Key unit competence: By the end of the unit, I be able to analyse 
    Relativity Concepts and postulates of special relativity.
     Unit Objectives:
      By the end of this unit I will be able to;
     ◊   Explain the concept of general and special relativity.

     ◊   Explain the concept of the frames of reference and apply it in other theories.

    Introductory Activity
     On the first day of traveling in a car, Shyaka observed trees, stones, 
    mountains and all stationary saw them moving in the direction where 
    the car was coming from.
     a. Were the trees, stones and mountains actually moving? 
    b. If No, why did Shakya see them moving?
     c. As Shyaka and friends in the same car tried to take over another 
    speeding vehicle that was travelling in the same direction with 
    the same speed, Shyaka observed that the car they were trying 
    to overtake seemed to be stationary. Explain the cause of this 


     The general theory of relativity developed in the early 20th century, originally 
    attempted to account for certain anomalies in the concept of relative motion. 
    But it has developed into one of the most important basic concepts in 
    physical science. The theory of relativity, developed primarily by German 
    American physicist Albert Einstein, is the basis for later demonstration by 
    physicists of the essential unity of matter and energy of space and time of 
    gravity and acceleration.
    This is a theory developed by Albert Einstein which says that anything 
    except light moving with respect to the time and space depends on the 
    position and movement of the observer. Einstein’s special theory of relativity 
    (special relativity) is all about what’s relative and what’s absolute about 
    time, space and motion.
    The theory states that the laws of motion are the same for all inertial 

    (non-accelerating) frames of reference and that the speed of light (in a 
    vacuum) is the same for all inertial reference frames. This leads to the 
    equivalence of mass and energy, time dilation, and length contraction.
    Special relativity requires us to think of space and time as inextricably 

    linked. All our measurements of distance and time depend on the motion 
    of the observer. The effects of time dilation and length contraction are only 
    observed at very high speeds (close to the speed of light).
    Thus, in Physics, Relativity refers to Einstein’s theory that time and space 

    are not absolute. OR, Anything except light moves with respect to time and 
    space depends on the position and movement of someone who is watching. 


     Time Dilation
     Time dilation is the phenomenon where two objects, moving with respect 
    to each other (or even just a different intensity of gravitational field from 
    each other) experience different rates of time flow.
     Time dilation becomes most apparent when one of the objects is moving at 
    nearly the speed of light, but it manifests at even slower speeds. Here are 
    just a few ways we know time dilation actually takes place:
     • Clocks in airplanes click at different rates from clocks on the ground.
     • Putting a clock on a mountain (thus elevating it, but keeping it 
    stationary relative to the ground-based clock) results in slightly 
    different rates.
    • The Global Positioning System (GPS) has to adjust for time dilation. 
    Ground-based devices have to communicate with satellites. To work, 
    they have to be programmed to compensate for the time differences 
    based on their speeds and gravitational influences.
     Let’s construct a light beam clock. It consists of two mirrors, one at a 
    distance D above the other. At t = 0, we launch a photon of light upwards 
    from the bottom of the mirror. It reflects from the top mirror and returns to 

    its starting position, use c as the speed of the photon;

     This is the time for one tick of our clock. At least this shows how it seems 
    to someone at rest with respect to the clock. But how does this appear to an 
    observer watching us and our clock moves by at constant velocity v? This 

    observer sees the events as pictured below.

     Length Contraction
     If we turn our light beam clock to face in the direction of motion, time 
    dilation implies length contraction. If the observer at rest with respect 
    to the clock (now a ruler) says it has proper length L0
     , then an observer 
    on the earth watching him and his clock/ruler by velocity v sees the ruler 
    having length L. Objects look shorter (they are contracted) in the direction 

    of motion.

    Application Activity 12.1

    Imagine you threw and caught a ball while you were on a train moving at 
    a constant velocity past a station. To you, the ball appears to simply travel 
    vertically up and then down under the influence of gravity. However, to an 
    observer stood on the station platform, the ball would appear to travel in 
    a parabola, with a constant horizontal component of velocity equal to the 

    velocity of the train. This is illustrated in Fig.12-4 below.

    The different observations occur because the two observers are in different 
    frames of reference. 

     This means that when you are standing on the ground, that is your frame 
    of reference. Anything that you see, watch or measure will be compared to 
    the reference point of the ground. If a person is standing in the back of a 
    moving truck, the truck is now the frame of reference and everything will 
    be measured compared to it.

     Types of Frame of Reference

     There are two types of frames of reference.
     Inertial Frame of Reference: It is a frame of reference in which a body 
    remains at rest or moves with constant linear velocity unless acted upon 
    by forces. Any frame of reference that moves with constant velocity with 
    respect to an inertial system is itself an inertial system. In other words, it 

    is the frame of reference in which Newton’s first law of motion holds good.

    Non-inertial Frame of Reference: This is a frame of reference that is 
    undergoing acceleration with respect to an inertial frame. An accelerometer 
    at rest in a non-inertial frame will in general detect a non-zero acceleration. 

    In this frame of reference, Newton’s first law of motion does not hold good.

    Galilean transformations, also called Newtonian transformations, are set 
    of equations in classical physics that relate the space and time coordinates 
    of two systems moving at a constant velocity with respect to each other. 
    Galilean transformations formally express the ideas that space and time 
    are absolute; that length, time, and mass are independent of the relative 
    motion of the observer; and that the speed of light depends upon the relative 
    motion of the observer.
     Let there be two inertial frames of references S and S′ where S is the 
    stationary frame of reference and S′ is the moving frame of reference. At 
    time t = t′ = 0, i.e., in the start, they are at the same position, i.e., observers 
    O and O′ coincide. After that S′ frame starts moving with a uniform velocity 

     Let an event happen at position A in   
    the frame S′. The coordinate of the P will be x′ according to O′, the observer 
    in S′ and it will be x according to O in S. The frame S′ has moved a distance 

    The Galilean transformation relates the coordinates of events as measured 
    in both frames. Given the absolute nature of time, Newtonian physics, it is 

    the same for both frames. So, this may look over-elaborate if we write.

    Activity 12-1: Frames of Reference
     Aim: this activity aims at explaining the frames of reference.
     a) How many passengers are moving? How many passengers are not 

    moving? Explain your answer.

     b) How many images there on the frame? Explain your answer. (do not 

    consider the ground and the sky)


     With two deceptively simple postulates and a careful consideration of how 
    measurements are made, Einstein produced the theory of special relativity.
     First postulate: The Principle of Relativity
     This states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames of 
    This postulate relates to reference frames. It says that there is no preferred 
    frame and, therefore, no absolute motion.
     To understand the meaning of this postulate, consider the following 
     You are sitting in a train that is stopped at a railway station. Another train 
    is facing the opposite direction on the track directly beside you. Ten minutes 
    before your train is due to leave, you look out through the window at the 
    other train and see that it is slowly starting to move relative to yours. Your 
    first reaction would probably be one of surprise: your train was leaving 
    early! After passing the train from your window, you might notice that the 
    station was still there, and you realize that it was the other train that was 

    Second postulate: The Principle of Invariant Light Speed
     The speed of light is a constant, independent of the relative motion of the 
    source and observer.
     The speed of light in vacuum (c = 3 × 108 m/s ) is so high that we do not notice 
    a delay between the transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves 
    under normal circumstances. The speed of light in vacuum is actually the 
    only speed that is absolute and the same for all observers as was stated in 
    the second postulate.

     The concept of simultaneity says that two events that are simultaneous to 
    one observer are not necessarily simultaneous to a second observer. Both 
    observers are correct in their observations -- there is no best or preferred 
    frame of reference.
     If the speed of light is the same in all moving coordinate systems, this means 
    that events that occur simultaneously in one system may not be observed as 

    being simultaneous in another coordinate system.

    An example is illustrated in the Fig. 12.7 below.

     An observer O′ stands in the middle of a moving boxcar and another observer 
    O stands at rest beside the track. When the positions of the observers 
    coincide, a lightning bolt strikes at each end of the boxcar, leaving mass on 
    the ground and at each end of the boxcar. The light from the lightning strikes 
    at A and B reaches to observer O at the same time, so observer O′ concludes 
    that the lightning strikes occurred simultaneously. But to observer O′ in 
    the moving boxcar, the lightning strikes do not appear to occur at the same 
    time. The light traveling from A′ to O′ travels further than the light from B′ 
    to O′. Because of the motion, O′ moves towards the incoming beam from B′ 
    and away from the incoming beam from A′. So to observer O′ the strike at 
    B′ appeared to occur before the strike at A′.

     1. If you were on a spaceship travelling at 0.50c away from a star, when 
    would the starlight pass you?
     2. Does time dilation mean that time actually passes more slowly in 
    moving references frames or that it only seems to pass more slowly?
     3. If you were travelling away from the Earth at 0.50c, would you notice 
    a change in your heartbeat? Would your mass, height, or waistline 
    change? What would observers on the earth using a telescope to see 
    you say about you?
    4. What happens to the relativistic factor 
     when objects travel 
    at normal everyday velocities?
     5. A spaceship travels at 0.99c for 3 years ship time. How much time 
    would pass on the earth?
     6. A spaceship is travelling at a speed of 0.94c. It has gone from the earth 
    for a total of 10 years as measured by the people of the earth. How 

    much time will pass on the spaceship during its travel?

    7. A spaceship has gone from the earth for a total time of 5 years ship 
    time. The people on the earth have measured the time for the ship to 
    be away to 25 years. How fast was the ship travelling? 
    8. A 520 m long (measured when the spaceship is stationary) spaceship 
    passes by the earth. What length would the people on the earth say the 
    spaceship was as it passed the earth at 0.87c?
     9. A 25 m long beam is shot past a stationary space station at 0.99c. What 
    length does the people on board the space station measure the beam to 
     10. A 100 m long steel beam is moving past the earth. Observers on the 
    earth actually measure the steel beam to be only 50 m long. How fast 

    was the beam travelling? 

     Definition of relativity 
    Anything except light moves with respect to time and space depends on the 
    position and movement of someone who is watching.
    Concept of space, time and mass
     • Time Dilation
     Time dilation is the phenomenon where two objects moving relative 
    to each other (or even just a different intensity of gravitational field 
    from each other) experience different rates of time flow. The total 

    time is given by 

    Postulates of special theory of relativity
     •  First postulate
     This states that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames 
    of reference. 
    This postulate relates to reference frames. It says that there is no 
    preferred frame and, therefore, no absolute motion.
     •  Second postulate
     This states that speed of light, c is a constant, independent of the 

    relative motion of the source and observer.

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