Unity summary

In this unit we discussed about advanced Braille signs and symbols, these signs and symbols were grouped into two categories namely: mathematical signs and science signs. Braille signs and symbols are important to be well known because some of them may replace words. We have seen that mathematical Braille symbols are characters that are used to indicate a mathematical relation or operation and should generally be used to represent the corresponding print signs whatever their meaning. We have also seen that for chemical symbols, a single letter symbol is preceded by dot 6 while a two letter symbol is preceded by dot 5. We also discussed about Braille symbols used in Biology. The study of Genetics requires students to solve problems which require a standard code in print. The key to the code involves the use of the dot 6 capital letter sign to identify upper case letters in the code and the dots 5, 6 letter sign to identify the lower case letters.

 Reflective question

With examples differentiate between literacy, mathematical and general science Braille signs and symbols   


BAUK (2005). Braille mathematics notation. Royal National Institute of the Blind.

Nemeth, A. (1972). The Nemeth braille code for mathematics scientific notation. Lousiville: Amercan Printing House for the Blind.

Royal National Institute of Blind (RNIB) (2005). Braiile mathematics notaion. Unpublished book.

Royal National Institute of Blind (2008). Braille science code.  http://www.rnib.org.uk/sites/default/files/using the braille science code 2008 tc2108p.pdf

Simpson, C. (2013). The Rules of unified English braille. Second Edition. International Council on English Braille. http : //www.iceb.org.Rules%20%of20Unified%English%Braille%202013%(linked).Pdfle

Unified English Braille (2013). Math symbols. The rules of unified english braille appear in the right hand column. ( Six Edition). http://uebmath.aphtech.org/lesson10.2math

Unite Kingdom Association for Accessible formats (2019). Table of braille mathematical signs with unicode references. Unpublished book.

Last modified: Saturday, 5 November 2022, 10:56 AM