3.1. Key unit competence

    • Sing the song, imitate the melody, sing with others, sing rhythmically and sing in public.

    • Cooperate with others, live in harmony with others, develop self confidence and self determination, singing in public and show politeness.

    3.2. Sub-topic areas to be considered

    3.1.1. Peace values education

    This is applicable when learners listen to the teacher who is teaching them a song and in groups, singing or sharing views.

    3.1.2. Gender balance

    This subtopic is applicable when the teacher invites the learners to form groups and gives equal opportunities to both girls and boys to give answers, sing and share views.

    3.1.3. Inclusive education

    At school, some learners live with hearing impairment disability. The teacher forms the group and take care that they are grouped together with others. The teacher assists every learner, especially those with special educational needs. During the

    assessment, the teacher gives them the opportunity to sing, even if they cannot sing correctly, the teacher encourages them.

    There also other learners who are not confident to sing in public, they are grouped together with others while singing and the teacher encourages them.

    3.3. How to introduce the unit?

    The teacher gives the activies and invites learners to sing the song. They can sing one by one or in groups and then sing the song commonly known or learnt in the previous units.

    3.4. List of lessons


    3.5. Strategies to teach the aboves subjects


    • The teacher shows pictures or images that has been prepared.
    • Learners observe them quietly, then the teacher asks them to say what they can see on the pictures.
    • The teacher asks learners some questions related to the pictures and images, leading to the new lesson.

    Body of the lesson

    • The teacher sings the new song once, slowly and showing as much feelings as possible. Learners listen attentively.
    • The teacher invites learners to listen again and identify the rhythm and the words that are used in that song.
    • The teacher also asks the learners to tellthe words they find difficult.
    •  The teacher helps learners to understand difficult words.
    • Learners explain briefly what the song is about.
    •  The teacher sings one verse after another as learners repeat. At the end, the learners perform the whole song together with their teacher. .
    •  And finally the teacher invites learners to sing the song alone.


    In Music assessment, the teacher assesses whether the learner can perform the song without any difficulty. The teacher invites the learners, one by one to sing the verses of the song. They can also perfom the song in their groups.

    Lesson One: Religious Songs

    a) Specific objectives

    • Imitate a religious song
    • Perform the sound of the song
    •  Feel self confident while singng in public
    •  Pay respect to God

    b) Learning and teaching materials

    • Pictures or photos showing religious activities (a person who is praying, Bible, church, etc…)
    • Various equipements used in music

    c) Methodology


    • The teacher helps learners to form and join the groups
    •  Learners in their groups sing the song learnt previously
    • Then, the teacher asks various questions related to the song


    1. Why we you g go to church?

        = We go to church to pray

    2. When we are praying,we are talking to……………………

       = God

    3. Does God love you?

       = Yes!

    4. Mention good things that God does/did for you

       = He ceated me, he gave me life, he created my parents, he has protected me?

    Body of the lesson

    After practising and revising the song attentively,the teacher chooses one of the songs (using a musical instrument) suitable for the lesson.

    Songs to be learnt:

    Song 1: Imana ni nziza

    Imana isumba byose,

    Imana niyo yaturemye,

    Imana niyo dukesha byose,

    Imana ni nziza!


    Song 2: Mana urankunda

    Mana urankunda, nanjye ndagukunda.

    Nzakomeza ngukunde, kuko unkunda cyane.

    Nzakomeza ngukunde, kuko unkunda cyane.



    The assessment is done in two steps: Questions related to singing and issues

    related to the topic.

    i. Singing

    The teacher assesses learners on singing, the most important part of the assessment, following the assessment guidelines provided in the curriculum.

    ii. Questions related to the topic

    1. God is good (Imana ni nziza by NTABAJYANA Sylvestre)

    • Who created all the people ?
    • What are the characteristics of God, according to the song?

    2. Oh God! You love me (Mana urankunda by Kabalira Sauve Arsene)

    • Why do you love God?
    • According to the song, what are you planning to do for God?

    Lesson Two: Songs related to ceremonies

    a) Specific objectives

    • Imitate the song related to ceremonies
    • Perform the sound of the song
    • Feel self confident while singing in public

    b) Learning and teaching materials

    • Pictures or photos showing people who are enjoying in different ceremonies ( people who are dancing or singing in the ceremony, etc…)
    • Various equipements used in music.

    c) Methodology


    • The teacher helps learners to form and join the groups
    •  Learners in their groups sing the song learnt previously
    • Then, the teacher asks various questions leading to the new lesson


    1. Do you sometimes have ceremonies at your home?

          = Yes

    2. Give some axamples of festivals in your community.

           = Baptism, naming ceremony, birthday ceremony, New year day, etc…

    3. What do people do in the ceremony?

          = Dancing, singing, eating and drinking.

    Body of the lesson

    After practicing and revising the song attentively,the teacher chooses one of the songs (using a musical instrument) suitable for the lesson..

    Songs to be learnt:

    Song 1: Umwaka uratashye

    Umwaka uratashye muze twishime,

    Dukore ibirori twizihirwe twizihirwe,

    Dore umwaka uratashye.


    Song 2: Ibirori byo kwita umwana izina

    Abana twese turagukunda,

    Twitabiriye kukwita izina.

    Muvandimwe ndagukunda nkwise Mahoro

    Muvandimwe ndagukunda nkwise Kagabo

    Muvandimwe ndagukunda nkwise Mugabo

    Muvandimwe ndagukunda nkwise Ndahiro

    Muvandimwe ndagukunda nkwise Manzi

    Muvandimwe ndagukunda nkwise Rugero



    The assessment is done in two steps: Questions related to singing and issues related to the topic.

    i. Singing

    The teacher assesses learners on singing, the most important part of the assessment, following the assessment guidelines provided in the curriculum.

    ii. Questions related to the topic (songs)

    1. Umwaka uratashye

    • What do people do when the new year is coming?

    2. Ibirori byo kwita umwana izina

    •  According to the song, what ceremony is conducted for the new born baby?
    • Sing this song by inserting other names that are not mentioned in the song.

    Homework: When the new year is coming, what do people do?

    Lesson Three: Songs related to ceremonies

    a) Specific objectives

    • Imitate the songs related to ceremonies
    • Feel self confident while singing in public

    b) Learning and teaching materials

    • Pictures or photos showing people in different ceremonies (people who are dancing, singing etc…)
    • Various equipements used in music

    c) Methodology


    • The teacher helps learners to form and join the groups
    • Learners in their groups sing the song learnt previously
    • After, the teacher asks various questions leading to the new lesson


    1. Give other examples of festival days.

          = (Learner give them)

    2. What do people do when they are are in ceremonies?

           = (Learners enumerate the activities in ceremonies)

    Body of the lesson

    After practicing and revising the songs attentively,the teacher chooses one of the

    songs (using a musical instrument) suitable for the lesson.

    Song : Dore ibirori

    Dore ibirori bitazibagirana Turirimbe ducinye akadiho

    Twishimire kwita izina uyu mwana wacu

    Twishimire ukubatizwa k’umuvandimwe wacu (kw’abavandimwe bacu)

    Twishimire ukubatizwa k’uyu mwana wacu (kw’aba bana bacu) twishimire kuba

    dutangiye umwaka mushya.



    The assessment is done in two steps: Questions related to singing and issues related to the topic.

    i. Singing

    The teacher assesses learners on singing, the most important part of the assessment,

    following the assessment guidelines provided in the curriculum.

    ii. Questions related to the topic

    1. Dore ibirori!

    • Mention some activities that people do during the ceremonies
    •  Give examples of types of ceremonies in our community

    Lesson four: Songs related to wedding

    a) Specific objectives

    • Imitate the songs related to wedding
    •  Perform the sound of the song
    •  Feel self confident while singng in public

    b) Learning and teaching materials

    •  Pictures or photos showing people in wedding ceremonies (introductory ceremonies, dowry giving ceremonies, civil marriage ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, etc…)
    •  Various equipements used in music

    c) Methodology


    • The teacher helps learners to form and join the groups
    • Learners in their groups sing the song learnt previously
    • After, the teacher asks various questions leading to the new lesson


    1. What are the ceremonies that people do for fiancees?

           = Marriage ceremonies

    2. What do people do in the ceremonies to show their happiness?

          = The dance, sing, enjoy, etc….

    3. Who frequently help people singing and dancing in wedding ceremonies?

         = Dance troupe, artists, musicians, etc…

    Body of the lesson

    After practicing and revising the songs attentively,the teacher chooses one of the

    songs (using a musical instrument) suitable for the lesson.

    Songs to be learnt:

    Song 1: Ubukwe

    Ubukwe ni bwiza, buhuza abavandimwe, ababyeyi n’inshuti.

    Twese tukaririmba,

    Tukabyina, tukanezerwa.


    Song 2: Umugeni mwiza

    Umugeni mwiza ni uhuza imiryango;

    Umwari warezwe neza araje: tambuka!

    Mumurebe, uwo Imana yageneye uwo bazafatanya kurushinga.



    The assessment is done in two steps: Questions related to singing and issues related to the topic.

    i. Singing

    The teacher assesses learners on singing, the most important part of the assessment,

    following the assessment guidelines provided in the curriculum.

    ii. Questions related to the topic (songs)

    1. Ubukwe:

    • According to the song, who are concerned for the wedding ceremonies?
    • How do they show their happiness in marriage ceremonies?

    2. Umugeni mwiza:

    •  Explain the following terms:
    • The bride
    •  A lady
    • Getting married

    Lesson five: Songs related to birth day

    a) Specific objectives

    • Imitate the songs related to birth day
    • Perform the sound of the song
    • Feel self confident while singing in public

    b) Learning and teaching materials

    • Pictures or photos showing people on birthday ceremonies. Examples: people who are dancing, people who are singing, people who are offering gifts, people who are sharing the cake, etc….
    • Various equipements used in music.

    c) Methodology


    • The teacher helps learners to form and join the groups
    • Learners in their groups sing the song learnt previously.
    • After, the teacher asks various questions leading to the new lesson.


    1. Do you remember your birth day? Please, tell us.

    2. What do your parents and friends do on your birth day?

            = celebration

    3. On your birth day, what do you do with your friends and parents?

              = (Learners answer according to what their own situation)

    Body of the lesson

    After practicing and revising the songs attentively,the teacher chooses one of the 

    songs (using a musical instrument) suitable for the lesson.

    Songs to be learnt:

    Song 1: Isabukuru nziza

    1. Ishimire uyu munsi wavutseho, ishimire uyu munsi wavutseho, isabukuru nziza!

    2. Tukwifurije gukura utera imbere, tukwifurije gukura utera imbere, isabukuru nziza!

    3. Tukwifurije amahoro no kuramba, tukwifurije amahoro no kuramba, isabukuru nziza!


    Song 2: Gira umunsi mwiza

    1. Gira umunsi mwiza w’amavuko ibuka itariki wavutseho, Shimira Imana kuba ukiriho.

    2. Gira umunsi mwiza wo kubatizwa ibuka itariki wabatirijweho, Shimira Imana ko wabatijwe.

    3. Gira umunsi mwiza w’abazina wawe ibuka itariki bamwizihirizaho, Shimira Imana ko agusabira.



    The assessment is done in two steps: Questions related to singing and issues related to the topic.

    i. Singing

    The teacher assesses learners on singing, the most important part of the assessment,

    following the assessment guidelines provided in the curriculum.

    ii. Questions related to the topic (songs)

    1. Isabukuru nziza

    • What do you cerebrate on your birthday?
    • According to the song, what should you wish to a person on his/her birth day?

    2. Gira umunsi mwiza

    • State some of the activities you can do on your birth day.

    a) Unity three: General assessment

    During this assessment, the teacher assesses wether pupils are able to imitate the

    song learnt. There are also some questions related to this topic that are in different

    lessons of this unit.

    Questions of the assessment


          a) State some of the good things that God does for you.

         b) According to good things that God does for you, what do you plan to do for Him?

         c) Perfom well and openly one of the songs learnt that is related to God.


          a) Mention the examples of ceremonies that people cerebrate.

         b) What are the characterises of people in the ceremonies?

         c) Perform one of the songs learnt related to the ceremonies

         d) Perform one of the songs learnt related to the wedding


           a) State some activities that you can do to a person on his/her birth day.

           b) Choose the song learnt that you can sing to your friend on his/her birth day.

    Expected answers:


    a) Some of the good things that God does for me:

    • He created me
    • He gave me arms, legs, etc…
    • He created my parents
    • He loves me
    •  He gave me knowledge
    • He gives peace
    •  He gave me friends and relatives
    •  He protects me……

    b) Basing on the good things that He does for me:

    • I will love Him
    •  I will work for Him
    • I will respect Him
    • I will sing for Him
    •  I will pray to Him
    •  I will dance for Him…………

    c) Here, the learner sings one of the religious songs.

    The teacher ensures that the learner sings and imitates the song correctly.


           a) Examples of different ceremonies cerebrated by people:

    •  Baptism, confirmation, getting married….
    • Naming ceremanies
    • National festival days (liberation day, heroes’ day...) New year day

         b) Activities of people in the ceremonies:

    • They enjoy
    • They sing
    • They dance
    • They cerebrate…

    The learner sings one of the songs related to ceremonies. The teacher ensures that

      the learner sings and imitates the song correctly.

    The learner sings one of the songs related to wedding. The teacher ensures that

    the learner sings and imitates the song correctly.

    a) To a person who cerebrates his/her birth day, we dance for him/her, give him/

         her different gifts etc…

    b) The answer of this question is the same as in 1 (c), 2 (c), and 3.

    Additional activities

    Consolidation activities

    1) The following are the activities given to the child who is not able to perform the

    song: The teacher sings with that child and asks him or her repeat many times

    till the child perform the song. singing the song that was learnt at school.

    2) The following activity is given to the learner with memorization difficults: the

    teacher sings verse by verse as the learner repeat. Then the teacher sings the refrain and finally the whole song as the learner repeats. Sing the song “Mana urankunda” (refer to Lesson one, song two)

    This activity is given to the learners who are afraid of singing in public: the teacher invites the learner to sing alone, and performs well then sing in a group and there after the learner is invited to sing in front of the class: Sing the song that you have learnt in this term.

    3) This activity is given to the learners who failed to imitate the song or show their feelings related to the song. The teacher invites four learners to sit in front and a learner sings saying their names, facing and touching every one.

    Sing the song “Ibirori byo kwita umwana izina” (Refer it to Lesson two, song two).


    For these questions, the teacher ensures whether the requirements in the beginning of each question are fulfilled and emphasizes where necessary.

    Extended activities

      1.      a) Sing and imitate the song “Dore ibirori” (Refer it to Lesson three, song three).

                b) Mention some of national festival days that our country cerebrates

    2.       a) Choose one of your classmates and sing him/her a birth day song

            b) Sing him/her a birth day song that you did not learn in the class


    a) The learner sings showing his/her feelings (dancing, smiling, clappind hands, etc...).

    b) Some national festival days that cerebrated in Rwanda:

    • Heroes day
    •  Labor day
    •  African child day
    • Woman’s day
    • Liberation day
    • Premise’ s day

    a) The concerned learner for this question, after choosing the learner, the teacher sings him/her one of the birth day songs 

         learnt  in class. 

    Then ensures that the learner imitates the song and sings facing his/her classmates as they are singing..

    b) Then after, the learner sings her/him a birth day song not learnt in classrrom, even if the song is in another language. 

          The teacher ensures that the learner imitates correctly the content of the song.


    1. Emma D. (1970). Children discover music and dance, New York.

    2. Judy T. (1990). Understanding music, London.

    3. Ministry of Education, REB (2015). Integanyanyigisho y’Ubugeni n’Ubuhanzi,

    Ikiciro cya mbere cy’amashuri abanza, Kigali.

    4. Ministry of Education, NCDC (2010). Teacher’s music reference book in primary school, Kigali.

    This book is a teacher’s guide for Creative Arts/Music in Lower Primary One. It is designed to help teachers in the implementation of competence-based curriculum specifically Creative Arts (Fine Art & Crafts and Music) syllabus, and was adopted by

    the Ministry of Education in April 2015. The content of this book is a combination of attitudes and values from Rwandan culture, which are provided in the curriculum.

    This book will help the music teacher as one of learning and teaching materials needed to teach Creative Arts/ Music. It is structured in a way that the teacher starts from what is known by the learner, what he/she can see in his/her daily life

    and this helps the learner to discover new things. The learner is given the main role in activities that lead him/her to skills, attitudes and values which will help him/her to better change, having what to do which can contribute to his/her development

    and to a society as a whole.