Key unit competence: To use language in the context of Career 

    and Choices

    Introductory Activity


    Questions for discussion

    1. Identify different activities that are taking place in each figure.

    2. Why do you think people do different jobs?

    3. What would you do if you chose a career and found it too 


    4. Do you think qualifications and skills are necessary? Discuss. 

    5. Recommend some pieces of advice for young people to choose a 

    good career

    2.1. Describing different types of careers and specific jobs

    Pre-reading activity


    In our country, people do different activities from different institutions. 

    Based on that experience, discuss different types of jobs and specific 



    2.1.1. Learning activities: Reading and Text analysis

    • Inspired professions Reading and exploitation of texts

    • Text 1: Describing different professions and specific jobs

    “There are as many kinds of professions as there are people. They are 

    like clothes; you have to choose the size and style that suits you”

    There are five professions which I admire most. First and foremost is 

    the profession of teaching. A teacher is a nation builder. He is a role 

    model for his students. In the modern materialistic age, the teachers 

    have lost the high status they used to enjoy in society. Still, one can say, 

    teaching is the noblest of all professions.

    The second profession I admire most is the profession of a doctor. There 

    is no doubt many doctors have these days grown very greedy. They try 

    to fleece the poor helpless patients. But I’m here talking about an ideal 

    doctor only. Such a doctor has the milk of human kindness in him. He 

    considers service to mankind his mission. He charges moderate fees and 

    works wholeheartedly to mitigate the sufferings of the ailing humanity.

    The third profession which I admire most is the profession of a soldier. 

    Asoldier is the saviour of the country and its people. He is ready to 

    sacrifice his life for the sake of his country. He must be given due respect, 

    regard and status in society. The fourth profession I admire most is the 

    profession of a farmer. A farmer supplies food to all the people. Nobody 

    can live without food. So, all of us depend for food on the farmer.

    The farmer must be given better treatment and facilities. The fifth 

    profession I admire most is that of a politician. This may seem strange 

    as the politicians are condemned everywhere. The reason for their 

    condemnation generally is because they are mostly corrupt.

    But I’m talking here about an ideal politician only. Such a politician is a 

    model of service to society, country and mankind. Before independence, 

    we had such great politicians as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, 

    Balgangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale and others. I wish we had 

    such great selfless leaders and politicians now also.

    Adopted from: http://www.shareyouressays.com/essays/311-wordsshort-essay-on-five-professions-i-like-most/3065

    • Comprehension questions: 

    1. What are the jobs that the writer admires most?

    2. Why is teaching a noble profession according to the writer?

    3. Mention the qualities of a professional doctor as described in the 


    4. Why some politicians are condemned? 

    5. Compare the person who did different jobs within different 

    professions with the person who only had one profession in life

    2.1.2. Application activities: Word definition and composition writing

    1. Match the correct definition to the following professions



    2. Choose one profession and write two paragraphs describing its benefits 

    and related challenges

    2.2. Describing ways of finding jobs

    2.2.1. Learning activities Reading and Text analysis


     After observing the pictures, answer the following questions:

    1. Describe different activities that are taking place in the figure 


    2. Identify some ways of finding a job in Rwanda.

    3. What is the importance of professional internship and 


    4. Suggest an advice to teachers about their responsibilities in 

    classrooms in relation to ways of finding jobs

    Text 1: An interviewer and an interviewee

    Read the interview conducted and answer questions that follow


    Interviewer: Welcome to ABC Controls, David. I am Tom.

    Interviewee: Hello, it’s nice to meet you.

    Interviewer: Nice to meet you too, how are you doing today?

    Interviewee: I am doing well, and you?

    Interviewer: Great, thanks. I hope we didn’t keep you waiting for 


    Interviewee: No, I had the chance to talk to one of your engineers 

     while waiting.

    Interviewer: That’s good. David, shall we start?

    Interviewee: Yeah, sure.

    Interviewer: First of all, let me introduce myself. 

     Iam the manager of our engineering 

     department here and we have an open position, 

     so we have been interviewing applicants 

    to fill the position as quickly as possible.

    Interviewee: Yes Sir, I read about the position on your website, 

    and I think I am a good fit.

    Interviewer: We currently have several ongoing projects and 

     the team is working hard. We are hoping to keep 

     busy for a long time.

    Interviewee: What are the essential qualifications required 

     for the position?

    Interviewer: This is an entry-level engineering position; we do provide 

     a lot of training here. But we do require that you have 

     at least a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. 

    Previous experience in the field is a plus.

    Interviewee: What kind of experience would you count as a work in 

    the field?

    Interviewer: Even though we provide training, it would 

     be great if you had some hands-on programming 

     experience, knowledge of database systems or skills on 

     developing applications.

    Interviewee: My final school project was actually developing a mobile 

     application, so I am fairly competent in developing 

     mobile and web applications.

    Interviewer: That’s good to hear, which school did you graduate from?

    Interviewee: I was a student at DEF University, and I graduated with a bachelor degree in computer science. 

     I worked as a computer lab tutor in school for about 2 years. Guiding students through their projects helped me get experience in several programming languages.

    Interviewer: What are you looking for in a job?

    Interviewee: The job should definitely help me grow in my career. I 

     will be happy to learn and grow as I work in a passionate 

     company like yours.

    Interviewer: You are right. There is plenty of room for advancement in our 

     company. What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?

    Interviewee: I am a diligent person and a fast learner. I am very eager to 

    learn. My friends also find me very easy to work with.

    Interviewer: Very well. Now, do you mind working overtime?

    Interviewee: No, I do not

    Interviewer: Because, sometimes we get overwhelmed with heavy workload.

    Interviewee: I understand that’s the nature of the job. When I was going 

     to school, I took quite a few courses each semester while working at least twenty hours every week. And, I handled that situation very well.

    Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me?

    Interviewee: No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the requirements. I believe that I can handle it with ease, and the fact that you provide all the training sounds excellent. 

     I hope to have the opportunity to work for you.

    Interviewer: David, it is nice to meet you. I can tell that you are a good candidate. Expect to hear from us within a week or so about the job.

    Interviewee: Nice meeting you too. Thank you for your time.

    Interviewer: Thank you for coming.

    Comprehension questions 

    1. What is the names of both interviewer and interviewee?

    2. Which institution would like to recruit an employee and for which 


    3. Where did the applicant get the information and what were the 


    4. Identify the interviewee working experience as described.

    5. Give the reason given by the applicant/interview about why he 

    was looking for that job.

    6. Have you learnt any lesson from the interview read. Justify your 


     Text2. Finding jobs

    Read the text below and answer comprehension questions:

    Growing up in school, students are constantly reminded that a college 

    education is necessary to make a decent salary. Over the years, it has 

    become evident to many young adults that this statement is indeed true. 

    However, as the need for jobs increases, so does the necessity of being more 

    competitive in a work field. Since our generation has grown up knowing 

    that graduating from college is a necessity, a college education is no longer 

    enough to be competitive in the job market; therefore, our generation has

    given birth to a new requirement to find the right job after college. This 

    requirement is known as an internship.

    There are many people who are currently working in fields where they 

    never thought they would work. Their plans in life didn’t work out the way 

    they wanted and they are now living under what they once labelled “Plan 

    B”. Companies can be sure that interns are dedicated and truly interested 

    in the field that they are working in.

    If you’re considering a new career, volunteering can help you get experience 

    in your area of interest and meet people in the field. Even if you’re not 

    planning on changing careers, volunteering gives you the opportunity 

    to practice important skills used in the workplace, such as teamwork, 

    communication, problem solving, project planning, task management, 

    and organization. You might feel more comfortable stretching your wings 

    at work once you’ve honed these skills in a volunteer position first.

    Volunteering offers you the chance to try out a new career without making 

    a long-term commitment. It is also a great way to gain experience in a 

    new field. In some fields, you can volunteer directly at an organization 

    that does the kind of work you’re interested in. For example, if you’re 

    interested in nursing, you could volunteer at a hospital or a nursing home. 

    Your volunteer work might also expose you to professional organizations 

    or internships that could benefit your career.

    Finally, for finding jobs graduates either secondary students or University 

    students apply and when their application are accepted, they may sit for 

    written exams and interviews. Examples of channels include and not 

    limited to Job in Rwanda, Rwanda Civil service Recruitment portal and 


    Adopted from: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/healthy-living/volunteering-andits-surprising-benefits.htm



    Comprehension questions

    1. Which different ways of finding jobs are mentioned in the passage 


    2. Explain the relationship between professional internship and 

    career opportunity.

    3. Do you think volunteerism can help someone to find a job? 


    4. How do people apply through Rwanda recruitment portal and job 

    in Rwanda?

    5. Find the meaning of the following words used in the passage,

    using dictionaries and thesauruses.

    a. Internship

    b. Job market

    c. Plan B

    d. Volunteering

    e. Professional

    2.3. Recounting a career

    2.3.1. Learning activity: Reading andText analysis

    A text: Teaching is not only a career but also a vocation

    Teaching is not always the first job for many teachers, but it is the last for 

    Janice. One of her first jobs is to work at a call centre of a cellular phone 

    company. She made $9 per hour then. She worked graveyard shifts, and 

    she complained that the schedule and target goals were very stressful 

    and exhausting. After only three months, she decided to shift to becoming 

    a pre-school teacher. She finished BS Mathematics and she enjoyed it. 

    But she realized that she wanted to also become a pre-school teacher. For 

    the next three years, she took Early Childhood and Education programs. 

    After she finished the programs, she applied for a public school 

    in our community and she got hired. Right now, she is still a preschool teacher and loving her job. She makes around $30,000 every 

    year. She is now pursuing her MA in Early Childhood Education.

    Teachers are not superheroes; they are human beings with likes and 

    dislikes in this world. She said that as a girl, their family had two dogs, 

    three cats, two rabbits, and two hamsters. The most special pet for her 

    was Britney, their white cat with blue eyes and bunny tail. She is special, 

    because she seems to be aware of her limits as a pet. Janice said: “Brit is 

    the sweetest cat ever, and she never pounces on food, unless it is given to 

    her. And you can just feel that she loves you so much, when she brushes 

    on your legs.” Like other people, Janice tries to avoid some things, but 

    she ends up doing them. 

    She said that some of the things that she is doing that she said she would 

    never do are eating another slice of chocolate cake, and spending more 

    time playing Castle Ville than originally planned. She admitted being 

    “partially addicted” to both. Janice stresses that she hates long lines, 

    traffic, and young people who disrespect their parents. Some of the best 

    things that Janice loves about her life right now are that she can do 

    anything she wants, because she is still single and she does not have to 

    be encumbered with the responsibilities of being a wife and a mother. 

    She plans to have a family someday, but maybe in her mid-thirties.Being 

    a teacher requires sacrifices, love, and dedication. Janice’s long-term 

    goals are about her career as a teacher and the benefits she can get from 

    it. She is working hard to save money and to buy her own house. She 

    also plans to finish her Master’s degree in two years. For her, these goals 

    require sacrifices, like delaying marriage and cutting back on numerous 

    expenses. When asked about her strongest and weakest attributes, she 

    said: “My strongest attribute is my dedication to public service and 

    teaching. My weakest is that I have a hard time saying no to people.” 

    People can easily know that she is a teacher by heart, because when asked 

    the question: If you could go back in history and meet anyone, who would 

    it be and why? She answered that she wants to meet Jesus Christ. She 

    stressed: “I want to listen to his stories and to learn from his goodness. I 

    want to learn from the most awesome teacher of all time.”Janice is like 

    any other human being, with goals, dreams, strengths, and weaknesses. 

    Her life is centred on being a good person and being the most “engaging 

    and loving teacher” for her classes. For her, she is a teacher in and out. 

    For her students, she is their second Mom.

    Adopted: https://studentshare.org/education/1599364-interview-essay

    • Comprehension questions 

    1. What was the first job of Janice?

    2. When did Janice decide to shift from one job to another?

    3. Which combination did Janice do after shifting from the first one?

    4. Mention the qualities of a teacher and long term goals of the 


    5. What are the weakest time to Janice? And on what did she say 

    her life was centered?

    6. Why do you think Janice was like a mother to her students?

    2.5.2. Application activity : Role play

    Role play recounting a career in classroom and explain some benefits of 

    the career recounted. 

    2.4. Talking about Qualifications and skills

    Pre-reading questions 

    Write about the following topic:

    Some people believe that educational qualifications will always bring 

    success in life. Other people say that educational qualifications do 

    not necessarily bring success.

    1. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

    2. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant 

    examples from your own experience or knowledge.

    Observe the pictures and read the text that follows and then answer the 

    questions below:



    Text: Why I want to become a special school teacher:

    When I was little, I wanted to have superpowers. I thought that strength 

    or ability to fly and be invisible would give me a chance to fight crime. 

    That was my way of making the difference in the world.

    Now, that I grew up and stand on a way of making important decisions I 

    realize that I want to be a Special Education Teacher. Now I believe that 

    this is really the best way to make a difference in the world we all live in.

    Why do I choose this path? There are a handful of reasons.

    First of all, I love kids. Being around them, coming up with ways to make

    school programs interesting for them and investing in their personalities, 

    not only their intelligence, are all among my biggest passions in life. I am 

    never bored with all the daunting responsibilities like administrative 

    tasks or paper work.

    As a schoolgirl, I used to work as an assistant Teacher at my parents’ 

    private school. And I know for sure what I am talking about when it 

    comes to overwhelming responsibilities. I saw my parents at work, and I 

    helped them with some of those tasks. And I want to do that one day too.

    Besides, I am a go-getter in nature. This means that coming up with 

    brilliant ideas, organizing schedules and running competitions will be 

    of no problem for me. I like adventures, and it will be a real pleasure to 

    turn an ordinary study process into an exciting adventure with the kids.

    Also, I am creative and curious, and I am always ready to share my 

    discoveries with kids. And that is a key to successful training and 


    And finally, I want to work as a Special Education Teacher meaning that 

    I won’t be around ordinary kids. I will work with extraordinary ones. I 

    believe that each of the students I will be lucky enough to train is special 

    in so many different ways. I realize the hardships of this work, but they 

    don’t scare or burden me. I find this job opportunity a real blessing. But 

    to get there, I have to start my education first. And that is why I am 

    applying to your college.

    I hope one day after I graduate, I will find my own Special Education 

    Establishment where kids would come not only to gain valuable knowledge 

    but also find friends, rediscover their passions, and fulfil their bravest 

    dreams. And all this is possible with my potential and your college’s 

    knowledge base. Adopted: https://chiefessays.net/2-career-goals-essayexamples/

    Comprehension questions

    1. What was the dream of the author?

    2. Why did the author like the profession mentioned in the passage?

    3. Which category of children did the author wanted to work with?

    4. Give reasons why the author wanted to have his establishment.

    Text 2: Job advertisement 

    1. Pre-reading activity


    2. Read this job advertisement and answer questions that follow:

    Inyange Nursery School

    Inyange Primary school seeks to recruit a highly qualified candidate to 

    fill the vacant post of Head teacher.

    The head teacher vacancy requirements:

    1. qualification

    • Professional teaching certificate of secondary in Early childhood 

    and lower primary Education.

    2. Skills 

    • Good command of English, French and Kinyarwanda.

    • Computer literate in Microsoft word, Excel and PowerPoint 

    • Organizational skills

    • Interpersonal communication

    3. Experience

    • Have a minimum of two years working experience.

    4. Qualities

    • Team management

    • Working under pressure

    • Paying attention to details

    Applicants should be Rwandans, and should attach to the letter of 

    application photocopies of their academic certificates, national ID and 

    recent passport photos.

    Interested applicants can send their application letters, curriculum vitae 

    and academic papers to the following email: Inyange.nursery12@gmail.

    com. For further information, call us on the following number: 25267201

    Comprehension questions

    1. What is the vacant position? 

    2. Who advertised the job? 

    3. What educational background is required? 

    4. Identify the computer skills required? 

    5. Why is important for the applicant to have organizational and 

    interpersonal communication skills?

    6. How can an interested person apply for the job? 

    7. Where can an interested person apply for the job? 

    Text 3: Relationship between qualifications and Labour market

    Pre-reading activity 

    Read the following text and answer questions that follow


    Read this text and answer the questions that follow:

    Some people find academic degrees or other training essential milestones 

    for future success, while others believe that this does not guarantee future 

    success and there are other relevant factors just as crucial. Personally, I 

    take the opinion that success is not guaranteed.

    On the one hand, gaining educational qualifications is certainly a method 

    with which to gain success in certain areas of life. With regards to a 

    career, it makes a person more competitive as employers will generally 

    seek people who are well-qualified for the best and most richly rewarded 

    positions in their company. This is true for all types of work, be it as an 

    accountant or lawyer; or work in the building trade. It can also be viewed

    as bringing success in terms of one’s own development, as for some people 

    gaining more educational qualifications is not for work but instead leads 

    to a sense of personal accomplishment and fulfilment.

    On the other hand, it is not certain that success will follow. In terms 

    of work, many people study hard to become well-qualified but then fail 

    to reach the heights of success that they expected. This is because in 

    today’s world there is a high level of competition for many jobs and a 

    high number of graduates or qualified people. Not only this, there are 

    other skills needed aside from qualifications. ‘People skills’ are also 

    very important and so regardless of the level of qualifications, those 

    who cannot get along well with others may be less likely to achieve the 

    success they desire.

    In my opinion, therefore, educational qualifications can bring success in 

    life for many people, yet there are no guarantees this will be the case. 

    Other factors such as the current job market and personal skills are also 

    factors of importance.


    • Comprehension questions 

    1. Which method should be deployed in order to gain future success 

    descibed by the writer?

    2. Do you think having academic success guarantees a job well 


    3. Compare academic qualifications and job market as discussed in 

    the passage above.

    4. Mention other factors in addition to qualification that can ensure 

    success in the job.

    2.5. Language structure: The Present Perfect, Present 

    Perfect Continuous and past perfect

    A. Present prefect tense

    This tense connects the past with the present: completed or unchanging 

    actions or events. It cannot be used to make a reference to a particular 

    point or period (like last week, in January, at 2.am, etc.) 

    Generally, The present perfect tense is used when talking about:

    a)actions which took place in the past, but whose time is not precise or


    e.g. Have you been to Moscow? 


    e.g. Have you ever travelled by plane? 

    → Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. 

    → No, but I’m planning to. 

    c) news. 

    e.g. Our country has sent an Ambassador to DRC. 

    It is used for: 

    Completed actions or events at some time before now(no 

    particular time given) 

    Actions or events in periods of time not yet finished 


    Actions with ever, and never referring to any time up to now 

    Unchanging situations in periods of time up to now 

    Series of completed actions up to now 

    Future actions after some conjunctions: after, before, as soon 

    as, until, for, since, this week/month/year, etc. 

    B. The use of since and for with the present perfect tense

    a) Since 


    1. The population of DRC has increased since 1970. 

    2. Rwanda has been independent since 1962. (this means that Rwanda 

    became independent in 1962 and that it is still independent). 

    3. His Excellence the President of the Republic of Rwanda has ruled 

    the country since 2000. 

    4. You have been students here since January 2011. 

    b) For 

    Rwanda has been independent for 57 yearsin 2019.

    You have been students here for one month. 

    Our English teacher has taught us English for one month. 

    Formation and Usages of the Present Perfect:

    have + past participle of the main verb. 

    • We use the perfect tense with sinceto indicate the beginning of a 

    period of time.

    • We use the present perfect tense withforto indicate the duration of 

    aperiod of time. 

    • The use of just, almost, already and yetcan be used with the present 

    perfect to show how an action/event is related to present.

    Question: Have you written the other letter? 

    Different answers may be given: 

    • Yes, I have already written it. 

    • Yes, I have just written it. 

    • I have almost written it. 

    • No. I haven’t written it yet. 

    • No. I haven’t yet written it.

    • I am still writing it. 

    C. Formation and uses of the present perfect continuous

    The present perfect continuous talks about an action which started 

    before now and is still continuing. The main concern is the time the 

    action started. 

    a. How to form the present perfect continuous tense

    The present perfect continuous is formed using this formula: have/has( 

    Present simple of the verb to have) + been + main verb in (ing)form.


    • We have been studying to become lawyers.

    • They have been doing this job for three years now.

    • She has been waiting for her mother since yesterday!

    Note: Since and for help us to know the time interval an action has 


    Compare these sentences: 

    • Musafiri has been teaching since 2000. (Begun teaching that year 

    up to now.

    • Musafiri has been teaching for fifteen years. (Has spent fifteen years 


    b. When to use the present perfect continuous

    The present perfect continuous is used when talking about:

    1) An action which began in the near past and is still continuing. It 

    does not matter how long the near past is. e.g. He has been working 

    as a doctor for a very long time. (He still works as a doctor)

    2) The time interval and length of an action up to present using since 

    and for.


    • She has been lecturing since she finished her university.

    • We have been waiting for the new manager for five months.

    3) The present perfect continuous tense is also used when drawing 



    • His eyes are red. It is clear he has been crying after that difficult 

    job interview.

    • Look at his hands. He must have been cultivating for his entire 



    Study the information below and discuss what you have understood, 

    then write a summary with personal information. 

    D. Past Perfect Tense


    The past perfect tense is used to show that something happened before 

    another action in the past. It can also be used to show that something 

    happened before a specific time in the past.

    a. How to form the Past Perfect Tense:

     Had (past simple of have)+ Past participle of the main verb


    • She had met him before the interview

    • The plane had left by the time I got to the airport.

    • I had written the email before he apologized.

    • Kate had wanted to see the movie, but she did not have money for 

    the ticket.

    b. When to use the past perfect tense

    The present perfect continuous is used in several situations. When 

    talking about:

    An action that happened before another in the past:


    • She stayed up all night because she had received bad news.

    • They lost many of the games because they had not practiced enough.

    • You had studied Italian before you moved to Rome.

    When using the past perfect tense in this case, the most important thing 

    to consider is that one action happened before another in the past. The 

    order of events does not matter since the tense used shows clearly which 

    event happened first.

     An action that happened before a specific time in the past:

    • She had established her company before 2008.

    • They had gotten engaged before last year.

    • I had fallen asleep before eight o›clock.’’

    An action in reported speech.

    Examples :

    • The teacher asked if we had studied for the exam.

    • The boss had said it would be a long meeting.

    An action showing dissatisfaction with the past. 


    • We wished we had purchased the winning ticket.

    • She wished she had seen her friend.

    • The boy wished he had asked another question.

    An action that took place slightly before another action in the past. In 

    this case the word “just” is used. 


    • She had just left the scene when the ambulance arrived.

    • The bus had just left when we got to the stop.

    • I had just gone outside when it started to rain.

    Other cases in which the past perfect tense is used:

    • I had got the letter before new recruitment.

    • He understood the math test because he had been tutored all week.

    • I did not have any cash because I had lost my purse.

    • I had been to Mexico once.

    • If I had seen him, I would have told him the news about his 


    • Before he did his homework, he had stayed after school for help.

    • She had lived in California before moving to Texas.

    • She had visited several doctors before she found out what the 

    problem was with her hand.

    2.6. End unit assessment

    I The majority of the youth nowadays aren’t minding about skills, they only 

    wish to have degrees and go to the job market. Based on this statement

    Write a composition comparing qualifications and skills for labour 


    II. Choose the correct answer.

    1. We love this writer’s books. We(have been reading / had been 

    reading) them for years. 

    2. Her clothes were dirty because she (has been working / had been 

    working) in the garage. 

    3. Where have you been? We (had been waiting / have been waiting) 

    for you for ages. 

    4. He hasn’t decided on a career yet, but he (has been thinking / had 

    been thinking) about it lately.

    5. After she (has been playing / had been playing) the violin for ten 

    years, she joined an orchestra.

    III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 

    Use the Present Perfect Continuous or the Past Perfect Continuous.

    1. How long ... your father...(work) for the company when he retired? 

    2. Mike has never had an accident and he ....(drive) for years. 

    3. She had no idea it was so late because she .... (not / watch) the 


    4. “ ... (you / take) your medicine regularly, Mrs Smith?” “Yes, 


    5. They eventually found the dog after they ...(look) for it all night. 

    IV. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or expression from the 

    following adverbs of time: for, by tomorrow, so far, the week before, since

    1. Our TV hasn’t been working ... last week. 

    2. The Browns invited us to dinner although we had only met ... .

    3. They will have finished painting the house ... .

    4. We had been writing ...nearly an hour when the bell rang. 

    5. They have interviewed three suspects ... .

    V. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the text below: 

    Successful, engineer, lives, teens, profession, choose, interests, 

    decisions, character, job, answer, career.

    It is very important for everybody to make the right choice of 1) __________. 

    And it is no wonder because there are a lot of honourable professions 

    to choose from, for example, the profession of a teacher, a doctor, a 

    computer-operator, an 2) __________, a journalist, an agronomist, a 

    miner, a fitter, etc. It is difficult for the young people of seventeen to give 

    a definite 3) __________. There are lots of people who take 4) __________ 

    about their professions and their career very easily. It is a matter of 

    fact that only few of them become successful in their careers and their 

    5) __________. Such people don’t gain much success in their professions 

    and their careers. The next point is that there is a big difference between 

    6) __________ and career. Job is just a place to work in and to earn your 

    living while 7) __________ involves planning out the journey, picking 

    up the necessary skills along the way to be successful, and purposely 

    deciding what your 8) __________, skills and work values are. Choosing a 

    career is a hot question for school-leavers. I know that leaving school is 

    the beginning of my independent life, the beginning of a far more serious 

    examination of my abilities and 9) __________. My parents and school 

    teachers helped me to 10) __________ my future profession. I would like 

    to become a teacher as my parents are. This profession is to my liking 

    though I understand that it is a difficult job, but I like people and my 

    long-term dream is to bring up and teach children. Some people never 

    pick a career. They continue drifting from job to job, without considering 

    where the drifting will lead. 11) __________ may change their career 

    interests or goals over time, but a well-chosen career usually leads to 

    more advanced and challenging opportunities. And let’s face it – you’re 

    likely to be working most of your life, so why not enjoy what you’re doing. 

    Finally, I’d like to advise you to choose your career carefully and then 

    you will be happy and 12) __________ in your future life. 

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