Key Unit competence: To be able to maintain effective quality compliance 

    system in business.

    Introductory activity
     Quality assurance and Compliance Case Study:
     The government of Rwanda through Rwanda Standards Board is mandated 
    to provide National standards and conformity assessment guidelines 
    that entrepreneurs/traders ought to follow during production and selling 
    of their goods and services. These guidelines help entrepreneurs to be 
    cautious and careful with the quality and measurements of raw materials 
    used, goods produced and the technology used. If your business conforms 
    to the required quality management, assurance and compliance standards, 
    it reduces mistakes and inconsistencies that could make these goods unsafe. 
    If you manufacture a food product, your quality control processes should 
    monitor temperature and foreign bodies to decrease the likelihood that 
    you will make someone sick. Ensuring customer safety saves your business 

    money and averts damage to your reputation.

    One of the ways that the business can strengthen its quality is by listening to 
    its customers and incorporating their feedback in the business processes and 
    production systems. Product quality issues that customers normally report 
    should be tracked and managed through a rigorous process of investigation 
    and resolution. These and more processes help the business to continually 
    enhance customer satisfaction. It’s also important that businesses are 

    genuine in their measurements of goods produced and sold.

    Referring to the above case study, answer the following questions below;
     a.What does the National Standards and conformity assessment 
    guidelines expect entrepreneurs to do ?
     b. What are likely negative effects the business may face if customers are 
    not satisfied as a result of wrong measurements of the goods bought ?
     c. What strategies would you propose to the entrepreneurs to implement 
    and ensure the safety of their customers?
     d. Design a simple quality management system of the business idea you 

    intend to start in your community.

    7.1. Quality assurance and quality compliance
     Activity 7.1

     Explain the meaning of:
     1. Quality assurance,
     2. Quality compliance and 

    3. Quality management

     7.1.1. Meaning of quality assurance
     Quality assurance (QA) is any systematic process of determining whether a 
    product or service meets specified requirements. It is also referred to as the 
    maintenance of a desired level of quality in a product or service, especially by 
    means of attention to every stage of the production process  or delivery.
    A quality assurance system is meant to increase customer confidence and a 

    company’s credibility, while also improving work processes and efficiency, and 
    it enables a company to better compete with others.

    Quality assurance is very important because it helps a company create 

    products and services that meet the needs, expectations and requirements of 
    customers. It yields high-quality product offerings that build trust and loyalty 
    with customers. The standards and procedures defined by a quality assurance 
    program help prevent product defects before they arise. Quality assurance 

    includes two principles: 

    1. “Fit for purpose” (the product should be suitable for the intended 
    purpose); and 
    2. “Right first time” (mistakes should be eliminated). 
    It includes management of the quality of raw materials, assemblies, products 
    and components, services related to production, and management, production 

    and inspection processes

     7.1.2 Meaning of quality compliance
     Quality compliance means acting in accordance with systematic processes of 
    determining whether a product or service meets specified requirements at 
    every stage of the production process or delivery. Complying with the quality 
    requirements helps the business in different ways such as satisfying customers’ 
     needs, increasing the level of sales due to a large number of customers attached 
    to the product or service, complying with the state’s quality requirements 

    among others.

     Application Activity 7.1
     Using typical examples differentiate quality assurance from quality 


    7.2. Measurement standards
    Activity 7.1

     1. Study the illustrations below and answer the questions thereafter.

    a) What do you observe in the above illustrations?
     b) What lessons do you learn from the above illustrations?
     c) Why should buyers of given products make sure that products 

    bought conform to the right measurements?

    2. Based on your knowledge in Physics(O’level), explain the measurement 

    standards used in business activities

     Measurements are often made using instruments such as measuring tapes, 
    weighing scale, rulers, clocks, etc. Measurement is a comparison process. It 
    involves comparison of the quantity to be measured with a chosen standard 
    or unit. In the past, for example, the length of an object was compared with 
    familiar lengths: strides, length of a man’s foot, arm and fingers. Ancient people 
    also used stones or seeds as their standards or units to measure weight. The 
    position of the sun and the moon were used to tell time and seasons, the 
    dimensions of the human body. Below are some of measurement standards 

    that are used in business activities.

    The base quantities according to the International System of Quantities 

    (ISQ) are listed in the following table:

     Other quantities are derived from the base quantities and some of them 

    are listed in the table below.

    Examples of measurements in business (measurement standard and 

    measurement materials)

    Application Activity 7.2
     For the business you intend to start in your community, analyse different 

    measurement standards you would emphasize, and why?

     7.3. Meaning and relationship between quality 
    management, assurance and quality compliance

     Activity 7.3
     Describe the relationship between quality management, quality 
    assurance and quality compliance
    It is important for businesses to pay close attention to Quality Assurance (QA), 

    Quality Compliance (QC) and Quality Management (QM) since they form an 
    integral part of the business’ success. Customer satisfaction and maintenance 
    (customer retention) rely heavily on the applicability of the quality assurance, 
    compliance and management in production and management processes.

    Looking at the above illustration, quality assurance and compliance must be 

    managed and controlled by the given quality control department of the business. 
    The illustration shows that if businesses have clear processes of managing 
     quality and abide to laws and guidelines set by regulatory body (RSB), then 
    there is quality management.
    The relation between the three in terms of standards means that quality 

    management system is comprised of quality assurance and compliance activities 
    that ensure the establishment of a set of quality policies and objectives which 
    act as guidelines within an organization or business.
    Quality Management system
     A Quality Management System (QMS) is a formalized system that documents 
    processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and 

    For businesses to be able to promote quality standards, they need to develop 

    quality management system. This system becomes part and parcel of business 
    culture and it is monitored by the business’ quality control team. The following 
    is a quality management system that can be used by business to promote and 
    ensure the quality of their products or services:
    i) Define and document necessary components of quality management 

    This would include key guidelines and elements of what the business 
    takes as quality. For example what kind of raw materials will have to be used.
    ii) Define the quality policy
    . This includes the business’ mission that is what 
    customers want and value from the business. This should be given top 
    priority in the business.

     iii) Quality objectives must be communicated
    to the team and well 
    ISO requires that quality objectives are derived from quality 
    policy and measures.
    iv) Define the product
    defect; that is what contributes to poor quality, 
    whenever such defects are seen they must be recorded and communicated 

    v) Develop the documents
    for the system. This could be a manual that 
    includes the necessary policies, procedures and forms. 

    vi) Define the quality process;
    this includes corrective and preventive action 
    process, management review and communication process. In short this 
    involves ways of solving given challenges to quality implementation.
    vii) Determine the training needs; Entrepreneurs must identify the gaps 
    within the team so that the workers are trained and supported accordingly 
    to meet and comply with quality standards.
    viii) Use the system. This is the stage when the system is implemented 
     ix) Measure and monitor performance. Measuring performance happens 
    after implementation and would vary greatly from organization to 
    organization depending on size, potential risk, and environmental impact.
     x) Take action that improves performance. This is the last step that is 
    implemented and when solutions to the risks are identified as per the quality 

    process, they communicate them to the employees.

     Application Activity 7.3
     1. Interrelate quality management, quality assurance and quality 
     2. Think about businesses that exist in your community, how have they 

    failed to observe quality expectations?

     7.4. Levels of accreditation and accreditation bodies

     Activity 7.4

     1) What do you understand by the term accreditation?
     2) Identify levels of accreditation and accreditation bodies.
     Accreditation is one of the critical quality infrastructure elements that facilitate 
    trade. Accreditation of conformity assessment bodies provides the acceptance 
    of tests results, inspection reports and certificates that accompany products 
    and services traded across borders.

     There are three levels for accreditation which include the following;

     National standards
    The national standards body helps to develop consensus-based standards. 
    As such it considers the balanced views of all stakeholders (traders, industry, 
    consumer associations, regulators, academia, research institutions, Non
    Government Organizations etc.) the standards developed at the national level 
    can also be used as inputs to develop international standards.

    Examples of national standard bodies in Rwanda: Rwanda Standards Board, 

    Rwanda Environmental Management Authority, Ministry of Health, Rwanda 
    Development Board, Rwanda National Police, Ministry of Agriculture and 

    Animal Resources etc.

     Regional standards
     These are standards set in each region such as EAAB, East Africa Community 
    Standards (EACS) to enforce standard of goods and services in each region. They 
    promote trade and commerce in accordance with the progress and prosperity 

    of a given region.

     International standards
     The international standards bodies develop standards at the international 
    level. They are composed of representatives from various national standards 
    bodies. They help to overcome technical barriers in international trade. 
    Examples of such bodies include, International Organization for Standards 

    (ISO), International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)

    Application Activity 7.4
     1) Visit the Rwanda Standards Board website and research about 
    products made in Rwanda with S mark and ISO.
    2) Research from internet to come up with different recognized 

    accreditation bodies which ensure quality compliance.

    7.5. Role of quality compliance in business 

     Activity 7.5

     Why is it important to comply with quality requirements in business?

    Compliance means meeting the regulatory requirements.

    1) Quality compliance in business ensures that the product satisfy their 

    intended use.
     2) It also reduces the risk of fines, penalties and closure of businesses. When 
    a business does not meet some compliance requirements it faces the law.
     3) It leads to improved health and safety.
     4) It leads to improved health and safety quality improvement.
     5) Quality compliance maintains or increase market share for the 
     6) There is fair competition among businesses hence increasing customers 

    satisfaction from the products.

     Application Activity
     1.Research on the Rwanda Standards Board website about the 
    requirements needed to get an ‘S’ mark for the products in the 
    school business club. 
    2. 2) use the link below and explain the importance of the program  

    “Zamukana Ubuziranenge “http://ryaf.rw/?p=2333

     Skills lab 7
     For any product you produce in the school business club: Discuss and 
    write down the steps, measurements and procedures of making that 
    product to ensure standardization of practices in your business, align 
    with the acceptable RSB standards and make an action plan to acquire 
    RSB certification for services or products that your business club 

    produce or offer. Then, share with the class.

     End of unit 7 Assessment
     1. James and Rosset intend to start a business of making Chapati and 
    mandazi, but they have a challenge ensuring consistency in quality 
    (maintaining the same test, size and thickness) . With your knowledge 
    on quality assurance and standardisation; 
    a) Advise  James and Rosset on how they can set quality standards 
    in their business.
     b) What measurement tools could they use to achieve the quality 
    2. Explain the importance of accreditation for certification services and 

    testing laboratories.