5.1. Key unit competence:
    Perform different tactics needed to play handball.

    5.2. Prerequisite (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values)
    Students of senior five will learn better basic tactics of playing handball if they can
    perform basic techniques of handball as they learned in senior four andhave developed
    basic motor control and movement exercises.

    5.3. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed

    In teaching and learning process of handball, the teacher must prepare and provide
    physical activities that engage both girls and boys equally to exploit their full potential
    and talents without any discrimination or prejudice.

    Inclusive education
    The teacher as a facilitator he/she must consider different special education needs
    and select handball activities to adapt his teaching approaches to those students.
    This creates a positive attitude and helps all students to participate actively and
    develop their competence levels.

    Financial education
    The teacher should integrate financial education into his/her teaching/learning
    activities by providing the local and no cost teaching and learning material where
    is possible. He/she must encourage students to make their own materials that can
    help them to develop competences not only in handball game but also in their life.

    Standardization culture
    The teacher must choose and select the standardized materials to use in his/
    her teaching/learning process of handball. It is necessary to provide appropriate
    materials required to the levels of students and help them to develop culture of
    checking and using the quality of sport materials for the competitions before using
    them in order to prevent injuries and other accident.

    Environment and sustainability
    The teacher should provide materials and deliver the lesson with encouraging
    students to protect the environment and well use of materials. The teacher helps
    them to develop the spirit of keeping safe the environment they usein sports activities.

    Peace and values education
    The teacher helps students to develop fair play and social values by avoiding
    violence and conflict in the handball game and by setting clear and relevant
    instructions. He/she should provide the activities that help students to develop their
    competence peacefully.

    Comprehensive sexuality education
    A teacher provides handball activities and sets instructions that prevent sexual
    harassment or any kind of gender-based violence like sexual abuse and physical
    contacts oriented to the sexuality intention.

    Genocide studies
    While conducting handball exercises a teacher should take a time to explain student
    show sports should be used to fight against Genocide ideology and how to prevent
    it. For example, to organize Genocide memorial tournaments at school and give the
    message related to the Genocide.

    5.4. Guidance on introductory activity
    Before introducing the lesson one of this unit, you must introduce the whole unit.
    The teacher as a guide, facilitator and expert, ask questions or give activity related
    to different tactics needed to play handball in order to help them to predict what to
    be learned in the whole unit.

    5.5. List of lessons/sub-heading

    Lesson 1: Offensive positions and offensive tactics
    a. Learning objective
    By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
    – Take different defensive positions used in handball game on the field of play.
    – Apply different offensive tactics.

    b. Teaching resources
    – Handball playground
    – Balls
    – Stopwatch/Watch
    – First aid kits
    – Whistles
    – Cones
    – Chasubles
    – Goal posts

    c. Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction
    Students of senior five will learn better offensive positions and offensive tactics if
    they can execute basic motor control and movement exercises and perform basic
    handball techniques learned in senior four.

    d. Learning activities
    Opening discussions

    – In group activities students discuss about different basic handball
    – techniques learned in senior four.
    – Let some groups present their findings.
    – Help them to clarify their findings.
    – Introduce different offensive positions and offensive tactics in handball.
    – Then invite the students to start warm up and stretching exercises.

    Warm up exercises

    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up
       exercises based on body’s parts to be used more while performing offensive
       positions and offensive pay and let students stretch their muscles properly.
    – Guide students while performing warm up and stretching.

    e. Lesson body
    Tell students that regarding the position of players’ in-group tactical attack we call
    them centre players, wing players and pivot players. Each player in his particular
    position should learn various ways of moving, which are essential for his/her
    particular position.

    Offensive positions
    – Explain to the students that in handball players are typically referred to by the
        positions they are playing.
    – Tell students that positions are always denoted from the viewof the respective
    goalkeeper, so that a defender on the right opposes an attacker on the left.
    However, not all of the following positions may be occupied depending on the
    formation or potential suspensions.

    Describe positions used in handball with the role of each one as follow:

    • Left and right wing players (LW and RW)
    These fast players excel at ball control and wide jumps from the outside of the goal
    perimeter in order to get into a better shooting angle at the goal. Teams usually try
    to occupy the left position with a right-handed player and vice versa.

    • Left and right backcourt players (LB and RB)
    Goal attempts by these players are typically made by jumping high and shooting over
    the defenders. Thus, it is usually advantageous to have tall players with a powerful
    shot for these positions.

    • Centre backcourt (CB)
    A player with experience is preferred on a position who acts as playmaker and the
    handball equivalent of a basketball point guard.

    • Circle runner or pivot (CR)
    This player tends to intermingle with the defence, setting picks and attempting to
    disrupt the defence’s formation. This position requires the least jumping skills; but
    ball control and physical strength are an advantage.
    Show students different offensive positions on the handball court and let them be
    placed on those offensive positions.


    By using two halve court of handball game, students in groups of 3 and 4 for each
    half, perform the following exercise:
    – Students in-group of four must have a goalkeeper and be defenders.
    – Those who are in group of three be attackers.
    Each student who is in attacking group plays a certain attacking role. Students in
    group, which is defending, their role is to prevent attackers to score a goal. Let them
    play it in 3 minutes. In case there are many teams change them after 3minutes

    Offensive tactics
    Explain to the students the different waves (offensive tactics) as they are applied in
    handball game situation:

    • First wave
    Tell the students that the target of the first wave attack is to get to a shooting
    position before the opponent manages to return. The first wave includes the players
    who rush forth from the defensive position now of the shot or when their team
    intercepts the ball. The fast attack is initiated most frequently by the goalkeeper
    or occasionally by one of the field players. He/ she passes to the attacker who is
    not guarded and is closest to the opponent’s goal. The first wave attackers free
    themselves as quickly as possible, carefully watching the ball and if the opponent
    gains the ball, they immediately return to a defensive position to initiate the second

    Remind students to apply the following principles for movement and passing while
    performing the first wave:
    – Move into free space as fast as possible and fake the shortest route. If a
       defender guards them, try to get rid of him.
    – Keep enough distance between themselves and a fellow player, so that they
        can safely pass to each other but that a defender cannot guard both of them.
    – Use crossing only in the situations 2 against 2 or 3 against 3. It is not suitable
        in the situations 2 against 1, 3 against 2 or 3 against 1.
    – Free themselves if they are not guarded and you are the nearest player to the
        opponent’s goal or if you cannot pass.
    – Pass if your fellow-player is in a better position than you are.
    – Catch the ball before the free throw line and shoot after 2 or 3 steps,
        preferably by jumping, if you get into the shooting area.

    • Second wave

    Tell students that if the first wave is not successful, then second wave comes into
    play. As more defenders get back into position, offense initiates quick passes to
    outnumber the local defenders and score. In case the goal is not scored, third wave
    is initiated.

    Remind the students about the tasks of the second wave:
    – After losing the ball, secure the area in front of your own goal.
    – Be ready to catch the pass from the goalkeeper if he/she is not able to pass
        a further distance or to the first wave players.
    – Finish the fast attack with a shot if the first wave does not succeed.

    • Third wave
    Tell students that in the third wave, the attackers use patterns involving crossing and
    passing between backcourt players, getting the ball to their pivot,taking a jump shot,
    or attracting the defense away from a wingman.

    Students form two teams; each team consist of seven players. Assign position to
    each student and let them play a normal handball game.

    Description of the activity
    The ball should start from the goalkeeper to the back centre and continue to be
    played toward the opponent court. If the ball has been recuperated by the opponent
    team, the lost team will come back to defend. If there are many teams, change
    teams after five minutes.

    Points to consider
    The students to play on their respective posts and accomplish the roles assigned to
    while playing as a team.
    The winner is the team that scores many goals.

    The ball starts with throw-off and respect the rules of starting with throw-off after
    the goal has been scored

    Description of the activity
    – Let the students perform simple fast break drill with two lines of students (one
       on each side) and Teacher standing in the middle.
    – The player at the front of the line passes the ball to the teacher in the middle
         and then sprints towards the goal.
    – The teacher returns the ball, passing the ball in front of the runner, for them to
       run onto and shoot with a quick centre shot.
    – The attackers should go all the way to the goal line.
    – Request students to use low shots.

    Teaching point to consider while performing this activity
    Always keep the students on running “false foot should be in front when throwing the

    – A defender may follow the attacker from behind or from the side to make the
       shot a bit more difficult.
    – Divide students into two groups and let them play a normal game in 5minutes.

    Put students into groups of four. Put Team A, B, C in group 1 and D, E, F in
    group 2. By using two halve court of handball game, students in groups A with a
    goalkeeper play against team B (in one half) team D with a goalkeeper play against
    team E (in another half court).

    Description of the activity
    B and E in group start their attacks from the center line against A and D. After
    attempting to shoot into the goal (with or without the goal), A and D leave the
    court and C and F get in the court to attack B and E. continue in this way during 6

    By respecting their halves, organize a kind of competition in group (Avs B, B vs C,
    C vs A) and 2 (D vs E, D vs F, F vs E) and see the winner.
    Each match consists of 2 minutes.

    Cool down exercises
    – Let students do light exercises and stretch their group of muscles by insisting
       on most used parts.
    – Guide students while stretching their muscles systematically.

    Closing discussion
    • Reflect

    – Describe different positions occupied in handball playground.
    – Which challenges/advantages did you face when occupying different
       offensive positions in handball playground?
    – Which are strengths and weaknesses for each system.

    • Connect
    – Give one example of attacking position similar in handball and basketball.

    • Apply
    – How will apply different attacking waves in handball game situation?

    Lesson 2: Defending positions and defensive tactics
    a. Learning objective

    By the end of the lesson, students will be able to take different defensive positions
    used in handball game on the field of play and perform defensive tactics perfectly.

    b. Teaching resources
    – Handball playground
    – Balls
    – Stopwatch/Watch
    – First aid kits
    – Whistles
    – Cones
    – Chasuble
    – Goal posts

    c. Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction
    Students of senior five will learn better defensive positions and defensive play if they
    can perform basic handball techniques and able to take different offensive positions
    in handball learned in lesson one.

    d. Learning activities
    Opening discussions
    – In group activities students discuss about different offensive positions learned
        in lesson one.
    – Let some groups present their findings.
    – Help them to clarify their findings.
    – Introduce the new lesson “defensive positions and defensive tactics”.
    – Then invite l students to start warm up and stretching exercises.

    Warm up exercises
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up
        exercises based on body’s parts to be used more while performing offensive
        positions and offensive pay and let students stretch their muscles properly.
    – Request students to use warm up with the ball.
    – Guide students while performing warm up and stretching.

    e. Lesson body Defending positions
    Explain to students that those players in handball are typically referred to by the
    positions they are playing.
    Describe defending positions in handball are as the follow:
    Far left (FL) and far right (FR): The opponents of the wingmen.
    Half-left (HL) and half right (HR): The opponents of the left and right
    Back centre (left and right): Opponent of the pivot.
    Front centre: Opponent of the centre backcourt may also be set against
      another specific backcourt player

    A. Defensive sytems
    Man to man defence
    As a teacher, give a clear explanation to the learners students that Man-to-man
    defence can be played throughout the field, in the own defensive half of the field or
    only in front of the own goal area.

    Remind students that:

    Man-to-man defence throughout the field demands that each player guards the
    closest opponent immediately after the loss of the ball. Disturbing an opponent’s
    attack from the very beginning is an advantage.

    • Advantages of man to man defence
    Man-to-man defence is advantageous in the match against a weaker opponent or
    in that part of the match, when we want to surprise the opponent or to reverse an
    unfavorable development of the match.

    • Disadvantages of man to man defence
    The disadvantage is the possibility that weaker defenders must cover stronger
    attackers and vice versa. If this occurs, it is necessary to make a “redistribution of
    attackers” during the next break in the game. If each attacker is to be guarded by the
    same defender all the time, then all defenders must return towards their goal. In a
    chosen area, for example at the middle line or at the free throw line they expect the
    opponents and guard them. These systems do not demand so much cooperation
    as the systems of zone defence

    B. Zone defence
    Explain to the students that the defensive systems are named according to the basic
    positions of defenders.

    • 6-0 zone defence (Flat defence)
    – Tell students that within this zone defence all 6 players line up between the
        6-metre and 9-metre lines to form a wall.
    – Explain students advantages and disadvantages of 6-0 zone defence.

    • Advantages of 6-0
    The advantage of the system 6:0 is that it is relatively easy to practice (the positions
    of all players in one line facilitates cooperation) and protects the space in front of
    the goal area. The system is useful against a team with weaker shooters from the
    backcourt players’ area or when the wings and pivot are strong players.

    Disadvantages of 6-0
    The disadvantage is the lack of possibilities to disturb preparatory combinations and
    the lack of possibilities to closely guard the attackers shooting from a long distance.

    Tell students that by shifting some defender’s forwards from their initial position,
    other zone defensive systems (5-1, 4-2 and 3-3) may be created.

    5-1 zone defence
    One of the players’ cruises outside the 9-metre perimeter, usually targeting the
    centre forwards while the other five line up on the 6-metre line.

    Remind students that the forward defender can fulfil the following tasks:
    Guards the central backcourt players’ space and controls the activities in the
       left and right backcourt players’ space.
    Is responsible for the entire space of backcourt players, he movespreferably
       in the area where the ball is.
    Guards the space of the backcourt player who is nearest to the ball to
       prevent him from taking the pass.

    • 4-2 zone defence
    Two defenders are out front and others are lined up on the 6-metre line.

    • 3-3 zone defence
    Very fast teams may use a 3–3 formation, which is close to a switching man-to- man

    • Advantages of the systems with forward defenders (5-1, 4-2 and 3-3)
    The disturbance of preparatory combinations and the close guarding of shooters
    from longer distances. The greater the number of forward defenders and the greater
    the space they defend, the better these tasks can be fulfilled.

    • Disadvantages of the systems with forward defenders (5-1, 4-2 and 3-3)
    More difficult communication among the defenders from various lines and the small
    number of defenders near the goal area.

    Three attacking players start play by passing among them towards the goal area
    by attempting to shoot into the goal by scoring a goal. The defending players try to
    prevent this by blocking the shot by using different blocking tactics.

    – Request defenders to block a center Shot.
    – Request defenders to block a Jump Shot.

    Points are distributed as the follow:
    – points for every successful block.
    – Goal scored obtain one.
    The team with most points is the winner.

    Teaching points to consider
    – Blockers are trying to use both arms, high and close together.
    – Attackers are searching how to score a goal by observing the way defenders
       are positioning.

    Divide students into two teams of six players (A and B). Let A be defenders and B
    attackers. Ask students from team A to mark one player from team B, request him
    to mark the same player throughout this exercise. Teacher throws the ball in the air
    to start the game. The team B in possession must try to pass passes towards the
    opponent team A. The opposition TEAM A must stop TEAM B by using man-to-man
    defense by trying to intercept the ball. In case defending team intercepts the ball,
    attacking team will go back to their own half to defend by using zone defense (6-
    0). If the attacking team (B) score the goal, defending team (A) will start the game
    through throw-off and defending team defends by using man-to-man defense.

    Let them introduce 4-2 defense zone for defending team after 5 min.
    Every time a team intercepts the ball from the opposition, they score a point. In
    addition, if the team score a goal get a point. Count points and the winner is the
    team, which has the most points in 5 minutes.

    Teaching points to consider
    – Defenders should stay with an identified attacker (man-to-man defense).
    – Defender should try to stay between the attacker and the ball.
    – Use wide arms to cut off avenues of passing.
    – Introduce split vision technique (look for player and look for the ball).

    Cool down exercises
    – Let students do light exercises and stretch their group of muscles by insisting
       on most used parts.
    – Guide students while stretching their muscles systematically.

    Closing discussion
    • Reflect

    – Mention six defensive positions of handball playground.
    – Give and explain two activities you have performed during the lesson.
    – Which challenges/ advantages did you face when applying different
       defensive systems in handball game situation?
    – Outline the strengths and weaknesses for each of system mention above.

    • Connect
    – Compare and contrast offensive systems and defending systems applied in
       handball game situation.
    – Why is it important for mastering the handball defensive and offensive

    • Apply
    – Which of the handball systems do you prefer as more advantageous, easy to
       win a handball match?

    Lesson 3: Safe play in short handball match to apply the mastered tactics
    a. Learning objective

    Play a short handball game to apply the mastered tactics.

    b. Teaching resources
    – Playground of handball
    – Balls
    – Stopwatch/Watch
    – First Aid kits
    – Whistles
    – Cones
    – Goal posts

    c. Prerequisites/Revision/Introduction
    Students of senior five will apply better the mastered tactics through a short
    handball game if they are able to apply different handball offensive, defensive set
    ups and strategies learned in the previous lessons.

    d. Learning activities
    Opening discussions

    – In group activities students discuss about different handball offensive,
      defensive set ups and strategies learned in two previous lessons.
    – Help them to clarify their findings.
    – Introduce different handball set-ups and strategies used in playing handball
    – Then invite students to start warm up and stretching exercises.

    Warm up exercises
    – Let students perform general warm up exercises and specific warm up
       exercises based on body’s parts to be used more while performing offensive
       positions and offensive play and let students stretch their muscles properly.
    – Request students to perform a warm up with the ball.

    e. Lesson body

    In this game, the teacher feeds the ball to the first attacker/ students (2 and 3 in
    green), number two works with number 3 to try and get past the two defenders (2
    and 3 in blue).

    • Description of the game
    – The attackers should always try to get stuck into the two defenders,
    – Students should play the ball fast and always move back quickly to get into a
        new position to receive the pass back immediately and change the direction
        of the attacking ‘wave’.

    • Variations
    – The teacher can also gradually build up the numbers in this half court attacking
        game 4v4, 5v5 until you finally have 6v6 on court players (and a goalkeeper
        for the defending side).
    – Let students play a handball game on the full court by using 7 vs 7.

    Cool down exercises
    – Let the students stop playing and perform relaxation exercises including
       slow running and walking around the playground.
    – Put students on semi-circle for stretching exercises.
    – Help them/demonstrate/ correct them if needed.

    Closing discussion
    • Reflect

    – What are the offensive and defensive strategies used in team handball?
    – How much offensive play did you apply in short handball games?
    – What are challenges/ advantages did you face when playing different short
       handball games?

    • Connect
    – What are the conditions do you need to apply different handball tactics in
       game situation?
    – Recognize the similarities/dissimilarities between the handball offensive play
       and other offensive play in basketball.

    • Apply
    – What is the usefulness of mastering handball techniques and tactics in
       game situation?

    5.6. Summary of the unit
    Handball playing positions in the field of play should be classified under
    two ways:

    Defending positions: Far left and far right, half left and right, Back centre right
       and back centre left, Front centre, Goalkeeper)
    Offensive positions: (Left and right-winger men, Left and right backcourt,
        Pivot, Centre backcourt, Goalkeeper). For all those positions of playing,
        players may use different tactics or strategies in order to attack the opponent
        team or defending their goal. It is better to choose the appropriate offensive
        or defensive tactics based on the nature of the game situation.

    5.7. Additional Information for teachers
    Offensive strategies in handball

    – Try not to lob the ball or make long passes as it gives the opposing team a
       chance to take possession.
    – Good ball handling is a very important key in team handball. This is mainly
       talking about pass movement.
    – Try constantly cutting towards the goal with or without the ball; this forces the
       defense to continuously adjust and opens up more scoring opportunities for
       your team.
    – Move the ball quickly and keep the dribbling to a minimum. Scoring
       opportunities develop when sharp, quick passes are made and the defense
       does not have time to adjust to what you are doing.
    – Do not force a shot but if you drive for a shot and are blocked by defense,pass
        to a teammate instead. Use ‘feint’ movements; fake out the defense.
    – Proper court spacing is a good key to keep each player as an offensive threat.
    – Making cuts toward the goal, with or without the ball, will force defense todefend
       all players on the court and provide more scoring opportunities. Players
       should avoid too much dribbling.

    Defensive strategies used in handball
    – Be ready to switch from offense to defense fast.
    – If there is a turnover, your whole team needs to be ready to switch to
       defense otherwise; you leave yourself open to many scoring opportunities.
    – Handball is a fast-paced game and these turnovers happen quickly. Decide as
       a team if you will defend man-to-man or zone.

    Attacking Systems against Man-to-man Defense

    – In these systems, there are no differences between the work of backcourt
       player, pivot and wing. Attack can be realized in various ways, for example:
    – The attackers separate further from each other and try to individually move
       into free space towards the opponent’s goal to catch the ball.
    – The attackers move as closely as possible to the opponent’s goal area and
        use the naturally arisen screens for moving into free space.
    – This is very demanding on orientation and accuracy of movement in a rather
        small and crowded space.
    – The attackers move to the side lines, for example 3 to the left side and 3 to
        the right side and the goalkeeper, running into the free space in the middle of
        the field, creates numerical superiority.

    Attacking Systems against Zone and Combined Defense
    When using this system, the attackers play the roles of backcourt players, pivots and
    wings. In the systems against combined defense there is also the role for a man-to
    man defended attacker.

    The task of first wave defenders
    To guard the attackers of the first wave and to get into position in front of their own
    goal earlier than the opponent. In the first wave, the backcourt players and the
    wings are most often engaged unless they took part in the finishing of a shooting
    combination. The situations with numerical equality are advantageous, but the
    situations with numerical superiority are even more advantageous.

    The defenders should apply the following principles:
    – Anticipating the finishing your own attack and be ready to return to
    – After losing the ball immediately get into a defensive position, return more
       quickly than the attacker, and do not allow him to control the first long pass.
    – If you are close to the attacker with the ball, guard him closely and press
       him into a less advantageous space, disturb or make his further activities
    – If you are not guarding any attacker, then guard the most endangered area
        (most often between the ball and your own goal).
    – If the attacker moves into a free space near to your fellow player and becomes
         more dangerous than the attacker whom you guard, then help your fellow
    – If your attacker moves into a free space and your fellow player helps, then you
        take over his role.
    The most important tasks of the second wave defenders are:
    – Make it difficult or impossible for the attack to be mobilized from the
        opponent’s goal area.
    – Return to your goal as quick as possible and disturb the attack of the
        second wave.
    – Finish the organization of the defense in the space in front of your goalarea.

    5.8. End unit assessment
    Divide students into two teams. Let them play normal handball game by using all
    learned techniques (passing, dribbling reception, shooting and goalkeeping) with
    the respect of playing positions, the offensive and defensive tactics of handball in
    the field of play.

    Points to consider:
    – How players are positioning in the field of play.
    – Each team must announce the attacking and defending systems, which they
       are applying in the field of play.
    – All students must participate in the game as players or substitutes.

    As a teacher facilitate both teams by refereeing the match to help them adhering
    to the basic handball rules. Moreover, count the goals scored by each team to
    determine the winning team.

    5.9. Additional activities
    5.9.1. Remedial activities

    Two teams play on the half court. Five attackers and six defenders with a goalkeeper.
    Defenders are near 6m line and attackers are aligned on the centre line. Attackers
    start by passing each other towards the goal to score the goal. Defenders try to
    stop the attackers. Attackers must attempt five consecutive attacks. If defenders
    intercept the ball, they should throw it to the attackers and start the attack from
    the centre line. Count the goals scored by attackers and change role after five
    consecutive attacks. The winner is the team with the highest number of goals in five
    consecutive attacks.

    5.9.2. Consolidation activities

    Use the same exercise in the remedial activity but with the following variations:
    – Both teams have goalkeepers.
    – Use the full court.
    – During five consecutive attacks in case defenders intercept the ball, they
    become attackers immediately and play towards the opponent team. If the
    ball is re-intercepted by attackers, the game starts on the centre line and
    continue to count left attacks. If defending team score a goal it will become
    attacking team and count 5 consecutive attack until the ball is intercepted.

    5.9.3 Extended activities
    – Encourage students to actively participate in handball training sessions during
       co-curricular activities.
    – Encourage students to participate actively in handball interclass competitions
       organized by the school.
    – Encourage students to create local handball competitions in their villages.
    – With the support of the school, students form teams and participate in handball
        competition organized by National School Sports Federation.