UNIT 2: What is the House Points system?

UNIT 2: Behaviour Management - Rewards and Consequences

What is the House Points system?
Unit 2 4

House points are given to reward good behaviour in the classroom and could also be used as a way to motivate learners and reward participation in co-curricular activities, or around the school grounds, when learners behave in very positive ways. All learners in the school are assigned to a ‘House’. either at class level or whole school level. The learner remains in the same House, building close relationships with their fellow House members. 

Your school can also decide to attach every member of staff to a House if you choose a whole-school House Points system, so that the whole school community sees the House system as a way of working together positively, building bonds and supporting each other to achieve your best.  

Unit 2 5When learners do good work or try hard in lessons, the teacher rewards them with a House point which is added to the House point chart in the classroom. In co-curricular activities such as sports or music, dance and drama, Houses can come together and compete against each other or perform in their Houses, with the winning House receiving points for their collaborative effort. The second place House might also be rewarded with a certain number of House points. Someone in the school leadership team will be responsible for regularly summarising the House points that have been awarded, to keep track of each House's points. 

After a set period of time (1 week or 1 month or every half term), House points are counted and the House with the most points is rewarded with a shared reward e.g. extra 10 minutes of playtime or access to some special equipment like a laptop or art materials. 

House points work well at both classroom and whole school levels!

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 3:02 PM