Yves, a student teacher in year two once was moving in a pick up as shown in 
    the figure above. She had a small ball that she projected upwards when the 
    car was moving at a speed of 60km/h.
    Basing on the statement above and figure 9.1, answer the following questions.
    a) Do you think Yves was able to catch the ball 3 seconds later after projection 
    assuming the car continued at a steady speed of 60 km/h?
    b) What do you think was the shape of the path described by the ball as 
    observed by Yves while in the car?
    c) Yves a stationary observer at the banks of the road observes the projected 
    ball right at a time when Yves projected it.Do you think the path of the ball as 
    observed by Yves was similar to that of Diana? If not, can you describe what 
    you think would be the observed path by him.
    d) While still in the moving car, Yves moves at 5 km/h with respect to the car. 
    Do you think as observed by Diana, Yves was moving at 5 km/h? If not, what 

    is the estimation of speed of Yves as observed by Diana?

    9.1.1. Introduction to special relativity
    Physics as it was known at the end of the nineteenth century is referred to as 
    classical physics:
    - Newtonian mechanics beautifully explained the motion of objects on 
    Earth and in the heavens. Furthermore, it formed the basis for successful 
    treatments of fluids, wave motion, and sound. 
    - Kinetictheory explained the behavior of gases and other materials. 
    - Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetismdeveloped in 1873 by James 
    Clerk Maxwell, a Scottish physicist embodied all of electric and magnetic 
    Soon, however, scientists began to look more closely at a few inconvenient 
    phenomena that could not be explained by the theories available at the time. 
    This led to birth of the new Physics that grew out of the great revolution at the 
    turn of the twentieth century and is now called Modern Physics (the Theory 
    of Relativity and Quantum Theory).
    Most of our everyday experiences and observations have to do with objects 
    that move at speeds much less than the speed of light. Newtonian mechanics 
    was formulated to describe the motion of such objects, and this formalism is 
    still very successful in describing a wide range of phenomena that occur at low 
    speeds. It fails, however, when applied to particles whose speeds approach that 
    of light.
    Experimentally, the predictions of Newtonian theory can be tested at high 
    speeds by accelerating electrons or other charged particles through a large 
    electric potential difference. For example, it is possible to accelerate an electron 
    to a speed of 0.99 c (where c is the speed of light) by using a potential difference 
    of several million volts. 
    According to Newtonian mechanics, if the potential difference is increased by 
    a factor of 4, the electron’s kinetic energy is four times greater and its speed 
    should double to 1.98 c. However, experiments show that the speed of the 
    electron—as well as the speed of any other particle in the Universe—always 
    remains less than the speed of light, regardless of the size of the accelerating 
    voltage. Because it places no upper limit on speed, Newtonian mechanics is 
    contrary to modern experimental results and is clearly a limited theory.
    In 1905, at the age of only 26, Einstein published three papers of extraordinary 
    - One was an analysis of Brownianmotion; 
    - A second (for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize) was on the 
    - In the third, Einstein introduced his special theory of relativity.
    Although Einstein made many other important contributions to Science, the 
    special theory of relativity alone represents one of the greatest intellectual 

    achievements of all time. 

    With this theory, experimental observations can be correctly predicted over the 
    range of speeds from to speeds approaching the speed of light. At low speeds, 
    Einstein’s theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics as a limiting situation 
    (principle of correspondence). 
    It is important to recognize that Einstein was working on Electromagnetism 
    when he developed the special theory of relativity. He was convinced that 
    Maxwell’s equations were correct, and in order to reconcile them with one of 
    his postulates, he was forced into the bizarre notion of assuming that space
    and timeare not absolute.
    In addition to its well-known and essential role in theoretical Physics, the 
    Special Theory of Relativity has practical applications, including the design of 
    nuclear power plants and modern global positioning system (GPS) units. These 

    devices do not work if designed in accordance with non-relativistic principles.

    9.1.2. Galilean transformation equation
    (a) Principle of Galilean relativity

    You’ve no doubt observed how a car that is moving slowly forward appears 
    to be moving backward when you pass it. In general, when two observers 
    measure the velocity of a moving body, they get different results if one observer 
    is moving relative to the other. The velocity seen by a particular observer is 
    called the velocity relativeto that observer, or simply relative velocity.
    To describe a physical event, it is necessary to establish a frame of reference. 
    You should recall from Mechanics that Newton’s laws are valid in all inertial 
    frames of reference. Because an inertialframe frame is defined as one in which 
    Newton’s first law is valid, we can say that an inertial frame of reference is one 
    in which an object is observed to have no acceleration when no forces act on 
    it. Furthermore, any system moving with constant velocity with respect to an 
    inertial system must also be an inertial system. 
    There is no preferred inertial reference frame. This means that the results 
    of an experiment performed in a vehicle moving with uniform velocity will 
    be identical to the results of the same experiment performed in a stationary 
    vehicle. The formal statement of this result is called the principle of Galilean 
    relativity: “The laws of Physics must be the same in all inertial frames of 
    Let us consider an observation that illustrates the equivalence of the laws of 
    Mechanics in different inertial frames. A pickup truck moves with a constant 

    velocity, as shown in Fig. 9.2a. 

    If a passenger in the truck throws a ball straight up, and if air effects are 
    neglected, the passenger observes that the ball moves in a vertical path. The 
    motion of the ball appears to be precisely the same as if the ball were thrown 
    by a person at rest on the Earth. The law of gravity and the equations of motion 
    under constant acceleration are obeyed whether the truck is at rest or in 
    uniform motion.
    Now consider the same situation viewed by an observer at rest on the Earth. 
    This stationary observer sees the path of the ball as a parabola, as illustrated 
    in Fig. 9.2b. Furthermore, according to this observer, the ball has a horizontal 
    component of velocity equal to the velocity of the truck. 
    Although the two observers disagree on certain aspects of the situation, they 
    agree on the validity of Newton’s laws and on such classical principles as 
    conservation of energy and conservation of linear momentum. This agreement 
    implies that no mechanical experiment can detect any difference between the 
    two inertial frames.
     The only thing that can be detected is the relative motion of one frame with 
    respect to the other. That is, the notion of absolute motion through space is 

    meaningless, as is the notion of a preferred reference frame.

    (b) Galilean space–time transformation equations
    Suppose that some physical phenomenon, which we call an event, occurs in an 
    inertial system. The event’s location and time of occurrence can be specified 
    by the four coordinates (x, y, z, t). We would like to be able to transform these 
    coordinates from one inertial system to another one moving with uniform 
    relative velocity. 
    Consider two inertial systems S and S’ (Fig. 9.4). The system S’ moves with a 
    constant velocity v along the xx’ axes, where v is measured relative to S. 
    We assume that an event occurs at the point P and that the origins of S and S’ 

    coincide at t = 0

    An observer in S describes the event with space–time coordinates (x, y, z, t), 
    whereas an observer in S’ uses the coordinates (x’, y’, z’, t’) to describe the same 
    As we see from Fig. 9.4, the relationships between these various coordinates 

    can be written

    These equations are the Galilean space–time transformation equations. 
    Note that time is assumed to be the same in both inertial systems. That is, within 
    the framework of classical mechanics, all clocks run at the same rate, regardless 
    of their velocity, so that the time at which an event occurs for an observer in S 
    is the same as the time for the same event in S’. Consequently, the time interval 
    between two successive events should be the same for both observers. 
    Although this assumption may seem obvious, it turns out to be incorrect in 
    situations where v is comparable to the speed of light.
    Length and time intervals are absolute
    Galilean–Newtonian relativity assumed that the lengths of objects are the same 
    in one reference frame as in another, and that time passes at the same rate in 

    different reference frames. 

    In classical mechanics, then, space and time intervals are considered to be 
    absolute: their measurement does not change from one reference frame to 
    another. The mass of an object, as well as all forces, are assumed to be unchanged 
    by a change in inertial reference frame. 
    (c) Galilean-Newton Relative velocity
    Now suppose that a particle moves a distance dx in a time interval dt as 
    measured by an observer in S. It follows that the corresponding distance dx’ 

    measured by an observer in S’ is

    9.1.3. Einstein’s principle of relativity
    The special theory of relativity has made wide-ranging changes in our 
    understanding of nature, but Einstein based his special theory of relativity on 

    two postulates:

    1. The principle of relativity: The laws of Physics must be the same in all 
    inertial reference frames. The first postulate can also be stated as: there is 
    no experiment you can do in an inertial reference frame to determine if you 
    are at rest or moving uniformly at constant velocity.
    2. The constancy of the speed of light: The speed of light in vacuum has the 
    same value 8 c ms = × 3.0 10 / , in all inertial frames, regardless of the velocity 
    of the observer or the velocity of the source emitting the light.
    3. Uniform motion is invariant: A particle at rest or with constant velocity in 
    one inertial reference frame will be at rest or have constant velocity in all 
    inertial reference frames.
    The first postulate asserts that all the laws of Physics dealing with Mechanics, 
    Electromagnetism, Optics, Thermodynamics, and are the same in all reference 
    frames moving with constant velocity relative to one another. This postulate is 
    a sweeping generalization of the principle of Galilean relativity, which refers 
    only to the laws of mechanics.
    Einstein’s second postulate immediately implies the following result: It is 
    impossible for an inertial observer to travel at c, the speed of light in 


    Note that postulate 2 is required by postulate 1: If the speed of light were not 
    the same in all inertial frames, measurements of different speeds would make it 
    possible to distinguish between inertial frames; as a result, a preferred, absolute 
    frame could be identified, in contradiction to postulate 1.
    These innocent-sounding propositions have far-reaching implications. Here 
    are three: 
    1. Events that are simultaneous for one observer may not be simultaneous 
    for another. 
    Two events occurring at different points in space which are simultaneous 
    to one observer are not necessarily simultaneous to a second observer. The 
    central point of relativity is this: Any inertial frame of reference can be used 
    to describe events and do Physics. There is no preferred inertial frame of 
    reference. However, observers in different inertial frames always measure 
    different time intervals with their clocks and different distances with their 

    meter sticks. A light flash goes off in the center of a moving train (Fig.9.5).


    9.2.1. Time dilation: Moving clocks run slowly
    We can illustrate the fact that observers in different inertial frames always 
    measure different time intervals between a pair of events by considering a 

    vehicle moving to the right with a speed v, as shown in Fig.9.6.