UNIT 4: Reflection

UNIT 4: Social Skills


Now that you have learned more about the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), how would you assess your own EQ competencies?

Ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Am I self- aware? 
  • Can I practice self-regulation? 
  • Do I usually show empathy to others? 
  • Do I have good social skills?

As a teacher, what issues and challenges could arise if you have weaknesses in any of your EQ competencies? How could your lack of Emotional Intelligence impact on your learners? 

Now, reflect on how you will help your learners to develop their Emotional Intelligence and especially empathy. They are still developing their EQ competencies. They need you to be a good role model so you can help and support them in doing that.

🡪 If you think you need to develop your EQ competences further, make an Action Plan, and set yourself some EQ ‘goals’. What can you do to develop your EQ and especially your empathy? Come up with three or four activities that you can carry out, to work on your EQ and empathy.

Discuss your ideas in your WhatsApp group; we would love to hear from you!

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 August 2023, 2:09 PM