Key unit competence: Differentiate analog from digital signals.
     Unit Objectives:
      By the end of this unit I will be able to;
     ◊ Explain the transmission of information in a communication 
    ◊ Explain with examples the use of digital and analog signals in 

    everyday applications.

    Introductory Activity
     a. There has been a move by the government of Rwanda to make 
    her citizens to change from using analog devices to digital 
    devices. Analog devices transmit and receive signals in analog 
    form whereas digital devices transmit and receive signals 
     b. a) What are different forms of signals you know that you 
    normally use in daily life communication?
    c. b) Why do you think there is a need to change from analog to 
    digital signal transmission?
     d. c) Mutesi communicates to her brother Ndayisenga who 
    studies abroad using Facebook. Is the flow of information 
    analog or digital? Explain your argument.
     e. d) Using information gained in above questions, discuss 
    different signals you know.
     A signal is any kind of physical quantity that conveys information. Audible 
    speech is certainly a kind of signal, as it conveys the thoughts (information) 
    of one person to another through the physical medium of sound. Hand 
    gestures are signals too. This text is another kind of signal, interpreted by 
    your English-trained mind as information about electric circuits. In this 
    unit, the word signal will be used primarily in reference to an electrical 
    quantity of voltage or current that is used to represent or signify some other 
    physical quantity.
    A communication system is made up of devices that employ one of two 

    communication methods (wireless or wired), different types of equipment 
    (portable radios, mobile radios, base/fixed station radios and repeaters) 
    accessories (examples include speaker microphones, battery eliminators and 
    carrying cases) and/or enhancements (encryption, digital communications, 
    security measures, and networking) to meet the user needs. 

    The most common processing of a signal in a communication system 

    consists of passing the signal through a linear time-invariant system.  In 
    this context, such a system is often spoken of as a “filter”.  These systems 
    are usually applied to reduce some undesirable components in the signal, to 
    compensate for some undesirable distortion of the signal, or to accentuate 
    some characteristic of a signal. This unit discusses digital and analog 
    signals and their use in modern communication.

     A communication system comprises of three sections or parts; transmitting 
    end, propagation medium and receiving end. This is shown on Fig. 10.1 


    The signals from information source are added to the carrier in the 
    modulator. The modulated signal is sent along a channel in the propagating 
    medium by a transmitter. The propagation medium is a channel through 
    which information is transmitted. This may be a cable or free space.
    At the receiving end, the receiver may have to select and perhaps amplify the 

    modulated signal before the demodulator extracts from it the information 
    signal for delivery to the receptor of information.
     A propagation or transmission medium can be classified as;
     Linear medium: if different waves at any particular point in medium can 
    be superposed.
     Bounded medium: if it is finite in extent, otherwise unbound.
     Uniform medium or homogeneous medium: if its physical properties 
    are unchanged at different points.
     Isotropic medium: if its physical properties are the same in different 



     1. Communication is the process of sharing the messages through 
    continuous flow of symbols. 
    2. Communicators (Sender/receiver) are the participants in communi
    cation. Typically the roles reverse regularly.
    3. Message is a single uninterrupted verbal or nonverbal utterance.
    4. Code means a system suitable for creating/carrying messages through 
    a specific medium.
     • encode (put into code) and 
    decode (take out of code)
     5. Channels (verbal, nonverbal, etc.) means the specific mechanism 
    (“pipeline”) used to transmit the message.
     6. Mode of communication (face-to-face, television, web, phone, etc.) - 
    form or technology of transmission — determines kind of code used.
     7. Noise - interference with message — external (physical), internal 
    (mental) or semantic (misunderstanding/reaction).
     8. Environment (part of context) - is that which surrounds and provides 
    a basis for the meaning of a message:
     • Physical  (surroundings)
     • Temporal (point in time)
     • Relational (the existing relationship between communicators - 
    friends, strangers, etc.)
     (language and behaviour of community and the 
    communicator(s) come from)
     9. Feedback - checks effects of messages
     • positive feedback eg. “keep doing what you’re doing”
     • negative feedback eg. “change what you’re doing”.
     10. Levels (contexts) of Communication
     • Intrapersonal
     • Interpersonal
     • Public Communication 
    Mass Communication (non-interactive)
     • Computer Mediated Communication (interactive)
     ACTIVITY 10-2: Elements of Communication
     Aim: To find out the elementes of communication in a basic 
    communication model.
     Carefully analyse Fig. 10.2 below and describe the elements of communication

     Communication is a two-way process that results in a shared meaning 
    or common understanding between the sender and the receiver. An 
    understanding of how communication works can help us to understand and 
    improve our communication. The basic communication model consists of 
    five elements of communication: the sender, receiver, message, channel and 


    The sender is a party that plays the specific role of initiating communication. 
    To communicate effectively, the sender must use effective verbal as well as 
    nonverbal techniques. Such as:- 
    Speaking or writing clearly.
     • Organizing your points to make them easy to follow and understand.
     • Maintaining eye contact.
     • Using proper grammar.
     • Giving accurate information.
     All the above components are essential in the effectiveness of your message. 
    One will lose the audience if it becomes aware of obvious oversights on ones 
    part. The sender should have some understanding of who the receiver is, in 
    order to modify the message to make it more relevant. 

    The receiver means the party to whom the sender transmits the message. 
    A receiver can be one person or an entire audience of people. In the basic 
    communication model, the receiver is directly connected with the speaker. 
    The receiver can also communicate verbally and nonverbally. The best way 
    to receive a message is:
    To listen carefully. 
    Sitting up straight. 
    Making eye contact. 
    Don’t get distracted or try to do something else while you’re listening. 
    Nodding and smiling as you listen.
     • Demonstrate that you understand the message. 


     The message is the most crucial element of effective communication which 
    includes the content a sender conveys to the receiver. A message can come 
    in many different forms, such as an oral presentation, a written document, 
    an advertisement or just a comment. In the basic communication model, the 
    way from one point to another represents the sender’s message travelling to 
    the receiver. The message isn’t necessarily what the receiver perceive it to 
    be. Rather, the message is what the sender intends the message to be. The 
    sender must not only compose the message carefully, but also evaluate the 
    ways in which the message can be interpreted. 


     The channel is a medium through which a message travels from the sender 
    to the receiver. The message travels from one point to another via a channel 
    of communication. The channel is a physical medium stands between the 
    sender and receiver. 
    Many channels or types of communication exist, such as 
    The spoken word,
     • Radio or television, 
    An Internet site or 
    Something written, like a book, letter or magazine. 
    Every channel of communication has its advantages and disadvantages. For 
    example, one disadvantage of the written word, on a computer screen or in 
    a book, is that the receiver cannot evaluate the tone of the message. For this 
    reason, effective communicators should make written word communications 
    clear so receivers don’t rely on a specific tone of voice to convey the message 
    accurately. The advantages of television as a channel for communication 
    include its expansive reach to a wide audience and the sender’s ability to 
    further manipulate the message using editing and special effects. 


     This describes the receiver’s response or reaction to the sender’s message. 
    The receiver can transmit feedback through asking questions, making 
    comments or just supporting the message that was delivered. Feedback 
    helps the sender to determine how the receiver interpreted the message 

    and how it can be improved.

     Constructional/creative information: This includes all information 
    that is used for the purpose of producing something. Before anything can 
    be made, the originator mobilizes his intelligence, his supply of ideas, his 
    know-how, and his inventiveness to encode his concept in a suitable way.
    Operational information: All concepts having the purpose of maintaining 
    some “industry” in the widest sense of the word are included under this kind 
    of information. Many systems require operational information in the form 
    of programs for proper functioning. Examples of operational information 
    the operating system of a computer (eg. DOS programs),
     • the program controlling a robot or a process computer,
     • warning systems for airplanes and ships,
     • the hormonal system of the body
    Communication information: This is composed of all other kinds of 
    information, eg. letters, books, phone calls, radio transmissions, bird songs 
    and also the message of the Bible. Aspect of such information does not 
    include the construction of a product, neither it is involved in maintaining 
    some process. The goals are transmission of a message, spreading joy, 

    amusement, instruction and personal confidences.

     Simplex transmission is a single one-way base band transmission. Simplex 
    transmission, as the name implies, is simple. It is also called unidirectional 
    transmission because the signal travels in only one direction. An example 
    of simplex transmission is the signal sent from the TV station to the home 
    Data in a simplex channel is always one way. Simplex channels are not 
    often used because it is not possible to send back error or control signals to 

    the transmit end.

     Half-duplex transmission is an improvement over simplex transmission 
    because the traffic can travel in both directions. Unfortunately, the road is 
    not wide enough to accommodate bidirectional signals simultaneously. This 
    means that only one side can transmit at a time. Two-way radios, such as 
    police or emergency communications mobile radios, work with half-duplex 
    transmissions. If people at both ends try to talk at the same time, none of 

    the transmissions get through.

     Full-duplex transmission operates like a two-way, two-lane street. Traffic 
    can travel in both directions at the same time. 
    A land-based telephone conversation is an example of full-duplex 
    communication. Both parties can talk at the same time, and the person 
    talking on the other end can still be heard by the other party while they are 
    talking. Although when both parties are talking at the same time, it might 
    be difficult to understand what is being said. 
    Full-duplex networking technology increases performance because data 
    can be sent and received at the same time. Digital subscriber line (DSL), 
    two-way cable modem, and other broadband technologies operate in 
    full-duplex mode. With DSL, for example, users can download data to their 

    computer at the same time they are sending a voice message over the line.

     Frequency is a parameter that determines how often the sinusoidal signal 
    goes through a cycle.  It is usually represented with the symbol f, and it has 

    the unit hertz.

    Where T is a periodic time and is measured in seconds.
     The bandwidth of a composite signal is the difference between the highest 
    and the lowest frequencies contained in that signal. It is typically measured 
    in hertz, and may sometimes refer to passband bandwidth or baseband 

    bandwidth, depending on context.

     A system is a physical set of components that take a signal and produces a 
    signal. In terms of engineering, the input is generally some electrical signal 
    and the output is another electrical signal.
     Analog systems operate with values that vary continuously and have no 
    abrupt transitions between levels. For a long time, almost all electronic 
    systems were analog, as most things we measure in nature are analog.  For 
    example, your voice is analogous; it contains an infinite number of levels 
    and frequencies.  Therefore, if you wanted a circuit to amplify your voice, an 
    analog circuit seems a likely choice.  
    In Rwanda recently analog systems were replaced by digital systems that 
    provide greater capacity of data transfer and increased reliability and 
    Example of an analog electronic system

     A public address system
     A public address system (PA system) is an electronic sound amplification 
    and distribution system with a microphone, amplifier and loudspeakers, used 
    to allow a person to address a large public, for example for announcements 

    of movements at large and noisy air and rail terminals or a sports stadium.

     Analog signal is a continuous signal that contains time varying quantities. 
    An analog signal is a continuous wave denoted by a sine wave and may 
    vary in signal strength (amplitude) or frequency (time). The sine wave’s 
    amplitude value can be seen as the higher and lower points of the wave, 
    while the frequency (time) value is measured in the sine wave’s physical 

    length from left to right.

    Analog signal can be used to measure changes in physical phenomenon 
    such as light, sound, pressure, or temperature. For instance, microphone 
    can convert sound waves into analog signal. Even in digital devices, there 
    is typically some analog component that is used to take in information from 
    the external world which will then get translated into digital form –using 
    analog to digital converter.

     • Uses less bandwidth than digital sounds.
     • More accurate representation of sound.
     • It is the natural form of sound.
     • Because of editing limitations, there is little someone can do to tinker 
    with the sound, so what you are hearing is the original sound.
     • There are limitations in editing.
     • Recording analog sound on tape is expensive.
     • It is harder to synchronize analogous sound.
     • Quality is easily lost if the tape becomes ruined.
     • A tape must always be wound and rewound in order to listen to specific 
    part of sound which can damage it.
     • Analog is susceptible to clipping where the highest and lowest notes of 
    a sound are cut out during recording.
     In electronic signal and information processing and transmission, digital 
    technology is increasingly being used because, in various applications, digital 
    signal transmission has many advantages over analog signal transmission. 
    Numerous and very successful applications of digital technology include the 
    continuously growing number of PC’s, the communication network ISDN as 
    well as the increasing use of digital control stations (Direct Digital Control: 
     Unlike analog technology which uses continuous signals, digital technology 
    encodes the information into discrete signal states. When only two states 
    are assigned per digital signal, these signals are termed binary signals. 

    One single binary digit is termed a bit - a contraction for binary digit.

    More capacity from the same number of frequencies; that is, they 
    provide superior Spectral Efficiency. This is a result of the modulation 
    methods used, and the fact that, in many cases more than one 
    ‘conversation’ can be accommodated within a single radio channel.
    Consistent voice clarity at low received signal levels near the 
    edge of coverage. The general consensus is that digital radios provide 
    better audio quality than analog ones. With analog FM radios, the audio 
    quality steadily declines as the received signal strength gets weaker. 
    Digital radios however, will have a consistent audio quality throughout 
    the full service area. The edges of the coverage area in a digital radio 
    system are similar to those experienced with cellular telephones.
    Data is defined in the standard. This means data implementations 
    are no longer proprietary, there are a wide variety of data mechanisms 
    and inter operability can extend into the data domain. With the accepted 
    increase of efficiency by using data communications over voice, this 
    will further increase the usability and effectiveness of digital radio 
      Secure transmissions: In digital technologies, data and voice can 
    be secured using encryption without impacting voice quality using 

    industry standard encryption techniques.


    Principle of digital signal systems

     A digital signal refers to an electrical signal that is converted into a pattern 
    of bits. Unlike an analog signal, which is a continuous signal that contains 
    time-varying quantities, a digital signal has a discrete value at each sampling 
    point. The precision of the signal is determined by how many samples are 
    recorded per unit of time. For example, the illustration of fig below shows 
    an analog pattern (represented as the curve) alongside a digital pattern 

    (represented as the discrete lines).

     Analog pattern alongside digital pattern
     A digital signal is easily represented by a computer because each sample 
    can be defined with a series of bits that are either in the state 1 (on) or 0 (off). 
    Digital signals can be compressed and can include additional information 
    for error correction. A signal in which the original information is converted 
    into a string of bits before being transmitted. A radio signal, for example, 
    will be either on or off. Digital signals can be sent for long distances and 
    suffer less interference than analog signals.
     Boolean functions may be practically implemented by using electronic 
    gates. The following points are important to understand.
     • Electronic gates require a power supply. 
    • Gate INPUTS are driven by voltages having two nominal values, e.g. 0 V 
    and 5 V representing logic 0 and logic 1 respectively. 
    • The OUTPUT of a gate provides two nominal values of voltage only, e.g. 0 
    V and 5 V representing logic 0 and logic 1 respectively. In general, there 
    is only one output to a logic gate except in some special cases.
     • There is always a time delay between an input being applied and the 

    output responding. 

    Application Activity

    Question on digital and analogue signal.
     1. The two basic types of signals are analog and:
     A. Digilog
     B. Digital
     C. Vetilog
     D. Sine wave
     2. Which of the following characterizes  an analog quantity?
     A. Discrete levels represent changes in a quantity.
     B. Its values follow a logarithmic response curve.
     C. It can be described with a finite number of steps.
     D. It has a continuous set of values over a given range.
     3. Which type of signal is represented by discrete values?
     A. Noisy signal
     B. Nonlinear
     C. Analog 
    D. Digital
     4. A data conversion system may be used to interface a digital computer system to:
     A. An analog output device
     B. A digital output device
     C. An analog input device

     D. A digital printer

    10.16 LOGIC GATES
     There are three basic logic gates each of which performs a basic logic 
    function. They are called NOT, AND and OR. All other logic functions can 
    ultimately be derived from combinations of these three. For each of the 
    three basic logic gates a summary is given including the logic symbol, the 

    corresponding truth table and the Boolean expression.

     The AND gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) only if all 
    its inputs are high.  A dot (.) is used to show the AND operation i.e. A.B. It 

    can also be written as AB.

     The OR gate is an electronic circuit that gives a high output (1) if one or 

    more of its inputs are high. A plus (+) is used to show the OR operation.

    The NOT gate is an electronic circuit that produces an inverted version of 
    the input at its output. It is also known as an inverter. If the input variable 
    is A, the inverted output is known as NOT A. This is also shown as A′, or A. 

    as shown at the outputs.

     Another useful gate used in the digital logic circuits is EX–OR gate.

    The ‘Exclusive-OR’ gate is a circuit which will give a high output if either, 
    but not both, of its two inputs are high.  An encircled plus sign (⊕) is used 

    to show the EX–OR operation.


     Construct a truth table of the following logic circuit

    Application Activity 

    1. Produce a truth table from the following logic circuit (network)

     2. For the logic circuits below produce the truth tables. Rember, if there are 2 
    inputs then there will be 4 outputs; if there are 3 inputs then there will be 8 
    possible outputs. Use the ida shown in the logic circuits discussed in section 


     1. There has been a move to advise people to change from using analog 
    systems to start using digital systems especially here in Rwanda. Do 
    you support this move? If yes, why? If no why not?

     2. Produce a truth table from the following logic circuit (network).

     3. For the logic circuits below produce the truth tables. Remember, if 
    there are 2 inputs then there will be 4 outputs; if there are 3 inputs 
    then there will be 8 possible outputs. Use the idea shown in the logic 

    circuits discussed in section 10.6.

     Information transmission in a communication system
     The signals from information source are added to the carrier in the 
    modulator. The modulated signal is sent along a channel in the propagating 
    medium by a transmitter. The propagation medium is a channel through 
    which information is transmitted. This may be a cable or a free space.

    Communication Terms and Concepts
     • Communicator 
    • Message
     • Medium
    • Noise
     • Environment
     • Feedback 
    • Levels
     Elements of communication
     • Sender 
     • Message 
    Types of information and requirements
     •Constructional/creative information
     • Operational information
     • Communicational information
    Simplex transmission
     Simplex transmission is a single one-way base band transmission. Simplex 
    channels are not often used because it is not possible to send back error or 
    control signals to the transmit end.
    Half-duplex communications
     Half-duplex transmission is an improvement over simplex because the 
    traffic can travel in both directions. Full-duplex networking technology 
    increases performance because data can be sent and received at the same 

    Bandwidth and signal Frequency

     The bandwidth of a composite signal is the difference between the highest 
    and the lowest frequencies contained in that signal. 

    Mathematically, the bandwidth is given by;

    • Medium
     • Noise
     • Environment
     • Feedback 
    Elements of communication
     Analogue signal system
     Analogue systems operate with values that vary continuously and have no 
    abrupt transitions between levels.

    Analog signals
     Analog signal is a continuous signal that contains time varying quantities. 
    An analog signal is a continuous wave denoted by a sine wave and may vary 
    in signal strength (amplitude) or frequency (time). 

    Digital signals

     Unlike analog technology which uses continuous signals, digital technology 
    encodes the information into discrete signal states. Numerous and very 
    successful applications of digital technology include the continuously 
    growing number of PC’s, the communication net work ISDN as well as the 
    increasing use of digital control stations (Direct Digital Control: DDC).
    Advantages of digital technology 
    More capacity from the same number of frequencies.
     • Consistent voice clarity at low received signal levels near the edge of 
     • Data is defined in the standard.
     • Secure transmissions.
    Logic gates
     There are three basic logic gates each of which performs a basic logic 
    function, they are called NOT, AND and OR. All other logic functions can 

    ultimately be derived from combinations of these three.