• UNIT 5:collage

     Key unit competence: to be able to make collage works with 
                                                     cutting and pasting techniques
    Introductory Activity

    Make a research on collage materials and tools, techniques used for

    making collage.
    Create collage artwork

    5.1. Materials, tools and equipment needed to make collage 
    Activity 5.1
    Referring to different finished collage works, define the following terms:
    Identify the articles and materials from the surrounding that may be used

    in making collage.

    5.1.1 Collage
    Collage (/kəˈlɑːʒ/, from the French: coller, “to glue”;) is a technique of an art
    production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from
    assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
    Texture is the main element of collage.

    5.1.2 Materials and tools used in collage.

    You can use almost anything you like to create your collage. Commonly
    used items are magazine pictures, glue, photographs, or fancy paper. If you
    are interested in making collages, it is better to start gathering materials
    before you begin the collage process.

    Finding Materials

    A good starting point is to go through your craft cupboards, magazine racks,
    and even your junk drawers to find unique items you can use. Another way to
    find materials for a new collage is simply to take a walk outside. You may find
    old paper, discarded bottle caps, or other treasures. As long as the materials
    are safe and (mostly) clean, feel free to use them in your art project. Found
    objects will provide character to the piece in a way that plain paper cannot.
    Put aside any objects in a large ziptop bag, an empty shoebox, or another
    area in your workspace. You don’t have to use all the materials at once and
    it’s helpful to build up a stash of supplies. For other ideas, check out this list
    of creative collage materials for a good starting point:
    • Glue
    • Buttons
    • Coloring book pages
    • Craft foam
    • Crayon shavings
    • Fabric
    • Fancy paper (like those used in scrapbooking)
    • Feathers
    • Flower petals
    • Greeting cards
    • Leaves
    • Magazine pages
    • Newspaper clipping
    • Photographs
    • Playing cards
    • Postcards
    • Puzzle pieces
    • Rice
    • Rubber bands
    • Sandpaper
    • Seeds
    • Spices
    • Stickers
    • String
    • Tissue paper
    • Toothpicks
    • Wire
    • Wrapping paper

    Other Materials

    This list has many three-dimensional items on it. If you are going this route,
    try to use smaller and/or flatter items. You will likely want to have a few
    different adhesives, especially if you are using larger materials in your
    collage. Standard white glue is helpful, as is a glue gun, spray adhesive, and
    rubber cement. A glue gun is the best option for larger or heavier items. It
    can be a tricky tool for smaller delicate items. Scissors and a razor or Exacto
    knife is helpful to precisely cut the materials you are using. Remember, there
    is no right or wrong way to make a collage. Choose an item above to use,
    use your own unique items, or even make a collage using a variety of items.
    It is up to you.


    To add a professional touch to your collage, you can frame it once it’s
    complete. Depending on your budget, you can take a collage to a framer
    or frame it yourself. Prior to framing, make sure the college is completely
    finished to your liking. Remove any stray bits of materials or strings from
    the glue gun. A tweezers can be useful to help remove tiny elements. If you
    are framing it yourself, a shadow box style frame usually works well for a
    college. Since the art may be three-dimensional, a shadow box will allow
    more room for your collage. Hang the completed work on the wall, present it

    to someone, or sell it.

    Application activity 5.1
    • Describe the main element of collage.
    • Describe the main element of mosaic.

    • Explain any four articles and materials used in making collage.

    5.2 Processes/steps of making collage
    Activity 5.2

    Describe the procedure of making collage, and make collage work.
    a. Collect all kinds of materials from the surrounding
    b. Sort them according to shapes, colors, texture and size.
    c. Prepare the sketch or design to be made
    d. Experiment with the materials by press placing them onto the sketch.
    Arrange them according to the way the designs expected to appear.
    e. When satisfied that the arrangement interprets the theme intended,

    stick the materials onto the ground and leave to dry.

    Application activity 5.2
    • Describe the process of making a collage.

    • Make collage works by using different articles.

    End unit assessment 5
    1. Give relationship between collage and mosaic.

    2. Make a collage pictorial composition based on the market day.