• Unit 4 : Clothes and parts of my body

    Parts of my body

    Parts of my body

    Parts of my body

    Fill the blanks.

    Clothes that we wear
    Talk about these clothes with your friend.

    What is he wearing?
    What is Kabarebe wearing?

    He is wearing a yellow shirt. This is a yellow shirt.
    He is wearing blue shoes. These are blu_ shoes.
    He is wearing green shorts. These are gre_n shorts.
    He is wearing grey socks. These are gr_y socks.

    What is Mukama wearing?

    She is wearing a pink skirt. This is a pink skirt.

    She is wearing a brown hat. This is a brown hat.

    She is wearing a black blouse. This is a black blouse.

    She is wearing red shoes. These are red shoes.

    She is wearing white socks. These are white socks.

    What clothes do you wear? Tell your friend.

    See and read the alphabet.

    a b c d e f g h i j

    k l m n o p q r s

    t u v w x y z

    A B C D E F G H I

    J K L M N O P Q R

    S T U V W X Y Z

    Unit 3 : People at home and schoolUnit 5: Likes and dislikes