Key unit competence: To be able to create a various forms of
                                                  craft works by manipulating different

                                                   tools and raffia.

    Introductory Activity


    Observe weaving works and answer the following questions
    1. Differentiate between warps and wefts.

    2. Describe main techniques used in weaving.

    7.1Materials and tools
    Activity 7.1

    1. According to domestic objects weaved, describe the essential tools
    and materials used then deduce the definition of weaving.


    Weaving is the art of interlacing two distinct sets of threads (yarns) crossing
    each other at right angles. The vertical threads called warps and the

    horizontal threads called wefts.


    To weave, one needs;
    1. Yarns: These can be threads from natural fiber or synthetic materials.
    2. A loom: These are of different types. The choice depends on item
    to be made and the materials available. Loom accessories include
    shuttles, heddles, shed sticks and others like table-rooms are a bit
    complex. Factory looms are large and quite complicated.

    Materials and tools used for finishing. These include needles, ruler,

    cardboard, threads, scissors and pieces of wood or frames, leathers, ribbons
    and bindings. You can use virtually any type of yarn to create your warp/ weft
    truly. Weavers commonly use Cotton. It is soft and pliable, yet sturdy and
    strong. This combination makes it the perfect yarn to use to create your
    warp/ weft.

    Application activity 7.1

    • Explain the following terms:
    a. Yarns
    b. A loom

    • List the materials and tools required in weaving.

    7.2.Weaving process/ ways of weaving
    Activity 7.2

    1. From the answers to the activity 7.1, explain any two weaving
    2. What do you understand by Dowel loom?
    The process of weaving starts from analyzing designs and material
    preparations, apply one of the weaving techniques.

    Weaving techniques

    How the weft made to intersect through the warps results in a fabric with
    particular characteristics. The method is referred to as techniques.

    a. Cross (plain weave)

    A plain weave structure is created when a weft goes in and out the warps

    in a pattern of one over one. The weave diagrammatically is shown below:


    b. Diagonal (twill weave)
    A twill weave structure usually creates diagonal lines on the woven fabric
    and is popular with suiting materials. The weave is created by passing one
    weft over one warp, under two, over one and so on. It can also be one weft
    over one warp under three, over one and so on. The threads that look loose

    are called floats.


    c. Twining weave
    A twining weave structure forms a chained formation dense fabric. The

    weave is created by interlocking two crossing wefts around one warp.


    d. Ghiordes knot
    A Ghiordes knot is a type of technique that creates a pile like a towel or a
    bushy rag. Pieces of thread (yarn) are cut short. Two rows plain weave are
    done. The next rows are done by wrapping the short-cut threads around the
    warps in a loop called the Ghiordes knot. The next two lines are done in plain

    weave. Then a row of knots follows and so on. The knot is made as follows:


    Different simple looms
    Card looms

    There are various card looms, that is serrated rectangular card loom and
    circular card loom. To make these looms, one needs a card (manila or
    straw board), a pair of scissors or a razor blade, a ruler and other geometric
    equipment. There has to be accurate measuring, drawing and cutting. The

    warp threads are then stretched on the loom ready for weaving.


    Dowel loom
    A dowel loom is made up of four strong sticks joined together by tying or
    nailing. The warp threads are simply tied up and down the two further apart

    adjacent ends as shown.


    Frame loom
    A frame loom is made up of a wooden frame with nails driven across two
    adjacent ends. The warps are stretched across the frame, with the nails

    regulating their spacing as shown below.


    Application activity 7.2
    • Describe how to create the following weave constructions.
    a. Twining weave

    b. Ghiordes knot

    End unit assessment 7
    1. Using knowledge and skills you gained from weaving module,
    make your own loom.
    2. By using one of the weaving techniques, apply it and make an object