UNIT 8: Reflection #2

UNIT 8: Gender

refReflection #2

Reflect on your own experiences related to gender and then how you transmit your values/attitudes about gender in the classroom. unit 8

Transmitting our own ideas without realising is called unconscious bias. It is normal and everyone does it. However, as teachers we have an important responsibility to understand our own biases and ensure that we are not replicating them in our learners.   

  • Can you think of an example when you were a learner at school and you did not agree with something a teacher said about a boy or a girl in your class? How did this make you feel? Were you able to challenge the teacher’s opinions?
  • Can you think of an example when someone has challenged your own ideas about gender and made you think about it differently?

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 August 2023, 2:38 PM