• Unit 11 General Principles of Homeostasis

    Key Unit Competence

    To be able to explain general principles of homeostatic mechanisms.


    At the end of this unit, the learner will be able to:
    • Explain the significance of a constant internal environment.
    • State the factors that must be kept constant in the internal environment of the body.
    • Carry out research on homeostasis and deduce the findings.
    • Appreciate the importance of maintaining a constant internal environment.
    • Relate organisms’ ways of life to their environmental conditions.
    • Discuss the role of the negative feedback mechanism.
    • Explain the feedback mechanism in relation to the endocrine and nervous system.
    • Identify the main internal and external causes of change in the internal environment.
    • Describe the formation, composition and movement of tissue fluid in relation to blood and
    • Appreciate the adaptations of animals to different environmental conditions in relation   to homeostasis.


    The picture below shows human who is swimming underwater of Muhazi Lake. Observe

    carefully this picture and answer the question that follows


    Explain why this human can swim underwater for long time?


    ACTIVITY 11.1
    Have you ever thought about how your body maintains the same body temperature even if it is too hot or cold outside? Do you know about homeostasis and why it is required? Use library and Internet sources to collect information about homeostasis and various factors that must be kept constant in the human body. Learn, write and draw diagrams of homeostatic mechanisms and present your findings in the class.

    All living organisms have an ability to maintain stable internal conditions. It requires continuous adjustments to the changes occuring in both internal and external environments. This selfregulating property of living beings to maintain a constant internal environment is termed as ‘homeostasis’ (‘homeo’, “similar,” and ‘stasis’, “stable”). Homeostasis is a key concept in the understanding of biological mechanisms that play an important role in survival of individual cells, to an entire body


    Figure 11.1: Homeostasis

    A living body ensures stable internal conditions in order to survive, grow and develop. The homeostatic mechanisms are inevitable for proper functioning of the body. Many systems of the body operate together to maintain a steady state. The cells, tissues, and organs may perform very different functions; however, all the cells in the body are similar in their metabolic needs. Homeostasis continuously provides the necessary ingredients of survival, for example, oxygen and nutrients to cells and thus, to complete the body. The metabolic activities and cellular processes can continue even though the external environment fluctuates substantially. Therefore, the regulation of an optimal internal environment enables an organism to live in wider range of environmental conditions (Figure 11.1).

    Automatic systems such as thermostats or air conditioners maintain constant internal (room) conditions.


    Have you ever read or heard about some persons having diabetes or high blood pressure. Do you
    know why such conditions occurred in these people while others have no problems? Discuss
    and find out the appropriate answers.

    Note: Refer to negative feedback mechanism to learn about high blood pressure.

    Homeostasis can be considered as dynamic equilibrium rather than a constant, unchanging
    state. The body mechanisms maintain various fluctuating physical and chemical variables
    within tolerable limits. These important variables include temperature, glucose, pH, water,
    ions, respiratory gases and osmotic pressure of body fluids among others.
    Some principal homeostatic mechanisms in humans to be kept constant are as follows:
    • The maintenance of a steady body temperature involves mechanisms such as sweating or
       shivering. These mechanisms occur whenever the internal body temperature becomes high
       or low.
    • The human body constantly works to maintain a normal glucose level in blood. When
        glucose levels are high, a hormone called insulin is released by beta cells of the pancreas.
        Insulin stimulates the conversion of glucose as insoluble glycogen by the body cells. This
        lowers the glucose concentration in the blood. A condition called as diabetes occurs due to
        the deficiency of insulin in the body, due to which glucose level of blood increases. When
        the blood glucose levels are low, another hormone known as glucagon is released by the
        alpha cells of pancreas. Glucagon breaks down stored glycogen in the form of glucose. The
        addition of glucose in blood returns the body glucose levels to normal.
    • Whenever the water content of the blood and lymph fluid gets low, it is restored initially by
        extracting water from the cells. Also, the throat and mouth become dry. These symptoms
        of thirst motivate humans to drink water.
    • When high amount of salt and ions are present in the body, the kidneys produce concentrated
        urine. This process removes extra amount of salt and ions while conserving water, and return
        the body to normal metabolic range. In contrast, when the salt and ions concentration is
        low in the human body, kidneys produce dilute urine and conserve salt and ions.
    • A change in breathing and heart rate occurs in humans due to various activities like exercise.
       As a result, the amount of carbon dioxide produced and oxygen demand in the body
       increases. The heart rate increases so that the blood flows rapidly to the tissues to fulfill
       the oxygen requirement and remove the carbon dioxide from the cells. Also, the speed and
       depth of breathing increases. The body works to normalize breathing and heart rate when

       activity stops

    • The pH of the blood is regulated at 7.365 (a measure of alkalinity and acidity). The tolerable
    lower and upper limit for a human body is about pH 7.0 and pH 7.8, respectively. To prevent
    a change in the pH, all body fluids, including cell cytoplasm are buffered (buffer is a chemical

    or a combination of chemicals) absorbing either hydrogen ions (H+) or hydroxide ions.

    All the body systems in humans are interdependent and function invariably to keep

    fluctuating factors within tolerable limits.

    11.1.2 Components of Homeostatic Mechanisms

    All homeostatic control mechanisms have three interdependent components for regulation
    of any type of change or variable. The receptor is the sensing component that monitors
    and responds to changes in the environment. When the receptor senses a stimulus, it sends
    information to a “control/integration centre”, the component that sets the range at which
    a variable is maintained. The control centre determines an appropriate response to the
    stimulus. The control centre then sends signals to an effector, which can be muscles, organs,
    or other structures that receive signals from the control centre. After receiving the signal, a
    change occurs to correct the deviation by opposing or enhancing the stimulus. This ongoing
    process continuously works to restore and maintain homeostasis. For example, in order to
    regulate body temperature, thermo-receptors are present in the skin which communicates
    information to the brain, the control centre. The control centre commands the effectors i.e.,

    blood vessels and sweat glands to function accordingly (Figure 11.2).


    Figure 11.2: Components of homeostatic mechanisms


    Have you ever thought how the body brings itself to the normal state after any change
    in its system/s? How the signal that brings any change in body is regulated either stopped
    or amplified? With the help of charts, discuss the feedback mechanism(s) and their role in

    maintaining homeostasis in the body.

    Feedback regulation is a type of response to a stimulus which determines the effect of original
    stimulus. When a change of variable occurs, there are two main types of feedback mechanisms
    to which the system reacts: Negative feedback is a response in which the system functions in
    such a way as to reverse the direction of change. This response system tends to keep things
    constant allowing the maintenance of homeostasis. The regulations of body temperature, pH,
    ionic balance and blood pressure are the most common type of negative feedback systems.
    Positive feedback is the response to amplify the change in the variable. Blood clotting and events
    in childbirth are the types of positive feedback system. Both types of feedback mechanisms are
    equally important for the proper functioning of a body. If any or both these mechanisms are

    affected or altered somehow, it can lead to many complications.

    11.2.1 Negative Feedback Mechanisms
    Negative feedback consists of reducing the output or activity of any system or organ back to
    its normal range of functioning. This change either raises or lowers the variable to its normal
    set point automatically by counteracting. Here, negative means ‘opposite, not bad’. This can
    be understood by the controlling process that regulates blood pressure. Blood pressure is the
    measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into
    the arteries (blood vessels), which carry the blood throughout the body. Whenever the blood
    pressure increases, the blood vessels can sense the resistance of blood flow against the walls.
    The blood vessels act as the receptors and relay the change to the brain. The brain acts as
    control centre and transmits the signal to the heart and blood vessels, both of which act as the
    effectors. The heart rate would decrease as the blood vessels increase in diameter, known as
    vasodilation. This change would cause the blood pressure to fall back to its normal range. The
    opposite would happen when blood pressure decreases, leading to vasoconstriction (decrease

    in diameter of blood vessel) (Figure 11.3).

    Several factors/conditions interfere with the normal process of regulation of blood pressure.
    Smoking, obesity, high salt concentration in diet, alcohol consumption, stress, hormonal
    disorders affect the heart and blood vessels. This leads to high blood pressure or hypertension
    which causes the heart to work harder to pump blood in the body. This can further damage the

    heart, blood vessels and other organs.


    Figure 11.3: Negative feedback mechanism

    Negative feedback mechanisms are most common in living organisms, working in a specific

    manner sequence.

    11.2.2 Nervous and Endocrine Control Mechanisms
    In the human body, all the organs and organ systems are controlled by nervous and endocrine
    systems. The nervous system controls the activities of body parts by reacting quickly to external
    and internal stimuli. The endocrine system regulates those activities slowly but its effects are
    long lasting. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain (nervous control center) located just
    above the brain stem and consists of a group of neurons that forms the primary link between

    the nervous system and the endocrine system.

    This small part of the brain is responsible for regulating many key body processes, including
    internal body temperature, hunger, thirst, blood pressure, and daily body rhythms (Figure 11.4



                                                                                Figure 11.4: (a) Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland

    Nervous system consists of receptive nerve cells which transmit the signal to the brain, which
    in turn, command the effector nerve cells, muscles and glands to respond. For instance,
    humans maintain a constant body temperature, usually about 37.4°C. It increases during
    the day by about 0.8°C and decreases slightly during sleeping. The core body temperature is
    usually about 0.7-1.0°C higher than skin or axillary temperature. A change in temperature
    is sensed by receptors found in the skin, veins, abdominal organs and hypothalamus. The
    receptors in the skin provide the sensation of cold and transmit this information to brain.
    The brain process and commands for the vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the skin and
    limb. This drops the surface temperature, providing an insulating layer (fat cell) between the
    core temperature and the external environment. The major adjustment in cold is shivering
    to increase the metabolic heat production. On the contrary, if the body temperature rises,
    blood flow to the skin increases, maximizing the potential for heat loss by radiation and

    evaporation (Figure 11.4 (b)).


    Figure 11.4: (b) Homeostatic regulation of body temperature

    The endocrine system consists of glands which secrete hormones into the bloodstream. Each
    hormone has an effect on one or more target tissues. In this way, it regulates the metabolism
    and development of most body cells and its systems through feedback mechanisms, mostly
    negative. For example, when blood calcium becomes too low, calcium-sensing receptors in
    the parathyroid gland become activated. This results in the release of Parathyroid Hormone
    (PTH), which acts to increase blood calcium by release from the bones. This hormone also
    causes calcium to be re-absorbed from urine and the gastrointestinal tract. Calcitonin, released
    from the thyroid gland functions in reverse manner, i.e., decreasing calcium levels in the blood

    by causing more calcium to be fixed in bones (Figure 11.5).


                                       Figure 11.5: Calcium regulation

    Both the nervous and endocrine system of the human body co-ordinate to ensure a balance
    between fluid gained and fluid loss. The ADH (Anti-diuretic Hormone) or vasopressin is the
    principal compound that controls water balance by decreasing water output by the kidney.
    Vasopressin is formed in the hypothalamus and get stored in the posterior pituitary (a part of
    endocrine system). If the body becomes fluid-deficient, osmoreceptors (monitor blood plasma
    osmolality) in the hypothalamus signals for the release of vasopressin from posterior pituitary. An
    increase in the secretion of vasopressin causes retention of fluid by the kidneys and subsequent
    reduction in urine output. Conversely, if fluid levels are excessive, release of vasopressin is
    suppressed resulting in less retention of fluid and resulting increase in the volume of urine


    1.Complete with appropriate terms:
    (i)The tolerable pH level in human body ranges from ................ to ...................... .
    (ii) .................... provides necessary ingredients for survival.
    (iii) Endocrine system consists of ..................... which secretes hormones.
    (iv) ............................ is a response in which the system functions in a way to reverse
    the direction of change.
    (v) ......................... and ................... are mechanisms to maintain body temperature.

    2. Name the heat regulation centre in the brain.

    3. What is the function of
    a) Detectors
    b) Comparators
    c) Effectors
    4.What type of feedback system is involved in bringing the temperature of an overheated
    person back to normal
    5.Explain briefly the advantage of having two corrective mechanisms that regulates blood
    glucose concentration, rather than one
    6. A person fasted overnight and then shallowed 75 g of glucose. The graph shows the resulting

    changes in the concentrations of insulin and glucose in the blood


    a. Explain the relationship between the concentrations of glucose and insulin in the blood in
        the first 30 minutes after the glucose was swallowed
    b. Use information from the graph to explain what is meant by term negative feedback
    c. Explain why the concentration of glucagon in the blood rises during exercise while that

        of insulin falls

    Homeostasis is maintained through a series of control mechanisms. When homeostatic process
    is interrupted, the body can correct or worsen the problem, based on certain influences. There

    are internal and external causes influencing the body’s ability to maintain homeostatic balance.

    11.3.1 Internal Causes: Heredity
    Genetic/Reproductive: A variety of diseases and disorders occur due to the change in the
    structure and function of genes. For example, cancer can be genetically inherited or can be
    induced due to a gene mutation from an external source such as UV radiation or harmful drugs.
    Another disorder, Type 1 diabetes, occurs due to the lack or inadequate production of insulin

    by the pancreas to respond to changes in a person’s blood glucose level.

    11.3.2 External Causes: Lifestyle

    Nutrition: A diet lacking specific vitamin or mineral leads to cellular malfunction. A menstruating
    woman with iron deficiency will become anaemic. As iron is required for haemoglobin, an
    oxygen transport protein present in red blood cells, the blood of an anaemic woman will have

    reduced oxygen-carrying capacity.

    Physical Activity: Physical activity is essential for proper functioning of our cells and bodies.
    Adequate rest and exercise are examples of activities that influence homeostasis. Lack of sleep
    causes ailments such as irregular cardiac heart rhythms, fatigue, anxiety and headaches.
    Overweight and obesity are related to poor nutrition and lack of physical activity that greatly
    affects many organ systems and their homeostatic mechanisms. It increases a person’s risk of

    developing heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and certain forms of cancer.

    Mental Health: Both the physical and mental health is inseparable. Negative stress (also called

    distress) leads to thoughts and emotions harmful for homeostatic mechanisms in the body.

    11.3.3 Environmental Exposure
    Many substances act as toxins, including pollutants, pesticides, natural and synthetic drugs,
    plants and animal products interfering at cellular levels. Modern medicines practice can also
    be potentially harmful in case of wrong or over dosage. For instance, drug overdose affects
    the central nervous system, disrupts breathing and heartbeat in the human body. It can further
    result in coma, brain damage, and even death. Therefore, alterations or interruption of beneficial
    pathways, whether caused by an internal or external factor will result in harmful change in
    homeostasis. Therefore, adequate positive health influences are to be taken into consideration

    in order to maintain homeostasis.


    Aim: To observe and analyze the pressure flow of liquid coming out from the perforated rubber
    Materials Required:
    1. A rubber tube (1 cm width and 50 cm in length)
    2. Two beakers

    3. One bucket.

    1. Take a rubber tube of about 1 cm width and 50 cm in length and make two set of tiny holes
         on at a distance of 10 cm before both ends.
    2. Attach tube to a water tap tightly. Try to adjust the tubular part with holes towards downside
         so as to collect the liquid in beakers or trays.
    3. At the other end, put a collecting vessel such as a bucket. Adjust the rubber tube in horizontal
         position and open the tap for 10-20 seconds and collect the water coming out of rubber holes
         in beakers placed under the holes in the tube.
    4. Measure the collected liquid in two beakers separately by glass cylinders. Note the readings
         and compare the volume of water collected in the beakers.
    1. Do you find any difference in volume of water collected in beakers?
    2. Where do you think high and low pressure end on rubber tubes?

    3. Does the high pressure end expel more water than low pressure end?

    The blood supplies nutrients and essential metabolites to the cells of a tissue and collects back
    the waste products. This exchange of respective constituents between the blood and tissue cells
    occurs through interstitial fluid or tissue fluid formed by the blood. The fluid occupies the spaces
    between the cells known as tissue spaces. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid,
    which also includes plasma and transcellular fluid. On an average, a person has about 10 litres

    of interstitial fluid making 16% of the total body weight.

    11.4.1 Formation
    The formation of the tissue fluid is based on the difference in pressure of flowing (Starling’s law)
    of blood through capillaries. A hydrostatic pressure is produced at the arterial end of blood
    capillaries which is generated by the heart. This results in expulsion of water and other solutes
    (known as plasma) from capillaries except blood proteins (like serum albumin). This retention
    of solutes in capillaries creates water potential. The osmotic pressure (water moves from a
    region of high to low concentration) tends to drives water back into the capillaries in an attempt
    to reach equilibrium. At the arterial end, the hydrostatic pressure is greater than the osmotic
    pressure, so the net movement favours water along with solutes being passed into the tissue
    fluid. At the venous end, the osmotic pressure is greater, so the net movement favours tissue
    fluid being passed back into the capillary. The equilibrium is never attained because of the
    difference in the direction of the flow of blood and the solutes imbalance created by the net

    movement of water (Figure 11.6).


    Figure 11.6: Formation of interstitial fluid from blood

    11.4.2 Composition
    As the blood and the surrounding cells continually add and remove substances from the interstitial
    fluid, its composition continually changes. Water and solutes can pass between the interstitial
    fluid and blood via diffusion across gaps in capillary walls called intercellular clefts; thus,
    the blood and interstitial fluid are in dynamic equilibrium with each other. Generally, tissue
    fluid consists of a water solvent containing sugars, salts, fatty acids, amino acids, coenzymes,
    hormones, neurotransmitters, as well as metabolic waste products from the cells.
    Not all of the contents of the blood pass into the tissue, which means that tissue fluid and
    blood are not the same. Red blood cells, platelets, and plasma proteins cannot pass through
    the walls of the capillaries. The resulting mixture that does pass through is, in essence, blood
    plasma without the plasma proteins. Tissue fluid also contains some types of white blood cells,

    which help to combat infection.

    11.4.3 Movement
    To prevent a buildup of tissue fluid surrounding the cells in the tissue, the lymphatic system
    plays an important role in its transport. Tissue fluid can pass into the surrounding lymph
    vessels where it is then considered as lymph. The lymphatic system returns protein and excess
    interstitial fluid to the blood circulation. Thus, it is transported through the lymph vessels to
    lymph nodes and ultimately with blood in the venous system, and tends to accumulate more

    cells (particularly, lymphocytes) and proteins.

    The formation, composition and movement of tissue fluid are important processes for the

    development of immunity in the human body.


    A field trip to a zoo/wildlife sanctuary/national park can be organized under the guidance of a
    teacher. The students/learners should observe, understand and discuss the various environmental
    conditions in which animals live and survive. Different groups of animals which live on land,
    water and other places can be studied for the adaptations in their habitat. Learners should write
    their observations about the different features/characteristics of animals, timing of appearance,
    season, place/location as well as behaviour of different animals. A report should be submitted
    about the field trip describing the observations along with the diagrams/images/photographs

    taken and computer aided material.

    Every organism has certain features or characteristics which enables it to live successfully in
    its particular habitat. These features are called adaptations, and the organism is said to be
    adapted to its habitat. Organisms living in various habitats need different adaptations in order
    to maintain homeostasis. The animals adapt to such changes in their environment which
    threatens their chances of survival. The main threats are temperature, lack of water and food.
    Besides the environmental threats, many animals also need to be able to defend themselves
    from predators and pathogens.
    Different organisms have adapted to the great diversity of habitats and distinct conditions in
    the environment. Although, the adaptations are many and varied, they can be categorized into

    mainly three types: Structural, physiological and behavioural.

    11.5.1 Structural Adaptations
    Structural (or morphological) adaptations are the physical features of the organism. It includes
    shapes or body covering as well as its internal organisation. Microscopic organisms which
    includes protozoans and bacteria employ encystment (a state of suspended form, separated
    by the outside world by a solid cell wall) to surpass hostile conditions for long periods of time,
    even millions of years. Larger animals like polar bears are well adapted for survival in the cold
    climate of the Arctic region. They have a white appearance to camouflage from prey on the
    snow and ice. Also, polar bear have thick layers of fat and fur, for insulation against the cold

    and a greasy coat which sheds water after swimming.


        Figure 11.7: Polar bear in cold climate

    Dolphins are fish-like mammals which have streamlined shape and fins instead of legs. They
    also have blowholes on the tops of their heads for breathing, rather than their mouth and nose.
    Desert animals like camels have many adaptations that allow them to live successfully in hot
    and dry conditions. They have long eyelashes and nostrils that can close and open to prevent
    entry of sand. Thick eyebrows shield the eyes from the desert sun. Camels store fat in the
    hump which can be metabolised for energy. A camel can go a week or more without water,
    and they can last for several months without food. Their huge feet help them walk on sand

    without sinking into it.


    Figure 11.8: Camel’s adaptations in desert environment: (a) Nostrils and (b) Hump

    Similarly, the long necks of giraffes allow them to feed among treetops
    and spot predators. Also, they have tough and long tongues (upto 18
    inches) enabling to pull leaves from branches without being hurt by

    the thorns. Spotted coat camouflages giraffes among the trees.

    In tropical areas, natural radiators are an efficient way of lowering
    the body’s temperature: for instance, the ears of the elephant and the
    rabbit are full of blood vessels, helping the animal cool its body in the

    heat. Rabbits living in Arctic areas have smaller ears.


        Figure 11.9: Giraffe

    11.5.2 Physiological Adaptations
    Physiological adaptations are related to the working of an organism’s metabolism. These
    adaptations enable the organism to regulate their bodily functions, such as breathing and
    temperature, and perform special functions like excreting chemicals as a defence mechanism
    (Sea stars). Chameleon (a reptile) changes colour or body markings in order to blend
    into its surroundings. Marine mammals such as whales are endothermic/warm blooded
    (able to maintain a constant body temperature). They cope with the temperature changes during
    migration over large distances and can spend time in arctic, tropical and temperate waters. In
    contrast, Arctic fish (cold-blooded animals) lives easily in temperatures lower to sub-zero level.
    Such temperatures results in the formation of ice crystals in the organism’s cells that may cause
    irreversible damage and ultimately, death. However, arctic fishes living in the same freezing
    waters survive due to an antifreeze protein in the blood that prevents ice crystals formation in

    their cells and maintains metabolic functions.

    11.5.3 Behavioural Adaptations
    Behavioural adaptations are learned that help organisms to survive. The whales produce
    sounds that allow them to communicate, navigate and hunt prey. Bears hibernate or ‘sleep’
    through the coldest part of the year. Bryozoans are water dwelling small individual animals
    found in colonies in high numbers on the continental shelf in New Zealand. These animals
    band together for collecting food and survive predation. Penguins are the flightless birds
    found in the oceans around Antarctica. During extreme winter, Emperor penguins show
    social behaviour by huddling together in groups comprising several thousand penguins to

    stay warm.

    1.Complete with appropriate terms:
    (i) Micro organisms employ .................... to surpass hostile conditions for a long time.
    (ii) .................... is a type of mammal having fins and a streamlined body.
    (iii) ................... and ..................... influences/tends to disturb homeostatic mechanisms.
    (iv) RBCs, platelets and plasma cannot pass through ........................... .
    (v) .................... fishes have an antifreeze protein in the blood to prevent formation of ice
    2.The control of blood glucose concentration involves a negative feedback mechanism.
    a) What are the stimuli, receptors and effectors in this control mechanism?
    b) Explain how negative feedback is involved in this homeostatic mechanism.
    3. Explain why blood contains many proteins that are not found in the tissue fluid or lymph
    4. What produces the hydrostatic pressure in the blood
    5.Describe how fluid can pass through the capillary wall from the plasma to the tissue fluid
    6. a) Describe the immediate environment of a typical cell within the body of a mammal.
    b) Explain why it is important that the internal environment of a mammal is carefully
    c)Explain how the following are involved in maintaining the internal environment: stimuli,
         receptors, central control, coordination systems and effectors.
    d)Explain the meaning of the terms homeostasis and negative feedback.

    e) Distinguish between the input and the output in a homeostatic control mechanism.

    11.6 SUMMARY

    • Homeostasis is the ability of a living body to maintain a relatively stable internal environment.
    • Homeostasis is an important characteristic of living things requiring continuous
       adjustments due to the changes occurring in internal and external environment.
    • Variables that must be kept constant and regulated to the normal level (set points) in a
       body are temperature, glucose, pH, water, ions, respiratory gases and osmotic pressure
       of body fluids.
    • Homeostatic control mechanisms have three interdependent components: receptor,
       integration centre and effectors.
    • Negative feedback occurs when the response to a stimulus reduces the original stimulus.
    • Positive feedback occurs when the response to a stimulus increases the original stimulus.
    • The nervous system controls the activities of body parts quickly to external and internal
    • The endocrine system regulates body activities slowly with long lasting effects.
    • The hypothalamus is a part of brain and links the nervous system and endocrine system.
    • The homeostatic mechanisms are altered or interrupted based on internal (genetic) and
    external (lifestyle choices and environmental exposures) factors.
    • Interstitial/tissue fluid is formed from blood plasma and it surrounds and bathes the
       cells in tissue spaces.
    • Tissue fluid provides nutrients and removes waste products from the cells of the body.
    • Tissue fluid is formed due to the pressure difference in flow of the blood through the
       blood capillaries.
    • Tissue fluid contains sugars, salts, fatty acids, amino acids, coenzymes, ions, hormones,
    neurotransmitters, as well as metabolic waste products from the cells in a water medium.
    • Tissue fluid moves from tissue spaces to lymph vessels (lymph), to lymph nodes and
       finally returns to the blood.
    • Adaptation is a feature/characteristic of an animal which enables it to survive in its habitat.
    • Different organisms have adapted to distinct habitats and environmental conditions.
    • Three categories of adaptations are structural, physiological and behavioural. Each type

        of adaptation has its own survival value.

    11.7 GLOSSARY
    • Adaptation: A feature or characteristic of an organism which helps in its survival in a
       particular habitat.
    • Control centre or integration centre: Receives and processes information from the
    • Effector: Responds to the command of the control centre by either opposing or enhancing
       the change.
    • Homeostasis: A balancing act which maintains a particular internal condition.
    • Receptor: Receives information about a change in its environment.
    • Negative feedback: A response system which reverses the direction of change.

    • Positive feedback: A response system which amplifies the change in the variable.


    I. Choose whether the given statements are True (T) or False (F)

    1. A living body ensures stable internal conditions in order to survive, grow and develop.
    2. The property of living beings to maintain a constant internal environment is termed
        as ‘homeostasis’.
    3. Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood vessel
    4. The endocrine system controls the activities of body parts by reacting quickly to
        external and internal stimuli.
    5. Organisms living in various habitats need different adaptations in order to maintain
    6. Behavioural adaptations are related to the working of an organism’s metabolism.
    7. The chemical messengers secreted from the endocrine system affect on specific target organs.
    8. The thick fur layer on the skin of polar bears protects them from sunlight.
    9. Whales migrating to oceanic waters can maintain a constant body temperature.
    10. Colonial animals, if being separated, can survive easily in their habitats.

    11. Camel’s hump is an adaptation to store water in desert climate.

    II. Multiple Choice Questions
    1. An example of positive feedback mechanism is:
    (a) maintaining stable blood glucose levels
    (b) the production of milk in a nursing mother
    (c) maintaining a stable body temperature
    (d) all of the above
    2. Which hormone increases the glucose level in the blood?
    (a) glucose                                                           (b) glucagon
    (c) insulin                                                             (d) glycogen
    3. Which is the proper sequence of events in maintaining homeostasis?
    (a) Signal, Receptor, Stimulus, Response
    (b) Stimulus, Response, Signal, Receptor
    (c) Receptor, Stimulus, Signal, Response
    (d) Stimulus, Receptor, Signal, Response
    4. Which is an example of negative feedback?
    (a) maintaining stable blood glucose levels
    (b) the production of milk in a nursing mother
    (c) contractions of the uterus during childbirth
    (d) all of the above
    5. The principal systems controlling and regulating body activities are:
    (a) nervous and respiratory system                (b) endocrine and digestive system
    (c) nervous and endocrine system                  (d) respiratory and digestive system
    6. Which of the following statements best describes homeostasis?
    (a) keeping the body in a fixed and unaltered state
    (b) dynamic equilibrium
    (c) maintaining a relatively constant internal environment

    (d) altering the external environment to accommodate the body’s needs

    7. Tissue fluid is different from blood in terms of:
    (a) red blood cells                                         (b) platelets
    (c) plasma proteins                                      (d) all of the above
    8. The human body’s “thermostat” is found in:
    (a) nervous system                                       (b) integumentary system
    (c) endocrine system                                   (d) urinary system
    9. Which statement is not correct about calcium homeostasis?
    (a) parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium level
    (b) calcitonin decreases calcium levels in blood
    (c) both hormones (PTH and calcitonin) are secreted by same gland
    (d) calcium regulation is an example of negative feedback mechanism
    10. Which statement is correct about vasopressin?
    (a) an increase in secretion of vasopressin decreases fluid volume in the body
    (b) a decrease in secretion of vasopressin increases fluid volume in the body
    (c) an increase in secretion of vasopressin increases fluid volume in the body

    (d) none of the above

    III. Long Answer Type Questions

    1. Giving suitable examples, in your own words, explain the significance of a constant
        internal environment.
    2. State the factors that must be kept constant in the internal environment of the body.
    3. Discuss the role of the negative feedback mechanism.
    4. Explain the feedback mechanism in relation to the endocrine and nervous system.
    5. What are the main internal and external causes of change in the internal environment?
    6. Describe the formation, composition and movement of tissue fluid in relation to
         blood and lymphs.
    7. Giving examples, relate organisms’ ways of life to their environmental conditions.
    8. How do pollutants alter homeostasis of an organism? What role does homeostasis

        play in environmental protection?

    Unit 10 Smoking and Related DiseasesUnit 12 Regulation of Glucose