Key unit competence: To be able to describe the meaning of
                                                  the key concepts and importance of Fine

                                                   Arts and Crafts.

    Introductory Activity


    After observing the figure, identify the activities shown above and discuss
    the functions of crafts in Society today.

    1.1.Definition of concepts

    Activity 1.1

    Explain the following concepts:
    a. Arts
    b. Crafts

    1.1.1 Arts

    Art is a way to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings, using a variety of
    materials. Paintings, sculptures, huge bridges, and landmark buildings are

    all ways in which artists express themselves visually.


    1.1.2. Crafts
    Craft is an activity, which needs skills and use of hands in order to produce
    various objects. There are different types of crafts such as:
    • Baskets
    • Craft bags
    • Masks
    • Hats
    • Pots
    • Paper crafts
    • Batik
    • Collage

    • Mosaic


    Application activity 1.1
    • After explaining the term craftwork, describe the types of crafts.

    • Discuss the major steps that deal with craft production.

    1.2.Importance of art and crafts
    Activity 1.2

    Describe the importance of art and crafts.

    1.2.1. Important of art and crafts

    There are three general perspectives upon which to address this statement.

    a. From an individual’s perspective

    The importance of art in an individual’s life is a broadening of perspective
    and a deepening of insight into well, literally everything about the human
    condition. From an observer’s perspective, art connects us to one another
    on a visceral level.

    Cumulatively, society benefits from the positive contributions resulting from

    affirmative expressions of community life within larger societies. The art
    helps individual to respond to art or to make art and this allows them to enjoy
    the world of aesthetic.

    b. From a community’s perspective

    Art and crafts bring attention related to; overlooked, misunderstood,
    misrepresented, or misapprehended in ways, which provide unmatched
    clarity in creating and understanding. Art can mobilize a community and
    motivate social change, which contributes to stability within larger societies.

    c. From a society’s perspective

    • Art and crafts reflect the deepest truths about life, the human condition,
    and society in general.
    • Art and crafts provoke social introspection and define boundaries while
    providing clarity on issues.
    • Art provides the public with psychologically supportive outlets of
    expressions, which contribute toward overall social stability.
    • Artistic activity provides a healthy return on investment to every level
    of an economy.
    • Artistic history provides us with deep insights into our evolution as
    species. It is an activity that provides insights into our future like every

    other discipline of discovery.

    Application activity 1.2
    • Most of the craftworks need finishing in order to have a final product,

    discuss its meaning and its importance in craft.

    1.3.Components of artwork

    Activity 1.3


    Describe the components of art and crafts work
    1.3.1.Subject matter
    This is the main idea in a work of art. It may be rendered in an abstract
    manner or in representational way. It is referred to as theme and often, gives
    the work its name.


    This is a total appearance of the physical object of art. It deals with the
    organization and use of the elements of art. (For example, lines, shape,
    form, value, texture, color). The elements are organized to follow principals
    like balance, proportion, dominance, rhythm, harmony and unit.

    1.3.3.Content or meaning

    This deals with quality or significance of an artwork and the experience it
    gives to a consumer. This includes the emotions or intellectual responses it


    Subject matter, composition and content or meaning are the three
    components of artwork, we shall further look at the elements of art and

    principals of organization, which go to the conception of art composition.

    Application activity 1.3


    • Analyze the content of artwork above and give its main idea.

    End unit assessment 1

    1. In order to understand art and crafts better, it is necessary to define
    different terms below.
    a. Arts
    b. Crafts
    2. Discuss the benefits of art and crafts to the society.

    3. Give and explain the component of art and crafts.