Key Unit Competence

    Describe how protein structure is related to function and the role of water as a

    special molecule with extraordinary properties that make life possible.

    Learning objectives
    By the end of this unit, I should be able to:
    – Describe the structure of an amino acid and the formation and breakage of a
    peptide bond.
    – Describe the primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins.
    – Describe the molecular structure of hemoglobin as an example of a globular
    – Describe the functions with an emphasis on iron in the hemoglobin molecule.
    – Explain the effect of heat, pH and chemicals on protein structure.
    – Explain how hydrogen bonding occurs between water molecules and relate
    the properties of water to its roles in living organisms.
    – Devise an experiment to investigate the effect of temperature, pH and
    chemicals on the structure of protein.
    – Relate the structure of globular and fibrous proteins to their functions.
    – Investigate the effect of lowering temperature on water.
    – Distinguish between collagen molecules and collagen fibres
    – Appreciate the importance of globular and fibrous proteins in biological
    processes such as the transport of gases and providing support for tissues.
    – Express that protein structure is central to many aspects of biology, such as
    enzymes, antibodies and muscle contraction.
    – Acknowledge that water is a special molecule with extraordinary properties
               that make life possible on this planet.
    Introductory activity
    Conduct a research by using different sources of information and answer the
    following questions
    1. What is a protein?

    2. What do you understand by universal solvent in living organisms ? 

    8.1. Proteins
    Proteins are organic compounds of large molecular mass. For example, the
    hemoglobin has a molecular mass of 64500. In addition to carbon, hydrogen
    and oxygen, proteins always contain nitrogen, usually Sulphur and sometimes
    phosphorus. Proteins are polymers of amino acids and they are not truly soluble in

    water, but form colloidal suspensions. 

    8.1.1. Amino acids
    Amino acids are group of over a hundred chemicals of which around 20 commonly
    occur in proteins. They always contain a basic group, the amine group (-NH2
    ) and a
    carboxylic acid group(-COOH) together with -R group or side chain (Figure 8.1). All

    the amino acid differs one to another by the structure of their side chain. 

    Amino acids are divided into two categories: essential amino acid and non-essential
    amino acid. Essential amino acids are those amino acids which cannot be synthesized
    by the body. Non –essential amino acids are synthesized by the organism. All 20

    amino acids can be found in diet from plant and animal tissues

    Amphoteric nature of an amino acid
    When an amino acid is exposed to basic solution, it is deprotonated (release
    of a proton H+) to became negative carboxylate COO -while in acid solution it is
    protonated (gains of a proton H+) to became ammonium positive ion -NH3

    +(Figure 8.1.3.a and Figure 8.1.3.b).

    At a physiological pH, usually around 7, the amino acid exists as ZWITTERION (from
    German means hermaphrodite) it is a molecule with two different charges (positive

    and negative) at the same time (Figure 8.1.4).

    8.1.2. Formation and breakage of peptide bond
    The formation of peptide bond follows the same pattern as the formation of
    glycosidic bond in carbohydrates and ester bond in fats. A condensation reaction
    occurs between the amino group of one amino acid and the carboxyl group of

    another, to form a dipeptide (fig 8.5).

    A peptide bond is formed between two amino acids to form a dipeptide molecule.
    If three amino acids are assembled together they form a tripeptide while four
    amino acids form a tetrapeptide and so on. A long chain of amino acid it is called a
    polypeptide. The polypeptide chain or oligopeptide comprise more than 50 amino
    acids joined together by peptide bonds.

    During digestion, proteins are hydrolyzed to give amino acids that can be diffused
    across the wall of intestine into blood stream. In hydrolysis the peptide bond breaks

    down by the addition of a water molecule (Figure 8.5).

    Self-assessment 8.1
    1. Explain what are essential amino acids?
    2. Describe the formation of a peptide bond?
    3. At physiological pH, the amino acid exists as zwitterions. What is a zwitterion?
    4. Alanine is an amino acid with -CH3
     as a side chain. Write its structural
    5. Most plants lack one or more of the essential amino acids needed by the

    body. Explain how a vegetarian can obtain the essential amino acids.

    8.2. Structure and denaturation of proteins
    Activity 8.2
    1. From the books make a research on proteins and answer to the following
    a. What are different structures of proteins?
    b. Differentiate globular proteins and fibrous proteins.
    2. Take a plastic rope cord, create the nodes bulk on it and suppose that those are
    monomers of a long chain of polymer (the whole cord). Heat it using a Bunsen

    burner or another source of fire. Discuss the change that takes place.

    8.2.1. Structure of proteins
    The long chain of polypeptide can take different forms according to its molecular
    weight and the types of bond that hold together atoms and molecules.
    a. Primary structure of proteins
    Primary structure of a protein is the sequence of amino acid that is made up of the

    polypeptide chain or chains. 

    Ribonuclease is an enzyme found in pancreatic juice, which hydrolyses (digests)
    RNA. Notice that at one end of the amino acid chain there is an –NH3+ group, while
    at the other end there is a –COO− group. These are known as the amino and carboxyl
    ends, or the N and C terminals, respectively. (Adapted from Cambridge International

    AS and A Level Biology Course Book Fourth Edition)

    b. Secondary structure of proteins
    The regular arrangement of amino acids in primary structure can induce the
    interaction of the back bone of the polypeptide chain (side chain) by hydrogen
    bonds. Those side chains are coiled and folded in the patterns that contribute to
    the protein’s overall shape. One such secondary structure is α-helix and sometime

    β-pleated sheet (Figure 8.8).

    c. Tertiary structure of proteins
    In addition to hydrogen and peptide bond in primary and secondary structure, the
    tertiary structure of protein has other types that include:
    – Hydrophobic interaction
    – Ionic bond between positively and negatively charged r groups.

    – Disulfide bridges (-s-s) 

    d. Quaternary structure of proteins
    Quaternary structure involves more than one polypeptide chain chemically bonded
    to each other. The quaternary structure refers to the way in which these polypeptide
    chains are arranged in the protein. Examples, Hemoglobin that is composed of:
    – Four polypeptide subunits, two α- chains and two β- chains. Both α and β subunits
     primarily are α helical secondary structure polypeptide chain with 140
    amino acids.
    – Haeme composed of iron that binds with oxygen.
    Collagen: this is a fibrous protein consisting of three helical polypeptides that are

    supercoiled to form a rope like structure of great strength 

    Globular protein
    These are polypeptide chains that are tightly folded to form a spherical shape. Many
    globular proteins are folded so that their hydrophobic groups are on the inside
    of the molecule and the hydrophilic groups face outwards making these proteins
    soluble in water.
    Properties of globular proteins:
    – They are spherical in shape
    – Physiologically active

    – Soluble in water.
    – May contain prosthetic group for example the iron (haeme)

    – Examples include hemoglobin and enzymes.

    8.2.2. Protein denaturation
    Protein denaturation is a process by which protein changes shape due to breakage
    of bonds holding the polypeptide chains. Protein denaturation may be temporary
    or permanent.
    The agent of denaturation can be caused by;
    – Extremely high temperatures beyond optimum, 
    – changes in pH,
    – Ultra Violet (UV) rays,

    – High salt concentration and heavy metals. 

    8.2.3. Functions of proteins.
    – Proteins such as lipase, pepsin and protease act as enzymes as they play a
    crucial role in biochemical reaction where they act as catalysts.
    – Proteins play an important role in coordination and sensitivity (hormones and
    – Proteins have a transport functions. Example: Haemoglobin transport oxygen
    – Proteins in the cell membrane facilitate the transport of substance across the
    cell membrane.
    – Proteins provide a mechanical support and strength.
    – Proteins such as myosin and actin are involved in movement.
    – Proteins play the role of defense of the organisms. Example: Antibodies are


    Self-assessment 8.2
    1. Describe the protein structures
    8.3. Water
    Activity 8.3

    1. What is the medium of reaction in the organisms?
    2. If two people are boiling the same quantity of cooking oil and water, which
    one could evaporate first? Explain your choice.
    Living organisms contain between 60% and 90% of water, the remaining being the
    dry mass. The function of water is defined by its physical and chemical properties

    that differ from those of most liquids and make it effective in supporting life.

    8.3.1. Biological significance of the physical properties of water

    Functions of water
    – Turgidity of plant cell which increases their size is due to the availability of
    – The transport of substances (minerals, nutrients in plant and animals) that are
    dissolved in water.
    – Excretion of waste product
    – Support for hydrostatic skeleton.
    – Temperature regulation in plant and animals
    – Seed germination by breaking down the seed coat

    – Medium for biochemical reaction.

    Self-assessment 8.3
    1. State the functions of water in animals
    2. What do you understand by heat capacity?
    3. Relate the high heat capacity of water to its biology functions.
    4. Describe and explain how aquatic organisms live below frozen water


    End of unit assessment 8
    1. Certain drugs can break the covalent bond between two sulfur atoms
    of nonadjacent amino acids. Which level of protein that can be affected most if the drug

    is mixed with primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins?
    2. Complete the following statements by appropriate terms:
    a. The formation of large molecules from small repeating units is called
    b. A carbohydrate(polysaccharide)that is formed by the plant as a reserve
    food supply and made up of only glucose molecules covalently bonded
    together is……...
    3. State the property of water that allows each of the following to take place. In
    each case, explain its importance:
    a. The cooling of skin during sweating
    b. The transport of glucose and ions in a mammal
    c. Much smaller temperature fluctuations in lakes and oceans than in

    terrestrial (land-based) habitats.

    4. Construct a three column table and relate the following terms with arrows to
    indicate the correct match.
    Phosphodiester linkages                                                         Monosaccharide                Polypeptides
    Peptide bonds                                                                              Nucleotides                         Triacylglycerol
    Glycosidic linkages                                                                     Amino acids                        Polynucleotides
    Ester linkages                                                                               Fatty acids                            Polysaccharides

    5. Explain what happens during protein denaturation?