Key Unit Competence: To be aware of how new technologies can affect 

    business activities. 

    Introductory activity

    Analyze the Photos below and answer the questions that follow.

    a) Looking at picture 1,2,3and 4, explain the advantages and disadvantages 
    of using the above techniques in the production of goods and services.

    b) Which production technique is suitable for your school business club?  

    Give reasons to justify your answer?

    4.1. Types of technology in business

    Activity 4.1
     1.a) Suppose you wish to start up a feasible business in your community. 
    Which type of technology will you use in your business and why?
     b) How would you define the term technology as used in business?
     2. Distinguish intermediate technology from capital intensive and labor

    intensive technologies.

     4.1.1. Meaning of technology 
    Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of 
    scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.  

    Technology can also be defined as a human knowledge which involves the use 

    of tools, materials, and systems to perform an activity.

    Many businesses are using technology to stay competitive, they create new 

    products and services using technology, and they also use technology to deliver 

    those products and services to their customers on time and within budget.

    Technology in business allows organizations to improve both the performance 
    and overall effectiveness of products, systems and services, which, in turn, 
    enables businesses to expand quickly and efficiently. Another role of technology 

    in business is to provide security to a business.

     Examples of some tools, systems or devices used by technology in business.
     • Desktop Computers and Laptops.
     • Software and Productivity Tools. 
    • Networking of Computers and Printers. 

    • Telephone and Voice Mail Systems.

     In Rwanda there are different technologies used to improve the services such as
     • Tap and Go: This is One of the biggest technologies that has changed 
    the face of public transport. It’s a smart transport system that enables 
    passengers to board public buses without using hard cash but rather 
    smart cards. 
    • Zipline’s drone technology: this is a global race for commercial drone 
    deliveries of small packages.  In Rwanda it is used to transport blood to 
    remote areas where accesses to roads are impassable.
    • Irembo services: The burden of walking long distances to seek some 
    government services has consistently been removed. There are large 
    numbers of people who do not have to necessarily travel to apply for 
    a marriage certificate, land transfer, drivers’ related services, birth 
    certificate, criminal record clearance certificate, and other services. 
    These few examples show how technology in business comes to enable 
    businesses to expand quickly and efficiently.

     It is important to note that both technologies (Tap and Go & Irembo) aligned 

    with our country’s policy of promoting our economic growth through CASHLESS 


     4.1.2. Types of technology
     1. Intermediate technology is one that fits into the level of development of 
    the host country. It is neither too simple nor advanced. For instance, the 

    use of ox-ploughs, solar cookers etc.

     2. Capital-intensive technology is the production method/ technique where 
    more machines are used than labor. It is also called labor saving technology 
    because we save more labor to use machines. It is common in industries, 

    factories, mining etc.

    Advantages of Capital -Intensive Technology 
    • Commodities of high quality are produced, which compete favorably 
    both in the domestic and international market. 
    • There is mass production. With the use of machines more output is 
    produced which stimulates the rate of economic growth in a country.
     • Exploitation of idle resources is encouraged since it is efficient which 
    increases the production of more goods and services.
     • Promotes the development of skills. Using machines requires highly 
    skilled labor therefore encourages people to do research innovations 
    and inventions.
     • Reduces labor unrest for instance demonstrations and strikes. This 
    increases production of more goods and services therefore it is easy to 
    control machines than labor.
     • It saves time and increases labor productivity because a worker who 
    uses a machine will do his or her work in the shortest period and are less 
    exhausted than using manual labor to perform a given task.
     • Promotes specialization this leads to production of excess (surplus) at 
    a low cost. The surplus is exported yielding foreign exchange earnings.
     • High profits for the entrepreneur since it minimizes costs in the form 
    of wages bills and other fringe benefits.
     • It promotes industrialization. When capital intensive technology 
    is adopted, many industries will come up and development of other 
    infrastructures such as roads, hence promoting the tertiary sector.
     • It strengthens good relationships between countries where machines 
    are exported or imported, hence fostering trade.

     Disadvantages of capital-intensive technology.
     • It is very expensive to buy machines. Most developing countries 
    depend on foreign aid and loans to finance their budgets, so if they adopt 
    the use of machines, they will have too much debts.

    It leads to technological unemployment since more machines are 
    used than labor in the production process therefore most labor will be 
    unemployed, which is an economic problem.

    It widens the income inequality gap where a few skilled labor will be 
    engaged in the production process to run machines and the unskilled 
    will remain unemployed hence widening the gap.
    High costs as a result of maintenance, repairs when broken down and 
    depreciation. therefore, it is expensive because it requires a lot of foreign 
    exchange to import spare parts and other machines. 

    It encourages rural- urban migration since most machines are used  
    in urban centres this leads to development of shanty towns or slums in 

     • It is not helpful in the eradication
    of poverty since there are very few 
    people employed in the production of goods and services.

     • It is inappropriate technique in some activities that require human
    judgement, such as picking flowers and tea, sorting printed papers. In 
    this instance machines may not be applicable at all stages of production. 
     3. Labor Intensive Technology is the production method /technique 
    where more labor is used than machines. It is also called capital saving 
    technology meaning we save capital and use more labor. It’s commonly 

    used in hotels, restaurants etc.

    Advantages of labor-intensive Technology
     • It generates more employment opportunities for nationals due to 
    investments in various sectors. This leads to an even distribution of 
    income in the country since they are many people involved.
     • It reduces costs of production since in most countries labour is cheap 
    and abundant.
     • It helps to reduce rural-urban migration (RUM) since it can easily 
    be established in the rural areas where labor is abundant. This leads to 
    rural transformation hence reduction in RUM, poverty is also reduced and 
    crime rate levels.
     • It increases effective demand, many people are employed which 
    increases their chances of investing in an economy.
     • Monopoly control, it minimizes monopoly tendencies in the industry 
    since the economic power cannot easily be concentrated in a few hands.
     • Labor is more mobile than capital technology. It’s easy to move 
    workers from one town to another compared to moving machinery or 
    capital assets.
     • It does not require a lot of skills and is suitable to work in industries 
    that require human judgement. For instance, picking flowers, picking tea 
     • Labor can provide feedback and craftsmanship in the production 
    process, this provides ideas for continuous improvement hence workers 
    can also adapt to introduce innovative ideas in hand crafts. 
    • It encourages decentralization as it allows industries to be established 
    in various parts of the country. That is to say, the rural areas and small 
    • It minimizes the dependency on technology which might be complex 
    and very expensive, hence increasing self-reliance.
     • It is flexible. Unlike machinery, it can be used to meet the changing levels 
    of consumer’s demands.
     • It helps to increase the standard of living. When labor intensive 
    techniques are adopted, many people in families will get jobs and earn 
    income hence increasing their standards of living.
     • It encourages infant industries, which act as training grounds for man 
    power and this helps in the acquisition of skills. These also play a vital 
    role in the economic development of a country.
     • Personal touch, people can interact properly with customers and most 

    services cannot be done with the use of machines for instance hairdressing.

     Disadvantages of labor-intensive technology
     • It is relatively expensive in the long-term when compared to 
    , because it is associated with other labor benefits. For 
    example, housing, insurance, medical bills, trainings,... which increases 
    cost of production.
     • Inferior quality products are produced, when labor intensive 
    techniques are adopted, many people produce products without carrying 
    research thus poor-quality products.
     • Limited hours of work. Machines can work day and night hence produce 
    high quantity output. Economic Growth remains low in a country with the 
    use labor intensive techniques of production.
     • It requires a lot of supervision which leads to under utilization of 
    resources and increased costs.
     • Lack of uniformity in production, with the use of labor- intensive 
    techniques of production there are most likely to produce products that 
    are not uniform which makes them not competitive to the market.
     • Specialization is not promoted in the production process which may 
    slow down the production process.
     • Managerial complexity arises. It is not easy to manage people since 
    they have individual differences especially when a business grows this 
    may further lead to bureaucracy in decision making.
     • It is difficult to get skilled manpower it is easy to get machines than 
    skilled labor in a given field and this hampers the production of goods and 

    services. Etc.

     Application Activity 4.1
     1. Justify why the government of Rwanda is encouraging businesses to 
    use capital intensive technology.
     2. Refer to your school and describe how technology has helped in the 

    efficiency of the school for both students and the school itself.

    4.2. Characteristics/ features of appropriate technology
     Activity 4.2

     Referring to the types of technology you mentioned above, which type 
    of technology, is appropriate in;
     a) Northern province
     b) Eastern province
     c) Southern province

     d) Western province

     Developing countries face challenges of how to utilize resources fully. The 
    dilemma is that labor is so abundant and capital is scarce, therefore they have 
    to choose which technology is appropriate. The following are some of the 
    characteristics of appropriate technology.
    1. It should be simple to use without requiring special skills.

     2. It should also be effective in order to increase productivity in the country for 
    economic growth to be attained. 
    3. It should also be readily available not complex to get.
     4. It should be durable and meets the needs of the community.
     5. It should also be cost effective and not very expensive.  
    6. It should be able to reduce income imbalances through employment potential. 
    7. It should produce for an identified market to prevent resources being wasted.
     8. It should be able to produce efficiently the right quality and quantities of the 
    products needed by the consumers. 
    9. It should also minimize the use of imported inputs like labor, raw-materials 
    and some capital equipment. 

    10. It should be flexible/ easy to use and require locally available resources.

     Application Activity 4.2
     1. Try to find an example of simple and more complicated technique of 

    production from each of the following areas of human activity.

    2. If you were to start a business in any of the above human activity 
    areas, which technology will you likely choose? A simple technology 
    or a more complex technology?
    3. What could be the reasons guiding your choice?
    4. Now that you have identified possible businesses from these areas 
    of activities, which technology do you think will be more effective 
    in order to improve the productivity of the specific businesses or to 

    improve your qualities?

    4.3. Importance of technology in business

    Activity 4.3

     Debate “The use of technology in business has done more good than 
    Technology is an essential tool in the day today business operations; no matter 
    the size of the business, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits. 
    These include the following: 

    1. The use of ICT through internet helps entrepreneurs to carry out market 

    research. This helps it to grow and acquire more opportunities across the 
    globe, hence widening the market by use of E-commerce sites like eBay, 

    Amazon, Jumia, etc.

    2. Technology helps to increase productivity of the labor through collaborating 
    with each other hence speeding up the work.

    3. It helps to keep track of records for instance with the use of the accounting 


    4. Technology can be used for security purposes thus reducing threats of losing 

    financial data and vandalism to unknown persons. For example, by using 
    passwords on computers.

    5. Technology improves the efficiency of businesses. The use of mobile phones, 

    printers and  E-commerce, eases the work in business.

    6. ICT enables easy access to funds through the use of ATM cards, such as debit 

    cards, credit cards, and electronic money transfers etc.

    7. It also enables better decision making as entrepreneurs can get information 

    at the right time.

    8. Technology helps businesses grow with the use of artificial intelligence. This 

    gives the business a competitive edge over other businesses. 

    9. Advanced technology helps to produce better quality products that may fetch 

    a lot of money for the enterprise thus increasing customer satisfaction.

    10. Technology helps to perform complicated tasks with ease and faster. For 

    example, use of computerized accounting software like quick books, sage 
    and pastel helps in doing accounting with ease.

    11. ICT helps firms to monitor the buying habits of their customers and be able 

    to stock the right products in the right quantities at the right time. Speed 
    Governors help to keep track drivers from over speeding hence reducing the 
    number of accidents.

    12. Computers can perform a lot of work in the shortest time possible which 

    would require a lot of time if done manually. Examples include preparation 
    of control accounts, financial statements and preparing payrolls etc.

    13. Technology also helps to cut down costs. For example, the costs incurred 

    while transporting and delivery of goods can all be done using computers 

    and the internet.

     Carry out research and identify the various technologies that are being 
    used in businesses be it in your school or other business enterprises. 
    Suggest their importance in terms of communication, management, 

    accounting and transport.

    4.4. Technological tools used in business

    Activity 4.4

    Observe the pictures below and explain the importance or uses of each 

     machine, equipment or technology as used in business.

    From the above pictures, you realize that businesses use various technological 
    tools, depending on the type of business, and department. The table below 

    shows the common technology tools used in business departments.

     Importance of the technological tools in figure 4.4 above as used in 

     Electronic mail:  It is one of the ways businesses can use to reach its clients.  
    Communication is fast and convenient because you can send messages and 
    they are received between the customers and the business.
    Automated Teller Machines
    : These machines help customers to deposit, 
    withdraw at any time. This reduces the queues people would make to get their 
    money. They are also located in different places which eases access to cash

    Cash less public systems
    : (Tap and go) These help businesses to increase 
    customer satisfaction. They are also secure and convenient which minimizes 

    fraud cases.

    Electronic safes: These machines are used to keep money. These are assets to 
    the business because they are secure.

    Closed Circuit Television (CCTV):
    These are televisions that can be installed 
    in your business. They can help you monitor your business operations from 
    anywhere. They increase safety for the owner, employees and customers. If a 
    crime occurs, they can be used to provide evidence to catch the criminal. 

    Metal detectors:
    These are handheld detectors which are used to identify 
    metallic objects that may be considered dangerous. They also help provide 

    Bar codes:
    They are used to track and store information of goods. This 
    increases the efficiency of the business instead of the storekeeper entering the 
    information manually.

    Point of sale terminals:
    A POS solution provide a faster checkout process than 
    the cash registers. This helps people not to make long lines while paying for the 
    goods bought. Using this tool can increase efficiency and improves the image of 
    the business. 

    Application Activity 4.4

     1) Describe how new technologies affect business activities. 
    2) Explain the challenges of using such technologies in local and small
    scale businesses in Rwanda. 

    Skills lab 4

     Use available resources like the internet, textbooks, magazines, resource 
    persons among others to research, choose the appropriate technology 
    that would improve the performance (Quality, quantity and efficiency 
    of work) of the projects your business club is running or plan to run at 
    the college on each of the following business aspect:
     a. Business registration
     b. Production of Goods and services
     c. Packaging and branding
     d. Marketing
    e. Selling of the products and / services.
     And explain why you have chosen that particular type of technology 
    and how you will acquire it.
    End of unit 4 Assessment

     1) Case stud
     Mugiraneza has a peanut butter making business. Last week she 
    announced the purchase of new equipment and modern technology that 
    would make a radical change in the production process. The investment 
    would make some employees lose their jobs. Mugiraneza explained to 
    them but there was no doubt, it was in the best interests of the company 
    in general.

    Employees were not consulted because it would slow down the process 

    and Mugiraneza felt that it was the best decision to make.

    In the long run, the modern technology and equipment should increase 

    the businesses’ competitiveness and produce quality products and in 
    large quantities. The working practices would obviously be changed, and 
    employees would have to learn new skills of using them. The employees 
    were promised to be trained, although it was not a guarantee to employ 
    all of them if they fail to adapt successfully.

    After the announcement, the employees were so furious and considered 

    taking industrial action. Hearing the rumors of a possibility to strike, 
    Mugiraneza admitted that the issue was not handled very well but would 
    not reconsider the decision.

    a) What factors may have made Mugiraneza decide to invest in modern 
    b) Do you think the employees were right in taking industrial action? 
    Give reasons for your arguments.
    c) Analyze the factors that Mugiraneza might have taken into account 
    before acquiring the modern technology.
    d) Mugiraneza admitted that the issue was not well handled. In your 
    opinion, how should she have handled it?

     2. Peter produces flowers and sells them both in the local and 

    international markets. He plans to use e-commerce in his business.
     (i) Mention any 3 e-shops he can contact for advice.
     (ii) How can Peter find other e-shops to sell his products on the 
    international market?
     iii) Explain the merits and demerits of using e-commerce in a 
    business like that of Peter.
     (iii) Write a letter to Peter advising him on how to use e-commerce 
    for the success of his business.

    3. Many people believe that the key to better performance is good 

    management rather than the use of more technology. As an 
    entrepreneurship student teacher, critically assess this view.
    4. The Government of Rwanda is intensifying the campaign of starting 

    small and medium enterprises to boost made in Rwanda and to export 
    made in Rwanda products to the rest of the world. Entrepreneurs in 
    order to meet the international market standards and demand, they 
    prefer an investment in automatic and capital intensive technologies, 
    however this affects the numbers of labour force to be employed as 
    very few people with the right skills will be retained and many of the 
    rest with no skills to operate the machines are likely to lose jobs.

    : With your expert knowledge on technology, advise the 
    entrepreneurs, government and employees on how technology can 

    create a win - win situation for all?