Key unit Competency:
Analyse the determinants and indicators of economic growth anddevelopment for an economy.
8.1. Economic growth
Introductory activity
In your own view, what strategies has the government used to:
i) Achieve sustained average GDP growth of 11.5%.
ii) Accelerated reduction of poverty to less than 30% of the population.
8.1.1: Meaning and determinants of economic growth
Activity 8.1.
USA is said to be having a higher GDP growth than Rwanda. In your own view,
a)What do you understand by the term GDP growth and how is it related toeconomic growth?
b) What do you think are the reasons behind this phenomenon? Meaning of economic growth:
Rwanda is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Although still
developing, the nation has made a significant progress in recent years. This has
been attributed to stable macroeconomic setting, good policy framework and
quality of leadership in the country. The service and industrial sector is growing
at a very high rate. All these have significantly impacted on the national income ofthe country as shown by the persistent increase in the gross domestic product.
Economic growth can be defined as the persistent quantitative increase in
the volume of goods and services produced in a country. Or the persistentincrease in the volume of goods and services over a period of time.
Economic growth is a material concept. It concerns itself with the growth of
physical output, and does not take into account non-material factors like stress,
happiness, etc. It is generally considered that economic growth does cause
an increase in the standard of living provided that the increase in productionexceeds any increase in population.
This concept of economic growth is usually illustrated by an outward shift of the
production possibility curve or production possibility frontier.
The outward shift of the curve illustrates an increasing capacity to producegoods and services
Economic growth trends Factors that determine economic growth
Economic growth is an increase in real GDP; it means an increase in the value
of goods and services produced in an economy. The rate of economic growth is
the annual percentage increase in real GDP. There are several factors affecting
economic growth, of a country which can be grouped into Demand-side factors
(e.g. consumer spending) and Supply-side factors (e.g. productive capacity),but generally, these factors are as explained below;
- Political situation. When there is good political climate that builds
investor confidence, there will be increase in the volume of goods and
services while political instability will lead to low production of goodsand services.
- Technological development: Technological development helps in
increasing productivity with the limited amount of resources. Countries
that have worked in the field of technological development grow
rapidly as compared to countries that have less focus on technological
development. The selection of right technology also plays an important
role for the growth of an economy. On the contrary, an inappropriatetechnology- results in high cost of production.
- Level of capital. When capital is available and in plenty, there will be
increased production of goods and services while absence of capitalleads to low production low economic growth.
- Level of Market. Presence of a large market will encourage producers
to produce more goods and services while absence of market will leadto low production
- Size of population. A large population will make a big labour force
that will produce more goods and services while a smaller population willimply low output.
- Level of investment. The rate at which an economy comes up withnew investment determines economic growth.
- Level of entrepreneur development. Presence of large number of
entrepreneurs will lead to invention of new methods of production which
will increase output but when the level of entrepreneur development islow, production and economic growth will be low
- Levels of infrastructure. Investment in roads, transport and
communication can help firms reduce costs and expand production.
Without the necessary infrastructure, it can be difficult for firms to be
competitive in the international markets. This lack of infrastructure isoften a factor holding back some developing economies.
- Human resource: The quality of human resource is dependent on its
skills, creative abilities, training, and education. If the human resource
of a country is well skilled and trained then the output would also be of
high quality. On the other hand, a shortage of skilled labor hampers the
growth of an economy, whereas surplus of labor is of lesser significance
to economic growth. Therefore, the human resources of a country should
be adequate in number with required skills and abilities, so that economicgrowth can be achieved.
- Natural Resources: The natural resources of a country depend on the
climatic and environmental conditions. Countries having plenty of natural
resources enjoy good growth than countries with small amount of natural
resources. The efficient utilization or exploitation of natural resources
depends on the skills and abilities of human resource, technology used
and availability of funds. A country having skilled and educated workforcewith rich natural resources takes the economy on the growth path.
- Government policy of subsidization and taxation. When the
government gives producers subsidies like loans, seeds etc, there will
be increase in the volume of goods while if the government over taxesthe people, production will be low.
- Capital formation: Capital formation increases the availability of capital
per worker, which further increases capital/labor ratio. Consequently, the
productivity of labor increases, which ultimately results in the increase inoutput and growth of the economy.
- Social and Political Factors: Social factors involve customs, traditions,
values and beliefs, which contribute to the growth of an economy to a
considerable extent. For example, a society with conventional beliefs and
superstitions resists the adoption of modern ways of living. In such a
case, achieving becomes difficult. Apart from this, political factors, such
as participation of government in formulating and implementing variouspolicies, have a major part in economic growth.
- Consumer confidence. Consumer and business confidence are very
important for determining economic growth. If consumers are confident
about the future they will be encouraged to borrow and spend thus
encouraging production which spearheads economic growth. If they
are pessimistic, they will save and reduce spending hence discouragingproduction and economic growth.
- Interest rates. Lower interest rates would make borrowing cheaper
and should encourage firms to invest and consumers to spend. People
with mortgages will have lower monthly mortgage payments so more
disposable income to spend thus encouraging economic growth and thereverse is true when interest rates are high.
- Value of exchange rate. If a country’s currency devalued, exports
would become more competitive and imports more expensive. This
would help to increase demand for domestic goods and services hence
economic growth. A depreciation could cause inflation, but in the short
term at least it can provide a boost to growth and vice versa. However, if
depreciation happens for a long period of time, it discourages productionand economic growth since businesses will no longer be profitable.
- Banking sector. The banking sector is very influential in determining
investment and growth. If the banks lose money and no longer want to
lend, it can make it very difficult for firms and consumers leading to adecline in investment and thus economic growth and vice versa.
- The strength of labour markets. If labour markets are flexible, then
firms will find it easier to hire the workers they need. This will make
expansion easier. Highly regulated markets could discourage firms from
hiring in the first place, hence slowing down production and economicgrowth.
8.1.2: Benefits and costs of economic growth.
Activity 8.2.
Discuss the view that economic growth is a necessary evil. Benefits of economic growth.
Economic growth means an increase in real GDP i.e. an increase in the value
of national output, income and expenditure. Essentially the benefit of economic
growth is higher living standards – higher real incomes and the ability to devote
more resources to areas like health care and education. There more othervarious benefits to individuals and the entire economy as below.
- There is increased production of goods and services which are vital tosociety and help to reduce malnutrition and other related diseases.
- Widens the tax base of the country through taxing the different economic
activities hence increasing revenue to the government that can be used fordevelopment.
- Economic independence is attained since the country produces a lot ofgoods and services and this reduces relying on other countries for assistance.
- Leads to increase in infrastructure development such as roads, hospitalsand schools among others which lead to the development of the country.
- Urbanization and industrialization are achieved because of constructionof many industries to produce goods
- General price level of goods and services will reduce because of theincrease in output
- Reduction in balance of payment problems in the country because the
exports increase due to increased production and this improves the balanceof payment position
- Political stability because people are well off and have a variety thereforethere are no food conflicts which is a major cause of Insecurities.
- Higher average incomes. Economic growth enables consumers to consume
more goods and services and enjoy better standards of living. This will reduceabsolute levels of poverty and thus enabling a rise in life expectancy.
- Lower unemployment. With higher output and positive economic growth,
firms tend to employ more workers creating more employment. Employment
opportunities come up because of the increase in economic activities and thisreduces the rates of poverty and its related problems.
- Lower government borrowing. Economic growth creates higher tax
revenues, and there is less need to spend money on benefits such as
unemployment benefit. Therefore, economic growth helps to reduce
government borrowing. Economic growth also plays a role in reducing debt toGDP ratios.
- Improved public services. With increased tax revenues the government
can spend more on public services, such as health and education etc. This
can enable higher living standards, such as increased life expectancy, higherrates of literacy and a greater understanding of civic and political issues.
- Money can be spent on protecting the environment. With higher
economic growth a society can devote more resources to promoting recyclingand the use of renewable resources.
- Investment. Economic growth encourages firms to invest, in order to meet
future demand. Higher investment increases the scope for future economicgrowth – creating a virtuous cycle of economic growth/investment.
- Increased research and development. High economic growth leads to
increased profitability for firms, enabling more spending on research and
development. Also, sustained economic growth increases confidence andencourages firms to take risks and innovate.
- Economic development. The biggest factor for promoting economic
development is sustained economic growth. Economic growth plays a major
role in reducing absolute levels of poverty, increasing life expectancy thuspromoting development.
- More choice. In less developed economies, a large proportion of the
population work in agriculture/subsistence farming, economic growth
enables a more diverse economy with people able to work in service sector,manufacturing and having a greater choice of lifestyles.
- Enhanced business confidence: Economic growth creates positive effect
as encourage people running their businesses. As profits of small firms and
business increase with economic growth, their business confidence and willto grow up to meet more challenges. Costs of economic growth.
Economic growth means an increase in real GDP i.e. an increase in real
income. This is usually considered beneficial, but also it brings about potentialand undesirable economic and social costs as seen below;
- Pollution of air, sound and water. The industries set up to produce
and persistently increase output level may produce fumes that pollute the
environment and pour waste in air and water bodies. Noise from industrialmachines may also make the environment unsuitable for human living.
- Environmental degradation. The ecosystem is normally tempered with
in order to increase the volume of goods and services produced. Swamps
are reclaimed, deforestation occur so as to give room to industries thatproduce and persistently increase output level to attain economic growth.
-Erosion of cultural values. In order to attain faster rates of economic growth,
nationals tend to adopt foreign ways of consumption, behavior and general
ways of living. This costs the nation of the discipline and order that had beenmaintained for long.
- Current consumption is normally foregone so as to save enough,create capital assets that produce output to attain economic growth.
- People forego leisure which is an important aspect of improved standardof living. They work so hard to increase output and attain economic growth.
- Increased indebtedness of developing countries. In order to attain
economic growth, most developing countries borrow to set up production
ventures that produce and persistently increase the level of economicgrowth.
- Industrial/occupational hazards. Several upcoming industries set
up to attain economic growth do not provide protective gadgets to the
workers, consequently, workers inhale poisonous fumes causing them
chronic diseases and death, and they sometimes lose body party to themachines they are not oriented to.
- The dangers of rural urban migration like slum development,
unemployment and overcrowdings arise. This is mainly because people
leave villages for urban settings where they expect to find jobs and bettersocial living standards.
- Inflation. If Aggregate Demand (AD) increases faster than Aggregate
Supply (AS), then economic growth will lead to higher inflation as firms
put up prices. Economic growth tends to cause inflation when the growth
rate is above the long run trend rate of growth. It may be destabilizing
for an economy as interest rate may increase and can cause a loss of
competitiveness in international markets. It is when demand increases tooquickly that we get a positive output gap and firms push up prices.
- Boom and bust economic cycles. If economic growth is unsustainablethen high inflationary growth may be followed by a recession.
- Increased economic growth tends to cause an increase in spending onimports, therefore, causing a deterioration on the current account.
- Environmental costs: Increased economic growth will lead to increased
output and consumption. This causes an increase in pollution. Increased
pollution from economic growth will cause health problems such as asthmaand therefore will reduce the quality of life.
- Connected to the above, economic growth also leads to over exploitation
of the natural resources that leads to their quick depletion. This meansgreater use of raw materials and can speed up depletion of non-renewable resources.
- It also can also lead to problems of congestion of traffic and houses
as more people can afford to buy a car, but it is hard to increase the
supply of roads to meet demand. This leads to delays and easy disease
spread; traffic congestion occurs as vehicles are ever flowing in and out of
the industrial place causing unnecessary delays, workers in the industrial
place tend to be accommodated near industries causing slum areasaround and poor sanitation.
- Inequality: Higher rates of economic growth have often resulted in
increased inequality because growth can benefit a small section of society
more than others. For example, those with assets and wealth will see a
proportionally bigger rise in the market value of rents and their wealth.Those unskilled without wealth may benefit much less from growth.
- Regional disparities: In connection to the above, although average
living standards may be rising, there is a gap between rich and poor. It
can widen the issues of poverty and make a wide gap between differentregions, and this hinders economic development.
- Diseases/problems of affluence: With rising living standards it can
cause unintended consequences. For example, with rising incomes,
there are more goods to steal. Also, high growth can make people more
materialistic which encourages crime. Also, higher incomes enable people
to afford more food; this is a factor behind rise in obesity and health relatedproblems.
8.1.3: Theories of growth.
Activity 8.3.
In the second quarter of 2019, GDP at current market prices was
estimated to be Frw 2,255 billion, up to Frw 2,001 billion in Q2 2018. In
this quarter, services sector contributed 47 percent of GDP, agriculture
sector contributed 28 percent of the GDP, Industry sector contributed 17
percent of the GDP and 8 percent was attributed to adjustment for taxesand subsidies on products.
(Source: NISR: GDP National Accounts (Second Quarter 2019)
It can be observed that the service sector contributed much more than theother sectors.
In reference to the above scenario and in your own view, what do you think
is the best approach towards growth of the economy and why?
(i) A balanced approach where all sectors contribute equally towardsGDP?
(ii) An unbalanced approach where different sectors contribute differentlytowards GDP?
The theories of growth attempt to show the causes, sources and stages of
economic growth and they have been developed from the developed nations
to show the stages they passed through and how far they have gone. Thesetheories include,
(a) Balanced growth theory
(b) Un balanced growth theory
(c) Big push theory
(d) Rostow’s stages of growth BALANCED GROWTH THEORY.
Activity 8.4.
Make research to find out the meaning, merits and demerits of the balancedgrowth theory of economic growth, and make presentation in class.
a) Meaning of Balanced growth theory:
Balanced growth theory of economic growth advocates for a simultaneous
upbringing of all sectors in an economy so that sectors grow together in harmony
and complement each other. The theory advocates for a critical minimum
effort which is the minimum level of investment in all the sectors of the economyto ensure interdependence and self-sustaining growth.
b) Arguments in favour of balanced growth strategy
- Encourages resource exploitation and utilization because it createshigh demand for these resources by the many sectors in operation
- Widens the tax base of the country because all the developed sectors aretaxed by the government
- Encourages forward and backward linkages in the economy since some
sectors provide raw materials while others provide market for those rawmaterials
- Employment is created because of the increased demand for labour towork in the different developed sectors.
- Balanced of payment position may be improved especially whenproduction is for export.
- Development in technology is undertaken because of the need toproduce good quality goods and services.
- Self-reliance is created since all sectors are developed at the same timeand there are a variety of goods and services needed in the society.
- Reduced income inequality because most of the people are engaged inthe production of goods and services.
- Brain drain is reduced because the people are able to find employment inthe country.
- Foreign exchange is saved because there is little to import since theeconomy is self-sustaining
c) Disadvantages of the theory
- May lead to sectors being developed without quality since it calls for acritical minimum effort.
- Requires a lot of capital which may be lacking in developing countries.This is because developing all sectors requires a lot on capital.
- It may lead to over exploitation of resources. This is because all sectorshave to be developed.
- May lead to uncoordinated plans and sectors which may not lead to
the development of the economy. The sectors may turn out to be withoutlinkages
- Over ambitiousness may at times lead to inferior work since the expectedresults cannot be achieved.
d) Limitations of balanced growth
- A balanced growth strategy requires a lot of capital funds which arenot yet available in developing economies.
- Developing countries do not have adequate skilled manpower toscatter in all sectors being developed at the same time.
- A balanced growth strategy requires proper planning and
implementation of plans so as to coordinate the different projects
running at the same time, developing countries are not blessed withsuch planning skills.
- A balanced growth strategy requires developed infrastructure in terms
of transport and telecommunication network, hydroelectric power,
among others, such developed infrastructure is still inadequate in
developing economies, and so they cannot sustain a balanced growthstrategy.
- Developing countries have under developed technology; it is still
traditional and sometimes just intermediate that cannot support thegrowth of a balanced growth strategy.
- Developing economies have inadequate local and foreign market,
such a market cannot support the much output from all sectors of theeconomy, thus it goes to wastage hence losses. UNBALANCED GROWTH STRATEGY.
Activity 8.5.
Make research and discuss the view that unbalanced growth strategy is
more suitable than balanced growth strategy in achieving high levels ofeconomic growth in developing economies.
a) Meaning of unbalanced growth
Unbalanced growth strategy emphasizes the growth of a few vital leading
sectors in an economy such that they expand and others are developed at a later
stage. Here countries tend to concentrate so much on sectors like agriculture
and industry since they employ a large number of people. Others like fishing,
mining to mention but a few come at a later stage. The developed sectors will inturn pull others that were left behind
b) Advantages of the theory
- Needs little capital and resources which makes it possible in developingeconomies which have always dealt with deficit budgets
- Requires less expenditure. This is because a few sectors are looked at firstthen others come in later
- Easy to control and manage because a few leading sectors can easily becoordinated compared to the balanced growth theory
- Production can be controlled basing on demand forces because the countrywill be producing according to available markets
- The theory reserves some resources for the future use since some sectorsare developed at a later stage
- Specialization is possible since the country concentrates on some sectorsfast and others are developed later. This creates efficiency in production
- Requires micro-planning since it involves a small number of sectors whichmakes planning and implementation easy
- There will be less reliance on foreign loans and donations leading to limitedbalance of payment problems
c) Demerits of the theory
- Slows the rate of economic growth since the output from the few sectors is
low and may not serve the whole nation at large. This may lead to constantimportation
- Regional inequalities come up because some areas will develop at theexpenses of others hence creating dualism with its associated problems
- Unemployment since there are a few sectors developed and worse still thesectors may resort to capital intensive technology to produce good quality
- Encourages dependence because the country cannot satisfy the needs of its
people thus it keeps on importing what it cannot produce hence worseningthe balance of payment position
- Leading sectors may not be able to pull others hence they will develop at theexpense of others sine they may not be compatible
- Less tax revenue will be collected from the few sectors leading to constantborrowing with its associated problems
- Some resources will remain idle since the developed sectors cannot use themas resources hence under utilization
- A decline in one or two sectors will affect the economy drastically since it hasno alternative sectors to run to
- There will be brain drain since few people will employed creating a vacuum in
the country since the would be skilled people have fled in search for greenerpastures
d) Limitations of the theory
- The strategy emphasizes specialization which has several weaknesses like
limited varieties which limits choice and development, total loss in case offailure among others.
- The strategy limits employment opportunities, one or a few sectors promoted
can employ only a few people and with special skills so limiting employmentopportunities.
- The strategy denies the economy a chance to diversify which is a greatinput to development.
- Developing countries have a limited size of the market which cannot
consume all the output from the sector being emphasizes all over thecountry, so it leads to wastage of resources.
- The strategy encourages dependency on other nations, the output missed
from the neglected sectors is to be imported which worsens the dependencyproblem and worsen the balance of payment problems of the country.
- The leading sector may fail to have a serious impact on the country worsestill it may just make it under develop more.
- The strategy may lead to lagging behind sectors, the neglected sectors lag
so behind that uplifting them later may be so expensive or even hard, andthis further widens the gap between the sectors of the country. Big push theory
Activity 8.6
Identify any one huge investment especially in the infrastructures that the
government has initiated in the recent years or is planning to initiate in thenear future.
In your own view, how have this and other massive investments ininfrastructure and industry promote the growth of the economy?
a) Meaning of Big Push Theory:
Big push theory was advanced by an economist called Paul Rosenstein
Rodan and it is the reason why some economists prefer calling it the Rodaniantheory.
The theory states that developing countries must massively invest in a variety of
industries and economic infrastructure so as to transform a backward agriculturaleconomy into a self-sustained dynamic economy.”
The theory advocates for a massive investment program to promote rapidindustrialization and huge economic infrastructure.
b) Arguments in favor of big push strategy
- The theory advocates for setting up complementary industries. This
rises the volume and variety of goods and services provided to the
nationals giving them several to choose from so economic growth anddevelopment.
- The massive investment program emphasized by the theory acceleratesa stagnant economy into high rates of economic growth.
- The theory advocates for industrial growth that provides several
employment opportunities to nationals, this develops the nationfurther.
- The industrial progress that Walt Rodan advocated for provides
forward and backward linkages to the agricultural sector all of whichare necessary for the rapid development of developing countries.
- The theory calls for maximum exploitation of resources of developingcountries and this reduces underutilization of resources
- There is a high likelihood of having a balanced development of the
economy if the different varieties of industries are scattered in differentparts of the developing countries.
- The theory encourages self-sufficiency that is the major symptom of
development. The different varieties of industries produce differentvarieties of output, so reducing the need to import from other countries.
c) Disadvantages of the theory
- The theory calls for massive expenditure, such funds are not readily
available in developing economies. It calls for borrowing from othernations that increase the indebtedness of developing economies.
- The big push theory increases ignores the role of agriculture in
development. Agriculture is the major supplier of foodstuffs and raw
materials to agro-based industries that developing countries cansustain.
- The massive industrialization that Rodan advocates for increasespollution that reduces the quality of life of the people.
- The theory calls for over exploitation of the natural resources due tothe massive industrialization, this leads to their quick depletion.
- The heavy industrialization and economic infrastructural growth brings
about the use of machines in production, these replace laborers socausing technological unemployment.
- The massive industrialization required by the theory calls for the rich
foreign investors to developing countries. However these investors
repatriate all profits to their home countries leaving developingeconomies in a worse state than they found them.
d) Limitations of the theory
- Inadequate funds and man power in developing economies to invest inthe economy as the theory suggests.
- Inadequate resources to act as raw materials may be a hindrance to thedevelopment of industries
- Developing countries do not have adequate skilled manpower toscatter in all sectors being developed at the same time.
- Strategy requires proper planning and implementation of plans so
as to coordinate the different projects running at the same time,developing countries are not blessed with such planning skills.
- Strategy requires developed infrastructure in terms of transport and
telecommunication network, hydroelectric power, among others, such
developed infrastructure is still inadequate in developing economies,and so they cannot sustain a balanced growth strategy.
- Developing countries have under developed technology; it is still
traditional and sometimes just intermediate that cannot support thegrowth strategy.
- Developing economies have inadequate local and foreign market
that cannot support the much output from all the industries of theeconomy. ROSTOW’S STAGES OF GROWTH
Activity 8.7
It has sometimes been argued that for developing countries to grow
and develop, they have to follow the footsteps taken by the developedcountries. Do you agree?
a) Rostow’s stages of growth.
Professor Walt Whitman Rostow described the following stages through which
societies pass to attain higher rates of economic growth and development. He
described the stages together with the features at those stages of the way of
life, way of doing work, level of capital accumulation, method of production, levelof saving and investment among others as below;
3. Traditional stage
4. Transitional stage
5. Take off stage
6. Drive to maturity stage
7. Stage of high mass consumption
1. Traditional stage
This is the first stage in the development process where the economy is stillin infancy and there is little progress taking place. It has the following features
- Subsistence production where output is for home consumption- No use of money as a medium of exchange
- There is a high degree of communal organization where people worktogether as a community
- Traditional beliefs in culture lead to a lot of conservatism
- There are cases of disease and the nearest hospital is the bush
- Production is highly labour intensive
- There is almost no formal employment and organized income
- There is nothing like investment and savings in the economy and theeconomy is closed from external world
- High levels of resource wastage through unproductive activities like funeralrites, birth cerebrations, marriage etc
2. Transitional stage/ pre-condition to take off
In this stage there are signs that the economy is preparing to take off. It has the
following features
- Dualism arises at this stage. Dualism is the co-existence of two contradicting
sectors in an economy one developed and the other under developed. e.g.
commercial agriculture versus subsistence agriculture, agriculture versus
- The society starts moving away from dominant subsistence sector and
traditional methods of production are reduced.
- A market economy starts emerging where people exchange their output
for money.
- Industrialization starts more so the processing industry, these are normally
agro-based industries processing agricultural output.
- Entrepreneurs start to emerge.
- Saving and investment start and rise up to 5% of the gross domesticproduct.
- Development of a national identity and shared economic interests.- Mobility of labour begins.
3. Take off stage
This is the stage that involves rapid transformation in the country’s social,
cultural, political and economic spheres. It has the following characteristics
- Barriers to development are eliminated. Strong economic infrastructure
like banks, hospitals, schools are set up.
- Savings and investment grow to between 5% and over 10% of the Gross
Domestic Product, new industries are introduced and industrial growth
takes faster rates.
- More employment opportunities are created; peoples’ incomes rise
because wages are higher.
- Idle resources are put to more efficient use through exploitation by the
- Modern and advanced technology is introduced in all sectors of the
- Skilled and qualified labour and entrepreneurs start coming up.
- Education and literacy rates increase at faster rates.
- Rate of urbanization increases faster.
4. Prematurity stage/ Drive to maturity stage (self-sustained growth)
This is the stage which follows the take off stage and it has the following features
- The rate of saving and investment is between 10% and 20% of GDP.
- The economy undergoes fundamental political, social and economic
advancements, technology progresses rapidly.
- Production for export grows further and there is limited importation of
manufactured goods.
- The industrial sector is transformed from small scale to heavy
- Agricultural mechanization emerges and such heavy agricultural machines
like tractors, combine harvesters, multi crop thresher are used to increase
agricultural productivity.
- There is maximum utilization of the country’s resources.
- Modernization of the economy is very high and traditional norms, beliefs
and customs are kicked away.
- There are high levels of employment opportunities and white collar jobs
increase in availability.
5. Stage of high mass consumption
This is the last stage in growth where the economy has reached its climax. It has
the following characteristics
- All resources in the country are fully exploited and utilized.
- Consumer durables like washing machines, cookers etc become
necessities in every house hold.
- Incomes of the people are extremely high due to full employment conditions.
- Industrial growth is at its peak and they start producing luxuries like
cosmetics, necklaces among others.
- The rates of saving and investments are over 20% of gross domestic
- There are high rates of exportation and the country’s balance of payment
position improves.
- Urbanization increases and there is an increase in the urban population.
- Country starts lending and donating to other nations.
- People reduce working hours and start enjoying leisure, they even start
going abroad to tour and rest.
It is important to note that some stages over lap into others, so it may be
difficult to identify the exact stage at which a society lies according to the
features stated by Professor Walt Whitman Rostow.
b) Applicability of the theory in developing countries.
As talked about by Rostow, developing countries have tended to go through the
same path though still a long way to go. The following features can be seen in
the developing countries
- Subsistence production where output is for home consumption is very
common in developing countries as a means for survival.
- No use of money as a medium of exchange. In some areas, exchange
is through barter system while generally money is used as a medium of
exchange in all societies.
- There is a high degree of communal organization where people work
together as a community through cooperatives.
- Traditional beliefs in culture lead to a lot of conservatism. This is very
common in developing countries and it has led to low quality output
- Production is highly labour intensive and this is because of the
inadequacy in capital in developing countries
- High levels of resource wastage through unproductive activities like
funeral rites, birth cerebrations, marriage etc. are common practices in
developing countries
- Dualism is common. Dualism is the co-existence of two contradicting
sectors in an economy one developed and the other under developed.
E.g. commercial agriculture versus subsistence agriculture, agriculture
versus industry.
- Industrialization is common more so the processing industry,
these are normally agro-based industries processing agricultural output.
As talked about in the pre-conditions to take off stage
- Entrepreneurs are emerging and this has increased saving and
investment leading to increase of the gross domestic product.
- There are high cases of labour mobility in the developing countries both
internal and external
c) Criticisms of Rostow’s theory
- Rostow talks about progressing from stage to stage but does not show
the mechanism of how it is done.
- Rostow bases his theory on American and European history and defines the
American norm of high mass consumption as an integral to the economic
development process to all industrial societies, so his model has no impact
on other nations especially the developing agricultural nations.
- Rostow fails to demarcate one stage from the other as the features of take
off and transitional stage tend to overlap into each other.
- Rostow bases his theory on savings, showing that growth occurs as the
rate of savings increase with advancing stages but savings do not show a
picture of economic growth because they may be autonomous.
- Whitman Rostow gives rates of savings and investment at different
stages but does not show how the rates are determined, so they become
Application activity 8.1.
3.1. Sector Achievements and Challenges.
In the final year of the EDPRS II, the Rwandan economy has
achieved tremendous results. Between 2013 and 2016, the economy
expanded by more than 20%, over 600,000 jobs were added to the
economy, and exports increased by almost 25%. Temporary international
commodity price volatility was weathered and several key flagship initiatives
have commenced, which, together with continued strong institutional
performance, has firmly put Rwanda on the regional and global map,
including the Kigali Convention Centre and the Kigali Logistics Platform.
Rwanda is again the 2nd best performer in Africa in the World Bank’s 2017
Doing Business Indicators and also 2nd in Africa in the World Economic
Forum’s 2017-18 Global Competitiveness Report.
(Source. Private Sector Development and Youth Employment
Strategy (PSDYES) 2018-2024 Page 3)
In view of the above, examine the policy strategies that Rwanda has
employed to reach the above levels of growth.
8.2. Economic development
Activity 8.8
Study and compare the set of pictures A&B, C&D, and E&F above and
answer the questions that follow:
i) What do you learn from the comparison?
ii) What do you find desirable and undesirable about them?
iii) iii) What can be done to change the undesirable to the desirable?
8.2.1: Meaning of economic development
Economic development refers to the sustained quantitative and qualitative
increase in the volume of goods and services produced over a period of time
resulting into positive social, economic, and political institutional changes that
may improve the quality of life of the population. It can also be defined as the
process by which real GNP per-capita increases quantitatively and qualitatively
over a very long period of time in the country.
Economic development can be measured by;
1. Increase in real per-capita income
2. Increase in things that improve the quality of life of man like food, housing,
health care, security, leisure, freedom and others.
Economic development has got the following objectives.
- To reduce upon illiteracy rates and improve upon literacy among the
citizens in the country.
- To attain higher rates of economic growth as shown by the increase in the
gross domestic product
- To attain price stability/fight against inflationary tendencies in an economy
so as to create certainty in the markets
- To reduce economic dependency or to attain self-reliance so as to reduce
excess capital outflow and at the same time develop local production
- To fight against unemployment so as to reduce poverty and improve the
standards of living.
- To attain even resource distribution so as to reduce income inequalities
among the people and regions.
- To improve upon skills of the people through education to reduce
dependence on foreign experts who seem expensive.
- To improve upon security to life and property to ensure a good political
atmosphere that will attract investors.
- To control population growth rates to desirable levels so as to reduce its
associated problems.
- To attain equilibrium of the balance of payment position through increasing
and improving upon the volume and value of exports and reducing spending
on imports.
8.2.2: Comparison between economic growth and
Activity 8.9.
Having acquired knowledge and understanding about economic growth in
sub section 8.1 and the meaning of economic development in subsection
8.2.1 of this unit, describe what you think are the distinguishing features
of economic growth and economic development.
- Economic growth may involve the increase in the volume GDP only while
economic development involves both increase in the quality and quantity/
volume of GDP.
- Economic growth may take place even with uneven income distribution
while development involves fair income distribution
- Growth can take place even with poor quality of output produced while
economic development involves improvement in quality of output
- Economic growth may take a short period of time to achieve while
development may take a long time to achieve.
- Economic growth may take place even with low quality of life of the
people while development involves change in the quality of life
- Economic growth is a rapid process while economic development is a
slow process
- Economic growth can be achieved without integration of economic
sectors with economic dependence while development takes place
when there is integration of economic sectors and self-sustenance.
- Economic growth may take place without change in economic institutions
like banks while development takes place change with structural changes.
8.2.3: Indicators of economic development.
Activity 8.10.
Make research on the economies of the Netherlands and that of Rwanda,
compare the two situations and explain what makes Netherlands economic
condition better than that of Rwanda?
- Increase in per capita income since there is a high national income in the
- Better education and health services as shown by the increase in the
educational institutions as well as the health facilities.
- Increased life expectancy i.e. number of years a person is expected to live
increases because of the improved wellbeing.
- Improved technology which produces good quality goods and services
that the people consume excessively.
- High levels of employment as showed by a fall in the unemployment rates.
- Goods and services suit the tastes of the people where by production is
based on consumer sovereignty.
- Improvement in human and labour rights because of high rates of
democracy practiced in the countries.
- Improved welfare of the people because of the good quality of the goods
that are produced in the country.
Application activity 8.2.
Make research on the following countries and compare their economies
and categorize them into high income, middle income and low-income
status countries.
8.3.: Under development:
8.3.1: Meaning and characteristics of economic under
Activity 8.11.
Study the pictures above and.
a) State what economic attachment is put onto the above pictures.
b) What are the distinguishing features of countries that live in such
conditions. Meaning of economic underdevelopment:
Economic underdevelopment is an economic situation where a society has
resources but has failed to put them to maximum use or maximum exploitation
so as to improve the welfare of individuals.
Alternatively, economic underdevelopment is an economic situation where there
is persistently limited resource exploitation so as to satisfy nationals’ welfare to
desirable levels. Indicators/ characteristics or indicators of
- Dualism. There is existence of two contrasting sectors one being
developed while the other poor eg rich and poor, commercial agriculture
and subsistence, educated and uneducated etc.
- High population growth rate. People tend to produce more children
due to cultural factors.
- High levels of dependence since the country hasn’t enough resources
to cater for its citizens.
- Predominance of agriculture and most of output is for home
consumption. This is because the economies have little capital to invest in
other sectors like industry.
- Weak and underdeveloped infrastructure especially the roads are of
poor quality and mainly are small feeder roads.
- Predominance of a large subsistence sector. This is brought by the
small market in the country and worse still the quality is low.
- Low level of productivity. This is brought by poor technology that is
- High levels of illiteracy and low-quality education. There are few
schools and worse still the available ones are of poor quality.
- High levels of poverty among the people. This is brought about by
the high unemployment rates and still lack of capital to start up business.
- Production is at excess capacity i.e. produce less than what is needed
by the people because of the poor techniques.
- Political immaturity leading to instabilities are a common
characteristic because pf the constant struggle for power.
8.3.2: Causes and policy measures to solve the problem of
underdevelopment in developing countries:
Activity 8.12.
Source: World fact book.
According to the information in the above table, Singapore is smaller than
Rwanda by area. However, it has bigger GDP and Income per capita
figures than Rwanda. In your own view,
a) What factors explain this?
b) Discuss the policy measures that Rwanda can put in place to overcome
underdevelopment. Causes of underdevelopment.
Economic underdevelopment in developing countries arises due to both internal
and external factors as seen below;
Internal causes
- Inadequate strategic raw materials and industrial inputs like coal, gold
which stimulate production, industrial growth and then production, this hinders
industrialization causing under development.
- Political unrests. Peace and security are vital elements in the running and
functioning of any country. Most developing countries have failed to provide
security to their citizens. Civil strife, social unrest and political violence are
common phenomena in Africa. This hinders production, scares away investors
and destroy the already set capital assets for capital accumulation, causing
under development.
- Capital Deficiency: Capital is of crucial importance for economic growth
and development. However, this is what the developing countries lack. With
the low level of national output much saving is not possible but whatever
there is, it is wasted away in conspicuous consumption and extravagance
in social ceremonies or is invested in real estate or jewelry. This handicaps
all productive enterprise and hinders economic growth and development in
developing countries. Such countries are caught up in a vicious circle of
poverty hence hampering development in their economies.
- Limited Entrepreneurial and Managerial Talent. This is responsible for
missing available opportunities of profitable investment in most developing
countries. Hence such countries remain economically backward.
- Limited Skilled Personnel and Technical Know-how: Another very
important bottleneck in the way of economic development is the scarcity
of technical know-how and skilled personnel in developing countries.
These elements of productive power take long in building up and foreign
technicians are very costly. Hence, the underdeveloped countries remain
under-developed since they lack them.
- Limited Size of the Market: The purchasing power of the people of
most people in developing countries is very low on account of their rampant
poverty. Hence the productive enterprises are handicapped in the sale of
goods. Only an expanding market can provide a fruitful field for profitable
investment hence economic development in the developing countries.
- Weak Infrastructure: The developing countries lack an adequate and
efficient means of transport and communications, a well-organized and
developed banking system and adequate facilities for technical education.
Without these no country can develop economically. Lack of adequate
infrastructure is a big abstracted to economic growth.
- Social and Institutional Set-up: Social customs and attitudes of the
people of developing countries are a great bar to economic progress.
Conservatism, superstition, lack of ambition, undue regard for custom and
status are a strain on economic progress. Economic backwardness in most
developing countries is in no small measure due to joint family system, caste
system, peculiar laws of inheritance and the other-worldly attitude of the
- Growing Population: The explosive rate of population growth in the
developing countries undoubtedly retards their economic development.
Whatever development takes place is swallowed up by the rising wave of
population. The fruits of development are hardly sufficient to feed the tide of
- Dependence on Agriculture: The majority of the population is engaged
in agriculture which is carried on in a primitive manner. Naturally the national
income remains at a low level. Economic development cannot be brought
about in the absence of rapid industrialization
External causes include
- Profit repatriation. Several of the investments in developing countries are
owned by foreigners, these take back the benefits ploughed out of these
investments back to their home countries leaving developing countries in a
worse state than they were found.
- The debt servicing burden. Developing countries contract loans to set
up investments for development, all benefits obtained flow back to the
lenders in servicing these debts and paying them back rather than re-investing them.
These cause further under development of the developing
- High levels of Brain drain. Several of the educated and high skilled
personnel in developing countries go abroad for greener pastures. This
leaves LDCs with the weak, dull, lazy and the unskilled labour force that
cannot aid further development.
- The unfavorable trade position. Several LDCs produce and export
primary products which are semi processed or not processed at all,
consequently they fetch less revenue because of their low value causing
under development.
- Alien Rule / Neocolonialism: Most of these countries have been under
foreign rule which has kept them down. The foreign rulers could not be
expected to take any genuine interest in the economic regeneration of
the people. Economic backwardness of most developing countries may
be largely attributed to the policies followed by colonial masters. Several
developing countries, though claim to be independent still follow the
principles, practices and policies of their former colonial masters which can
no longer develop them, they continue to get loans from former colonialists,
increasing their indebtedness causing further under development. Policy measures to solve the problem of
- Education reforms have been undertaken. This has helped many people to
access education so that they can be prepared to get jobs and remove the
people from poverty
- Land tenure reforms. This is through land redistribution policies and
making it accessible to all people in society so that they can be able to carry
out agriculture.
- Kick start funds like the one cow per family has helped people to access
cows that can be used as source of income through selling the milk
- Progressive taxation. This has reduced the gap between the rich and the
poor people since the revenues collected are used to subsidize the poor and
further infrastructure development
- Improving infrastructure like roads which helps in the movement of people
and goods from areas of production to markets helps people to increase their
- Liberalization of the economy. This has helped people to participate in
economic activities and trade hence increasing their incomes and standards
of living
- Controlling population growth. This has helped to reduce the ratio of
resources to the population and also dependence burden among the families.
- Modernizing agriculture. This has helped reduce the level of poverty in
rural areas where the activity is fully based. The people are able to increase
the quality and quantity of their products hence receiving more incomes.
- Improvement of the investment climate. This has been through giving
tax holidays and free land like the free investment zone in Masoro. This has
attracted more investors and hence creating employment opportunities
- Improvement of the political climate. This has created good environment
for production where by the people are not scared of carrying out any activity
- Encouraging development of small scale enterprises. These have also
created more employment for the people in Rwanda and hence improving
their standard of living
- Formation of co-operatives. This has been the basis for reducing income
inequalities among the people. These such as Saccos like umurenge sacco,
umwalimu sacco, producer co-operatives among others have encouraged
micro savings and given small loans to the local people.
Application activity 8.3.
The Government of Rwanda Vision 2020 seeks to transform Rwanda into
a middle-income country by 2020 and recently adopted vision 2050 that
will turn Rwanda into upper middle income by 2035 and high-income
country by 2050. In order to pave the way towards our long- term vision,
the National Strategy for Transformation (NST) for the next 7 years from
2018-2024 has an ambitious objective to increase the quality of life of
all Rwanda through rapid sustainable economic growth and accelerated
Moving towards a Poverty Free Rwanda.
2018/2024. Page 10)
In your own view, what policy issues should the government put in place
to drive the economy to reach a high-income status by 2050.
End unit assesment
1. Examine the factors that influence Rwanda’s level of GDP growth
2. What conditions are there to show that Rwanda’s economy is an
underdeveloped economy?
3. Suggest measures that can be used to reduce the level of
underdevelopment in developing economies.