• General


      Key unit competence
      Children should be able to use prepositions in oral communication.
      5.1. Introduction
      This unit is important to children as it opens the chance for them to explore their surroundings through different
      lessons taught in this unit. It is an opportunity for them to localize things from the environment from which they
      can develop their language skills especially listening and speaking through songs, rhymes and poems.
      5.2. List of lessons
      The table below shows the two lessons to be taught in this unit.
      5.3. Cross-cutting issues to be addressed
      Gender education: While children are singing boys and girls will be given equal chance to sing.
      Environment sustainability: When children are exploring and locating objects in the environment.

      5.4 Guidance on different lessons
      Lesson 1: A song: The called in
      Learning objective: Children are able to discover prepositions used in communication 
      and use them correctly in conversations. 
      Teaching and learning materials: Pictures of objects and real objects placed in given areas. 
      References: Pre-primary syllabus and scheme of work.
      Generally lessons 2 and 3 will be taught the same way as the previous lesson.

      Lesson 2: A song called: On the table

      Big father, big father says
      My funny child where is my bag? 
      Funny child says oh la, la, la!!!!!!1
      The bag is on the table 
      The pen on the chair
      The hands are on the computer
      The soap on the table
      All are on the table
      Good table is mine 

      Lesson 3: A song: I’m between

      The cat says meow, meow
      A child sees and cries yeah, yeah yeah!
      The glass says don’t worry my child
      Am between you and a cat

      Between, between you and a cat

      Lesson 4: A rhyme: Under, in front of, behind, near, between (2)
      under , behind, near, between (x2)
      where is the spider?
      under the table
      under, in front of, behind, near, between (x2)
      where is the spider?
      in front of the table
      under, in front of, behind, near, between (x2)
      where is the spider?
      behind the table
      on in, under, in front of, behind, near, between (x2)
      where is the spider?
      between chairs

      Learning objective: Children are able to repeat correctly the new words from the 

      poem like under, in front of, behind, near, between. Teaching and learning materials:
      Flash cards with pictures of table, spider, the real 
      table, etc.

      Learning and teaching activities

      • The teacher gives children clear instructions on what to do and on how to behave.
      • The teacher shows children the picture of a tree or takes them outside the 
      classroom to observe a real tree, its fruits and flowers and asks them some questions.
      • The teacher accepts learner’s answers and improves them as he/she introduces 
      the new topic “the poem: under, in front of, behind, near, between.
      • The teacher invites children to follow attentively and recites the whole rhyme “I am a big tree.” 
      • The teacher recites the first line of the poem.
      • The teacher repeats the first line together with children.
      • Children repeat the first line alone (in groups then one by one) and the teacher goes round to help children with

      • The teacher recites the second line of the poem “under, in front of, behind, near, between.
      • The teacher and children repeat the second line together with the teacher.
      • Children repeat the second line alone (in groups the one by one) while the teacher is going round
      to help children with difficulties.
      • The teacher recites the first and second lines. He/she invites children to repeat after him/her and then they do
      it alone while the teacher is going round to help 
      children with special needs.
      • The teacher continues to follow the same procedure until all the ines are finished and recites the whole stanza;
      he/she invites children to repeat it after 
      him/her, then children do it alone, in groups and one by one.
      • After memorizing the first stanza, the teacher moves to the second stanza and follows the same procedure as for the
      first stanza. When the second stanza is 
      already mastered, the teacher recites stanzas one and two, one after the other.
      • The teacher and children recite stanzas one and two, one after the other. 
      • Children alone recite the first and the second stanzas alone (one by one then in groups) while the teacher is going round
      to help children with difficulties.

      • The teacher asks children to recite the whole poem “under, in front of, behind, near, between” one by one and correct
      children who are making mistakes.

      5.5. Additional content

      A song: Mary puts the kettle on the fire
      Mary put the kettle on (x3)
      We all have tea
      Put the kettle on the fire (x3)
      We all have tea 
      Put the kettle on the table (x3)
      We all have tea
      Put the sugar on the tea (x3)
      We all have tea

      5.6. End unit assessment

      At the end of this unit, the teacher will use oral questions which direct children 
      to the summary leading to deeper understanding of the whole content taught. 
      Children will recite poems, rhymes and sing songs they have learnt in the whole 

      unit with the teacher’s guidance.