Key Unit competence: Model and solve daily life problems using linear, quadratic equations

    or inequalities 

    2.0. Introductory Activity

    1) By the use of library and computer lab, do the research and explain

    the linear equation.

    2) If x is the number of pens for a learner, the teacher decides to give

    him/her two more pens. What is the number of pens will have a

    learner with one pen?


    2.1 Linear equations in one unknown and related problems

    Activity 2.1




    Problems which are expressed in words are known as problems or applied

    problems. A word or applied problem involving unknown number or

    quantity can be translated into linear equation consisting of one unknown

    number or quantity. The equation is formed by using conditions of the

    problem. By solving the resulting equation, the unknown quantity can be found.

    In solving problem by using linear equation in one unknown the following

    steps can be used:

    i) Read the statement of the word problems

    ii) Represent the unknown quantity by a variable

    iii) Use conditions given in the problem to form an equation in the unknown variable

    iv) Verify if the value of the unknown variable satisfies the conditions of the problem.


    1) The sum of two numbers is 80. The greater number exceeds the

    smaller number by twice the smaller number. Find the numbers.






    2.2 Linear inequalities in one unknown and related real life problems

    Activity 2.2



    2.2.1 Meaning of an inequality

    The statement x + = 3 10 is true only when x = 7 . If x is replaced by 5, we

    have a statement 5 3 10 + = which is false. To be true we may say that 5 +

    3 is less than 10 or in symbol5 3 10 + < . If x is replaced by 8, the statement

    8+3=10 is also false. In those two cases we no longer have equality but


    Suppose that we have the inequality x + <3 10 , in this case we have an

    inequality with one unknown. Here the real value of x satisfies this

    inequality is not unique. For example 1 is a solution but 3 is also a

    solution. In general all real numbers less than 7 are solutions. In this

    case we will have many solutions combined in an interval.

    Now, the solution set of x + <3 10 is an open interval containing all real

    numbers less than 7 whereby 7 is excluded. How?

    We solve this inequality as follow





    Since any real number times zero is zero and zero is not less or equal to

    -1 then the solution set is the empty set. S = ∅

    2.2.3 Inequalities products / quotients

    Activity 2.2

    Explain the method you can use to solve the following inequalities: 


    Suppose that we need to solve the inequality of the form(ax b cx d + +< )egg 0

    For this inequality we need the set of all real numbers that make the

    left hand side to be negative. Suppose also that we need to solve the

    inequality of the form (ax b cx d + +> )egg 0 . For this inequality we need the

    set of all real numbers that make the left hand side to be positive.

    We follow the following steps:

    a) First we solve for (ax b cx d + += )egg 0

    b) We construct the table called sign table, find the sign of each

    factor and then the sign of the product or quotient if we are given

    a quotient.

    For the quotient the value that makes the denominator to be

    zero is always excluded in the solution. For that value we use the

    symbol || in the row of quotient sign.

    c) Write the interval considering the given inequality sign.


    Solve in set of real numbers the following inequalities



    a) (37 20 x x + −< )egg




    2.2.4 Inequalities involving absolute value

    Activity 2.2.4

    State the set of all real numbers whose number of units from zero, on

    a number line, are

    1) greater than 4

    2) less than 6




    2.2.5 Real life problems involving linear inequalities

    Activity 2.2.5

    Sam and Alex play in the same team at their school. Last Saturday

    their team played with another team from other school in the same

    district, Alex scored 3 more goals than Sam. But together they scored

    less than 9 goals.

    What are the possible number of goals Alex scored?

    Inequalities can be used to model a number of real life situations. When

    converting such word problems into inequalities, begin by identifying

    how the quantities are relate to each other, and then pick the inequality

    symbol that is appropriate for that situation. When solving these

    problems, the solution will be a range of possibilities. Absolute value

    inequalities can be used to model situations where margin of error is a



    1) The width of a rectangle is 20 meters. What must the length be if the

    perimeter is at least 180 meters?


    The length must be at least 70 meters.

    2) John has 1 260 000 Rwandan Francs in an account with his bank.

    If he deposits 30 000 Rwanda Francs each week into the account,

    how many weeks will he need to have more than 1 820 000 Rwandan

    Francs on his account?


    Let x be the number of weeks

    We have total amount of deposits to be made the current balance is

    greater to the total amount wanted.


    Application activity 2.2

    1) Joe enters a race where he has to cycle and run. He cycles a

    distance of 25 km, and then runs for 20 km. His average running

    speed is half of his average cycling speed. Joe completes the race

    in less than 2½ hours, what can we say about his average speeds?

    2) Explain your colleague whether or not a solution set for an

    inequality can have one element.

    2.3 Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns

    (Solving by equating two same variables)

    Activity 2.3

    In each of the following systems find the value of one variable from one

    equation and equalize it with the same value of another variable from

    second equation. Calculate the values of those variables



    To find the value of unknown from simultaneous equation by equating

    the same variable in terms of another, we do the following steps:

    i) Find out the value of one variable in first equation,

    ii) Find out the value of that variable in the second equation,

    iii) Equate the same values obtained from the two equations,

    iv) Solve the equation obtained to find out the unknown variables.


    1) Algebraically, solve the simultaneous linear equation by equating the

    same variables.





    Activity 2.4



    To eliminate one of the variables from either of equations to obtain an 

    equation in just one unknown, make one pair of coefficients of the same 

    variable in both equations negatives of one another by multiplying both 

    sides of an equation by the same number. Upon adding the equations, 

    that unknown will be eliminated.


    1) Solve the system of equations using elimination method



    Application activity 2.4

    1) Solve the following system of equation by using elimination 



    2.5 Solving graphically simultaneous linear equations 

    in two unknowns

    Activity 2.5

    1) Discuss how you can find the coordinate of the point intercept of 

    two lines whose equations are known.




    One way to solve a system of linear equations is by graphing. The 

    intersection of the graphs represents the point at which the equations 

    have the same -value and the same -value. Thus, this ordered pair 

    represents the solution common to both equations. This ordered pair is 

    called the solution to the system of equations.

    The following steps can be applied in solving system of linear equation 


    1) Find at least two points for each equation.

    2) Plot the obtained points in XY plane and join these points to obtain 

    the lines. Two points for each equation give one line.

    3) The point of intersection for two lines is the solution for the given 



    1) Solve the following system by graphical method



    The two lines intersect at point(3,1). Therefore the solution set is

    S = {(3,1)} .

    2) Solve graphically the following system of linear equations

    Solve the following equations graphically



    Application activity 2.5

    1) Solve the graphically the following system of linear equations.


    2.6 Solving algebraically and graphically simultaneous 

    linear inequalities in two unknowns

    Activity 2.6

    The following graph illustrates two lines and their equations




    A system of inequalities consits of a set of two inequalities with the same 

    variables. The inequalities define the conditions that are to be considered 


    Each inequality in the set contains infinetely many ordered pair solutions 

    defined by a region in rectangular coordinate plane. When considering 

    two of these inequalities together, the intersection of these sets will 

    define the set of simultaneous ordered pair solutions




    The solution of the system of inequalities is the intersection region of the 

    solutions of the three inequalities as it is done in the following figure.


    Application activity 2.6

    1) Algebraically and graphically, solve the following simultaneous 



    2.7 Solving quadratic equations by the use of 

    factorization and discriminant

    Activity 2.7

    Smoke jumpers are fire fighters who parachute into areas near forest 

    fires. Jumpers are in free fall from the time they jump from a plane 

    until they open their parachutes. The function 2 y t =− + 16 1600 gives a 

    jumper’s height y in metre after t seconds for a jump from1600m. 

    a) How long is free fall if the parachute opens at1000m?

    b) Complete a table of values for t = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.


    Equations which are written in the form of egg 2 ax bx c a + += ≠ 0 0 are 

    called quadratic equations. To find solution of this equation the two main 

    ways can be used in solving such equation

    a)Use of factorization or finding square roots

    Grouping terms or decomposition can be used to factorize the quadratic 

    equations; and later help us to find the solution of equation. By having 

    the product of and the sum of those two integers which gives , it 

    helps you to decompose into a product of factors







    Application activity 2.7

    a) Use factorization and discriminant to solve the following equations


    2.8 Applications of linear and quadratic equations in 

    economics and finance: Problems about supply 

    and demand (equilibrium price

    Activity 2.8 

    Assume that a firm can sell as many units of its product as it can manufacture in a month at 180 Rwandan francs each. It has to pay out 2400 Rwandan francs fixed costs plus a marginal cost of 140 Rwanda francs for each unit produced. How much does it need to produce to break even (where total revenue equals to total cost)?


    When only two or single variables and equations are involved, a 

    simultaneous equation system can be related to familiar graphical 

    solutions, such as supply and demand analysis. 

    For example, assume that in a competitive market the demand schedule 

    is given by 

    p = 420 − 0.2q and the supply schedule is given by p = 60 + 0.4q, 

    If this market is in equilibrium, the equilibrium price and quantity will 

    be where the demand and supply schedules intersect. This requires 

    you to solve the system formed by the two simultaneous equations. Its 

    solution will correspond to a point which is on both the demand schedule 

    and the supply schedule. Therefore, the equilibrium values of p and q 

    will be such that both equations (1) and (2) hold.


     1) In a competitive market the demand schedule is given by p = 420 − 0.2q and the supply schedule is given by p = 60 + 0.4q, Solve for p and q the simultaneous equation and determine the point at which the market is in equilibrium.


    Let us solve the system