General introduction

1. Welcome message
Welcome to this module entitled BAR1143: Assistive Resources for Learners with Visual Difficulties which will be delivered to you in blended mode where face to face session will be reinforced by online sessions! You are encouraged to actively participate in all activities after having read required resources.
2. Module aim
This module aims at introducing you to various types of assistive resources for people with visual difficulties. It also intends to inform about the importance and use of assistive resources.
3. Module overall learning outcomes
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
i. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of assistive resources and their importance in education of persons with visual difficulties,
ii. Use various and appropriate types of assistive resources for persons with visual difficulties,
iii. Design/Produce, research and share the assistive resources by using local available materials as well as online resources.
iv. Advocate for usage of Assistive Resources to improve information sharing with persons with visual difficulties and other difficulties.
4. Teaching, Learning strategies, and assessment strategies.
The best way to cover and achieve the learning outcomes, the resources will be given to you together with the e-tivities with clearly indicated the task and resources related to the activity, you are requested to check the deadline each activity, be active, share ideas with classmates, for assessment online quiz for self-checking understanding and final quiz for evaluation a completed unit, and forum discussion for learning and assessment will be provided as well. you will interact with your facilitator in both mode of delivery face to face and online (live video conference will be organized apart from the resources that will be given to you, you are requested to do more research.
5. Facilitators 'contacts: