UNIT 1: Introduction

UNIT 1: Behaviour Management - Behaviour for Learning and Classroom Contracts

Key Words/Phrases
Work together, sharing ideas.
A result, an outcome or what happens after an action or a choice made by someone.
A signed document that everyone agrees to follow and stick to.
Corporal punishment
Causing pain to learners by physically punishing them
Defy(v); defiance (n)
To resist or refuse to do what has been asked of you;  resistance, disobedience to reasonable requests
Disruptive behaviours
Behaviours that occur when a learner has difficulty controlling their actions and behaving in the expected ways. This is often in social settings, e.g. the classroom, and can happen for many different reasons.
Personal responsibility
Being accountable for your own actions, beliefs and behaviours. 

Positive behaviour management (PBM)
PBM focuses on managing learners’ behaviours in ways that prevent misbehaviour, by supporting them when they make mistakes and by helping them to develop skills to make good choices for themselves and those around them. It recognises that children are still learning the way the world works and making mistakes as they go.
Behaviour for Learning (B4L)
B4L is a framework or way of looking at challenging behaviour which focuses on the CAUSES and not only on the bad behaviours that teachers observe. When a learner misbehaves, by using the B4L approach, the teacher will take some time to think about WHY the learner is misbehaving before moving to a consequence.  
An effective and planned way of doing something; a method or technique used.


This unit introduces Behaviour for Learning (B4L) and Classroom Contracts as behaviour management tools. Classroom Contracts support both the teachers and the learners, helping them all to understand how they should behave, both inside and outside the classroom. The unit covers what Behaviour for Learning is about and how the teacher can use it to reflect on why learners misbehave. It also covers what to include in a Classroom Contract, how to develop a Classroom Contract, and gives examples of when to refer to the Classroom Contract in lessons in order to reinforce classroom expectations.  

CBCHow this unit links to the Competence Based Curriculum

The Competence Based Curriculum states that learners should be aware of how “social factors, behaviour and personal attitudes can affect their level of achievement”.

Unit 1In all subjects, learners are expected to “demonstrate the emotional capacity and life skills required to make responsible decisions and choices especially in relation to their personal behaviour”.

The Competence Based Curriculum encourages learners to understand and actively participate in their learning, to help them develop a sense of responsibility as they become active citizens in the classroom and wider community. 

Last modified: Monday, 8 January 2024, 1:24 PM