal time 
    intervals is called periodic motion with the force F acting on an object  
    directly proportional to the displacement x from a fixed point and is always 
    towards this point.
     Periodic Time; is the time taken by the particle to complete one oscillation.
    Frequency is defined as number of oscillations occur in one second f = 1/T.
     Amplitude is the maximum displacement of the particle from its resting position.
    Angular velocity (w): is the rate of change of angular displacement with time. 

    The extension of the spiral spring (caused by attached mass) which obeys 
    Hooke’s law is directly proportional to the extending tension. The periodic 
    time of oscillation caused by releasing the mass is given by;