6.1. Key unit competence:
    To perform basic netball tactics

    6.2. Prerequisite (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values)
    Students of senior five will learn better basic netball tactics if they havelearned better
    techniques of playing netball in senior four and have developed basic motor control
    and movement exercises.

    6.3. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed

    In teaching and learning process of netball, the teacher must prepare and provide
    netball tactical exercises that engage both girls and boys equally to exploit their full
    potential and talents without any discrimination or prejudice.

    Inclusive education
    The teacher as a facilitator he/she must consider different special education needs
    and select netball exercises to adapt his teaching approaches to students. This
    creates a positive attitude and helps all students to participate actively and develop
    their competence levels.

    Financial education
    The teacher should integrate financial education into his teaching/learning activities
    by providing the local and no cost teaching material where is possible. He/she must
    encourage students to make their own sport materials that can help them to develop
    competences not only in netball game but also in their life.

    Standardization culture
    The teacher must choose and select the standardized materials to use in his/her
    teaching/learning process of netball. It is necessary to provide appropriate materials
    required to the levels of students and help them to develop culture of checking and
    using the quality of sport materials for the competitions before to use them in order
    to prevent injuries and other accident.

    Environment and sustainability

    The teacher should provide materials and deliver the lesson with encouraging
    students to protect the environment and well use of materials. The teacher helps
    them to develop the spirit of keeping safe the environment.

    Peace and values education
    The teacher helps students to develop fair play and social values by avoiding violence
    and conflict in the netball game and by setting clear and relevant instructions. He/
    she should provide the activities that help students to develop their competence

    Comprehensive sexuality education
    A teacher provides netball activities and sets instructions that prevent sexual
    harassment or any kind of gender-based violence like sexual abuse and physical
    contacts oriented to the sexuality intention.

    Genocide studies
    While conducting netball exercises a teacher should take a time to explain student
    show sports should be used to fight against Genocide ideology and how to prevent
    it. For example, to organize Genocide memorial tournaments at school and give the
    message related to the Genocide.

    6.4. Guidance on introductory activity
    Before introducing the lesson one of this unit, you must introduce the whole unit.
    The teacher as a guide, facilitator and expert, ask questions or give activity related
    to basic netball tactics in order to help them to predict what to be learned in the
    whole unit.

    6.5. List of lessons/sub-heading

    Lesson 1: Offensive playing position in netball
    a. Learning objective
    Students will be able to:
    – To identify offensive playing positions in netball.
    – To perform offensive tactics based on playing positions in netball.

    b. Teaching resources
    – Playground of netball
    – Balls
    – Stopwatch/Watch
    – First Aid kits.
    – Goal post
    – Cones
    – Whistles

    c. Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction
    Students of senior five will learn better this lesson if they have learned basic netball
    techniques in Ordinary Level and senior four.

    d. Learning activities
    Opening discussions

    The teacher must check the readiness of students by checking out sports equipment
    and should check out sports infrastructure to be used during the lesson deliverance.
    After he/she should start the lesson by brainstorming students about the netball
    court and its area. Ask the questions, which direct them to predict/state/introduce
    the offensive tactics (new lesson), then invite students to start warm up session.

    Warm up session
    During warm up session, facilitate students in the following ways:

    Warm up without the ball

    - Guide students during the warm up session.
    - Support/help/ demonstrate where is necessary.
    - While doing warm up remember to use appropriate exercises for
    - general warm up and specific warm up.

    Warm up with the ball

    Put six or more players in four corners making a square (at least two at each corner)
    passing the ball in a clockwise direction and then running behind the cone they just
    passed to as seen in the image below

    Perform this exercise within 4-5 minutes. Let students perform stretching exercises
    systematically; randomly one may lead stretching.

    e. Lesson body
    Explain to the students the different offensive positions used in netball game, the roles
    and tactics for each player in his/her respective post.

    i. Shooters/goal scores

    • Goal Shooter (GS)
    Tell students that GS plays in goal third and goal circles and goal third of the
    opposing team.
    Her main role is:
    – To shoot accurately from all areas of the circle.
    – To receive the ball facing the goal.
    – To take care of variety and timing because are vital.
    – To jump high both to catch a pass and to retrieve a missed shot.
    – To work efficiently with GA.
    – To defend when necessary.

    Show students the position of GS on the netball court and it playing area.

    • Goal Attack (GA)
    Tell students that GA plays in the centre of their opponent’s goal third and goal
    Her main role is:
    – To act as goal shooter.
    – To feed the shooter accurately or sympathetically.
    – To work harmoniously with the centre court players(C).
    Show students the position of GA on the netball court and it playing area

    ii. Centre court players
    • Wing Attack (WA)
    Tell students that WA plays in their opponent’s team third and the centre third but
    not in the goal circle.

    Her main role is:
    – To feed the circle accurately.
    – To land facing the goal.
    – To make your last move as near the circle as possible to increase accuracy of
    – To allow GD and WD freedom in their attacking area.

    Show students the position of WA on the netball court and it playing area.

    • Centre (C)
    Tell students that C plays a vital role in a netball game. They are allowedto move over
    the whole court except the goal circle.
    Her main role is:
    – To link attack and defence.
    – To distribute accurate centre passes.
    – To direct but do not dominate the game .
    – To work with WA to cover the attacking circle.
    Show students the position of C on the netball court and it playing area.

    Individually students take offensive playing positions on the netball court by showing
    the playing areas of the position of that position.
    In group of five students let them perform the following exercises on the court by
    sing the following positions: WD, C, WA, GA and GS.

    Description of the activity
    WD, C and WA are place on the court as seen below

    WD passes the ball to C, and then C passes the ball to WA. Immediately C goes to
    goal third. WA passes the ball to C, then C pass to GA who is in the goal circle. GA
    passes the ball to GS who is also in the goal circle near the goal post and shoot the
    ball into the basket.

    Cool down
    – Let students practise cool down exercises and light stretching by focusing on
    used muscles.
    – Guide students how they can stretch their muscles accordingly.

    Closing discussion
    • Reflect

    – Which challenges/advantages did you face during taking offensive
       positions in netball?
    – How did you proceed in order to perform those exercises of taking
       offensive positions in netball?

    • Connect
    – What are conditions do you need in order to perform taking offensive
        positions in netball?

    • Apply
    – What is the usefulness of taking offensive positions in netball?

    Lesson 2: defensive playing position in netball
    a. Learning objective

    Students will be able to:
    – To identify defensive playing positions in netball.
    – To perform defensive tactics based on playing positions in netball

    b. Teaching resources
    – Playground of netball
    – Balls
    – Stopwatch/Watch
    – First Aid kits.
    – Whistles
    – Balls
    – Cones
    – Goal post

    c. Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction
    Students of senior five will learn better this lesson if they have learned about basic
    netball techniques and have learned basic rules of netball.

    d. Learning activities
    Opening discussions

    The teacher must check the readiness of students by checking out sportsequipment
    and should check out sports infrastructure to be used during the lesson deliverance.
    After he/she should start the lesson by brainstorming students about the netball

    court and its area. Ask the questions, which direct them to predict/state/introduce
    the defensive tactics (new lesson), then invite students to start warm up session.

    Warm up session
    During warm up session, facilitate students in the following ways:

    • Warm up without the ball
    – Randomly choose one student to lead the warm up session.
    – Support/help/ demonstrate where is necessary.
    – While doing warm up remind the leader to use appropriate exercises for
       general warm up and specific warm up.

    • Warm up with the ball
    In group of six students with one ball, let them perform exercises of passing among
    them by using different passes.

    e. Lesson body
    Explain to the students the different offensive positions used in netball game and the
    roles and tactics for each player.

    Wing Defence (WD)
    Tell the students that WD plays in the centre third and goal third of their team.
    Her role is:
    – To defend and initiate moves from interception.
    – To make opponent’s task more difficult by denying them prime attacking
    – To interchange with both GD, C and WA.
    – To work with C to cover the defending circle.
    Show students the position of WD and it playing area on the court

    Goal Defense (GD)
    Tell the students that GD plays in the centre third, goal third and goal circle of their

    Her role is:
    – To vary method of defence
    – To keep ball and opponent in full vision
    – To position intelligently in circle
    – To initiate attack, play quickly and efficiently
    – To interchange with GK on attack and defence
    – To intercept from static and moving positions
    – To cover shots and rebounds

    Show students the position of GD and it playing area on the court.

    Goal keeper (GK)
    Tell students that GK plays in the goal third and goal circles of their team.
    Her role is:
    – To act as goal defense.
    – To have close marking and movement in a small area.
    – To utilise good upward spring.
    Show students the position of GK and it playing area on the court.

    Individually students take offensive playing positions on the netball court by showing
    the playing areas of the position taken. Learners Student splay a normal game.

    Cool down
    – Let students practice cool down exercises and light stretching by focusing on
       used muscles.
    – Guide students how they can stretch their muscles accordingly.

    Final discussions
    • Reflect

    – What are challenges/advantages did you face during taking defensive
        positions in netball?
    – How did you proceed to perform those exercises of taking defensive
       positions in netball?

    • Connect
    – What are conditions do you need to perform taking defensive positions in

    • Apply
    – What is the usefulness of taking defensive positions in netball?

    Lesson 3: Playing tactics in Netball
    a. Learning objective

    – To identify defensive playing positions in netball.
    – To perform defensive tactics based on playing positions in netball

    b. Teaching resources
    – Playground of netball
    – Balls
    – Stopwatch/Watch
    – First Aid kits.
    – Whistles
    – Balls
    – Cones
    – Goal post

    c. Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction
    Students of senior five will learn better this lesson if they have learned about basic
    netball techniques and have also learned basic rules of netball.

    d. Learning activities
    Opening discussions

    The teacher must check the readiness of students by checking out sportsequipment
    and should check out sports infrastructure to be used during the lesson deliverance.
    After he/she should start the lesson by brainstorming students about the netball
    court and its area. Ask the questions, which direct them to predict/state/introduce
    the defensive tactics (new lesson), then invite students to start warm up session.

    Warm up session
    During warm up session, facilitate students in the following ways:
    – Randomly choose one to lead the warm up session.
    – Support/help/ demonstrate where is necessary.
    – While doing warm up remind the leader to use appropriate exercises for
    general warm up and specific warm up.

    Let them stretch their muscles properly.

    e. Lesson body
    Teacher tells students that they are going to learn attacking and defending strategies
    (tactics) in netball game.

    Attacking strategies
    Explain to the students different attacking strategies to use while playing netball

    • Dodge (feints and deceptions)
    Tell students that dodging is a quick and sharp movement; usually form a stationary
    position, aimed at wrong footing the opponent. Demonstrate howto perform dodging
    and let students perform it in pairs.

    Remind them to:
    – Keep their feet no more than their shoulder width apart.
    – Keep their knees bent in preparation for the quick movement and make sure
       the head is kept up.
    – Use the weight of their body over the feinting foot to fool the opponent.
    – Make one or two steps away from the intended catching position.

    • Change of direction (changes of speed and/or direction)
    Tell to the students that changing direction assist the player to create space and
    often wrong foot their opponent. Demonstrate them how to change direction and let
    them apply it in pairs.

    Remind them to:
    – Push off using their outside leg.
    – Dodge, pivot and change of speed.


    Work in groups of four. Players drive through the cones focusing on astrong change
    of direction. Push off on the outside foot at each cone to drive hard the other way.

    • Change of pace (speed of running stops and restarts)
    Tell to the students that change of pace will be used to get free. Demonstrate them
    how to perform it and let them do it individually.

    Remind students to:
    – Adopt a very abrupt change of speed leaving the opponent to continue
    – Sprint, slow down and then suddenly sprint of again in a new direction
        outsprinting the opponent who not expecting a second increase in speed, has
       also slowed down.

    Players complete a straight drive out to the cone, and then change direction and
    drive for a second time to receive a pass. Use two different variations for this drill.

    Defensive strategies
    Explain to the students defensive strategies to use while playing netball game.

    • Hand over the ball (attempting to block a pass or shot)
    Explain student show to hand over the ball and let them apply in in pairs.

    Remind students to:
    – Step quickly or jump back 0.9m distance, as soon as their opponent takes
        possession of the ball.
    – Keep their head up with eyes on ball and opponent.
    – Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees, hips and ankles slightly bent.
    – Stretch both arms out and in position over the ball.
    – Follow’ the ball with their arms, blocking the path of the ball as much as

    • Rebounding (attempt to gain possession from an unsuccessful shot)
    Explain and demonstrate student show to gain possession from unsuccessful
    shot and let them apply three, one shooter and students under the goal post one
    defender and one attacker.

    Remind students to:
    – Reposition in preparation to leap and attempt to gain possession of the
    – Deflect the ball to a teammate.
    – To prevent a pass being made if marking the non-shooting attacker.
    – Be ready to jump to gain possession of an unsuccessful shot.

    • One on one shadowing

    Explain and demonstrate student show to perform one on one shadowing and let
    them apply in pairs.

    Remind students to:
    – Stand in front of opponent with back to the attacker and body halfway
       across opponent’s body.
    – Keep their arms close to sides of body.
    – Keep their feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, weight slightly forward over
       toes and back upright.
    – Maintain their vision to see attacker and the ball.
    – Shadow their opponent’s moves using fast small steps.
    – Aim to move feet, keep head up, maintain vision of the attacker, and not
       swing head.

    • Intercepting a pass and a throw
    Explain and demonstrate student show to intercept the ball. Let them apply it in
    group of three students.

    • Intercepting a pass
    Remind them to:
    – Use small quick steps to prepare for an extended leap to intercept the ball, from
        the covering position.
    – Use the footwork techniques to control the subsequent landing

    • Intercepting a throw
    Remind them to:
    – Stand facing the thrower 0.9m away from the first landed foot with the feet
       slightly apart and the knees slightly bent.

    – Hold the arms ready to anticipate the direction of the throw or shot.

    • Marking an opponent
    Explain and demonstrate to the student show to mark the opponent and let them
    do it in pairs or groups with or without the ball.

    Remind them to:
    – Mark their opponents; they are standing so close to them that they are not
        in a safe for receiving a pass. This is a primary objective in defense that is
        preventing their opponent from taking part in the game.
    – Take their body position, which should at all times allow them to see the flow
        of the game (the movement of ball and opponent).
    – Position themselves side on to their opponent, either slightly in front or slightly
       behind, depending on which direction they would like to prevent movement.

    • Zone Defending
    Explain and demonstrate student show to defend the specific zone based on the
    movement of the ball in the court. Let them apply it in a game situation.

    Organise four players, two defenders and two attackers. The defenders take
    starting positions for one-on-one defence. When the attackers move the defenders
    stay close for three (3) seconds. The defenders work hard to shadow every move.
    The defenders keep a changing position, as do the attackers, to the side, back and
    the front. If the attackers succeed in passing the ball, try to deflect or intercept the
    pass. Count the number of ball intercepted and number of goals scored. In a given
    period, if the defending team has intercepted many balls will be the winner, if the
    attacking team has scored, many goals will be the winner.

    Let students play a normal netball game. Request them to use mastered tactics.
    The winner is the team that has scored more goals.

    Cool down
    – Let students practise cool down exercises and light stretching by focusing on
        used muscles.
    – Guide them how they can stretch their muscles accordingly.
    – Help them/demonstrate/correct where is necessary.

    Closing discussion
    • Reflect

    – What are challenges/advantages did you face during performing playing
       tactics in netball?

    • Connect
    – What are conditions do you need in order to perform playing tactics in

    • Apply
    – What is the usefulness of playing tactics in netball?

    6.6. Summary of the unit
    Netball is the game, which is played based on different playing positions of players
    on the court and the court areas. Playing positions determine the roles and actions
    of the player who is on that position. There are seven positions in netball namely:

    Goalkeeper (GK), Goal defence (GD), Wing defence (WD), Centre (C), Wing
    Attack (WA), Goal attack (GA), Goal score (GS). During playing netball all players
    participate based on their roles. Some are playing the role of defending such as
    GK, GD, and WD. Others play the role of offending such as: WA, GA and GS. One
    PES, Teacher’s Guide, Senior 5178
    player (C) coordinates the action of launching the attacking and become to defend
    while her team loses the ball.

    Skills (strategies) are needed in netball game in order to win the match or improve
    performance. Those strategies are related to offensive and defensive.

    Offensive strategies are as follow:
    – Hand over the ball (attempting to block a pass or shot).
    – Rebounding (attempt to gain possession from an unsuccessful shot).
    – One On One Shadowing.
    – Intercepting a pass and a throw.
    – Zone Defending.

    Defensive play as of the follow:
    – Dodge (feints and deceptions).
    – Change of direction (changes of speed and/or direction).
    – Change of pace (speed of running stops and restarts).

    6.7. Additional Information for teachers

    To have a very good tactics in Netball requires high levels of physical and mental

    ability, excellent techniques and skills, and a good physical fitness.

    Because of the rule structure of the game, netball is a game of precise tactics, but
    it should never be forgotten that skills are the vocabulary on which these tactics
    are based. Tactics should be practised and understood by all players (court players
    and substitutes) but tactics must allow for flexibility, giving players the opportunity
    to use them creatively and with flair. Players who have acquired skills that are more
    advanced may use greater flexibility of tactical play. In netball game, we need
    transition, where a team changes tactical role. This may occur:
    – At the start or re-start of play.
    – After a set piece.
    – After a break in an attacking or defensive.

    Netball is a game of speed and anticipation. The rules that cover time and space,
    plus the territorial limitations, mean that turnovers can occur suddenly at any point
    on the court. The team that can respond the quickest, getting all members focused
    and reacting as a unit has the greatest potential for success.

    Set pieces in netball play a great role in playing the game. Those set pieces are the
    – Toss up.
    – Throw in.
    – Penalty pass.
    – Penalty shot.
    – Centre pass.
    Successful set pieces depend on:
    – Speed of reaction.
    – Speed of response.
    – Understanding of the rules.
    – Well drilled team plans.

    6.8. End unit assessment


    Form teams consist of seven students, let them take their respective positions on
    the court and start play normal netball game. If there are many teams changing of
    team will be after five minutes. Give team A role of attacking and to team B with the
    role of defending. Within a given period, count the number of goals scored.
    If B has scored more goals than A, B team will get 3 points A team gets 1 point. If
    they tie B team gets 1 point and A team gets 0 point. If B win, it will get 2 A team
    gets 0 point.

    6.9. Additional activities

    6.9.1. Remedial activities


    Two players with one ball stand 2 m apart.
    – Player 1 passes a short quick chest pass directly to player 2 who catches and
        returns the ball.
    – Player 1 then passes a lob over the head of player 2 and into the space
       behind her.

    – Player 2 must keep her eye on the ball, turn body on an angle and run to
        get body under the ball in order to catch it. Player 2 passes a shoulder pass
       back to player 1 and quickly returns to her starting position. Player 2 alternates
       between receiving short-pass passes and high overhead passes.
    – Swap after 30 seconds.

    – Only one player moves at a time while doing this drill, the other is the
    – The catcher must move quickly backwards and again forwards to her starting
        position, always keeping her eyes on the ball.

    6.9.2. Consolidation activities


    In group of eight up to ten players in a circle with one ball:
    – Players stand in a circle and hold hands.
    – Each take four steps backwards to create a wide-open circle.
    – One player has the ball and can throw to any of the players in the circle.
    – On passing the ball, she must follow her pass and defend the next pass

    – Vary the pass made.
    – Stick on three-second rule.
    – Stay 0.9m passer and defend the ball.
    – A second ball can be added to the circle.
    – Enlarge the circle.

    6.9.3. Extended activities


    Eight or more players and two balls. Players form a square (in the Centre third,
    using the center as the cross over point) with two players standing at each corner
    – Players 1 and 3 each have a ball.
    – Players 2 and 4 run towards the center circle and get the ball from their left.
    – On getting the ball, they pass it forward to the players waiting on the opposite
        corner (players 6 and 8).
    – Players 1 and 3 then begin to run towards the center circle get the ball on the
       left from players 6 and 8 and pass forward to players 5 and 7.

    Points to consider

    – This drill requires high levels of concentration.
    – Players must be able to get a ball on the move from one direction on and pass
       it in another direction on without making any footwork or handling errors.
    – As players progress, this drill should be done with more speed.
    – Players can progress to get the ball on the right, i.e. change the direction of
        the drill.