Key Unit Competence
    Explain and demonstrate modes of locomotion in protists, insects, fish, amphibians, birds and mammals

    Learning objectives
    By the end of this unit, I should be able to:
    –– Explain non-muscular movement in amoeba or paramecium.
    –– Describe support and movement on land.
    –– Describe skeletal modification in birds.
    –– Explain how movements and support of fish are brought about in water.
    –– Explain how support structures are related to the environment of the animal.
    –– Observe locomotion of animals and identify reasons for their movement.
    –– Demonstrate the arrangement of muscles in fish.
    –– Dissect a fish to observe its swim bladder.
    –– Observe and explain the relationship between muscles, joints and musculoskeletal attachments in fish, birds, amphibians and mammals.
    –– Compare the flight of birds and insects.
    –– Compare the jumping movement of grasshoppers and toads/frogs.
    –– Appreciate the need for locomotion in animals.
    –– Recognize that the types of locomotion of animals depends on their habitat.

    Introductory activity
    Animals have muscles and different types of skeleton.
    What might happen if a large animal such as a cow does not have a skeleton.
    How that animal would look like? What will happen to animal without skeleton or muscles? Can you then think about the role of skeleton and muscles in living organisms?

    Activity 14.1
    From your experience and knowledge from books and the internet:
    1. Give details about the concept of locomotion
    2. How do different animals move?
    3. Explain why animals need to move from one place to another?

    14.2 Locomotion and its requirements
    Living organisms particularly animals need to move from one place to another. This is known as locomotion which should not be confused with movement which occurs in plants. Movement is the displacement of part of an organism. Therefore,
    movement is a characteristic of all living things.
    Locomotion in animals is brought about by the action of muscles on a skeleton.A skeleton is a rigid framework that maintains shape and supports the internal organs and provides attachment for muscles, while a muscle is a soft tissue formed by muscle cells which found in most animals. Each muscle cell contains actin and myosin proteins that produce a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell. Thus, muscles function to produce force and motion. In animals without muscles such as sea sponges, locomotion is brought by mesohyl or cells which act as actual muscles. Depending on the type of animals, three types of skeletons are distinguished.

    1. Hydrostatic skeleton
    It is mostly seen in invertebrates and earthworm. These consist of fluid filled body cavity surrounded by antagonistic sets of muscles. Movement results from compressive contraction action of the contraction of these muscles on this fluid.

    2. Exoskeleton
    It characterizes the arthropod insects. It is a hard cuticle made of chitin which lies outside the muscles. It sheds during molting when the organism outgrows it. It does not grow because it is a dead material.

    3. Endoskeleton
    It is seen in vertebrates where the bones and cartilages are found within the interior of the body on which muscles are attached. It is a living tissue and it grows with the rest of the body.
    For efficient locomotion,exoskeleton and endoskeleton provide a system of levers to which muscles are attached.

    14.3 Types of locomotion
    The locomotion can be either terrestrial, aerial or aquatic (swimming). In most animals, the locomotion is by running, climbing, crawling, swimming, jumping, gliding, hoping, and flying with aid of limbs or appendages. For animals without limbs such as snake, its locomotion is by forming its body into zig - zag, gripping the ground with its undersides and pushing itself forward. For ducks, their movement in water is by floating. Some invertebrates like roundworms, flatworms, squids, octopus, and jellyfish without special organs of locomotion are propelled by the bmuscular contractions.

    Advantages of locomotion
    Based on the types of locomotion mentioned above, an animal is capable to:
    –– Escape danger such as fire or predator
    –– Look for food, water and shelter

    –– Reproduce
    –– Avoid competition with other animals of the same or different species
    –– Avoid overcrowding which enables offspring to move to another place
    –– Avoid unfavourable condition

    Self-assessment 14.1
    1. What is locomotion?
    2. What are the requirements for locomotion?
    3. Given the following animals: Frog, dragonfly, squid, spider, antelope,
    kangaroo, fish, grasshopper, bee, duck, worm, zebra, snake, and cow.
    Identify those which fly, crawl, hop, and or run/walk.
    4. Discuss why locomotion is very important in animals?

    14.2 Support and locomotion in non-muscular organisms
    Learning activity 14.2

    From a culture of paramecium:
    1. Use a microscope to observe the locomotion in Amoeba and Paramecium
    2. From what you have observed identify Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena and in Trypanosoma moves in relation to their structures / diagrams below

    3. Discuss how is locomation performed in those organisms.
    Non-muscular locomotion is identified in animals that belong into protoctista kingdom. Depending to individual animal, locomotion is either amoeboid, ciliary, flagellated or euglenoid type.

    Amoeba moves by amoeboid locomotion i.e. by putting out pseudopodia. Locomotion is not maintained in any particular direction for long. Amoeba is constantly changing shapes as it changes direction. Amoeboid locomotion is brought about by cytoplasmic streaming and between a gel and sol state. These
    cytoplasmic streaming requires Ca2+ ions and ATP. Amoeboid locomotion is common to all rhizopodes including Amoeba and white blood cells of the vertebrates

    a. Amoeba

    b) Paramecium

    c. Euglena

    Paramecium moves by means of cilia and Euglena move by the use of flagella. Cilia and flagella have similar structure except that cilia are short and many. Both cilia and flagella consist of fine tubes composed of an extension of plasma membrane. Euglenas have an intricate cell membrane called a pellicle. The latter is folded into ribbon-like ridges and each ridge is supported by microtubules. The pellicle is tough and flexible, letting euglenas crawl through mud when there is not enough water
    for them to swim.
    During cilia or flagellum locomotion, tubules slide past each other in a movement similar to that of actin and myosin filaments in skeletal muscles. Hence Ca2+ ions and ATP are also required in the ciliary locomotion.

    Self-assessment 14.2
    1. Describe the type of locomotion found in:
    a. Amoeba
    b. Paramecium caudatum
    c. Trypanosoma gambiense
    d. Trypanoma vaginalis
    e. Giardia intestinalis
    2. How do cilia differ from flagellum?
    3. Produce picture showing the locomotion of amoeba

    14.3 Support and locomotion in fish
    Activity 14.3

    1. Observe the freshly collected fish or the figure, to label fins and lateral line.

    2. Dissect a fresh fish or observe the above given diagram. Redraw and show the swim bladder and the arrangement of muscles
    3. If you have a live fish, put it in water and observe its locomotion.
    4. From what you have observed, draw and label the external and internal features that contribute to fish locomotion.
    Fish like other aquatic animals are adapted to such habitat in terms of locomotion
    due to its structural adaptive features particularly skeleton which gives shape as well
    as muscles arrangement and swim-bladder.

    Adaptive features of fish for locomotion in water
    The streamlined body shape of the fish reduces friction between water and fish.
    The body of fish is mostly covered by scales which overlap one another and point backwards and lie close to the body. The scales are covered by mucus which reduces the drag.

    Tail or caudal fin has a large surface area, which increases the amount of water that is displaced as it provides much of the push during swimming. Paired pectoral and pelvic fins bring about downward and upward movement. With pectoral fins, the control of direction of a fish in water is possible whereas the pelvic fins bring about the balance, preventing diving and rolling. There are also unpaired dorsal and anal fins for stabilizing the fish and thus preventing it from rolling or yawing.

    Fish is also adapted to locomotion in water by its strong tail muscles and highly flexible vertebrate column which enables the tail to move from side to side against water. In addition, inflexible head and neck maintain forward thrush.

    Internally, a fish is adapted to swimming by swim bladder and muscles. Air or gasfilled sac called swim-bladder, outgrowth of the pharynx, helps a fish to change its buoyancy as it alters the gas pressure in the bladder. So that, it floats at any depth in water without using its muscles. Swim-bladder also helps fishes to maintain a density that is equal to that of the surrounding water. Muscles or myotomes / myomeres (segments or sheets of muscles separated from its neighbor by a sheet of connective tissue) enable fishes to move in water owing the shapes of muscles that are located on either side of vertebral column.

    Myotomes contribute to the mechanism of swimming by its arrangements. They may be parallel, V-shape, or W-shape arranged in bundles or blocks that are separated by myosepta.

    Although there are such arrangements, the myoseptal organization and orientation of fibres is complex. In bony fish, myomeres are V-shaped with new myomeres added posteriorly. With those myotomes, a fish swim by passing a wave of contracting muscle from anterior to posterior. Muscles near the head of the fish contract first and contraction proceeds posteriorly down the length of the fish to the caudal fin. Thus, a fish moves forward from the contraction and relaxation (antagonistic) of myotome
    on either side of the body.

    Undulatory swimming of the fish is also powered by the segmental body musculature of the myotomes. Myotome and myosepta orient more perpendicularly to midline to push aside. Therefore, the fish can bend laterally. With contraction muscle fibres shorten by half their length while maintaining volume. Without myosepta, but simply a series of interconnected muscle fibres, then the wave would be much dampened.

    Self-assessment 14.3
    1. How does swim bladder help the fish in locomotion?
    2. Illustrate how the arrangements of fish myotomes contribute to fish locomotion.?
    3. What does it make a fish to move in undulatory propulsion?
    4. What are the anatomical structures that give rise to the direction of a fish and preventing diving and rolling?

    14.4 Support and locomotion in terrestrial animals
    Activity 14.4

    1. Through internet observe and think about how locomotion in dogs, chicken, frog and earthworm brought about.
    2. Make a diagram showing how support and movement of different animals such as dogs, chicken, frog and worm is brought about on land.
    3. Show by using diagrams the relationship between muscles, joints and musculo-skeletal attachment in mammals, birds, frog and earthworm.

    All animals living on land move due to the musculoskeletal system. The rigid nature of bone also gives a structure for muscles to pull, by their contraction, to create a movement as they act as levers. The synovial joints also allow certain movements.
    The support and movement differ from specimen to another. Thus, animals can walk and run on land for moving from one place to another. This is possible by their endoskeleton and its muscles. By its muscles, flexor (a muscle whose contraction bends a limb or other part of the body) and extensor (a muscle whose contraction extends or straightens a limb or other part of the body or any or a muscle that
    increases the angle between members of a limb, as by straightening the elbow or knee or bending the wrist or spine backward); contractions of those muscles cause the limbs act as levers for them which result to the foot being pressed downwards and backwards against the ground. For example, flexor and extensor work as illustrated below:

    a. Locomotion in quadruped animals e.g. dog and frogs
    When a dog walks, its vertebral column remains rigid, and the forward movement is achieved by the activity of the hind limbs. When its extensor muscle contracts, each hind limb, acting as a lever, extends and exerts a backward force against the ground, thrusting the animal forward and slightly upwards. When the flexor contracts, the limb is lifted clear of the ground and pulled forward. Only one limb is raised at any one time, the other three providing a tripod of support which balances the rest of the body.

    Beginning with the left forelimb in a stationary dog, the sequence of leg movement is as follows when it walks forward: left forelimb-right hind limb-right forelimb-left hind limb and so on. Such walking in quadrupedal animal is also identified in frogs when they can walk on land

    b. Running of the dog
    As a dog begins to run, it loses its quadrupedal movement which means, it develops a type of movement where the forelimbs move together, followed by the hind limbs.

    c. Walking in bipedal animals e.g. humans
    Humans are bipedal, they walk on two legs. When standing upright, the weight is balanced over the two legs. When a stride is taken by the right leg, the heel is raised first by the contraction of the calf muscles. As this occurs, the weight of the body is brought over the left foot which is still in contact with the ground and acting as the prop for the rest of the body.

    When the right leg extends the heel is the first part of the foot to touch the ground. The weight off the body is gradually transferred from the left side to a position over the right heel and then the body continues to move forward, over the right toes, backward pressure against the ground generally being exerted through the right big toe. Like human does, a bird also can walk on ground through the movement of contractions of its leg muscles particularly flexor and extensor.

    d. Crawling of earthworm
    Earthworms are organisms having hydroskeleton with soft-bodied animals due to fluid secreted within the body and surrounded by the muscles of the body wall. They are capable to move by aid of their muscles. These muscles are not attached to any structures and thus can pull against each other. The combined effect of muscle

    contraction and fluid pressure serves to maintain the shape and form of the animal.
    Generally, there are two muscle layers, longitudinal in which muscle fibres are arranged parallel to the long axis from one end of a segment to another and circular with muscle fibres arranged in concentric circles to the circumference of the worm. When those muscles act antagonistically against each other, locomotion is achieved.
    The fluid which acts as presssurisable hydrostatic skeleton contained in body cavity or coelom presses against the muscles which in turn are able to contract against the fluid. Earthworm movement is also helped by bristles like setae or called chaetae (hair like structures on ventral surfaces) which anchor the worms to the substrate. Contraction of the circular muscles makes the worm thinner, but because liquid is
    incompressible (and so maintains a constant volume) and the increase in pressure forces the liquid outwards, stretching the worm, so the worm becomes longer and thinner. Contraction of the longitudinal fibres shortens the worm, former the coelomic liquid out to the sides and making the worm fatter. If the body is segmented, then such pressure is localized and only certain segments will move or
    change shape.

    Self-assessment 14.4
    1. What are the main muscles that contribute to locomotion in mammals, amphibians and birds?
    2. Draw an earthworm and illustrate the muscles that contribute to its locomotion.
    3. What type of skeleton system found in mammals, birds, amphibians and annelids?
    4. . Illustrate how flexor and extensor muscles contribute to lifting up a leg in human being.

    14.5 Flight through air by birds and insects
    Learning activity 14.5
    Make a research on internet as well as books and do the following:
    1. Observe pictures below (Figure 14.6) related to birds and make a description of skeletal modification in birds. Illustrate the skeletal modification in birds
    2. Draw a bird and show by using arrow the structures that enable a bird to fly
    3. How will the external features of birds will behave when flying in high or low atmospheric pressure

    4. Make a table illustrating how does flight of birds and insects differ and similar
    5. Observe and compare the flight of birds and insects
    Bird can fly either by flapping their wings or gliding by spreading its wings. Like in animals moving on land, locomotion by flying in birds is brought about by the action of flexor and extensor muscles as well some other structures given diagram below like pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and keel of sternum.

    Based on the above diagram, wings move down by the contraction of pectoralis major and then move up under the contraction of pectoralis minor.

    Adaptive features of birds for movement in air
    A number of features enable birds to aerial locomotion. Those features include body shape, modified limbs, and modification in internal organs particularly bones.
    The body of bird is highly streamlined and covered with light feathers that overlap backwards thus reducing air resistance during flight. Those light features that increase the surface area of wings without increasing weight.

    Differently from quadrupedal animals, birds are adapted to flying by modification of fore limbs into wings. Such modification goes with a well-developed or large keel sternum that provides large surface area for the attachment of the flight muscles namely major and minor pectoral muscles which give the power to flap the wings in flight. Also, birds have hollowed bones making the body light and vertebrae of trunk
    are fused. As flight requires much energy, birds are adapted to that by an efficient breathing system with air sacs attached to the lungs necessary to provide oxygen for respiration and to remove the resulting carbon dioxide.

    Other adaptations include a high metabolic rate for providing the high amount of energy required, an efficient circulatory system necessary for transporting both the nutrients and respiratory gases at speed related with the body needs, a high red blood cell count for efficient oxygen transport, and a keen eye sight to enable them to judge distances correctly especially on landing.

    Self-assessment 14.5
    1. What are the muscles that enable the flight in birds?
    2. Describe how bird skeleton contributes to its flight?
    3. Describe how birds are adapted to flying.

    14.6 Hopping locomotion in grasshoppers and toads
    Activity 14.6
    Use a collecting net to catch a grasshopper and toad from school compound. Put them down on cemented ground for observing them very carefully when they make a jump and then answer to the following:
    1. Identify and describe anatomic structures that enable grasshoppers to jump
    2. Illustrate how legs’ muscles behave when they are resting and or jumping
    Skeletal muscles such as extensor and flexor that occur in pairs are often antagonistic.
    With such antagonistic behaviour, when one contracts the other relaxes to produce controlled movement in the opposite directions.

    a. Locomotion of grasshopper
    Insects have a skeleton which is on the outside of the body called an exoskeleton.
    They can walk on the land but they are mostly adapted to hopping owing to their muscles which are inside the hard shell as well as skeleton system. The muscles which make them capable to move are flexors and extensors which are antagonists, attached to internal surface of exoskeleton and the rear or back legs of a grasshopper which are long and muscular, adapted for hopping. Additionally, there are two main muscles inside are the extensor tibiae muscle which contracts to extends the leg, and the flexor tibiae muscle which contracts to flex the leg as illustrated in figure below. Those muscles pull on tendons which are attached to the tibia on either side of the joint pivot.

    The back legs are much longer than the others for helping in hopping. With those long legs, grasshopper is capable to make high jumping distance. As illustrated above, flexor muscles bend a joint whereby extensor ones straighten it. The flexor muscle contracts and the lower leg is pulled towards the body. Thus, the hind leg is folded in a Z shape and ready for jumping. Being in resting or sitting position,
    the extensor muscle contracts which enable then the legs jerk or move very quickly
    backwards propelling the grasshopper.

    b. Locomotion in toads and frogs
    On land, frogs and toads move by hopping (going from place to place).
    –– When a frog is at rest, the hind legs are folded up in the shape of a letter Z.
    –– When it hops, the legs are quickly straightened out, lifting the animal of the ground.
    –– The fore-limbs are used as shock absorbers on landing and they also prop up (to give support) the front end of the body when the animal is at rest.
    They also hope but do not travel as high as far as a frog does at each hop.

    Self-assessment 14.6
    1. What are the muscles that contribute to high jumping in a grasshopper?
    2. How do muscles (flexor and extensor) behave when toads and grasshopper are resting?
    3. Draw a leg of grasshopper and the one of toad when are jumping

    End of unit assessment 14
    1. Describe ways of locomotion in Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena and in Trypanosom
    2. Produce a cartoon showing different adaptive features of fish for aquatic locomotion
    3. Describe how different fish fins contribute to locomotion and balance
    4. Describe how the movements and support of fish in water do they occur? are brought in water
    5. Show by diagrams the relationship between muscles, joints and musculoskeletal attachment in mammals, birds, frog and earthworm.
    6. Describe how flexor and extensor muscles work to enable the locomotion on land, water and in air
    7. What are the features that enable aerial locomotion in animals?
    8. Describe how a grasshopper and toad is adapted to jumping