Key unit competence

    At the end of this unit, you should be able to investigate the impact of power and energy production on sustainable development of Rwanda.


    Energy is the power required to do work. It is derived from wind, water, petroleum, coal and natural gas among other sources, mainly to provide light and heat or to drive machines.

    The Government of Rwanda recognises that availability of efficient and reliable energy supply is a requirement for social, economic and political growth. For this reason, it works closely with development partners and private organisations to help in the generation, transmission and distribution of energy.

    In this unit you will cover:

             • Renewable and non-renewable energy resources

             • Importance of power and energy resources in Rwanda

             • Problems and future prospects for power and energy production in Rwanda

             • Efficient utilisation of power and energy resources in Rwanda

    19.1 Renewable and nonrenewable energy resources

    There are two main groups of energy sources. These are:

                     (a)  The renewable sources of energy

                     (b)  The non-renewable sources of energy

    Energy resources that can be used without reducing the quantity available for the future for example, sun, wind, wood, biomass, water and geothermal steam and draught animals are referred to as renewable sources of energy.

    The energy sources that are exhaustible if not well managed or extracted are non-renewable sources of energy. The examples of non-renewable sources of energy include petroleum, coal, natural gas and uranium.

    Activity 19.1

    Use text books, Internet and other geographical resources to find out the major forms of power and energy.

    1.In pairs, discuss sources of energy.

    2.Classify the following sources of energy as either renewable or non renewable:Coal, electricity, wood, solar, wind, water, biomass, waves and tides, oil, natural gas, peat.

    Present your findings in form of a table as shown below:


    3.Which of the sources listed above are available in Rwanda?

    19.2 Energy resources in Rwanda

    The sources of energy in Rwanda include:

    1.  Hydroelectric power

    2.  Gas

    3.  Biomass

    4.  Peat-based energy

    5.  Geothermal power

    6.  Biogas

    7.  Solar power

    8.  Wood fuel

    Each of these has been explained below:

    1.Hydroelectric power

    Fast moving water produces power used in the generation of electricity. Rwanda has small and medium-size hydropower stations at Ntaruka, Mukungwa, Gihira in Rabavu District, Gisenyi, Rukarara and Nyabarongo.

    On the other hand there are regional hydroelectric power stations whichare resources that Rwanda shares with neighbouring countries such as Rusizi on the border with Democratic Republic of Congo and Rusumo Falls on the border with Tanzania. The first two phases of Rusizi have been developed.


    2.Gas (Methane)

    Rwanda has an important naturally occurring methane gas in Lake Kivu. The usable Methane gas found at the bottom of the Lake at a depth of 250 meters is estimated to last for many years. The gas is extracted to produce electricity. The photograph below shows the extraction platform that floats on Lake Kivu.



    Biomass is a term used to describe living vegetable matter such as trees and shrubs from which energy can be obtained. Biomass is also generated from agricultural wastes, cereals and forage, crop residues, water weeds, human and animal wastes. These resources can be used as fuel and also to generate energy.

    They have the following advantages:

    • They are widely available and naturally distributed.

    • They generally require low cost inputs.

    • They occur in abundant supply.

    • They can be domestically produced for energy.

    • They have low carbon, and are cleaner than fossil fuels.

    • Waste can be converted into energy, helping further in waste management.

    4. Peat–based energy

    This is a brown, soil-like material, partly decomposed vegetable matter found mainly in the wetlands that are salty. The peat takes very many years to form. Peat is soft and easily compressed. Under pressure, water in the peat is forced out. Upon drying, peat can be used as alternative source of energy.Peat, when harvested, looks like dark, earthen brick. Rwanda has sizeable peat reserves in Gishoma (Western region) and Akanyaru (Southern Province). There are also some smaller reserves near Kigali.


    5. Geothermal power

    Geothermal power is generated from natural heat in volcanically active areas. Temperatures in the interior of the earth are very high. When the heated rocks come into contact with ground water, steam is released. It is tapped to generate geothermal power. It is a reliable source of energy that supplements hydropower generation. The main fields are Karisimbi, Rubavu, Kinigi and Bugarama.

    6.  Biogas

    Biogas is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide from the fermentation of food, agriculture and animal waste that can be turned into electricity and heat. Rwanda has installed biogas plants in its prisons.

    7. Solar Power

    This power is generated from the sun. It is tapped using solar electric devices which are of different sizes. The devices convert solar power into electricity used in cooking, drying grains, heating water among other uses. There are two solar power stations in Ngoma and Rwamagana Districts.

    Did you know?

    Wind is one of the oldest sources of power used by man. Our ancient ancestors used the wind to propel boats, grind grain and pump water.

    8. Wood Fuel

    This refers mainly to firewood and charcoal. It is a renewable source of energy. This is the most common source of energy for cooking and heating. Use of wood fuel has put a lot of pressure to the existing forest resources.

    Activity 19.2

    Class project

    With the help of your teacher, carry out the following class project:

    1.Consult the older members of your community and collect evidence to show how people used energy in the past. The evidence could be oral, written or visual.

    2.Gather evidence on how people use energy today.3.Write a report giving the probable reasons for the similarities and differences.

    4.Discuss the report in class

    19.3 Importance of power in the development of Rwanda

    Activity 19.3

    Use documents, Internet and maps of Rwanda, photographs or local environment to identify the importance of energy in:

       i.Domestic lighting

      ii.Public lighting

      iii.Industrial power


    Write down the findings for class discussion.

    Efficient and reliable energy supply is necessary for economic development of Rwanda. This is because it is a critical input in industries that produce goods and services.

    Energy is required for diverse applications including heating and cooling, lighting, moving machines among others. However, it should be noted that no single energy source will meet Rwanda’s energy needs in isolation.

    The following are some of the reasons why power development is important in the development of Rwanda:

    i.  The Energy sector creates direct job opportunities for those in construction of the dams, production and supply of the energy. Indirectly, there are those employed in energy related industries that supply equipment, provide repair works transport and communication among other opportunities, this raises people’s standard of living.

    ii. Power is a source of revenue to the government of Rwanda through taxes generated from those employed directly or indirectly. The Government also gains through energy pricing and direct investments in industries.

    iii.  Development in the energy leads to the growth of urban centres as well as trade and commerce.

    iv.Production of power in Rwanda reduces the dependence on imported fuel such as petroleum.

    19.4 Problems of power and energy production in Rwanda

    (i) Insufficient capital

    Production of power requires heavy capital outlay. Rwanda has limited capital to invest in power generation.

    Activity 19.4

    The pie chart below shows the energy balance in Rwanda. Stud it carefully then answer the questions that follow.


    a)  From the pie chart, which is the leading source of energy?

    b  )Make three other conclusions from the graph.

    c)  Explain some of the challenges that faces the leading source of energy in Rwanda.

    (ii)  Shortage of skills

    Rwanda has few engineers for the energy sector.

    (iii) High cost of power

    Many Rwandans cannot afford to buy power which limits power production.

    (iv)  Weather changes

    Changes in climatic conditions cause flooding or reduction in water supply during dry seasons. This affects hydroelectric power production.

    19.5 Future prospects for power and energy in Rwanda

    Activity 19.5

    In groups, explain the measures that the government of Rwanda has taken to ensure increased energy production. Base your explanation on the research you will have carried out from the Internet and other geographical sources.

    The Government of Rwanda has put in place plans for improving the future of power and energy. The measures taken include:

    i. Increasing access to electricity by households with particular emphasis on remote and rural areas.

    ii. Intensifying regional cooperation in Eastern Africa to expand the shared hydropower projects.

    iii. Working with Banks and Private agencies to supplement funds for diversifying energy sources.

    iv. Strengthening education and training to gradually get more skilled personnel required in the energy sector.

    v.  Lowering the energy pricing to levels that are affordable by most people.

    vi.  Giving subsidies to those wishing to produce energy.

    vii.  Diversifying sources of alternative energy such as wind, methane gas and solar so that most people can afford and reduce the reliance on wood fuel.

    viii.  Expanding and setting up isolated micro-hydro power stations to remote rural areas.

    19.6 Efficient utilisation of power and energy resources in Rwanda

    Activity 19.6

    Saving energy is a sign of responsibility. List ways in which you save energy at home and at school.

    There are very many ways in which we can save energy as discussed above.

    Activity 19.7

    In groups, think about “Green Energy Use.”

    Explain ways of helping the community to use green energy.

    Present your findings for class discussion.

    Below are ways that we can use to ensure effective utilization of energy:

    i. Introduction of motivations such cash power.

    ii. Development of alternative energy sources such as solar, geothermal, wind, methane gas, biomass to supplement the available non-renewable power sources.

    iii. Use of efficient energy saving stoves or cookers to limit the use of fuel wood for industrial and domestic purposes. Appropriate technology is applied in the construction of the cookers so that they are non-polluting cheap and simple to use.

    iv. Promotion of effective energy programmes such as low power consumption bulbs.

    v. Switching off lights when not in use.

    vi. Encouraging the use of well-maintained vehicles with low fuel consumption.

    vii. Educating people on energy making, conservation and management.


    1. a) Explain how water is a renewable source of energy.

        b) Give three examples of non-renewable energy sources.

    2. Suggest four reasons why most people in Rwanda mainly use wood fuel.

    3. In which ways could the communities use wood fuel effectively?

    4. Describe the problems that Rwanda experiences in the production of Hydro-electric power.