UNIT 3: Reflection

UNIT 3: Behaviour Management - Active Citizenship, School and Parent Engagement

refReflection Task

Reflect now on behavioural issues/discipline problems that happened when you were at school.  
  1. If poor behaviour occurred in the class or school, could the learners and teachers discuss this together in an open, honest way? Why or why not?
  2. Could the teachers and learners agree on a fair and restorative consequence for the bad or poor behaviour?
  3. If so, did that help rebuild trust and positive relationships between the learners involved, and the learners with the teachers? 
  4. If not, how did learners feel when they were not allowed to contribute to how behaviour issues were resolved?
  5. Now reflect again on other times when you were able to express your views on what was happening in the school? For example, if the school timetable was changed, or if you were given a new teacher half-way through the term or year?

  • Were you able to speak to a school leader or a teacher to share your views? Could you speak openly? 
  • How did it feel to be able to speak freely and openly, if you were able to do so? 

Let’s look now at Circle Meetings as they can provide a way of modelling how to express your ideas and opinions effectively. They give you and your learners opportunities to promote active citizenship, and social responsibility, in the school environment. 

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 3:22 PM