• General


      Key unit competence

      Children should be able to use possessives in oral communication.

      4.1. Introduction
      This unit includes possessive adjectives and pronouns that will be taught using 
      songs, rhymes and poems. The use of active methodology is a better way of helping 
      children to acquire knowledge, skills and values as they practice possessives in their 
      daily communication.

      Lessons in this unit are distributed with reference to the syllabus and scheme of 

      work and teachers will use various ways to teach them. The teacher needs to make 
      sure that children are actively involved in teaching and learning activities so that 
      they are not bored. Songs, poems and rhymes are active ways through which the 
      content will be delivered.

      4.2. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed

      Gender education: While children are singing and reciting poems or rhymes boys 
      and girls will be given equal chance to sing. 

      Inclusive education
      : Where all children will be given equal chances and facilitation 
      to participate in the lesson.

      Peace and value education:
      In case of any conflicts between children the teacher 
      will intervene to handle them peacefully.

      4.3. List of lessons

      The table below shows the two lessons to be taught in this unit. 


      4.4 Guidance on different lessons
      Lesson 1: A song: Our teacher
      Learning objective: Children are able to sing the song “Our teacher” and use 
      correctly the new words in real life situations.
      Teaching and learning materials: The picture of a teacher with his/her learners in the class.

      References: Pre- primary syllabus and scheme of work.



      Lesson 2: A song: Everyday
      Brush, brush, brush your teeth
      Brush it every day
      Brother, brother, brother, brother
      Brush it every day
      Comb, comb, comb her hair
      Comb it every day 
      Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary
      Comb it every day
      Wash, wash, wash
      Wash his face
      Wash it everyday
      John, John, John, John

      Wash it everyday

      The teacher follows the same methodological steps as for lesson 1.

      1.5. Additional content
      Song: The more we are together
      The more we are together  χ2
      Together, together  χ2
      The more we are together χ2
      The happier we shall be χ2
      For my friend and your friend
      For your and my friend

      1.6. End unit assessment

      At the end of this unit, the teacher will use oral questions that leading to the 
      summary of the lesson which helps children to have a deep understanding of all 
      taught content. Children will recite poems, rhymes, sing songs and play games they 

      have studied in the whole unit under the teacher’s guidance.