Key unit competence: To use language learnt in the context of leadership and 

                                                     famous people.



      Respond to the following questions: 

    1. Choose two different types of leaders you know from your 
        community and describe how they carry out their leadership. 
        Do you find their leadership styles compatible with your 
        understanding of leadership concept? Explain your answer.
    2. Evaluate different information given in the picture above and 
         identify the qualities of a good leader.
    3. On your opinion, what is a good style of leadership and why?
    4. Do you think it is important for a group of people to have a leader? 


      2.1 Talking about a famous Rwandan leader       

        Text: A famous traditional Rwanda Leader


    Kigeli IV Rwabugiri was the king of the Kingdom of Rwanda in the late 19th 
    century. He was among the last Nyiginya kings in a ruling dynasty that had 
    traced their lineage back four centuries to Gihanga, the first ‘historical’ king 
    of Rwanda whose exploits are celebrated in oral chronicles. He was the first 
    king in Rwanda’s history to come into contact with Europeans. He established 
    an army equipped with guns he obtained from Germans and prohibited most 
    foreigners, especially Arabs, from entering his kingdom.

    Rwabugiri held authority from 1853–1895. He died in September 1895, during 
    an expedition in modern day Congo, shortly after the arrival of the German 
    explorer Count Gustav Adolf von Götzen. His adopted son, Mibambwe IV 

    Rutarindwa, was proclaimed the next king.

    By the end of Rwabugiri’s rule, Rwanda was divided into a standardized 
    structure of provinces, districts, hills, and neighborhoods, administered by a 
    hierarchy of chiefs. 

    He defended the borders of the Rwandan kingdom against invading neighboring 
    kingdoms, slave traders, and Europeans. Rwabugiri was a warrior king and 
    is regarded as one of Rwanda’s most powerful kings. Some Rwandans see 
    him as the last true King of Rwanda due to the tragic assassination of his 
    successor Rutarindwa and coup by his stepmother Kanjogera who installed 
    her son Musinga. By the beginning of the 20th century, Rwanda was a unified 
    state with a centralized military structure. For his legacy, plans are underway to 
    revamp an expanse of land on a hill known as Kageyo in Ngororero district, on 
    which a palace of King Kigeri IV Rwabugiri was built in the 19 Century. This hill, 
    is a historical monument. It was also the venue where Count Von Götzen met 

    King Kigeri IV Rwabugiri towards the end of the 19 Century.

    Adopted from : Musée Royal de l’Afrique (1964). Annalen - Koninklijke Museum voor 

    Midden-Afrika, Tervuren, België. Reeks in-80. Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale. p. 473

    Comprehension questions
    1. In which century did King Kigeli IV Rwabugiri lead the Rwandan 
    2. Which dynasty was he from as described by the writer?
    3. Explain what really made Kigeli IV Rwabugiri a famous leader during his 
    4. Why is it important to leave a legacy as far as leaders are concerned?
    5. Indicate the place where king Kigeli IV Rwabugiri met Count Von Götzen 

         and when

               2.1.2 APPLICATION ACTIVITY 


              2.2 Talking about leadership styles


                          Text : Leadership styles


      Leadership is one of the primary determinants as to whether an organization and 
    its personnel will be successful. In order to be a successful leader it is important 
    that an understanding of the various leadership styles is developed. Leadership 
    style has a direct impact on an organizational effectiveness and employee 
    performance. A thorough understanding of the various leadership styles 
    enables us to “develop our own approach and become a more effective leader” 
    (Malos, 2012, p. 421). Research has shown that leadership style “influences the 
    team members’ execution and performance, as well as motivates the team to 
    reach the organization’s goal(s)” (Cunningham, Salomone, & Wielgus, 2015, p. 
    28). The leadership styles researched in this paper are autocratic, democratic, 

    laissez-faire, transformational and Charismatic leadership.

    Firstly, there is a type of leadership where the leader keeps strict, close control 
    over followers by keeping close regulation of policies and procedures given to 
    followers. Indeed, within this kind of leadership, there is direct supervision in 
    order to maintain a successful leadership environment. Followers are expected 
    to be productive, and therefore authoritarian leaders endeavour to keep close 
    supervision, because of their belief that for anything to be done it requires 
    consistent supervision and follow up. Authoritarian leadership style often 
    follows the vision of those that are in control even when the decisions are not 

    agreed upon by every individual. 

    Secondly, this is a kind of style that involves the leader sharing the decision
    making process with his followers. The followers have a sense of belonging, 
    ownership and responsibility; this also promotes the interests of the group 
    members by practicing social equality. One of the main characteristics of this 
    leadership is discussion, debate and sharing of ideas and encouragement of 
    people to feel good about their involvement. Therefore, as the description 
    states, it is democratic leadership.

    Thirdly, it is where all the leaders and workers have the right and power to 
    make decisions. Laissez-faire leaders allow followers to have complete freedom 
    to make decisions concerning the completion of work and the running of the 
    community. There is a high degree of independence and self-rule, while at the 
    same time offering guidance and support when requested. The leader guides 
    with freedom, the followers are provided with all materials necessary to 
    accomplish their goals.

    Fourthly, it is a kind of leadership where the leader is not limited by his or her 
    followers’ perception, ideas or innovations. The main objective is to work to 
    change or transform his or her followers’ needs and to redirect their thinking. 
    Leaders that follow the transformation style of leading challenge and inspire
    their followers with a sense of purpose and excitement. They also create a 
    vision of what they aspire to be, and communicate this idea to others.

    Fifthly, Charismatic leadership resembles transformational leadership: both 
    types of leaders inspire and motivate their team members. The difference lies 
    in their intent. Transformational leaders want to transform their teams and 
    organisations, while leaders who rely on charisma often focus on themselves 
    and their own ambitions, and they may not want to change anything.

    Lastly by no means of least, as long as leadership styles are concerned, another 
    style is where the leader must adjust his/her style to fit the development level 
    of the followers he/she is trying to influence. With situational leadership, it 
    is up to the leader to change his/her style, not the follower to adapt to the 
    leader’s style. The style may change continually to meet the needs of others in 
    the organization based on the situation. 

    In conclusion, leadership is an integral part of human life. Leaders are evident 
    in families, in schools, in work places, in churches, in social groups, and in 
    one’s own life. Indeed, everyone must be a leader of his/her own life as he/
    she matures into an adult and makes decisions for him/herself. What makes 
    a person successful in this endeavor is his/her ability to challenge, create,
    achieve, inspire, energize, assess and ultimately decide what is best for both 
    him/herself and for his/her followers. Therefore, as there are different types 
    of leadership styles, the governing body, based on what type it is, may chose 

    management individuals with specific leadership styles to achieve their goals.

    Adapted from General studies and communication skills, S5 student book

     Comprehension questions
    1. What is the importance of leadership style according to the research, as 
        discussed in the passage?
    2. From the various types of leadership you have learnt, which one appeals 
        to you the most? Give reasons for your answer.
    3. Identify and explain three leadership styles as discussed in the passage.
    4. Think of an ideal leader, who is capable of bringing positive transformation 

         and explain the character traits that such a leader should possess.

                2.2.2 APPLICATION ACTIVITY


    a. Juliet is the leader of an organization that provides computer services. She 
    has realized that there is a problem with the way they advertise their business. 
    Sitting at her desk, she lists some approaches they can take to improve their 
    communications. She then tells the other employees what they need to do 
    without asking for anyone else’s ideas. 

    b. Judith is the manager of a catering service called Best Bakery. They have been 
    asked to prepare cakes for an upcoming wedding of the daughter of a political 
    leader. She decides that coconut cakes will be the best and calls the staff 
    together to discuss the order. She informs them of the order and then launches 
    into a speech about all the advantages of making coconut cake. Others express 
    an interest in making vanilla cakes but in the end, Viviane convinces them that 
    coconut is best.

    c. David is the owner of a successful auto mechanic workshop. A customer has 
    brought a vehicle in that has multiple problems. He asks his team to assess the 
    problems and get back to him with possible solutions. A few hours later they 
    have a meeting to discuss what they have found and what they propose. They 

    have a discussion, John gives some advice and the team begins to repair.

    d. Joy runs a tailoring business in town. He has 5 employees. With an upcoming 
    holiday, they have many orders to fulfill. She gathers all the employees to 
    get their opinions on how to best manage the process so they can meet the 
    deadlines. In the end, they decide together to divide tasks amongst themselves. 
    Joy and two others were tasked with cutting and shaping the cloth while the 
    other tailors would do the sewing. In the end they managed to keep all of their 
    customers satisfied. Jimmy is one of the leading members of the community 
    youth association in a rural area. Following the illness of several community 
    members, she decided it was necessary for community members to have better 
    access to potable water. During weekly youth association meetings, she shared 
    her vision and got others interested in resolving the problem. Together they 
    researched different possibilities such as working with local government 
    offices to mobilize resources to install a borehole (pipe drilled down to access 
    clean water). During their association meetings, Jimmy always recognized the 
    effort each individual was making. Eventually the youth were able to mobilize 
    the resources necessary to access clean water. The youth and the community 
    members were all inspired by her commitment and hard work to make it 


                  Extracted from: Entrepreneurship Student’s Book for Senior Five

    1. Describe the leadership styles applied in the scenario and give reasons 
         to support your answers.
    2. Justify whether they were the most appropriate styles to apply or not. 

        Support your answers with clear facts.

    II. Use a dictionary and thesaurus to look up the missing meanings of the 
    words/phrases and pronunciation in the table below. Copy the table into your 

    book and fill in the blank spaces.


    III. Debate the following motion: “a good leader is born, not made.”
    IV. Use the following words as they are used in the passage to make sentences.
         c) influences
         d) strict
         e) authoritarian 
         f) democratic 
         g) Charismatic
         h) Inspire 
         i) Aspire

              2.3 Giving opinion on leaders


                   Text: Qualities of a good leader


    No one denies the fact that a good leader should have some positive features no 
    matter which community he/she comes from. Leaders are important parts of 
    any community; so they all require some special attributes and skills. As for me, 
    the most important characteristics are as fallows:

    First, leaders should be good decision makers; they should be able to make 
    their minds the best way possible in a short period of time and on the spur
    of moment they should decide about various issues. For example a leader of 
    country should have the ability to take the best and efficient decision during a 
    limited time, regarding ratifying or declining a specific law.

    Second, leaders should have a wide spectrum of information related to their 
    task’s area; without having fundamental and up to date true information in the 
    related context, they can’t make decisions, accretion and unity and many other 
    works. They should stay abreast of different issues related to them and their 


    Thirdly, leaders should be reliable, prudent, wise and responsible. These 
    features are also of importance and attention for a leader who has a vital 
    role in the fate and destiny of the community. They should act in a way that 
    attracts people’s trust and reliance; they should be mature enough not to act 
    on their whims, to anticipate the intended and unintended consequences of 
    their decisions, not to be indifferent and carefree about their tasks, not to be lax 
    and irresponsible. They should be aware of their duties and encourage other 
    people to work efficiently to achieve the common goals and aims of community. 
    For instance, a leader who doesn’t do their duties well and is apathetic about 
    the community and goals can’t ask other people to work and cooperate to gain 
    their goals.

    To put it in a nutshell, I’m of the opinion that leading others requires leadership 
    qualities and skills and it’s not easy to be a good and successful leader. Good 
    and competent leaders should enjoy many characteristics and traits because 

    the destiny, success and prosperity of the community all are related to them.

    Adapted from: https://www.testbig.com/toefl-essays/what-are-characteristics-good ;


    Comprehension questions
    1. Explain why good leaders should possess the qualities of good decision 
    2. What makes a good leader according to the author?
    3. Explain the importance of good leadership in socio-economic 
    4. How would you predict the challenges a society with a bad leader can 




                    2.4 Talking about famous persons in modern Rwanda


    Text: The Leadership of President Paul Kagame
    I am a Kenyan who worked in Rwanda for about three years from 2004 to 2008 
    but I consider Rwanda as my second home. I am proud to be associated with 
    Rwanda. During my stay there, Rwanda was going through one of the most rapid 
    developments to transform itself in all sectors. This was due to the leadership 
    of President Paul Kagame, which is one of the most progressive and dynamic 
    leadership in the world. Did I say that Rwanda has the most progressive and 
    dynamic leadership in the world? Yes, and it is not by mistake!

    President Kagame has been and still is one of the greatest political leaders in 
    the world today in terms of vision, leadership, compassion, personal integrity 
    and magnanimity. He is on a daily basis overly concerned about small issues in 
    a village while at the same time providing the voice of reason in a tumultuous 
    Central and East African region in addition to charting new grounds on world 
    leadership at global forums such as the great speeches that have made him 
    famous all over the world.

    He has had the power but, like Nelson Mandela, he did not and does not misuse 
    such power to revenge on those who did untold injustice to him, his family and 
    his country women and men. I read New Times almost every day since I left 
    Rwanda two years ago. I am amazed by the heartwarming stories that I read as 
    compared to newspapers in Kenya, Uganda or SA that are full of heartrending
    stories of crime, political intrigues and corruption.

    I hope Rwandans wherever they are have learned valuable lessons in history: 
    that we must praise and treasure good leaders when they are at it not when 
    they leave office or after they die. I have always told my friends everywhere that 
    President Kagame is the class of Nelson Mandela, Mahtma Gandhi and George 
    Washington and that Rwandans are lucky to have him. I wish he could become 
    the president of EA or Africa at large. 

    Many people visiting Rwanda , they might really have many choices but choosing 
    Rwanda - they know they are safe in a clean environment in a country that 
    makes everyone feel at home the first day, and every day), Rwanda can teach all 
    other countries in the world different lessons. From the above achievements, 
    we can affirm that good leadership remains the main cornerstone of sustainable 
    development; and has undoubtedly been the force powering Rwanda’s rapid 
    growth and transformation into a dignified nation.

    In a nutshell, based on Rwanda’s experience, it is clear that good governance 
    stems from the commitment of leaders to the values of servant-leadership and 
    accountability, exercised with consistency and excellence. It also requires the 
    ingenuity of leaders at all levels to shape meaningful citizen-centered home
    grown solutions and the participation of citizens in tackling local problems, 
    thus ensuring the current growth rates are sustainable.

    Adapted from New times: Published: June 20, 2010

        Comprehension questions 
    1. Who is talking in the story and how does he/she consider Rwanda?
    2. What makes his excellence Paul Kagame famous according to the writer? 
    3. To whom did the writer compare the president of Rwanda? Why?
    4. Explain why the writer affirms that good leadership is a cornerstone to 
         sustainable development.
    5. Why do you think leaders are servants of the people?

    6. Based on the writer’s views, which conclusions can you draw?

                     2.4.2 APPLICATION ACTIVITY 


                2.5 Language structure: Past simple tense and Wh-clauses

    Fill in gaps within the following paragraph using verbs in brackets. Put these 
    verbs in the right tense.
    Last Saturday, we (a) ----------------- (visit) a big art gallery in New York. We (b) 
    ---------------- (come) by bus. The bus (c) ------------------- (park)-near a park. 
    We (d) ----------------- (go) through the park to the museum. In the gallery we 
    (e) ---------------------- (look) at a lot of paintings and drawings. After that, we 

    (f) ----------------(write) our favorite painting in our notebooks. On Sunday 

    morning, I (g) ---------------------(go) in bed late. I was tired! In the afternoon, I 

    heart --------------------(see)--a picture for my mom. I (i) ---------------- (get) lots of 

    different colors. My mom was happy.

    This tense is usually used to:
    • describe events completed in the past at time indicated by such adverbs 
        of time as yesterday, ago, last month, last week and last year.

    a. Some famous African leaders like Nelson Mandela and Mahtma Gandhi 
    died many years ago.
    b. You didn’t call last night! 
    c. She went to Paris three years ago.
    d. Adam arrived in London a week ago.
    • express habits in the past

    a. John went to the park every evening.
    b. She sang at parties regularly.
    Such past habits are usually described in simple past with adverbs
     of frequency 
    like: always, never, frequently, sometimes, generally,…
    • express actions that happened over a long time in the past

    a. The poor boy struggled and became rich.
    b. The thieves grew into a big dacoit(a band of armed robbers)
    • The simple past is also used after conditional phrases such as if only, as 
       if, as though, wish, etc.

    a. If only I were rich, people could see what I’m capable of.
    b. He spoke to me as if he were my boss.
    c. I wish I had wings then I would fly far away.
    Spelling of regular verbs in past simple tense.
    a. Verbs that end with y letter, y is replaced by letter i followed by ed: 

    carry - carried, study - studied, fry - fried, try – tried 
    b. A one syllable regular verb that ends with a consonant, the consonant is 
    doubled and followed by ed. 

    Stop - stopped, plan - planned, rob - robbed, beg – begged 
    d. If a regular verb has more than one syllable and ends with a consonant, the 
    past simple tense is formed by doubling the final consonant and adding ed only 
    if the final syllable is stressed.

    prefer - preferred, regret – regretted 
    e. Exception: 
    In British English verbs ending in -l have -ll before -ed whether the final syllable 
    is stressed or not. 
    Example: travel – travelled 

    Use the correct past simple tense of the verb in brackets. 
        a. Ndabaga is famous in Rwanda because she (become) a warrior. 
        b. King Kigeri IV (extend) the boundaries of the kingdom during his rule. 
        c. He (prevent) any Rwandans from being captured as slaves. 
        d. Mao-Tse-Tung (be) the leader of the Chinese Communist party. 
        e. Julius Nyerere (form) a strong, modern Tanzania during his term in office. 
        f. Nelson Mandela (fight) against apartheid in South Africa. 
        g. He (show) that it was possible to bring about reconciliation in a country. 
         h. Agathe Uwiringiyimana (be) the first female prime minister. 
         i. She and her family (be) executed during the Genocide. 
        j. People believe that colonialists (assassinate) King Mutara III on his way 
            to hospital for treatment. 

             2. WH-word clauses


    An interrogative word or question word is a function word used to ask 
    a question, such as what, when, where, who, which, whom, whose, why, 
    and how. They are sometimes called wh-words, because in English most 
    of them start with wh- (compare five Ws). They may be used in both direct 
    questions: (Where is he going?) and in indirect questions (I wonder where he 
    is going). In English and various other languages the same forms are also used 
    as relative pronouns in certain relative clauses (The country where he was 
    born) and certain adverb clauses (I go where he goes).

    WH-word clauses get their name from the fact that most of the words that 
    introduce them begin with the letters wh. There are ten WH-words. Six of them 
    are pronouns; four are adverbs:
             • The pronouns are who, whose, whom, which, what, that.
             • The adverbs are: where, when, why, how.

    Who was the first black president to lead South Africa?
    What are the characteristics of a good leader?
    Who is the president of the republic of Rwanda?
    Who among prominent leaders inspire you the most in Rwanda?

    Wh-words are used to ask about specific qualities, times, places, people and so 
    on. The question word is used at the beginning. If there is a helping (auxiliary) 
    verb that precedes the main verb (for example: can, is, are, was, were, will, 
    would...), we add the question word and invert the subject and the helping 
    (auxiliary) verb. Below is table showing a list of question words and example 




    Choose the correct word from Which, why, who, what, how to complete the 
    blank spaces.
    1. I don’t know……………………..jacket to choose!
    2. Do you know………………….I am?
    3. Richard will know……………………to do.
    4. I wonder…………………she’s doing here.
    5. Can you show us……………………to do it?
    6. I don’t know…………………..I didn’t think of it before!
    7. Do you know……………………….actors will be at the premiere?

    8. I’d like to learn ........................................ to be successful.

            2.6 END UNIT ASSESSMENT

    I. Complete the story below with appropriate tense of the verbs in blackest. 
    Kamaliza Divine is a leader in Imbuto foundation, she has been sick in the 
    hospital for two months. Her friend Joy….2… (go) to see her yesterday. She 
    … …….3…… (take) plenty of fruits with her. When she ……4…… (arrive) at 
    the hospital, she ……. 5… (find) that Joy……. …….6……. (leave) the hospital 
    the previous day.
    Kamaliza…………..7……. (not know) what to do with the fruits, and she 
    ………….(think) of throwing them all away but later, she ………..9…..(change) 
    her mind. The fruits…….10 ……. (cost) her a lot of money. Eventually, she 
    … ….11……. (decide) to give them to a poor patient. She … ….12…….(go) 
    home happy, knowing that she ……13……(do) the right thing. As famous 
    leader in her community, journalists also……….14…..(come) to see her but 
    unfortunately ……15….(find)…her.
    II. Choose the right word to complete the following sentences 
    1. Ann brought (a new dictionary). Question: What did Ann buy? Noun 
    Clause: Do you know ___________________?
    A. What Ann buy.
    B. What Ann bought.
    C. What did Ann buy.
    D. What did Ann bought.
    2. It is (350 miles) to Denver from here. Question: How far is it from here 
          to Denver? Noun Clause: I need to know _____________________________
    A. How far it is from Denver to here.
    B. How far it is from here to Denver?
    C. How far is it from here to Denver.
    D. How far it is from here to Denver.
    III. Write an essay describing the qualities of a famous leader from your 

          community. Pay attention to the use of past simple tense and wh-clauses.